weekend question.jpgWe’re all used to pro-aborts avoiding the A-word by using the code word “choice.”
But here’s a new one.
EMILY’s List, “a community of progressive Americans dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to every level of office,” according to its website, has begun running an ad against pro-lifer Cory Gardner, who is running for Congress in CO-4 – and it totally avoids the topic of abortion altogether.
In fact, you would think the ad is pro-family if you weren’t cynical enough to know its attack points are total spin…

This is the most disingenuous political ad possible. A group whose sole focus is clearing the way to abort children is feigning concern about education funding, children with autism, and deadbeat dads?
Why do you think EMILY’s List is hiding its true agenda?
[HT: Leslie Hanks of The Passionate Pro-Lifer]

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