by Kelli
Josh Brahm has a post at LiveAction responding to a common pro-abort question: “Pro-lifers: are you willing to adopt all the babies?”…
ProWomanProLife reports on some shady tactics used at the latest UN meeting on maternal and child health to hide accurate maternal death numbers from the press.
Students for Life of America announces the new SFLA Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship training opportunity for those college students who plan to become leaders in the pro-life movement.
Pro-Life Action League commemorates the 10 year anniversary (June 3, 2000) of “the first of 2 major demonstrations at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL…” featuring a very familiar face.
Genuine GOP Mom has a blog discussing what she calls the “hijacking” of the Tea Party movement and the flip-flopping of a certain candidate on the abortion issue.

Tags: adopt all the babies, anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-life, flip flop on abortion, Genuine GOP Mom, hijacked, Jill Stanek, Josh Brahm, LiveAction, maternal death coverup, pro-abortion, pro-choice, pro-life, pro-lifers, ProWomanProLife, Rand Paul, SFLA Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship, Students for Life of America, Tea party movement, training, UN
Jun.04, 2010 3:30 pm |
Blogs |
“Pro-Life Action League commemorates the 10 year anniversary (June 3, 2000) of “the first of 2 major demonstrations at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL…” featuring a very familiar face.”
Gee I wonder who????
This is so silly.
Abortion doesn’t reduce births very much.
Steven Levitt who wrote Freakanomics noted that, “Conceptions rose by nearly 30 percent, but births actually fell by 6 percent”. Just coincidentally of course STD’s also rose by 30 percent.
The short answer to adoption, is yes, people will adopt.
If this is the main argument they have against abortion, here’s what we do:
Set up a registry. Give something like a month. If a family for that baby can’t be found in a month, they can kill the child.
Not one child would die.
There will never be any shortage of good people to adopt babies. I don’t see why “I” have to adopt them all to claim that adoption is better than abortion.
Thanks for the link. I’m adding a link back to you from the All3Legs site. Let’s hope we can have candidate for 2012 who will be a strong defender of life!
There will never be any shortage of good people to adopt babies. I don’t see why “I” have to adopt them all to claim that adoption is better than abortion.
Posted by: Louise at June 5, 2010 12:27 AM
The claim that pro-lifers won’t adopt is simply pro-aborts projecting their own unwillingness to help a child in dire need.