Created Equal’s  pro-life activists showed the reality of abortion outside President Obama’s  campaign rally in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday. “All the security lines converged on our position in front of the arena,” wrote Executive Director Mark Harrington in an email. A captive audience. I love this photo (click all photos to enlarge). …

Today, Created Equal showcased pro-life signs on an overpass over the busiest freeway in Central Ohio during morning rush hour….

See more photos here.

Meanwhile, as promised, The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform has been flying an abortion banner over major cities in Wisconsin since this past weekend…

The banner has “appalled” the citizenry. From, November 5:

There were shocking images in the skies over Racine as a pro-life group paid a plane to fly around showing a banner of an aborted fetus.

The stunning and graphic images had people in Racine looking to the skies Monday morning.  Some people told TODAY’S TMJ4 they were outraged and said the banner went too far.

Robert Griffin couldn’t believe his eyes.

“I look up and I see something about abortion,” says Griffin.

He was pumping gas in Racine, when he looked up and saw a banner of a ten-week-old aborted fetus.

“It was upsetting when I’ve got my kids in the car,” explains Griffin….

“It’s inhumane, it’s not appropriate, there’s a lot of kids,” says Griffin.

The group’s leader is not apologizing to anyone, including kids who see it.

“We think stealing a child’s life is more important than sparing a child’s feelings,” says Gregg Cunningham….

It is a stand that has some questioning the group’s real motives.

“To openly fly around and pretty much have right in front of everyone’s face, its distasteful, its disgusting,” says Shane Morey.

It’s always so odd to me that people become angry with the people showing the carnage and not the people causing the carnage.

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