Second abortion clinic owner dies of breast cancer
Robin Rothrock, founder of the Hope Medical Group for Women 2nd trimester abortion mill in Shreveport, LA, 30 years ago, died of breast cancer on December 27 at age 60.
Rothrock became the 2nd abortion clinic owner to die of breast cancer in 2010.
On January 30, Susan Hill, owner of a small chain of abortion mills under the National Women’s Health Organization umbrella, also died of breast cancer, at age 61.
The sad irony pro-lifers will recognize is that abortion can cause breast cancer.
Although we don’t know whether Hill or Rothrock had abortions, the tragic paradox of their livelihood remains. Even a top National Cancer Institute scientist who previous disputed the ABC link admitted in a 2009 research paper abortion increases the risk of breast cancer by 40%.
Rothrock said God told her to open her abortion mill:
One evening, at a beachside bar in FL, she watched the sunset and prayed, “If I am supposed to go to Shreveport, show me this is the right thing to do.” A few minutes later, while using the rest room, she noticed some graffiti that said, “If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” That was enough of a sign for Rothrock. “God has a strange way of communicating,” she says.
Over the years Rothrock repeatedly butted heads with a pro-life Louisiana legislature, claiming to have sued the state 20 times “to counter superfluous politically and ideologically-driven efforts to reduce women’s access to safe abortion care,” according to Jodi Jacobson at RH Reality Check.
As recently as September 4, Rothrock’s mill was shut down for numerous health and safety violations, only to have a district court judge order it re-opened while the law by which the health department suspended the clinic’s license makes its way through court.
Rothrock developed an interest in art and opened an art gallery, Highway Grrls, in Melbourne, FL, in 2007.
Robin’s only son, Michael, has sadly requested that people donate to the Center for Reproductive Rights in lieu of flowers.
The administrator of Rothrock’s mill states it will “honor Robin’s legacy” by continuing to kill babies.
[Top photo via Our Bodies Ourselves; 2nd photo via the Shreveport Times; bottom photo via]

Her story of how God allegedly told her to open an abortion clinic is one of the more deadly abuses of the biblical model for decision making. Anyone who has actually read the Bible seriously will note that if God tells you something He doesn’t leave little hints or speak through pro-abortion graffiti. He is not that subtle. He tells us to follow his moral law (i.e., don’t murder!), to seek and ask for wisdom and to then use our personal preferences.
Oh, and He never contradicts his moral laws. It reminds me of the United Church of Christ “God is still speaking;” slogan, where they claim God is telling them that abortion, oxymoronic “same-sex marriage” and more are all swell with him. Oddly, though, while these people (and the abortionist above) don’t believe that God spoke accurately in the original writings of scripture, they think their personal interpretations are completely inspired. And oddly enough, God is only sharing these new revelations and contradictions to the Bible with theologically liberal westerners. Go figure!
The feminist-abortionists will die away only to be replaced by the environmental-abortionists. May God have mercy on their confused souls!
I can think of nothing more revealing of the pro-abort source of inspiration than graffiti on a bathroom stall. Kinda says it all.
Her story of how God allegedly told her to open an abortion clinic is one of the more deadly abuses of the biblical model for decision making.
How true Neil. What a devastating abuse of power. This woman obviously needed mental health care. Funny how proaborts believe prolifers that PRAY outside of kill mills are insane but turn around and fall for a crock like this.
God wasn’t communicating with Robin but Jack Daniels and Jim Beam sure were.
“she watched the sunset and prayed, “If I am supposed to go to Shreveport, show me this is the right thing to do.” A few minutes later, while using the rest room, she noticed some graffiti that said, “If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” That was enough of a sign for Rothrock. “God has a strange way of communicating,” she says.”
So does Satan.
Dr. Nadal, you crack me up with your comment. We must remember that Satan is pretty good liar and counterfeiter so if you think you heard a word from God while sitting on the loo check it out against His Word to make certain it is not the great liar speaking.
The whacko just wanted an excuse to kill children and found it on a bathroom wall. Worms, enjoy.
So if she was sitting on the toilet and saw graffiti that said “Robin, I the Lord God am the Creator of all human life and I know what I’m doing, thank you very much. You are NOT the creator of human life so you have no right to take it. I want to richly bless your life but you have to stop thinking you’re Me. Thanks.” would she then have run off and opened a CPC? She was greatly deceived.
There would be no more abortions and no fewer abortions if men got pregnant. Both men and women suffer from the sickness manifest in the choice to murder their babies.
It’s very sad to hear of women dying so young from a disease like breast cancer that might be prevented through better life choices. (Notice I use the word “might” since there are women who make very healthy choices throughout their lives and still get BC.) The Susan G. Komen Foundation currently has an article on their website about the possible link between obesity and breast cancer. Are they trying to deflect attention away from a possible breast cancer/ abortion link? Where’s their report on a possible BC/abortion link? Could their relationship with Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood have something to do with it?
The medical histories of woman who have had an abortion(s) followed by breast cancer need to be studied more (with their permission, of course,) for the sake of young girls who might follow in those footsteps. Is the temporary solution to an unexpected pregnancy through abortion worth the shortening of a woman’s life? And what about the grown children she leaves behind when she dies at age 45, 50, 60, etc…? We don’t know the medical history of pro-aborts, like Susan Hill, but maybe we should for our children’s sake.
“If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”
Is it just me, but haven’t feminists and liberals made abortion a sacrament?
What a sick, deceived, sad woman. She had more than breast cancer wrong with her.
You know what??? Men don’t get pregnant! Why do they always seem to think they know what men would do. Many men have integrity…unlike pro abort women!!!
I don’t think God spoke to her on the john………..satan did.
Thank you for recognizing that men have integrity, many of us moreso than pro-abort women.
Also, I agree that God didn’t speak to Rothrock on the can. It’s a bad place to attempt discernment, a place where a case of indigestion can lead to catastrophic decisions. Still, people tend to gravitate toward the place where their heart lies when seeking solace and direction…
We don’t know when our very brief time (compared to eternity) on this Earth will be over. How critical it is to make every day count.
I’m reminded of a quote by David Livingstone, a Scottish Missionary to Africa:
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
(For the excellent poem inspired by this quote and written by CJ Studd, Missionary to China, India and Africa, go here)
Tragically for Robin, it would seem that the Truth of the Gospel never took root in her heart. Her understanding was darkened by the lies she believed justifying her role in a conspiracy to kill precious children for profit. She may have genuinely believed that she was doing women a service (speaking of the mothers, not the little girls she killed). But as Sydney pointed out, she was totally deceived.
There is no evidence that she ever repented and renounced her sin. We can only hope that with her dying breath she called upon the Savior for mercy and forgiveness as a penitent sinner.
That would be the only way she could have washed the innocent blood from her hands and escaped an eternity in torment, seperated from God.
Men can’t get pregnant. But the most common cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. It often happens when a man doesn’t want to be a father and his wife or girlfriend refuses his demands to get an abortion. He kills her to prevent the baby from being born. To these men, abortion is a sacrement. It is more sacred than human life–born or unborn.
The pro-abort feminists are very careful NOT to stick up for the rights of these women to have their babies in peace. Those hypocrites have sold women down the river in so many ways it’s hard to count them all. Support Feminists For Life instead.
I wonder if she was greeted by all the children she killed.
great great comment Dr. Nadal.
My response to:
A few minutes later, while using the rest room, she noticed some graffiti that said, “If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” That was enough of a sign for Rothrock. “God has a strange way of communicating,” she says.
yeah, right. Cuz we all know God writes on bathroom walls. Good grief. :(
Hey Joe,
I’m thinking there is a very slight chance that she was fortunate enough to go to the same place her victims are currently being cared for. We can only hope that her conscience convicted her and she came to her senses and asked for mercy before she passed.
Jesus and His beloved disciple John taught us so much about the Love and Mercy of God. Unfortunately, they also were careful to warn us about His Holiness, our sin and its consequences, and our freedom to choose life or death.
“Weeping and gnashing of teeth” doesn’t sound very enjoyable.
What most people struggle to understand is how a kind, loving, merciful God could sentence someone to an eternity suffering the torments ordained for satan and his demons. God is holy and just, and He has decreed that the soul that sins shall surely die. None of us is perfect. At some point in our lives, we’ve all sinned before God.
But God made a way, through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, so that each of us could be forgiven, washed clean and made new - adopted into His Family by the mercy and grace of God.
But if we don’t repent, if we don’t turn from our sin, from living for ourselves to serve the Living God Who died and gave His life for us, we are destined for the same fate as the god of this wicked world.
The Heavenly Father allows us to choose whether or not we want to become part of His Family. He allows us to choose where we will spend eternity.
My friend's been diagnosed with cancer, and it is a very scary time for her, and her friends and family. Blogs like yours give us a chance to find out more about cancer, so that we can help her and her family through this very difficult period. Thank you and God Bless!
So, uh, “for a really good time”, we actually should call “Debbie”?
I’m sorry for women who die of cancer, that’s awful. But as for abortionists, I’m sorry too that they didn’t use the brains God gave them while they were alive.
MBC – I’ll pray for your friend!
I’m a bit upset by some of the comments in this thread. I’ve been raised not to speak ill of the dead, and I think the proper thing to do is to say a prayer for her and her family.
We can argue with people that are still alive, but the dead should be left alone.
I agree with you about not speaking ill of the dead, and for the foibles of ordinary, garden variety sinners this is a good admonition.
However, the deaths of those who practice murder for a living, who feed their families on the misery of others, becomes a teaching moment and a cautionary tale. The Gospels are not silent about the deaths of Herod and Judas. They tell us of their endings and caution us in so doing.
A potential Robin Rothrock may be reading this thread and be dissuaded by the grubby reality of her life, its inspiration, and ignominious ending. Such is the nature of witness and its power.
Amen Ed! God is not willing that ANY should perish… why every human being on this planet doesn’t get on their knees and take Him up on His offer of forgiveness is beyond me.
I am a sinner… but I have been cleansed and redeemed by the blood of Christ. Not by any church. Not by any preacher or priest. Not by good works but by Christ and Christ alone. Praise God!
Amen Sister Sydney M! I’m right with ya!
God is so good and loving and kind and patient and longsuffering. If He wasn’t, I’d be in a world of hurt.
I’m really starting to look forward to Heaven. I’ve read/heard it’s going to be awesome.
His Grace is Amazing!
Wow, I am very surprised by this post. I find this extremely offensive. Almost celebrating the fact that this woman died from breast cancer. I am pro-life, and there is nothing ironic about this. I see the point you were trying to make, but this is so wrong. My mother died of breast cancer, it is nothing something to patronize.
I invite you to engage with the commenters that you are completely offended by. Start a discussion with them and their “celebrating” a woman dying from breast cancer. Which I do not see.
I sincerely hope not.
Although I do not know I pray that my daughter who died in my abortion is not greeting abortionists when they die. Ugh.
Carla, I am not talking about the people commenting, although I am offended by some of that also. I’m talking about Jill’s post.
Chloe, you can also voice your concerns to Jill at the email address listed on her contact page:
I would just like to say that I think that joking about someone’s death and such comments as “enjoy, worms!” are what give both “Christians” and “pro-lifers” such an awful reputation. What happened to loving all people, even sinners, as I believe Jesus Christ made his life’s work?
I do not believe that anyone in this world deserves to suffer as they die and I do not believe that such suffering should be rejoiced, no matter the theories behind the death or the work the person did when they were living.
I feel like all of you should be ashamed of yourselves for the comments on this page. It is very easy to sit behind a computer and name-call and claim to understand God’s word, but for someone to actually go out and do what they truly feel will make a difference in the world despite bigotry and hatred – that takes courage.
I like to think that God is a kind, loving, humorous God. Not a vengeful, hateful God. How could someone put their faith into a God who punishes those he loves – and he truly loves ALL of his creations (even the sinners)? I choose to think that the God I know – the one who I speak to and who answers me daily – is grieving the death of one of his children, not high-fiving the saints and spouting “Good riddance!” to the angels.
I hope that for all of your sakes, God is a kind and loving God and not the vengeful, hateful God you are conjuring in the mind’s of people who read these disgusting words you have written.
It takes courage to kill innocent, defenseless babies in their mother’s wombs?
The God I know and love simply does NOT approve.
Also the commenter you would like to speak with would be Meghann, I believe.
I am guessing that the God you know and love is the same God that has absolutely no qualms about sending young people into war and allowing them to kill freely?
There are some people in this world who realize that the world is NOT black and white. There are gray areas and until you have thoroughly researched those gray areas, I’m afraid you and I have nothing to discuss.
So you came here to not discuss anything after throwing out your own version of who you believe God to be?
Again, Carla.
I think you just like to talk to here yourself talk.
I do not think you are well-researched on either the point of pro-life or pro-choice to even be involved in this forum.
Mallori, get off the computer and GO READ YOUR BIBLE. yes, God is loving. He is merciful. He extends mercy to us over and over and over and over even when we don’t deserve it. But don’t be a fool who believes in some wishy washy watered down version of God. God is HOLY. He CANNOT tolerate sin. There comes a point where his mercy runs out and judgement ensues. Read the stories in the old testament. This very same God who is loving and merciful is also the same God who told the Israelites to utterly destroy the pagan nations who sacrificed their children to Molech. He said to KILL THEM for the evil they insisted on doing. What does that say about our nation? I pray for God’s continued mercy towards America. I fear our time may be running out. Judgement is coming one day thats for sure. You do no one any favors by watering down God’s divine nature.
Now trot away with your nose in the air.
Hi Mallori,
I have been a moderator here for 2 years. I am also a post abortive mom. My abortion which I deeply regret was 20 years ago. I will spare you the list of prolife activities I am involved in.
I would like to hear your prolife or prochoice views, Mallori. And just what brings you here to Jill’s?
Don’t want to converse with me? That is fine.
Let me rephrase my last post.
Am I wrong to have been taught that God is a loving, caring, kind-hearted God?
Would you rather scare people into religion by making them think he is a vengeful, hateful being?
Mallori, would you rather fool people into thinking God is only love and there is no judgement of sin ever?
Satan disguises himself as an angel of light you know. He would LOVE for people to think God is so super loving He would never judge sin.
Having been linked to your website after I made the above off-hand comment, I can see that you are deeply involved in the pro-life effort. I also want to applaud you for speaking openly about your own experience with abortion. So many times, women are afraid to admit this and I can only imagine it was even harder for you, being involved in such an opinionated sector of society.
My main complaint with this forum is the hatred I see coming from people who claim to love life down to the very minute it begins – a small grouping of cells, even before the heartbeat has begun and such. Anti-abortion.
I understand. I get it.
But I don’t get why it is okay to obviously HATE a woman that you may disagree with – applaud her death and feel it was deserved?
Thank you, Mallori.
You would have to ask the other commenters who you see hating this woman and ask them. I do not speak for them.
Direct your next comment to a few of the ones that you see hating this woman and ask them why they commented as they did.
Mallori, no one is applauding this woman’s death. Jill is not applauding this woman’s death. Someone else already pointed out that the Bible described Judas and Herod’s deaths. It is a WARNING. We are taking notice that a woman who lived a very evil life has passed. Who is smiling? I’m not. Who is rejoicing? Its terribly sad. This woman might have used her life for such good but instead used it for evil. SAD.
You need to stop throwing your blanket statements around about how we are rejoicing or being mean blah blah blah. Back it up. Lets see a “for instance”. PLease.
For instance:
“The whacko just wanted an excuse to kill children and found it on a bathroom wall. Worms, enjoy.”
“What a sick, deceived, sad woman. She had more than breast cancer wrong with her.”
I do not believe that Jill is exactly rejoicing over the death of Robin Rothrock, but to write an article about her death and pair it with supposed evidence that there is a link between abortion and breast cancer is a definite play on the “eye for an eye” scripture which so many people grasp ahold of and yet never further investigate.
Hi Mallori,
I don’t know how much you’ve read on the abortion-breast cancer research, but here is a good compilation of the research and what it shows:
One person wrote something tactless and now you’re give “you guys” the whole lecture? I don’t think Jill is latching onto an eye for an eye mentality. I think the the fact that the very way this woman died is a disease linked to abortion is IRONIC.
(warning: graphic abortion language)
I am genuinely sorry that Robin Rothrock contracted cancer and died. I hope she had an opportunity to repent for her role in the dismemberment (while they were still alive) and murder of so many precious innocent children.
At the same time, I am ecstatic that the little vulnerable children we fight in defense of will not have this demon possessed monster scheming to maximize her profits by grinding up as many of their precious little bodies as she can like so much hamburger.
We’re talking about our children here! They are small, complete, whole, living children. They are exactly the size and shape they should be for their gestational age.
I’m sorry for using such graphic terminology but sometimes I wonder if it isn’t going to take language like this before America wakes up and stops killing her sons and daughters.
Again, Carla.I think you just like to talk to here yourself talk.I do not think you are well-researched on either the point of pro-life or pro-choice to even be involved in this forum.
Carla,Am I wrong to have been taught that God is a loving, caring, kind-hearted God?Would you rather scare people into religion by making them think he is a vengeful, hateful being?
Well Mallori, since you’re coming here (place) and accusing us of being ignorant then we should start by noting that Carla doesn’t like to “here” herself speak, as you assert. She may well enjoy having people hear (sense) her speak, but I try not to presume on such things.
As for a “supposed” link between abortion and breast cancer, there are well over 100 articles in top-tier, peer-reviewed scientific journals that say there is such a link. These articles are written by some of the most renowned epidemiologists and molecular biologists in the world. If you haven’t read this substantial body of literature, then you sound kind of ignorant to this scientist, who has.
As for God not being vengeful, again, your ignorance is on parade. We are told in both Romans and Hebrews “Vengeance is mine, says the Lord”. We are also told throughout scripture that God hates sin.
You are right about one thing. It does take courage to open an abortuary and slaughter babies in the second trimester. I couldn’t bring myself to part with my humanity like that. Call me a coward.
Welcome to Jill’s blog, where the denizens are far more informed, far more educated than you might have imagined. If I might offer some advice, God gave you two eyes, two ears, and only one mouth for a reason. Try following that for a few weeks here before your arrogant presumption about people like Carla leads you to swallow the other foot.
FYI, I consult Carla for advice because she has a knowledge and perspective that few in the pro-life movement have.