Quote of the Day 1-31-11
My goal is to shatter the illusion of objectivity far and wide, to affix a metaphorical consumer warning label on liberal news. Nobody should sit down to watch the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, for instance, expecting to receive “objective” information from a radical pro-abortion Upper West Side Manhattan liberal.
~Nicole Coulter, reflecting on her experience with media bias, Conservatives 4 Palin, January 28
The sad thing about this is that the liberal media simply does not see this as an issue of integrity.
I am reminded that evil has no rules of engagement. Anything goes. And of course truth is often the first thing sacrificed.
One of my politically liberal friends referred to abortion as a “minor social issue.” I have wonder at the irony of what he said. That’s the tough thing, when our own friends mimic the media and vice versa. We know they’re intelligent people, but why are they content to be sheeple about it?
Really, how many people watch the MSM anymore?
ninek I believe that this is the “official” position the media takes: abortion as a right is a given
In Canada, discussion about abortion is considered a hate crime by proaborts and many of the media because abortion is a basic right and therefore NOT open to discussion. Many Canadian proabort bloggers simply refuse to allow debate on their blogs for this very reason.
The US must never allow this attitude to take hold in the public sphere. Once debate and confrontation stop, there is no going back.
If they have accepted that prenatal homicide is a “basic right” they have accepted a total fallacy.
Prenatal homicide is a crime and cannot be a “right” by its very nature. This has clearly been demonstrated and proved beyond a reasonable doubt by our human rights movement.
The abortionists (pro-aborts, “pro-choice”, whatever you want to call them) are clearly clinging to an unsound position to satisfy their psychological needs, a position which has NO basis in biology or philosophy (or religion).