(Prolifer)ations 1-21-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Big Blue Wave found silence after searching pro-abort blogs for comment on the Gosnell case, save the Abortion Gang blog, which managed to pin the blame on pro-lifers for stigmatizing abortion. Some commenters even suggested that the mothers would have committed infanticide against these babies if Gosnell had not done the deed for them.
- Accepting Abundance examines the word games of abortion advocates.
- Albert Mohler discusses the inconsistency of outrage over sex-selection abortion in a society which accepts abortion for nearly any reason.
- The FRC Blog has a post examining the pro-life viewpoints of many founding fathers and presidents.
- Catholic Vote takes exception to opinion columnist Michael Kinsley’s statement that the Catholic Church is “one of the main impediments” to finding cures through embryonic stem-cell research.
- Ethika Politika dissects the words of Justice Scalia in his dissent of the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision.
- Jess Clark at Moral Outcry shares some thoughts about the open adoption of her youngest son, Tristan, and a visit with Tristan’s birth family.
- Generations for Life announces the upcoming Teen Speak 2011 with special guest speaker Linda Couri, a former Planned Parenthood worker.
I never understand that argument. How is infanticide any less abhorrent than abortion? How is it any less immoral? Legality aside and just focusing on the right and wrong of it, how is aborting a baby at 7 months okay but killing him upon birth 2 months later wrong? Its the SAME PERSON! The WHEN of murder doesn’t make it any less evil.
Yeah, its our fault. Prolifers are also responsible for global warming and the high price of gasoline.
Seriously, much of the blame for this horror show can be blamed on former Governor Ed Rendell, who, like many big-city Democrats, never met an abortion he didn’t like. Under his administration, inspections of abortion clinics were halted in the interest of political expediency. State and city officials looked the other way while innocent newborns were butchered and their mothers maimed.
Right now, I am ashamed of my city and my state.
The woman-haters at Abortioneers finally broke their silence, too, also blaming pro-lifers, because we have the nerve to oppose what Gosnell did every day. I didn’t see them investigating his butcher shop over the past twenty years. Up until a few days ago, he was their hero, right? Someone they said we should be applauding, for his selfless heroism?
Oh, what did Gosnell do to offend you, pro-aborts? What’s the reason you have turned your back on him, claiming we are responsible for his monstrous behavior? Was it his taking advantage of desperate women, or was it merely his getting CAUGHT at butchering them?!
I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised, since pro-aborts are in the habit of tossing people in the garbage whenever they get all inconvenient. They probably would have abandoned Gosnell’s side sooner if he had had a cleft lip or something.
For once in your lives, pro-aborts, take responsibility for what you’ve put into the world, instead of abandoning responsibility to other people and blaming them for what you have done.
Clarice said:
For once in your lives, pro-aborts, take responsibility for what you’ve put into the world, instead of abandoning responsibility to other people and blaming them for what you have done.
What an amazing comment…. True on so many levels…
Jill, I wanted to post on your entry about blog for choice day but couldn’t. I have added my voice to the masses. :)
Ah yes I see. If some of the mothers seeking abortions would have killed their children post-birth then it is acceptable to kill their pre-born children for them. Solid logic, that.
I am increasingly amazed at the heavy heavy word games employed by abortion advocates. One I hadn’t bothered to think much about before was “terminating a pregnancy,” wherein abortion rights groups compartmentalize the state of being pregnant from what it is that makes a woman pregnant (the baby).
Some good news, too, though! YAY, Teen Speak! YAY adoption! ^_^
The Abortion Gang were also the subject of my contribution to “What They Mean by ‘Choice'” Day. Those folks are so very out-of-step.
LoL, been “celebrating” Roe Vs. Wade on twitter today. I said something to get a rise out of them (as I’m wont to do, and it’s so easy, too!) and found something interesting.
I tweeted: “Wonder how my kid will feel about #abortion when she finds out her dad wanted me 2 get 1 when I was preg. w/her. Doubt she’ll b #prochoice”
And they FLIPPED!!! I was just LOL’ing my brains out, because they seemed so ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED at the thought of telling my daughter something like this, but not at the fact THEY’RE ADVOCATING IT SHOULD’VE BEEN LEGAL FOR ME TO HAVE HER CUT TO PIECES AND EXTRACTED FROM MY BODY. I’m sorry…but… WTF?!
X…I LOVE YOU! Thats an awesome tweet.
When my friend considered aborting her daughter but then went on to have her, I was there in the room shortly after she delivered her. Her mom (who had pushed and pushed for the abortion) held that baby absolutely in-love with her and with tears in her eyes said “We can NEVER tell her what we almost did!” and I thought WHY? You SHOULD tell her so that she grows up to defend life realizing her life had once been on the line on the altar of “choice”.
Mmmhmmm. As a matter of fact, I’m going to tweet that again. If it puts a bee in their bonnet, I must be doing something right. ;P
They were all like, “OMGZ, UR A BAD MOM!!!11” and I was like, “What’s a worse mom? One who would tell their kid that, or one who would actually have it done to their child?” No -real- answer, of course. I don’t think they fully consider the ramifications of their position.
Some commenters even suggested that the mothers would have committed infanticide against these babies if Gosnell had not done the deed for them.
Real high view of women they’ve got over at Abortion Gang, eh?
Now they’re hypothesizing that I am in fact prochoice trolling as prolife. I think they’re just not used to someone using their tactics against them. (sarcasm, humor, etc.) I’m having fun. :D
I really wish i didn’t have to share a birthday with Roe Vs. Wade. This is freaking depressing.
Happy Birthday, Xalisae!
Yes, there has been some really mind boggling spin coming from the anti-lifers.
This from an article posted by Vanessa at Feministing quoting from and expanding on a commentary by Jill at Feministe: “If this doctor delivered these infants, live infants that were breathing and then killed them? Let’s make something clear: That is not abortion.”
What else do you call it when you voluntarily terminate a pregnancy with the intention of ending the life of the child? Killing the baby inside the womb makes everything hunky dory? Lets see, abortion paid for and scheduled. (Cue anti-lifer applause.) Abortion procedure started. (More applause.) Move in for the kill. (Cheers. So far, full support for ending the baby’s life from the anti-life crowd.) Wait, there’s a botched procedure and in the time it takes for a living human to travel through the birth canal, these same people are rushing to this baby’s defense? Must make Gianna Jessen, Sarah Smith, Melissa Ohden and other abortion survivors feel much better knowing the pro aborts have no objection to their being alive.
Yeah, its our fault. Prolifers are also responsible for global warming and the high price of gasoline.
A pro-choicer stubbed his toe on his table leg yesterday? I did it. It was me, exercising my nefarious powers. Bwah, ha, ha. So nefarious.
I met a girl in college who mentioned once that her parents had gotten pregnant with her when they were newly-married grad students, and considered aborting her before deciding not to. “Well, it’s good that they thought about it,” another girl said. The girl in question agreed that yeah, it was good that her parens had considered aborting her. I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t quite believe that this girl thought it was good that her parents considered having her dismembered when she was a tiny little girl in her mother’s uterus. Just nuts!
Happy birthday + one day, xalisae! :D
Happy Birthday X!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Thanks guys. Back into the fray of the Twittersphere. >_<
Here’s another successful tactic. Use their own words against them. They mentioned that it was insulting for a woman to be “compared to a speck of uterine tissue”, to which I replied “only bigots are insulted to be compared to other humans.” They had no response. :)
Happy Birthday, X! :)
Happy Birthday Xalisae, I hope and pray you had a blessed day. Take care. I am so glad you are back.
How many more doctors like Gosnell are out there uninspected and therefore undetected?
I’ll bet there are more than a few.
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
Now is the time for every state legislature to pass laws to require unannounced inspections of all abortion clinics and other surgical centers. I mean even those facilities that butcher chickens and cows are subject to random unannounced inspections. Does that place an undue burden on the community’s ability to buy meats? No, but it does help catch those putting public health at risk. If the health dept can make it a priority to inspect those who butcher chickens, they can make it a priority to inspect those who butcher humans.