“Creepy” pregnancy care centers spook pro-aborts
As part of their campaign to expose “fake clinics,” the Feminist Majority Foundation is celebrating the culture of death this Halloween by sponsoring a “Don’t Get Tricked, Get Treated” Week of Action, October 25-29 on college campuses nationwide.
Pregnancy care centers spook the free love/pro-abort crowd. In an October 11 email featuring the graphic, right, FMF claimed:
… Crisis Pregnancy Centers across the country are tricking women about their health all year round….
Their counseling focuses on promoting a strict anti-choice agenda including harmful misinformation on birth control, abortion and sexual health, while dissuading women against abortion as an option when facing an unwanted pregnancy.
“Harmful misinformation,” such as that condoms have a 15% failure rate, and abstinence is the only 100% effective protection against STDs and unplanned pregnancy? Scaaaary!
Truth? If young people didn’t fall for liberal tricks they wouldn’t need to get treated.
And sure, it’s way creepier to carry an unplanned pregnancy to term than go to an abortion mill to have one’s baby suctioned and dismembered.
Some of FMF’s suggested activities were interesting.
- Hand out “Trick or Truth Treats” with candy and facts about CPCs. The truth is delicious!
FMF’s sample (click to enlarge)…
I’m surprised the treats weren’t condoms, although I suppose it would appear counterproductive to staple messages to those.
A dangerous FMF suggestion:
- Host a “haunted clinic” at your school. Instead of ghosts and ghouls, emulate what goes on inside a creepy CPC.
Dangerous because the obvious comparison would be to abortion clinics. And there is no comparison, only contrast. Easy contrast. For instance, here’s the abortion scene from the NYC professional production of Hell House in 2006, a real life haunted house attraction churches across America stage every year at Halloween:
Then there are the real abortion haunted houses, such as the Northern Illinois Women’s Center in Rockford. Following are actual photos taken at that mill. Click to enlarge…
“Creepy… haunted clinics”? Sorry, pro-aborts, your side already has that covered.
[Photos of abortion mill via prolifecorner.com – Warning: blasphemous photos taken at the mill at that site]
[HT: Marie S.]
“Creepy” CPCs??? Oh, yes. giving mothers in need maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers and car seats is creeeepy. Referring them to pro-life OB/GYNs for prenatal care is creeeepy. Giving them ACCURATE information about the baby that they carry is creeeepy. I guess, to pro-aborts, love IS “creepy”. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20.
The FMF protests too much.
Don’t blame pro-lifers for your troubles – please, FMF, just tell us how great abortion is.
No Worries. As usual nobody will get involved. They will however eat the candy.
What part of ABORTION ALTERNATIVES do they think pregnant women do not understand??
What we do at CPC’s must be working for the proaborts to get so riled up!!! I LOVE IT!
Hi Jill, Saw you speak in San Luis Obispo a couple weeks back. Thanks for all you do! It’s interesting that you post this. Just last night I had tweets from a ‘freaked out’ young woman who believes the FMF. She backs it up with the HBO series, “12th and Delaware”. The difficulty we face is, how to educate with facts when so much misrepresented information is out there. Is there a resource that you can recommend that states its sources?
God bless!
‘I’m surprised the treats weren’t condoms, although I suppose it would appear counterproductive to staple messages to those.’ – that’s genuinely funny! :-)
This makes me so mad! But some of you are right, sigh, the CPC’s must be doing good work for the pro-aborts to be so upset.
If I were only 20, I might not know what to believe. However, I was already an adult 25 years ago when the feminazi’s were crying, “Don’t protest abortion if you don’t give us alternatives” Here are the alternatives, and still the cry is that we “dissuade” women from getting abortions. Well, I should hope so! Of course we want to talk them out of killing their children and scarring themselves psychologically (and often physically) for the rest of their lives. What is so bad abou that? Do the feminazi’s think abortions are more fun that a vacation in the Poconos? The hugeness of the hypocrisy defies description. Jupiter-sized hypocrisy? Mechagodzilla sized hypocrisy? Too huge for words.
ninek, it’s the lies and misrepresentations by CPC’s etc. which anger pro-choice people, not your actual opinion. Opinions don’t really cause harm. Actions can.
Statements like ‘Do the feminazi’s think abortions are more fun that a vacation in the Poconos?’ don’t help. No, pro-choice women do not think abortion is fun in any way. Where’s the hypocrisy?
Yeah, get treated to an abortion. Once again, they’ve got to get their message together: is abortion a necessary tragedy, something to celebrate, or no big deal?
Cranium, how old are you? You must be under 30. Crisis Pregnancy Centers are just that, a place to go if you are pregnant, and it’s a crisis. Planned Parenthood and the other abortuaries want to be the only place women go when they are pregnant, because obviously the only good baby is a dead baby. Pro-choice women don’t think abortion is fun? Did you not read Jill’s other article about the young woman who’s mother invited friends far and near to ”attend” and “celebrate” her daughter’s abortion? Sounds like a party to me. They even told her, “Welcome to the sisterhood.”
As I’ve said before, when a woman walks out of a CPC, the pregnancy is still intact, and she can still legally decide to kill her child. No one has given her any drugs, or put sharp instruments into her body, nor even put seaweed in her cervix. However, when she walks out of an abortuary, the child is dead and nothing will bring it back.
Cranium, you comment here a lot. Is it because you are post abortive and looking for validation?
ninek, my son is almost 30! And I am not post-abort. On what basis could I possibly get any validation from anti-choicers? I’ve stated why I’m here previously, more than once.(and most of you are actually nice people)
The fact is that CPC’s misrepresent the facts, use coercive and delay tactics and attempt to convert people. They have more of an ‘agenda’ than PP clinics.
‘…because obviously the only good baby is a dead baby’ – and there you go again! What rubbish.
I would agree that there would be something wrong with a CPC which gave out false information- we all would. And I do wish that they offered birth control- but I won’t debate that here. In the quote of the day, I laid out the plans for the CPC I would make if I could. :)
Anyway, I have a few things to say about the FMF. I’ve read about abortion clinics getting busted numerous times (in the news, mind you) for having staff who aren’t trained doing medical work. I’ve read several times unqualified staff messing with IVs, anasthetics, and related things. I would be outraged if CPCs did it, but I would be outraged if anyone did it. I’m not sure why it’s okay for clinics to keep unqualified staff but not CPCs.
Next, I hope that they don’t pretend to represent all women or even all pro-choice women by stapling such stupid things to candy and handing them out. Really? You have nothing better to do with your time?
I have another Not Likely Gonna Happen Dream: Pro-choice and pro-life students putting together some sort of Halloween activity to raise money for an organization that they both agree to support- it could be a frigging cakewalk if they don’t want to work together long enough to organize something more elaborate. I mean, come on…
How have you been? Have you been having a spooktacular October (don’t laugh at the word spooktacular- I get to say it one month out of the entire year)?
Sorry- this might sound lame, but are you British? You just said ‘rubbish.’ I like that word- I love words. :)
If I might ask, would you ever support a CPC, and what would the CPC need for your support?
Hi Vannah. My partner bought me a devil’s horns headband thingy and has a trident thing for herself. We’ve loaded up with yummies for the kids who doorknock.
No, not British. Spent a few weeks there back in the early 90’s though. I love words like ‘rubbish’, ‘naff’, chuffed’ etc. Always have.
No, I wouldn’t actually support a CPC because they only offer limited choice. I have and do support young single women who have babies though, is that a surprise?
Ah ha!!! You are pro-abortion, not pro-choice:
No, I wouldn’t actually support a CPC because they only offer limited choice.
Yes, live babies are so limiting.
Yay, just love it Jill when you use stats from the like 15 years ago! And the failure rate is less than 3% if people actually used condoms correctly. Maybe they could learn how in sex-ed….
Care to elaborate on what sort of logic lead you to that ninek?
What is it about ‘they only offer limited choice’ that you don’t appear to understand? You know, limited as in not offering all available choices. Like going into a dealership and being told ‘sorry, only in red, white or blue, no green’.
Would you like this too?: http://www.geos-oceania.com/links/reading-comprehension-courses-and-software.htm
Our local pregnancy center offers factual information on ALL choices. it operates under the direction of a local physician and has 5 nurses on staff. Information is given on ALL choices, understanding that abortion is legal – but empowering each woman with information to truly make a truly informed and educated decision.
And abstinence truly IS the only 100% method of not getting an STD or getting pregnant. How is this lying to women? My best friend, as an adult, had 3 children on three different kinds of birth control (used properly every time, as directed). And a condom is not effective against HPV – which is transferred by skin-to-skin contact. Who is lying here? It’s not the CPCs – who are not motivated by money. There is no financial interest whatsoever in what they are doing – unlike abortion clinics, who are driven by the money they receive from every procedure done.
Why do abortion clinics perform an ultrasound to confirm the gestational age of her child (to know which kind of abortion procedure to do), but refuse to show her the ultrasound image? Because many of them change their mind.
No, I’m not surprised that you support young single women with babies. Do you mean financially? Because I support single women with babies in the sense that I believe that the stigma on single mothers (and fathers) needs to be removed and I support universal healthcare and such. Though I wasn’t sure if you meant financially or socially. If you do mean, financially, I’m glad. I wish that I could find such an organization to be a part of. I’m particular about the organizations that I support- I’m worried about them being the real deal or not. Do you know of any groups that offer support and friendship to single parents? :)
I tried to volunteer once at a CPC, but before I ever contacted them I read that you must be eighteen or over to work there- they’re very strict, but that makes me happy. Even though I’m too young to work there still, I am still happy when I think about it- they take their work seriously. The woman who works the CPC (well, one of them) is a nurse who works at the local hospital. She does this entirely as a volunteer. I find that sort of person to be quite special.
I don’t know if you read it, but this was one of my ideas for Stuff I Want to Do Before I Die, my list of things to make the world a better place. One of these days, I’ll hop off of my lazy bum (Britishisms!) and do something about it: a CPC. I wrote about it on the Quote of the Day today. I’ll write it again- you don’t have to read it if you want, but this is how it will go. It would be in a house, a house that I and the other workers would buy and remodel and fix up, to give it all of our love- it would make it more special. Plus, a house is warmer than a building. The house would have several rooms: a room for children that would be a daycare, whether for a few minutes while Mom has her appointment or for a few hours while Mom (or Mom and Dad or Mom and Mom, or Dad, and so on and so forth) is at work or school. There would be a few rooms for women and girls and their children to sleep in if they have nowhere else to go. There would be a beautiful library filled with not just books on pregnancy and children, but philosophical and inspirational books as well as novels and children’s books. There would be a storage room for items that new parents need- cribs, maternity clothes, bottles- you get the idea. There would be a room for therapy, if necessary.
I would keep books that are updated regularly filled with information on local community colleges and universities for those who wish to go to school while pregnant or afterward. They can look into classes and schedules. I would keep a similar book on jobs for women and girls looking for jobs; I would list the benefits of the job, the requirements, and the pay. There would be information on adoption- realistic information, mind you. Too often pro-choicers portray adoption as The Greatest Mistake You’ll Ever Make and demonize it; and too often pro-lifers portray adoption as The Greatest Decision You’ll Ever Make and neglect to speak about how hard that it is for people to give up their babies. So the information would be the facts as they really are, not from the point of view of some movement. I would also keep referrals to women’s shelters, in case a woman is caught in an abusive relationship (ideally, they would be able to stay at one of the rooms in the CPC, but that might be dangerous- a safe house might be better).
And I would want some fun. Bowling night. Movie night. Whatever. Decorate the house for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Things to make the house a place of friendship, not a place where you feel as though you are living as someone’s pet project. I don’t want to be anyone’s charity worker; I want to be a friend. And doing things to get involved in the community, as well as little things like, let’s say, movie night, can do a lot to make the women and girls feel connected, like part of a family instead.
And I want therapy dogs. This is vitally important. To me. Doggies!
Do you think that that’s a ridiculous thing or not? And, yes, I would keep birth control around for anyone who needed it.
Oh, and I finished my essay on women in literature. It was twenty-four stinkin’ pages, thank you very much. I might as well adapt it into a book! :)
No, I wouldn’t actually support a CPC because they only offer limited choice.
What other choice does an abortion clinic offer but abortion?
Vannah, I applaud your concept! It sounds brilliant. There are so many really good benefits to people and society with such establishments, based on a range of needs.
I’d love to read your essay, but I’m not posting my email address here. If ‘mods’ can see it and can pass it to you because they can also ‘see’ yours, I’m happy for them to do so. But I’m not an emailer so there won’t be ongoing dialogue. But if you would like, I would be happy to read it and offer a response.
I have provided very little financial assistance, don’t have much myself. I have assisted with career advice, job search and resume processes and interview preparation. Also some art and craft activities. And some donations of goods.
Wow, that Hell House abortion scene was so disturbing.
I picture that happening thousands of times every day. I realize some young women are more deceived than others and that many don’t suffer emotional trauma as a result of their abortions right away, at least not that they’re willing or able to acknowledge.
However, it is a certain fact, that all women who have had an abortion will regret it, either in this life or in the one to come.
Hope and forgiveness can be found however, at the Cross of Christ; through the shed Blood of the Lamb of God, Who died to save sinners…like me.
“Yay, just love it Jill when you use stats from the like 15 years ago! ”
This is one of my favorite “arguments.”
1. If a statistic was computed more than 10 years ago, then it can be blow off.
2. The statistic that Jill gave was computed 15 years ago.
3. 15>10.
Therefore, the statistic that Jill gave can be blown off.
Such sloppy thinking. I need to make sure my stats students never think something so mindless.
Pro-abortion advocates are clear and obvious in their hatred for natural pregnancy. There is no logic to it. They erect their own pet arguments that have no meaning. A car dealership that only offers a few colors? That’s reality. I don’t go to the Lexus dealer and complain they won’t sell me a car with polka dots or they aren’t selling Fords. Last time I checked if you wanted a custom paint job, you had to pay for it. So don’t come on here giving me that rubbish. Being pro-abortion is a mental disease. Those of us who were once pro-choice know this. We don’t need to be talked into it by intellectual acrobatics. Abortion leads in one direction: dead babies are preferable to live ones. That’s the pro-abortion mindset. Because humans have an innate will to heal, abortion WILL eventually be a thing of the past. Pro-aborts can’t believe it, but they’re sick anyway. Abortion is a disease. Humans will heal from it.
October 12th, 2010 at 7:34 pm
No, I wouldn’t actually support a CPC because they only offer limited choice.
OK, why don’t you make an experiment, pretend you’re in a crisis pregnancy and go to both CPC and PP for advice. Then talk about limited choices. I would love to pull a stunt like that and then share it, if I lived in the US!
And for now, from all the reading I’ve done it looks like PP doesn’t offer ANY coices except abortion. Would you get a referral for adoption from PP? Very unlikely! Would you be offered financial/psychological help so you could keep your baby? Impossible! Would they offer an unbiased information on fetal development and show you an ultrasound of your baby? Not likely! You would, however, be fast-tracked for a procedure they can get some money from! Watch some Abby Johnson videos, she was a director of PP, and even she tells they were all trained to SELL ABORTIONS! And how her boss would reprimand her if she didn’t convince someone by any means to go for it!
However, what harm exactly does CPC do??? IF they provide misinformation or lie, or keep the women in there hostage – sure, shut them down! But first – WHERE is the proof??? Not pro-choice propaganda, slogans and lies, but proof!? Why no pro-choicer armed with a video camera goes there to expose the lies the way Lila Rose does with PP???
Other than that – a woman can change her mind about wether she wants and abortion or not anytime afterwards. But coming out of the PP it’s too late to think about other choices!
Ergh. Pure insanity: one of the abortion-tolerant crowd’s most popular canards is, “Well, are you going to support the mother of the
baby… er… ‘fetus’ that isn’t aborted? How many unwanted children have you supported with your own money?” And then they revile, attack, and try their best to demonize and shut down the very places which try their best to do that.It’s nonsense like this that makes me think that any debate with people who say such drivel is a complete waste of time; no capacity for logic, no possibility for debate.
We approve the killing of our children and call it a ‘choice’. What part of the taking of an innocent life do you not understand?
Watch Blood Money and Maafa 21 and see where this ‘choice’ leads. Abortion is big business and those involved could care less that women live with the consequences the rest of their lives.
Abortion is from the pit of hell. What, don’t believe in hell or the devil? You might when you die after choosing sin all your life.
CPC’s are bad for the abortion biz. And that makes this mommy’s heart sing!!!
We tell women the truth about what happens to their living, growing preborn child during an abortion. We explain the different types of abortions and what happens during each one. Many women are revolted and choose life after being informed of what an abortion actually does and seeing the ultrasound of their child.
I didn’t even get THAT at the abortion clinic!!
If prochoicers were truly about choice, they would support CPCs for offering women choices other than abortion. But instead they resent CPCs for offering women multiple options in a crisis pregnancy, thus proving they are pro-abortion, rather than pro-choice.
I volunteered at a CPC for 2 years in my city. They’re called PRCs (Pregnancy Resource Centres) in Canada though. Anyways, we’re government funded and don’t use scare tactics or false information. We offer plenty of information on all three options: parenting, adoption and abortion. Before we sit down with a client, we have them SIGN a form acknowledging that they are fully aware that we do NOT refer for abortion. Though we’ll give them plenty of medical info about abortion as well as abortion procedures, we will not recommend/endorse abortion. This should come as no surprise to the client who has already signed the acknowledgement form and knows what we are before we discuss anything. There is no deception. We also do not use words like “kill” or “murder” when discussing abortion with a client. Instead, we teach them fetal development and the truth thus speaks for itself. Also, our Abortion Risks pamphlet has been proof-read and approved by 5 local doctors.
Aside from all the resources we provide concerning parenting and adoption, we also have a “maternity cupboard” which is full of newborn-6 mos clothing and diapers (donated regularly by supporters) which clients are free to help themselves to on a monthly basis. If a woman needs help finishing highschool or college while raising a child, we provide her with all the local resources, if she needs financial assistance, we help her fill out the appropriate paperwork and know all her options, if she wants to place her child with an adoptive family, we refer her to local adoption agencies, if she needs daycare, again, we hook her up, if she needs food and/or formula, we get her set up with the closest food bank, if she needs housing and shelter, we find her a home, etc. etc. etc.
“I’m surprised the treats weren’t condoms, although I suppose it would appear counterproductive to staple messages to those.”
LOL, JILL. Good one!!!