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by Kelli

  • Josh Brahm has a post at LiveAction responding to a common pro-abort question: “Pro-lifers: are you willing to adopt all the babies?”…
  • ProWomanProLife reports on some shady tactics used at the latest UN meeting on maternal and child health to hide accurate maternal death numbers from the press.
  • Students for Life of America announces the new SFLA Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship training opportunity for those college students who plan to become leaders in the pro-life movement.
  • Pro-Life Action League commemorates the 10 year anniversary (June 3, 2000) of “the first of 2 major demonstrations at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL…” featuring a very familiar face.
  • Genuine GOP Mom has a blog discussing what she calls the “hijacking” of the Tea Party movement and the flip-flopping of a certain candidate on the abortion issue.
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