by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
Never one to have a position for principled reasons, FL Gov. Charlie Crist has scrubbed his U.S. Senate campaign web site of its page proclaiming him to be “pro-life.” I don’t think this bodes well for FL’s ultrasound legislation which Crist indicated he is likely to veto.
The NY Times has an article on Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s abortion drugs prescription by video conference scheme….
The Pocono Record has the reaction of Michael Lisk’s father to his sons’ actions with the 13-year-old girl who self-aborted after being impregnated by the 30-year-old Lisk:
“How could any rational human being walk down the street with a baby in a grocery bag?” he asked. “Everybody is safer because he is in prison. This is where I feel he belongs.”
PA police are investigating the circumstances behind the shooting of a woman who was 7 months pregnant. Apparently, the woman shot herself in the stomach during an argument with her boyfriend/fiancee. The bullet missed the child. However, “authorities say [Nicole] Lashuk could face charges if they determine she tried to harm the fetus.”

ABC World News has a poll about the video-conference abortions–you can post your comments here: (login required, unfortunately)
Going from the hypothesis that Crist just wants to do whatever will get him the most votes from independents, his flip-flop STILL makes no sense. Gallup’s “New Normal” poll showed 45% of independents identifying as “pro-life.”
In conclusion, Charlie Crist is an idiot, and I do not miss Florida politics one bit.
A senior White House official said…
“Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members’ money down the toilet on a pointless exercise,”…
[At least some union plumbers may get some shovel ready work.]
AFL-CIO spokesman Eddie Vale responds that “labor isn’t an arm of the Democratic Party.”
[Hey Eddie! How do you explain that tattoo of jack*ss on your left bicept?]
The Pocono Record has the reaction of Michael Lisk’s father to his sons’ actions with the 13-year-old girl who self-aborted after being impregnated by the 30-year-old Lisk:
“How could any rational human being walk down the street with a baby in a grocery bag?” he asked.
[I do give daddy Lisk credit for correctly identifying the primary victim.]
“Everybody is safer because he is in prison.”
[Not everybody is safer. Lisk’s fellow inmates may beg to differ. Lisk is arguably NOT safer unless the jailers put in in solitary confinement for his own protection.]
“This is where I feel he belongs.”
[Under the prison daddy Lisk, under it.]
I’m sorry, but Big Labor IS a wing of the Democratic party. I am a union member, and during the presidential campaign I received flyers, letters, etc., almost EVERY DAY urging me to vote for Obama and other Democrats. Members of the teacher’s and other unions even canvassed tour to tour for Obama. My union does a great deal to help its members, but to claim that it is not tied in with the Democrats is just being dishonest.
I just got an email from the Florida Family Policy Council confirming that Crist has vetoed the ultrasound bill. :(