web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • Nancy Pearcey discusses how pro-choicers have become anti-science:
    … [L]aw professor Stanley Fish sets the record straight: “It is pro-lifers who make the scientific question of when the beginning of life occurs the key one.” By contrast, “pro-choicers want to transform the question into a ‘metaphysical’ or ‘religious’ one,” using those terms to mean disconnected from any scientifically knowable reality.

    Of course, people are much more than biological organisms. Yet biology gives an objective, empirically detectable marker of human status.

    What this means is that pro-choicers have lost the argument on the scientific level – and so they are repudiating science.

  • First Things has an article by Lila Rose (pictured below left) discussing her pro-life work. Here’s how it starts:One cold, wet day in San Jose, CA, I was stuck inside my childhood home, looking for a book to read. Because I was homeschooled, the daughter of passionate book lovers, and 1 of 8 children, our home was full of books of all kinds. It was my goal, at the age of 9, to read all of them.

    On the bottom shelf of a bookcase, I found something called the Handbook on Abortion by Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke. Curious, I opened it. And there they were: pictures. In shock, I quickly shut the book and pushed it away. And then I opened it slowly and looked again. I was looking directly at the picture of a tiny child, maybe 10 weeks old, with tiny arms and legs, who had been the victim of an abortion.

    Right then I knew it was ugly and wrong. But over the next decade I grew in my understanding of the gravity and urgency of this holocaust of unborn children, of our duty to protect them, and of my desire to help.

    When I was 13 I wrote in my journal, “God, it’s time I actually do something about abortion.”

  • Family Research Council’s Jeanne Monahan reflects on 10 years of RU-486 in the U.S.:As RU-486 celebrates its 10-year anniversary, one thing is ironic. The abortion movement promised decades ago that women having abortions would have the best medical attention – no more unsupervised, lonely abortions with women bleeding away in back alleys. Well, now with chemical, and especially with telemed abortions, women have less medical attention and still bleed away, having a lonely, unsupervised abortion over a toilet. Progress for women’s health? No.

[Rose photo via FirstThings]

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