Robin Rothrock, founder of the Hope Medical Group for Women 2nd trimester abortion mill in Shreveport, LA, 30 years ago, died of breast cancer on December 27 at age 60.

Rothrock became the 2nd abortion clinic owner to die of breast cancer in 2010.

On January 30, Susan Hill, owner of a small chain of abortion mills under the  National Women’s Health Organization umbrella, also died of breast cancer, at age 61.

The sad irony pro-lifers will recognize is that abortion can cause breast cancer.

Although we don’t know whether Hill or Rothrock had abortions, the tragic paradox of their livelihood remains. Even a top National Cancer Institute scientist who previous disputed the ABC link admitted in a 2009 research paper abortion increases the risk of breast cancer by 40%.

Rothrock said God told her to open her abortion mill:

One evening, at a beachside bar in FL, she watched the sunset and prayed, “If I am supposed to go to Shreveport, show me this is the right thing to do.” A few minutes later, while using the rest room, she noticed some graffiti that said, “If men got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” That was enough of a sign for Rothrock. “God has a strange way of communicating,” she says.

Over the years Rothrock repeatedly butted heads with a pro-life Louisiana legislature, claiming to have sued the state 20 times “to counter superfluous politically and ideologically-driven efforts to reduce women’s access to safe abortion care,” according to Jodi Jacobson at RH Reality Check.

As recently as September 4, Rothrock’s mill was shut down for numerous health and safety violations, only to have a district court judge order it re-opened while the law by which the health department suspended the clinic’s license makes its way through court.

Rothrock developed an interest in art and opened an art gallery, Highway Grrls, in Melbourne, FL, in 2007.

Robin’s only son, Michael, has sadly requested that people donate to the Center for Reproductive Rights in lieu of flowers.

The administrator of Rothrock’s mill states it will “honor Robin’s legacy” by continuing to kill babies.

[Top photo via Our Bodies Ourselves; 2nd photo via the Shreveport Times; bottom photo via]

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