Save the Life Centers, our newest advertiser, is promoting a petition to combat the latest assault on pregnancy resource centers in NYC:

The NYC City Council Intro Bill #371-2010 is an outrage, which targets PRC’s with onerous, one-sided, unconstitutional speech regulations, and whopping, cruel and unusually harsh penalties.

These centers primarily provide free options counseling, clothing and material support, and in many cases free ultrasound and prenatal care, which no abortion facility in New York City provides.

This proposed bill would force the centers to advertise… that they do not perform abortions or provide referrals, distribute FDA-approved contraceptives or provide referrals, and post when a physician is not in house.

The penalties for failure to comply include being shut down for 5 days after 3 violations, stiff fines, and jail for up to 6 months for those who do not comply with the shut-down order….

At the only public hearing on this bill, November 16, 2010, hypocritically, abortion advocates accused alternative centers of targeting in minority areas. They complained of these centers opening near their longstanding abortion clinics in NY’s neighborhoods of color, which were opened long before alternative-to-abortion centers arrived.

Nationally, Planned Parenthood operates 78% of their clinics in inner-city neighborhoods. According to New York Vital Statistics data, in the last 10-yr period (1999-2008), of the 922,272 abortions performed, 726,845 (79%) were Black and Hispanic babies.

Watch this video about the EMC pregnancy centers:

Sign the petition here.

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