national pro-life t-shirt week app iphone.png
American Life League has just launched the pro-life activist movement’s first iPhone/iPod application, this one for National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week, which begins tomorrow, April 27, and runs through May 3….

nun wearing habit.jpegThe app jibes perfectly with ALL’s photo contest, wherein participants can earn points by submitting photos wearing their pro-life t-shirts (or special pro-life sticker) in over 200 suggested situations, such as getting off a school bus, eating an ice cream sundae, shaking a pastor’s hand, with an nun in her habit… or presenting Jill Stanek with a flower. (I wondered what that was about! Had several kids ask to have their photo taken giving me a flower at ALL’s March for Life Blog Awards event in January… lol… :)
The iPhone/iPod app will allow contest participants to upload and submit their photos, keep track of their tasks and scores, and view contest rankings.
Just uploaded it to my iPhone.  A pro-life activism iPhone app.  What a great idea!
And don’t forget to show your pro-life pride by participating in National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week! Read FAQs here.

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