Jivin J’s Life Links 9-1-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- NJ authorities have arrested an ex-con after he allegedly raped his girlfriend – in a room where 3 children were sleeping – after she said she wouldn’t get an abortion.
- Police in NM have arrested the father of a girl going for abortion after he allegedly threatened to kill abortion protesters if they talked to his daughter.
A protester standing just outside the clinic said the man lost it and said he was going to put a bullet through her heart….
Police did find a magazine clip full of bullets on him, but no gun. The man did have several guns locked inside his car.
Police confiscated them, citing the volatility of the situation
- Bryan Kemper responds to the canard that Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than they’ve performed:
Are you kidding me? Prevented more abortions then they have performed? That is like saying a rapist prevented more rapes then he committed; it does not change the fact that he is still a rapist and even just one rape is too many. The same should be said about killing a baby (abortion): killing just one is too many.
- I’ve heard some bad pro-choice arguments before but this assertion by Maya at the Abortion Gang is just beyond ridiculous. She claims, “It is an objective truth that is stubbornly ignored by the anti-choice movement that abortion rates are the same whether abortion is legal or not.”Other “objective facts” Maya could possibly assert:
1. All abortionists are really nice people who love and respect women.
2. Abortion is the removal of a blob of cells
3. Stopping tax dollars from paying for abortions does nothing to the abortion rate
4. All anti-choicers are big meanies

I still would like to know what pro-choice people say to women who are grieving the loss of a pregnancy (miscarriage), since it was just a “blob” they lost.
Nick G. (or is it Operation Counterstrike? Do tell!):
Would you then blame violence against abortion providers/clinic staff … on the pro-abortion folks themselves?
Or is it just crazies who use an agenda as an excuse to abuse others (on both sides of the issue)?
The fact of the matter is that by and large, people on the pro-life side are just that: pro-life. The vast majority of of the folks here don’t condone violence. But I think you know that already.
The first story (and I couldn’t get past it to read the others) is just disgusting. It’s one thing not to be looking forward to paying child support, another to punish your partner with rape. I wonder what an honest dialogue between the couple would have looked like.
*and please don’t say this happened because abortion is legal, because men forcibly impregnate their wives and girlfriends all the time.
Nick, it seems to me from the story that the parents were forcing that girl to have an abortion. She wanted to talk to the pro-lifers, but the parents just hustled her inside. Do you approve of this?
I also think a father who would force his daughter into abortion would most likely be capable of other kinds of violence, so the guns don’t surprise me at all.
September 1st, 2010 at 1:08 pm
I still would like to know what pro-choice people say to women who are grieving the loss of a pregnancy (miscarriage), since it was just a “blob” they lost.
We say “we’re sorry for your loss.”