On Time magazine’s Top 10 List: Angie Jackson, live-tweeting abortion mom
The mother who live tweeted her abortion earlier this year, Angie Jackson, has had her 15 minutes of fame stretched, making #6 on Time magazine’s Top 10 Tweets for 2010. Click to enlarge…
Seems to me Time used the most unflattering screen shot of Jackson it could find from her original video, and it also painted an unpleasant portrait of her overall. But it was incorrect to state Jackson’s “birth control failed.” In actuality, she wasn’t using any, as she wrote:
In fact, Jackson used abortion for birth control. And the only “consult with doctors” she had was with an abortion mill salesperson counselor, after having decided the day she learned she was pregnant to abort the “parasite.”
Jackson’s escapade was also dangerous, as Holly Patterson’s father explained to Jackson in an open letter. Holly died in 2003 at age 18 from sepsis following an RU486 abortion.
There is also the lingering mystery of NextThurs, the copycat who began live-tweeting her abortion after being inspired by Jackson but suddenly stopped after writing she had been “bleeding like a stuffed pig all day.” I worry about her and her baby to this day.
Jackson has moved on, leaving her boyfriend in Florida, in part because he didn’t want children – no joke…
Angie and her young son are now shacking up with a new boyfriend in Denver.
In happy contrast, The Daily Mail recently posted a cute story about a mother who live-tweeted her labor and delivery.
I calculate Angie’s baby would have been born around November 8.

I think TIME gets it backwards writing Angie “angered many antiabortion advocates.” Rather the opposite seems true. Angie making a public spectacle of what should be a “private” matter only reinforced what pro-lifers know about RU-486.
I was just thinking about Angie two days ago and wondering what became of her and how she is faring. Its sad to think she would by now have that infant in her arms.
Re: the related story of the mom who tweeted her labor:
This is terrifying:
She unsuccessfully attempted to catch some sleep in between her contractions and eight hours later was delighted when she found she could give birth at her local hospital.
At 2.06am she tweeted: Wahoooooo! My hospital of choice is now accepting patients again! Yay me for holding out til 2am!’
It seems odd – people getting incessant tweets or text messages. Who has time for for that?
(But arguing on message boards or playing computer games for 100 hours a week is fine.)
Reality TV, etc…. No putting the genie back in the bottle.
Love this one:
11:25: Christ. I hope nobody thinks that really loud fart was me. Does that gas expulsion mean I can put him down again now?
Hee hee! Hello Baby Elliot!!
What ever happened to the girl that was “copy-catting” her and live tweeting her abortion too? He name was wednesday something or tuesday something. She was tweeting about bleeding very heavy and was so thrilled to be inspired by Angie and then just dropped off the face of the earth. I often wonder if she is ok.
Merry Christmas to all! Christ is Born!
I’m so glad I long ago cancelled my subscription to TIME. This magazine never made any secret of its PA bias.