Stanek weekend question: How many of Keith Olbermann’s babies have been aborted?
On November 29 MSNBC liberal host Keith Olbermann mocked Bristol Palin for promoting abstinence before marriage, naming her that day’s Worst Person in the World. Start viewing at 1:47…
Ace of Spades provided a great response:
There is another thing going on here, which no one talks about. Well, William Saletan at Slate did. What is notable about Bristol Palin isn’t that she got pregnant, really. Based on his statistical noodling, he guesses that quite a few unmarried daughters of presidential and vice presidential candidates have gotten pregnant during their fathers’ periods of public service.
No, what’s notable about Bristol Palin is that her pregnancy became public because she didn’t abort the child, which at least a few of the curiously-never-pregnant daughters of presidential and vice presidential candidates must have.
Put aside Saletan’s control group and instead look at the media which loves to criticize her for this. All these women – and men! – living in the sexually-latitudinarian New York/Washington axis, not getting married until later in life, but of course sexually active through their 20s, 30s, and 40s… and yet, miraculously, not a single notable unplanned pregnancy among the entire media cadre.
Were they all super-duper careful about birth control? Did they all get special NASA-designed condoms, unavailable to the public, that never break and never spill due to fumbling withdrawal? Do they all have high-tech birth control pills each implanted with a digestible microchip and minispeaker that announce “Take me at 12:30 PM today, don’t forget!”
Or is it much more likely that a fair number of them – say 35% or more – actually have become pregnant (and I mean the men as well) but simply… destroyed the evidence before it could become public?
That, I think. It is a statistical impossibility that the group of Katie Courics, Contessa Brewers, Keith Olbermanns, et al. have never in their lives gotten unexpectedly and unwantedly pregnant.
So what are they all really mocking Bristol Palin for? Not that she became pregnant out of wedlock; at least 35% of them (if not more) have gotten pregnant out of wedlock, too, so if they were mocking her for that that would be hypocrisy, and we know they can’t be hypocrites, because they themselves are using the hypocrisy card to justify attacking Bristol Palin.
So what are they mocking her for?
Only for one thing: For not getting an abortion, like any smart career-minded media woman, or media man, like Keith Olbermann, would do. Or advise. Or cajole. Or insist upon. Or pay for, and I don’t just mean for the costs of the procedure.
Am I to believe all those unmarried, sexually-active honies on CNN or MSNBC (or Fox, for that matter) can actually mock Palin for getting pregnant without having a tiny little busted-up skeleton in their own closets?
Olbermann is 51yo, has never been married, and has no known born children. First question for pro-abort Olbermann or any of his previous hook-ups: Are any of his dead children in the trash who were killed by abortion?
The Guttmacher Institute concurs with Ace’s figures: “At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and, at current rates, about 1/3 will have had an abortion.”
Unless Olbermann is impotent or gay, 1/3 of the women he has slept with over the course of his 31-odd years of conjugating have had abortions. How many of those aborted babies were his?
Bristol, God bless her, pushed back December 2 on Facebook in a post entitled, ”
Mr. Olbermann– Sorry We Can’t All Be As Perfect As You”:
What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy….
To Mr. Olbermann let me say this: you can attack me all you want. But you will not stop me from getting my message out about teen pregnancy prevention. And one day, if you ever have a daughter, you may change your mind about me.
Or maybe one day Olbermann did have a daughter? Or if by chance Olbermann has never experienced a slip-up, would he support aborting his baby? And that’s the laudable decision?
[HT: Carder]
Abortion is a vital “safety net” for the career plans of the upwardly mobile. I suspect the Republican emphasis on economic success indirectly reinforces this.
As I recall, Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern was seriously compromised on abortion in large part because his daughter had a illegal professionally-done abortion.
We shouldn’t underestimate the role that blackmail can play in keeping public figures pro-choice. There’s always the threat that evidence of an abortion will be produced if the public figure wavers or converts.
Though I have no evidence, one of the saddest speculations I’ve had is that Ted Kennedy switched from a pro-lifer to the other side because of his personal involvement in an abortion of his own kin.
Nice, nice comeback from Bristol.
Though I have no evidence, one of the saddest speculations I’ve had is that Ted Kennedy switched from a pro-lifer to the other side because of his personal involvement in an abortion of his own kin.
I really think pro-abort politicians in Washington often fight so hard to keep abortion legal because they themselves engage in adulterous affairs. And I’m sure there are also “pro-life” politicians who have made use of legal abortion as well, to save their own reputations.
I often wonder if the taxpayer-funded abortions in DC were pushed so hard not JUST for impoverished people, but for the not-so-impoverished mistresses, as well.
Kevin J
Abortion is a vital “safety net” for the career plans of the upwardly mobile. I suspect the Republican emphasis on economic success indirectly reinforces this.
Oh puhhhh-leeeeeeze!
I really think pro-abort politicians in Washington often fight so hard to keep abortion legal because they themselves engage in adulterous affairs.
Yeah, I was not surprised in the slightest when it came out that John Edwards wanted his mistress to abort their baby. Didn’t want any visible evidence of their affair to exist.
Abortion is a vital “safety net” for the career plans of the upwardly mobile. I suspect the Republican emphasis on economic success indirectly reinforces this.
Puh-leeze indeed. I go to law school with several people in their mid-to-late twenties who have little kids, and they apparently didn’t feel the need to abort these kids in order to stay “upwardly mobile”. Besides, if we’re talking about media figures, not that many of them are Republicans anyway, so why would they care about the Republican emphasis on anything?
As much as I despise Olbermann, I don’t feel the need to speculate about some heinous act. His ilk speculated that Bush used cocaine merely because he admitted to a drinking problem and “everyone did it” then.
Kevin J:
” I suspect the Republican emphasis on economic success indirectly reinforces this.”
Are you saying it is the Republicans’ fault that individuals have decided to abort?? Was it also the Republicans’ fault that these individuals had sex?
Is there no room for taking responsibilitiy for one’s actions, or is everything now the fault of someone else?
Further, the premise that it is primarily Repubs that emphasize economic success must be one of the most inane things I have heard in a long, long time. And a close second is inference that it is a bad thing to want to achieve economic success. I do not believe I have ever heard anyone–Dem or Repub–say they want their kids to grow up to be unsuccessful economically. If I am wrong please provide links that prove there are such people that want their kids to fail economically.
It’s tough duty trying to think of something to say about Olbermann that you wouldn’t have to repent for afterward.
He’s just a lost, spiritually dead, unregenerate heathen who’s been given a platform to spew his vomit in a depraved world.
And there but for the grace of God go I.
Hans Johnson
December 4th, 2010 at 8:05 pm
As much as I despise Olbermann, I don’t feel the need to speculate about some heinous act.
I agree. While I don’t argue with the numbers and statistics produced which make it probable that some of our conveniently-fertile celebrities must’ve had clandestine abortions, speculating on how many dead children a particular one or other has just seems ghoulish and macabre to me.
I stopped reading at:
It is a statistical impossibility that the group of Katie Courics, Contessa Brewers, Keith Olbermanns, et al. have never in their lives gotten unexpectedly and unwantedly pregnant.
Ummm, no – not a ‘statistical impossibility’.
I don’t think the author understands statistics.
“Am I to believe all those unmarried, sexually-active honies on CNN or MSNBC (or Fox, for that matter) can actually mock Palin for getting pregnant without having a tiny little busted-up skeleton in their own closets?”
The only famous media personality who became an unwed mother was Murphy Brown, who wasn’t even a real person, but a character in a TV show! And that was how many years ago?
Now you can tell me what you think about Governor Christie stopping funding for PP in New Jersey because they do abortions! How’s that again? “Republicans don’t care about actually ending abortion, blah blah blah…” I missed it back in the other thread.
David Letterman also mocked Bristol when he has a child out of wedlock.
Hi Kevin,
Don’t you just love these liberals and their “tolerance”? That reminds me of Robin Williams mocking Rush for his Vicodin addiction just prior to entering a facility to treat his alcohol addiction.
Hi Xalisae,
When our local Salvation Army and food banks need donations they put out an appeal to the community. They do not get funding from the state or federal gov’t. These charities do an incredible job with no help from the state or federal gov’t. They don’t wail as to how people will keel over from starvation and homelessness if the state and feds don’t step in.
We pick and choose the charities we know are doing a good job and those that aren’t. Private charities must answer to their donors.
So why should PP have to do any different? If they are such an effective organization, they should have no trouble getting donors. Let the millionaire liberals and Hollywood hobnobs who pay lip service to PP cough up the money.
Make them prove that they are indeed serving the community as promised. Let’s see the statistics that prove a decreasing teen pregnancy rate because of PP policies.
What don’t you understand about statistics and probability?
Jill merely pointed out that if you take 11 promiscuous Palin bashers, the odds of finding one who hasn’t had an abortion is approximately 1/100. If you make the group 17, the odds drop to 1/1000. 27 would be 1/100,000, 34 = 1/1,000,000.
The point is that even if you take a relatively small group of 5, the odds that at least one of them had an abortion is 87%.
Good to hear from you X-girl!
Ed – so that is an IMPOSSIBILITY?
X – I didn’t see – the governor made all abortions illegal in the state???
Boy, you’re sure ignorant of how this whole representative government thing goes, aren’t you? He’s the governor of New Jersey, not the king of New Jersey. Quit pretending to be a dolt. You’re so fond of saying that republicans do nothing more than pay lip service to our cause, I hope it just sticks in your craw when someone actually acts upon it.
Hi Mary, the liberals while they call for tolerance are the most intolerant people on the planet. Your example of Robin Williams is a great example.
xalisae –
I just had to clarify I hadn’t missed something…I forgot that it was a huge victory if they paid for an abortion themselves, or got other private funding rather than had any state aid. Oh yes, massive victory. :-)
Kevin – I actually think the tea party folks are the most intolerant people on the planet…I mean, if we are doing a survey here.
Ex-Gop changing the subject doesn’t work. The tea party is far more tolerant than the left.. The left openly attacks palin’s baby Trig. How tolerant is that?
Kevin – sure it is intolerant – but finding one example doesn’t solidify an argument sir (for instance, I could site the “solution for gay marriage sign” with two nooses on it).
I just had to clarify I hadn’t missed something…I forgot that it was a huge victory if they paid for an abortion themselves, or got other private funding rather than had any state aid. Oh yes, massive victory.
Do what you can, when you can, until it’s illegal. At least I don’t actively vote for people who not only fund it, but encourage it.
K – thanks for the thought xalisae – just wasn’t sure if I missed some big news. Thanks for the clarification.
Ex gop read how tolerant liberals Bill Clinton and Robert Byrd were of gays
Hi Kevin,
I don’t believe this. EGV no sooner mentions “nooses” then you post about ex-klansman and klan recuriter liberal Democrat Senator Robert Byrd! Since the klan was quite notorious for their “nooses” one has to wonder if in his younger days Senator Byrd had much experience when it came to nooses.
But wait, I will always give credit where credit is due. After tragically losing his son in an accident in the early 80’s, the good senator had an epiphany. He realized black people might actually love their children. Might. Well let’s not go overboard here.
This was truly a changed man.
I heard the actual account of a gay woman telling how she attended a tea party rally with her partner. She said it was obvious they were gay partners and felt no need to hide this fact while at the rally. She went on to describe how she and her partner were very warmly welcomed to join the rally by the other tea party members and that absolutely no issue was made of the fact they were gay.
In case you haven’t noticed EGV, its the liberal media that has a fixation on the race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation of members of the Tea Party Movement. One enlightened liberal commentator even suggested black people should be strategically placed in front of cameras. Uh moron, in my day that was called “tokenism”. It was right up there with “I’m not at all prejudiced, why some of my best friends are colored”! You could substitute that with Jewish, Asian, etc., whatever the occasion called for.
These “enlightened” liberals are a hoot.
Mary – what don’t you believe? You lost me (on your 12:56 post)
Mary, The sad part of Byrd just finding out in the 1980’s that black people love their children is that he was Democratic senate leader for years before that. He thought blacks didn’t love their children and liberals still voted him as their leader.
Since you mention the Tea Party as being so intolerant, correct me if I’m wrong, but were the nooses as a “solution” to gay marriage on a Tea Party sign? I just thought that since the subject of intolerance and nooses had been brought up it was a conicidence that Kevin would happen to mention liberal Senator Robert Byrd.
As far as the claimed tea party sign many progressive/liberal websites claimed they were sending people to tea party rallies with signs to make the tea party look bad. And even if the sign was carried by a follower of the tea party is it as bad as Howard Dean sued for discrimination against gays?
Hi Kevin,
He was also a senator for years after. The Democrats at no time made any effort to give him the boot. Believe me, liberals would have loved nothing more than for Byrd to have been a Republican. However, that would have been impossible since only Democrats could belong to the Klan.
BTW Kevin, I have seen altered signs on the internet so altering of signs and distorting of messages can be done and is.
I agree with you Mary. Byrd became the Democratic leader even after he led a 83 democratic filibuster of the 1984 civil rights bill. Byrd in his own book written I think in 2005 or so said when a high ranking Klansman asked him to run for office was the day he knew he was somebody.
Even in 2005 he was proud the Klan asked him to run for office.
Byrd recruited over 200 members into the Klan and even if Byrd didn’t lynch anyone if anyone he recruited did he is party responsible. Byrd also knew the top leaders of the Klan. They murdered people. Byrd knew that and still was friends with them
Mary, the Dems went nuts trying to defeat Lieberman because he defended the iraq war. But never tried to defeat byrd no matter how racist he was.
Mary – didn’t mean to imply it was at a tea party rally – it was the defense of marriage folks – NOM I think.
Ex-GOP did you know the defense of marriage act was pushed for and signed by Bill Clinton. He is hardly part of the tea party. He is on the left.
Kevin – if your implication is that the majority of folks that are against gay marriage are currently Democrats, than you’ve got me.
I’ll cut to the chase – we could go back and forth with examples of intolerance all day. I was speaking in reference to the study by C Parker from Washington – study on tea party folks and racism.
You can’t get anymore racist than the NAACP look how this invited speaker at the NAACP declares war on any black conservative. Watch how they are called racist names and the NAACP cheers.
Hi EGV, 1:42PM
I stand corrected. However since the noose was being used as an example of intolerance and bigotry on the right, I thought it coincidental that Kevin would bring up Byrd, on the left.
Do you know if this C.Parker ever had an issue with an ex-klansman in the US senate? Seems to me this “concern” about racism is highly selective.
Mary –
Where would you get that his views of racism is “highly” selective? He has numerous books and a lot of research out there. Please explain your position – I don’t understand how you would deduce that – maybe you’ve read a lot of his work?
You remind me of one of my favorite lines from Dumb & Dumber when Mary Swanson tells Lloyd Christmas that his chances of dating her were 1 in a million.
And Lloyd’s response was, “So you’re tellin’ me there’s a chance.”
Great movie.
Ed – EXACTLY. A statistical impossibility is just that – impossible.
In this case, it is improbable. Furthermore, only three names were thrown out…if we are expanding the debate to 40 people, that is one thing. Three names is far from statistically impossible – don’t you think?
So yeah – I’m telling you there is a chance!
EGV, 2:27PM
I meant selective concern about racism as a general statement and was not referring solely to C.Parker.
Do you know if C.Parker ever had an issue with a klansman in the Senate? Just curious.
Mary –
I don’t know for sure – he might address it in his book about black veterans in the post war south – I’d like to read it some day…but have not at this point.
Ex-Gop how can you defend the left attacking black conservatives as uncle toms?
I can’t, and haven’t defended that.
I am simply saying, if you were to ask me who the most intolerant group is right now, I’d say the tea party and I cited my case.
Sure, there have been a lot of terrible things both sides of the aisle have said and done over the years – and I can’t and won’t defend any of those things.
As much as many prognosticators and so-called experts are saying President Obama is going to have a tough time getting re-elected, the reality of the situation is that President Obama will get re-elected against almost any potential GOP challenger.
However, one candidate cannot be over-looked. If we learned anything from 2008, we should’ve learned that organization and social media skills are paramount to a campaign. No one is actually going to “come out of nowhere”. To become the most powerful person in the world, you have to build quite an organization. That’s why only one person has a chance to beat President Obama in 2012.
This will make it all clear:
You can’t name anything the teaparty did that was racist. You gave an example that was not even a tea party event.
I posted youtube video of a speaker (not some unknown and uninvited person in the crowd) using racist terms against black conservatives.
The Washington Post ran a cartoon where Condi Rice was called Bush’s house nword.
Look at these racists cartoons
Ex-GOP Look how Miss California was treated by the tolerant left when she stated the same legal view of marriage that Obama himself states.
The Miss California organization are hypocrites because they attacked her for having breast implants. But they are the ones that paid for the implants if they don’t agree with them why in the hell did they pay for her to have them?
Where is the tolerance on the left when someone states the same view Obama claims to have?
Kevin – did you miss my statement at 1:48? I think you skipped past that. Singular instances happen, but they aren’t really as substantial as actual research – that is all I’m saying.
Ex-gop I am talking about major players on the left being racist and intolerant. Not some uninvited person in the crowd that could be anyone from any group.
The leaders of the NAACP are racists. The Dem leader in Senate for decades was a former klan leader. Bill Clinton was intolerant of both gay marriage and gays in the military. Look how racist and intolerant Obama’s church was.
Obama’s mentor of 20 years taught blacks AIDS was invented by the government to murder blacks. That not only instills racism but instills fear and hate toward other races.
Obama’s mentor openly called Colin Powell and Condi Rice the nword. And uncle toms.
Kevin – that is great that you posted that info – you know that I, or anyone could post similar things from the right as well.
For the third time though, I’m citing an actual study done. Can you acknowledge that you even saw that post?
I saw your post. But that study is biased and not even a fair study. And it is not even a study of tea party candidates . I am talking about actual Democratic candidates like Clinton or Byrd. Do you think a study of the NAACP would find they are racists? Or intolerant?
Did you know most tea party followers are not even officially signed up as members of any tea party. The tea party is really a set of ideas not an official party. There is not even an ‘official tea party’.
How is the study biased and not fair? Interested on how you came to that conclusion.
Also Ex-Gop the tea party supported and elected a record number of minority candidates for the GOP. How can that be if they are racist as you claim? How could the tea party hero be Rubio of FL or Halley of SC?
To answer some of your other questions:
– I’m guessing a study of the NAACP would say that they have attitudes that in general, are racist.
– I know the tea party isn’t an official party. His study cites people who support the tea party ideals.
– Sure the tea party supported some minorities. Robert Byrd later backed civil rights measures – does that mean it undoes all other things he did in life?
Ex-gop Your Study claimed this “David Duke is hoping to find money and support enough in the Tea Party”
Did this happen ex-gop? Did he get any support in the GOP?
Lets look at the Democratic Party. They voted KKK leader Byrd in office for over 50 years. And not only supported him as a senator but voted him as their senate leader for decades.
David Duke didn’t and wouldn’t get any tea party support.
There is a giant different in really supporting a KKK leader as the leader of your party in the senate and some KKK leader sitting at home saying hey maybe I could get tea party votes. Which he must have known he wouldn’t get any votes because he didn’t run did he?
Is it just me or does it it seem odd that a “racist” organization would support black and hispanic candidates?
You should google David Duke. Apparently he started out as a Democrat.
Good point about Duke. Any one of us can sit in our living rooms and speculate.
Thanks Mary I will google him.
I have googled and can find nothing about C.Parker and his “study” on the tea party. Perhaps you can help me here.
Was this study peer reviewed?
Also pointing to a study as “proof” of anything is a huge mistake made time and again. Studies prove nothing, they only offer supporting or opposing evidence.
Mary, it is really called The University of Washington WISER Survey.
Thanks Kevin,
I did some research and as I expected, this study has its critics as virtually any study does. That is why no researcher who doesn’t want to be laughed out of their profession ever claims a study “proves” anything. Its usually people out to prove a point who will finger a study and say “see, see, this proves I’m right”.
The study was in Washington State. Not the whole country.
Catching up…
There are actually multiple studies – multi and single states. I believe he’s working on a book as well.
On the tea party in general – you say that the party can’t be racist if they support minority candidates…well, then can Byrd be racist? He got a 100% rating many times with the NAACP. Seems like the logic falls flat.
Mary – I don’t think anyone at any time has used the word “proved” – that is sort of statistics 101 when talking about research.
Mary, it is no surprise that a study done by left wing professor at a left wing school finds what he wants to find. But the study is only in Washington State. Not the whole country. So even if the study is right which it isn’t it is only about that state.
They ask loaded questions like this
agree or disagree
While equal opportunity for blacks and minorities to succeed is important, it’s not really the government’s job to guarantee it.
Ex-GOP I already pointed out the NAACP is racist. They supported Byrd because Byrd was a big spending liberal. They didn’t care if he belonged to a club that lynched blacks as long as he voted for the liberal programs the NAACP wanted.
Kevin –
There are single state and multi-state studies – though don’t worry about it if you are going to write off any study simply because it was done by somebody who’s views you don’t agree with.
Safer to live through life like that.
Well, that and Byrd said his membership in the KKK was a mistake, was more motivated by economic views (anti-communism), and voted for civil rights later in his career.
“Ex-GOP I already pointed out the NAACP is racis”
Yop “pointed it out” but you didn’t provide any actual proof. BTW, are you the same anti-choicer who spends time on RH Reality Check and News Hounds?
“Well, that and Byrd said his membership in the KKK was a mistake, was more motivated by economic views (anti-communism), and voted for civil rights later in his career.”
You gotta love that.
He didn’t vote for civil rights when his vote was actually needed!
Byrd led an 83day democratic filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights voting act. I watched Byrd on BookTv on c-span talking about his autobiography. I think this was 2005. He was still proud in 2005 that the Klan asked him to run for office. This was 2005. He was asked to run by the Klan not even by the Democratic Party. He was asked to run because he recruited over 200 something new members to the klan. That is a lot for someone from a small town. He wasn’t someone that just joined to get a membership card. He was a recruiter that sold the klan to hundreds of people.
Bill Clinton claimed Byrd only joined the Klan to get Democratic votes.
Funny that you attack me for being pro-life by calling me an antichoicer. it is funny because I believe in many choices just don’t believe in killing the unborn or born babies.
No I don’t post on those sites.
Kevin – I need to get this straight here. So Byrd is a racist because he was part of an organization that was against blacks. The NAACP is an organization of blacks, but their view of Byrd doesn’t matter because they are racist too.
I’m just trying to cut through this “everyone is a racist” rant…you sound a little like Kanye West.
NAACP is racist against conservative blacks. They openly declare war on them.
Ex-Gop watch how this NAACP news conference calls a black man the nword and an uncle tom
Kevin – This is excellent then – so if I show a couple tea party signs that are racist, then the whole organization is naturally racist as well?
Ex-gop the NAACp threw poor blacks under the bus a long time ago. They fight against poor blacks getting vouchers to go to private school. They fight for programs that have hurt blacks.
No I have already pointed out that uninvited people in the crowd could be anyone. This guy speaking is speaking under the Banner of the ST Louis NAACP. He is a high official of the ST Louis NAACP. He is not just someone off the street.
So, Karen Pack of the Wood County Tea Party – also ties to the KKK – seems like the same thing under your logic. No?
I have never heard of Karen Pack or of the Wood County Tea Party. Where is wood county even at? How many members have signed up for it?
Is she running for office or just someone that signed up as a member? As I posted before 99.99%of the tea party people never have signed up for any tea party.
If what you say is true she won’t be elected by the tea party to any office.
She’s the leader of the group – not sure how many members.
I’m just saying – if you believe that one member under the banner of an organization saying something racist (or anything) means that everyone in the organization is tagged with the same label…well, then I don’t think a single organization in the world is pure.
I found the Wood Country tea party Website. There is no mention of her or no mention anyone else names either. No leaders of this tea party are listed. Nothing.
Ex-GOP it is the NAACP that started insisting the tea Party call out anyone that goes to a tea Party rally who might be a racist even people in the crowd that were not invited. yet the NAACP invites racists to speak at national events in front of the NAACP
It is funny DD accuses u of not providing proof, given that DD accuses us so-called anti-choicers of being all Southern Confederates without any proof at all. DD accuses all of us of being theocrats. Without proof and without evience and without basis other than just pure bigoted hate dripping from that poster’s posts. If DD coms from RH Reality Check, that explains alot given it is a pure hate site in my book.
Punisher I will have to check out Rh reality Check. I never even been to that site. The left never needs proof of anything. They don’t go by facts anyway.
That site has alot of posters, as well as writers like Amanda Marcotte, who see abortion as a moral good (wonder what other issue in American history did we hear that before) and unborn babies as parasites, raping women’s bodies if they are unwanted (when they even remotely concede those are babies) so therefore the women are justified to off them off with abortions, etc. One article I have seen from them blamed Billy Graham for murder of Tiller. They are whackjobs.
I used to be a mod on a pro-life board and saw posters like that.
The overpopulation nuts called babies spawn and women that give birth breeders. They would post they drank fetal smoothies or ate fetal pizza.
Kevin – Again, we could both post countless links and examples…I stand by my previous statement:
I’m just saying – if you believe that one member under the banner of an organization saying something racist (or anything) means that everyone in the organization is tagged with the same label…well, then I don’t think a single organization in the world is pure.
EGV 5:17PM
You are the one who has pointed to this study to, shall we say, indicate Tea Party people are racist. I point out to you that studies prove nothing. I’m glad we agree on this point.
Hi Kevin, 5:18 PM
You are doing a great job holding your own here.
Exactly my point. This is why studies go on forever. Problems can always be found with the studies and that includes researcher bias.
Black conservatives have argued that government “assistance” has done what years of KKK terrorism could never do, destroy the black family and community.
Mary – but nor does anything else anyone has said on this thread PROVE anybody is racist.
Just strong evidence is all. That is how it works.
Well one mock deserves another and you should always give better than you get.
Ben Affleck mocks Keith Blowharderman.
Hi Mary, yes welfare has destroyed black families because women got welfare if the fathers left the families. This led to one parent families, which caused much higher crime and higher pregnancies rates.
Far be it from me to argue that membership in the klan and opposition to the civil and voting rights of black Americans, even thinking that black Americans don’t love their children, is in any way racist.
Ex-Gop you have not given evidence that the tea party is racist.
Do you admit the liberal policies have hurt the very people the liberals claimed they would help?
In order to please the Unions liberals threw poor people under the bus on public education is another example of how liberals hurt those they claim to help.
Hello Mary,
Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your family and friends.
Hi Ken,
Thank you for such kind words. I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season as well. I love your gravatar.
Hi Kevin,
Think of poor Rev. Wright, who Obama compared to an uncle every family has that says embarassing things. I thought Obama sat in his church for 20 years and never heard a thing Rev. Wright said. Talk about throwing people under the bus.
Mary, Obama even threw the poor blacks kids of DC under the bus. he killed their voucher program which allowed them to go to private school like Obama’s kids.
Either Obama knew what a racist Wright was or Obama lied about Wright being his mentor for 20 years. And the only reason he would lie and say Wright was his mentor would be to trick blacks into voting for him.
So he is either a racist for going to a racist church for 20 years or he is a racist for acting like he did to get votes in the black areas of Chicago.
You have probably already seen this video clip of Ben Affleck mocking/punking Blowhaderman, but it is so spot on in caputuring not only the ‘blowmans’ bombastic egocentric persona, that it is worth watcing whenever you are in need of comic relief.
The liberals have gone to the racist well so often that it is a fair indicator that one is actually on to the cancer of the left when the hackneyed label is trotted out, yet again.
The boy who cried wolf?
Hi Kevin,
You’re so right about the DC kids. A DC mother was on O’Reilly, desperate to keep her children in the voucher program. Apparently this program had a very high success rate with many students graduating and going on to college. Best reason I can think to can it. Its best to keep these kids under the gov’t thumb, uneducated and dependent.
Mary, look how in 1936 Democrats figured out if they get blacks on welfare they can trap them into voting Democratic
Mary, you are right it was a successful program. That is why it had to be killed.
It is really quite moving to see the love you right wingers have in your heart for the black community…really quite moving.
Kevin – I posted an often quoted, often mentioned study. You wrote it off as being from a “liberal”. I could post pictures. They of course would be doctored. You’ll see what you want to see.
Ex-Gop I want all Americans to do good. And be able to go to good schools. You are playing the race card now. I have publicly stated many times I want poor blacks to be able able to have vouchers and go to private schools. Obama has stated he wants them to go to rotten DC public schools where he admits they won’t get the education his daughters get.
Who is the racist? it is not me. It is Obama.
As far your study it was the study of one state. Not the whole country. You can’t base what people in one state support and project it over the whole country.
What do you mean by this:
“It is really quite moving to see the love you right wingers have in your heart for the black community…really quite moving.”
Are you accusing us of racism?
This article would have had much more punch if you could have supported it with some facts and figures. As it stands, it not only sounds like conjecture, it borders on false accusation.
Jill is well within the parameters of decency here. She HAS given the facts and figures and has engaged a reasonable degree of extrapolation. She does not make accusations, but asks speculative questions based upon the figures you requested.
Keith is simply a buffoon, and Bristol’s rejoinder was spot-on. There is simply no winning with the pro-abort crowd. Nobody on the left believes girls who state that they are practicing abstinence, or else they ridicule them as religious freaks. So that option is out.
Then, when a girl like Bristol harnesses hard-won experience, she is ridiculed as “the worst person in the world,” by some journalistic ass who places her ahead of the tyrants and dictators of our day.
Ahead of the corporate crooks who’ve destroyed our economy.
Ahead of murderers, rapists, and thieves.
Ahead of butchers like LeRoy Carhart who literally suck the brains from a writhing 5 1/2 month old baby.
Bristol Palin: Worst Person in the World?!
Are you serious in expressing moral indignation aimed at Jill for doing what you asked in your own post, and not at this fool for trashing a young woman who is trying to use her life experience to help other young women and men? If there is false accusation, it is in your post, not Jill’s.
Most especially, it resides in Keith’s Neanderthal diatribe.
Keith Olberman thinks Bristol Palin is the worst person in the world? Wow! I guess Olberman hasn’t read a newspaper in decades; since childhood maybe. He must be really out of touch with what’s going on in the world of crime. Apparently he’s never heard of young children being kidnapped, raped, and murdered, never heard of human trafficking and forced prostitution, never heard of Satanism and satanic ritual abuse, serial killers, rapists, robbers, abusive relatives or step parents who plot to get custody of a child so that they can abuse and eventually kill them, never heard of torture, genocide, or thousands of other acts of cruelty and inhumanity that happen on this planet. He’s never heard of the holocaust, or holocaust deniers who want to repeat the holocaust. Nope; his idea of the worst person in the world is an unmarried, but non-abusive teenage mom who teaches other teenagers to practice abstinence.
It amazes me that Olberman is so ignorant of the horrors on this planet that he really thinks this relatively harmless person is the worst person in the world. I wish she was the worst person in the world, just as she is now. The world would be a much nicer, gentler place if being a teenage mother and trying to warn other teenagers about the dangers of sex really was the worst thing anybody ever did.
Olbermann is to be pitied. He is a distorted caricature of a man.
The Apostle Paul thought he was the worst person in the world. His poor self-image when seen in the light of God’s forgiveness, mercy and grace, drove him to evangelize, start churches and then act as their overseer, from Rome to Jerusalem. His inspired letters make up 2/3 of the New Testament.
THere are no doubt dozens and dozens of children in Heaven bearing the likeness of personalities we would recognize on Earth.
I’m sure they are praying and imploring the Father that He might send workers to try and reach their lost parents before it’s too late.
Kevin –
I’ve pointed out a few times…there are MULTIPLE studies, including one with “multi-state” right in the title. (Multi-State Survey on Race and Politics) How have you missed this since I’ve mentioned it numerous times?
Gerard – I’m referencing a few choice people here who are quite comfortable saying that everyone out there is a racist because they either support public schools or social programs. Seems a little casual of an approach to defining racism if you ask me. No, I’m not referring to you.
Kevin – I actually think the tea party folks are the most intolerant people on the planet…I mean, if we are doing a survey here.
How many do you know personally?
Apparently he’s never heard of young children being kidnapped, raped, and murdered, never heard of human trafficking and forced prostitution, never heard of Satanism and satanic ritual abuse, serial killers, rapists, robbers, abusive relatives or step parents who plot to get custody of a child so that they can abuse and eventually kill them, never heard of torture, genocide, or thousands of other acts of cruelty and inhumanity that happen on this planet.
Some much more “worthy” contenders who are still alive and on the planet:
Charles Manson
Sirhan Sirhan
Karla Homolka
Osama bin Laden
Scott Peterson
Roman Polanski
O. J. Simpson
Fred Phelps and family
Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei
Lois Jurgens
Diane Downs
Gary Ridgway
Et cetera, et cetera…
Ex-gop The Multi-State Survey on Race and Politics is not about the tea party.
Ex-Gop from the website “the 2010 Multi–state Survey of Race & Politics examines what Americans think about the issues of race, public policy, national politics.”
Your column is something like the Sherlock Holmes puzzle of the dog in the night-time: why didn’t the dog bark? Another example of the dog not barking is HIPPA which exists to protect AIDS and abortion. I wonder how many of our lawmakers are actually bisexual, i.e., doing whatever they want with whomever they want. Homo, hetero, whatever, as the kids would say.
“I wonder how many of our lawmakers are actually bisexual, i.e., doing whatever they want with whomever they want.”
No, say it ain’t so.
I wonder how many of our lawmakers are actually bisexual, i.e., doing whatever they want with whomever they want.
You’re a long-term lurking troll waiting for me to say again that bisexuality is solely about attraction and not necessarily about behavior, aren’t you?
I am not a fan of the Palins, but to say that this young woman is the worst person in the world is ridiculous.
As for the tea partiers — well, I am African American and there was a tea party held near my workplace. I went to see what the fuss was all about. It was a bunch of mostly white, cranky people holding signs and giving speeches. I actually thought it was kind of boring, so I left. There were a few blacks and Asians there, and I didn’t see anything racist about it, but then I live in a large, fairly cosmopolitan city with a diverse population. A tea party here would probably be quite different from a tea party in some rural southern town.
So are the tea partiers racist? Certainly some are. But with all the problems in the African American community, such as a 72 percent out of wedlock birth rate, I don’t really see them as a major threat, despite what the NAACP says.
I also believe that some right-wingers are racist. I am shocked by some of the things I see on conservative websites like Townhall. But on the other hand, “progressive whites” can be racist too. I’m always amused by the limousine liberal types who constantly talk about “diversity,” “multiculturalism,” etc., and then live in the whitest neighborhoods they can find!
As for this site — I have been here for some time, and I don’t know anyone personally here, but they seem like decent people. If someone says something that I believe is racist, I will and have called them out on it.
Marauder – you are right – using the word Planet was stupid for me to do (and whoever else did it) – had a brain lapse.
Kevin – the 2010 Multi-state Survey on Race & Politics Content Analysis from Parker deals with the tea party
We’ll see though how the tea party folks choose to govern – that will be the best example over time. I think they were standard Republicans with a different marketing cover – but again, we’ll see.
Phillymiss, the progressive Rev Wright lives in a gated community .
No matter was race you are far less likely to be a victim of a racial crime in a rural southern town than you are in liberal big cities like LA,NY or Philly look what blacks and hispanics are doing to each other in LA
New York had many racial hate crimes in the last 15 years.
Just three years ago a jewish man messed up and said Happy Hanukkah in tolerant liberlal New York a whole group of New Yorkers attacked the man and his Jewish friends.
Here is a link to that story
Here is another tolerant democrat mayor
I have now read some of that study and all it is is a survey in six battleground states and california. it lists no acts of racism by the tea party and uses iffy questions to determine if someone is intolerant. Obama himself would fail this intolerance test since he is against gay marriage.
He would also fail because of the church he followed for 20 years.
Hi phillymiss,
Why do you assume that a tea party rally would be “quite different” in some rural southern town?
Have you noticed the only people making an issue of race are the liberals and not the Tea Party members themselves?
We have both African and Native American organizations in my midwestern city. No assumptions are made that these organizations must be racist and why would they be? Why are largely white organizations assumed to be racist? I recall all the chestpounding and wailing over the”racist” Promise Keepers because they were mostly white. Never mind that the founder had two biracial grandchildren who’s pictures he proudly displayed. Never mind the organization actively recruited and welcomed minority men.
Rather peculiar behavior for a “racist” organization, ya think? Well, I guess there are people for whom the facts just cause too much confusion.
Kevin 6:03PM
An excellent example of why studies never prove anything or give a final answer to any question. I have no idea if you are a professional researcher but the flaws you point out illustrate why studies are endlessly critiqued and found to have questionable methods and results.
Hi Mary, I am no researcher. I am just a regular guy. Thanks so much Mary!
Mary I remember NOW was upset that the promise keeper’s took an oath to fulfill their duties as fathers and husbands. You would think NOW would be happy that a group of men were stepping up to the plate and promised to do their duty. They weren’t going to be deadbeat dads or leave their wives and children with nothing but an empty bottle of booze.
No Now threw a fit that men were going to support their families. Amazing.
Hi Kevin,
Exactly the reaction you would expect from NOW. Even the lame stream media joined in the hysteria.
I remember when Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam held the Million Man March calling on black men to do the same thing as the Promise Keeper march was. There were no cries of racism and sexism. I don’t recall anyone questioning where white people were in this march or why there were no women.
Actually I strongly supported the march and the premise behind it and the issues of racism and sexism didn’t even enter my mind.
However let thousands of white men do the same thing and liberals go beserk. This “has” to be some racist, sexist plot.
I always maintain that one of the laws of the universe is that those who are the first and loudest to condemn the bigotry and racism of others are the people most blind to their own.
ITA agree with you Mary. If thousands of white men marched and spoke the exact same words as the million man marchers did the left would went insane.
The left attacked Glenn Beck’s rally claiming there were too many white people. But said nothing when John Stewart’s rally was just as white or whiter.
Obama, Bill Clinton and Howard Dean would fail that survey’s intolerant test because they are against gay marriage.
Jimmy Carter, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson would fail because they hate Jews.
Thanks Kevin…again, I’ve said a few times we could pull individual folks all day and call them “intolerant”.
I’m talking about a group as a whole. If you’d like more examples of individuals at rallies, or as part of the tea party movement, we could go there…but that is a game we could go back and forth on all day.
Last thing though – is the state of Washington not representative of the tea party movement nationwide? If anything, I would say those folks would register as being MORE tolerant than folks in a lot of other states. Why don’t you believe, statistically, that they wouldn’t provide a representative sample.
Ex-gop, I am talking about actual leaders of the Democratic party. Not just some unknow person that answers a survey as you are talking about.
Bill Clinton signed the DOM act which hurt gay marriage hopes. What could someone in Washington state who may be just some old guy watching tv who is surprised by a phone call and is asked to take a survey do to hurt anyone?
I am talking about the real power in the Democratic party is intolerant. The people you claim are intolerant have zero power.
Washington state is hardly the same as other states. In fact each state is different. Kentucky where I am from is different than Indiana which borders Kentucky.
read how tolerant liberals are
Also read this to see how there is racial cleaning going on in LA that is right liberal LA
Kevin – I’m not picking up who the liberals are in those two articles. Am I missing some quotes/statements by somebody?
Interesting article that asked the question.
Ex-Gop the areas mentioned in these articles vote overwhelmingly liberal democratic.
Yes Kevin…and I’m sure those gangs are heavy voters. They probably have their own 527.
At this point, I think we’re done.
Hi Dan,
As much as many prognosticators and so-called experts are saying President Obama is going to have a tough time getting re-elected, the reality of the situation is that President Obama will get re-elected against almost any potential GOP challenger.
I know it’s quite a few days since you posted this, but I gotta disagree here. Back in 2008, I thought that regardless of who won the Presidency, there was a good chance they would be a one-termer.
Now, at the least I’d say it’s too early to say what will happen. My opinion is that if the economy stays fairly “bad” in the popular consensus, then Obama could well be out. I wouldn’t rule out so many Republicans; I’d really only say that Sarah Palin is the easiest one for Obama to beat.