Jivin J’s Life Links 9-27-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- There’s a new Guttmacher study out which I’m sure pro-choicers will be pointing to for years to come. The study of surveyed 289 teens who were pregnant sometime between 1994 and 1996. 69 of those teens had abortions. An analysis of the survey and one done 5 years later showed no association between having an abortion and depression or low self-esteem.
It will be interesting to see how pro-choicers who typically brush off small sample size studies which show an association between abortion and depression will receive this study.
- A three judge panel on the Court of Appeals has heard arguments regarding the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
- According to a press release by Defend Life, suspended abortionist Romeo Ferrer is at least temporarily closing his MD abortion clinic after the physician he recruited to replace him (Ghevont Wartanian) didn’t want the hassle:It appears Wartanian, an OB-GYN, has abandoned the idea of supplementing his income by child killing. Wartanian contacted Gynecare one day after the 40 Days for Life vigil was moved to his Glen Burnie, MD, OB-GYN medical practice. He instructed Gynecare to cancel all of his existing appointments, and informed them he would not be returning to the facility.

More on the study of abortion and depression
I’ll brush it off. It is too small a sample size. It doesn’t meet Dr. Nadal’s famous ‘confidence interval’ requirements.
The abortion study was done by Planned Parenthood’s research arm, Guttmacher. it’s a joke
You talk about a conflict of interest? PP’s own researcher, Guttmacher, touting there aren’t negative side effects to abortion is like trusting the tobacco industry to research the effects of tar and nicotine. Oh, didn’t Phillip Morris Co. try that approach years ago and lied saying nicotine was “not really that addictive”? Can’t you hear the cash register ring? Cha-ching! Cha-ching! At $400-500 a pop, you better believe abortion doesn’t cause any emotional effects or physical effects for that matter (wink, wink). Tell every woman with an “unwanted” pregnancy show up at PP, “show them the money”, spread her legs eagle in lithotomy position, insert a speculum, insert dialators into her cervix until it is gradually stretched open enough to pass through a currette, dismember and mutilate her unborn baby with the currette, insert a vacuum cannula, turn on the powerful suction, vacuum her baby and her entire uterus out, and them piece the baby together to make sure you “got it all”. No consequences, no side effects and no problem. Better yet try showing up without any money, see whether or not they welcome you to the abortuary with open arms or if they show you the door.
They are already using it. Check out http://findingmyfeminism.blogspot.com/2010/09/its-easy-to-be-anti-choice.html
and look at the comment thread. They are calling this study ”rock solid” statistics that women don’t regret abortions. Notice how when the commenter points out the bias, the blogger shifts to the pro abort favs (as pointed out by the commenter), straw man, ad hominem, and ultimately censorship.
also note how she ignored the stats from a study published in the BMJ.
@ ProLifer L – Yeah, I know! Right? One of the saddest lies told to women is that these butchering, bottom feeding doctors care about them.
You have got it justlookingon. This study is a joke. Talk about the fox watching the hen house.