Sign the Save the Life Centers petition
Save the Life Centers, our newest advertiser, is promoting a petition to combat the latest assault on pregnancy resource centers in NYC:
The NYC City Council Intro Bill #371-2010 is an outrage, which targets PRC’s with onerous, one-sided, unconstitutional speech regulations, and whopping, cruel and unusually harsh penalties.
These centers primarily provide free options counseling, clothing and material support, and in many cases free ultrasound and prenatal care, which no abortion facility in New York City provides.
This proposed bill would force the centers to advertise… that they do not perform abortions or provide referrals, distribute FDA-approved contraceptives or provide referrals, and post when a physician is not in house.
The penalties for failure to comply include being shut down for 5 days after 3 violations, stiff fines, and jail for up to 6 months for those who do not comply with the shut-down order….
At the only public hearing on this bill, November 16, 2010, hypocritically, abortion advocates accused alternative centers of targeting in minority areas. They complained of these centers opening near their longstanding abortion clinics in NY’s neighborhoods of color, which were opened long before alternative-to-abortion centers arrived.
Nationally, Planned Parenthood operates 78% of their clinics in inner-city neighborhoods. According to New York Vital Statistics data, in the last 10-yr period (1999-2008), of the 922,272 abortions performed, 726,845 (79%) were Black and Hispanic babies.
Watch this video about the EMC pregnancy centers:
Sign the petition here.

It is all CPC’s in NY.
We also have other legislation pending here, The Reproductive Health ACt, S.2524 (Klein). Abortion would have no regulation or restriction, and Cuomo has promised to pass it.
NY needs lots of prayers…
If you’re not in New York, does your signature on the petition do anything?
… when a physician is not in house.
What is the rationale for this proposed requirement? Will they require that all counselors be physicians? Why not allow for communication by telephone (they must have heard of these in NYC by now) with a physician if it is desired? Requiring this is like requiring a health teacher in a school be a doctor! This seems to be just one more ridiculous requirement to “bring (the PRC’s) down”, as they said.
If it’s so darn expensive to live in NYC that 80 per cent of blacks can’t afford to raise babies there, why do they stay?
Marauder, that’s a good question.
I would add to the list of requirements for abortion facilities – that they be required to read the Safe Haven Laws to each woman who comes in for abortion.
Hopefully PRC’s are already doing this (if these laws exist in NYC).
@ Janet, the rationale is that often, the people who go to alternative centers don’t realize abortions aren’t offered, and find themselves in situations where anti-abortion activists try to dissuade them from making that choice. Alternative Centers often have misleading or ambiguous advertising that may make it sound as though abortions are offered. No one is trying to shut the centers down. They are just looking for more clarity.
Also, your comment about the black people that can’t afford children in NYC is both racist and insensitive and I find it deeply offensive. Some people can afford to live there, but can’t afford to have a child. Some people don’t have the means to move. Some might not WANT to move. In this economy it’s extremely difficult to make these decisions. Let’s not pass judgement on those we don’t know and avoid generalization.
“Do you do abortions here?”
“No, we don’t.”
And she walks out the door and into the arms of PP. Pretty simple.
Exactly. One more dead baby. One happy ex-mother. All is well in NYC. If I were offered all the tea in China, I wouldn’t move there. (Sorry to all the NYC-lovers out there.)
Kunoor Ojha,
More clarity? That’s quite an ambiguous way to describe it. Women deserve to know all of their options because that’s what choice is all about. Making abortion rare is everyone’s goal, right?
You are wrong when you say that no one is trying to “bring down” the PRC’s. You must have skimmed over that part of the video above. Check it out. Those are the man’s exact words.
I’m sorry if you feel offended by my comments, but it is a fact that 80% of black children in NYC are aborted. We can’t ignore the facts. The most common reason pro-choicers give to validate abortion is poverty. You seem to agree that’s acceptable. I don’t. I think women deserve better than abortion. They deserve the love of their children. They deserve to be loved in their old-age. They deserve ANY help that PRC’s can give them.
I would like more clarity when it comes to abortion.
Abortion mills should BY LAW show women the ultrasound pointing out all of the baby parts, explain fetal development and also describe exactly what happens to their baby during an abortion. Oh, and lets not forget to explain the risks after abortion.
It’s called informed consent.
Perhaps hang some posters of an aborted baby on their doors. Yeah. Tell the truth, PP or women might be mislead.
Right, Kunoor?
How many babies have died and their mothers wounded at Life Care Centers?
I say the abortuaries should have to post when a physician is not available, either. That would be all the time of course since no REAL DOCTOR kills babies!
“anti abortion activists” try to dissuade them from making that choice.
I do believe a fair amount of us here volunteer at Life Centers or are on the boards of them and many of us give our hard earned $$$ to keep them running.
I find what you wrote about us insensitive and deeply offensive. Let’s not pass judgement on those we don’t know and avoid generalization.
Kunoor Ojha,
Take your race card and get lost, if that’s all you’re about. That nonsense doesn’t intimidate me. You sound as ignorant as any person who has ever posted here, and probably because you are.
Janet’s point is well made and well taken. If it’s too expensive here, decency requires one to move, rather than kill their children.
Let me educate you, my ignorant, race-baiting friend.
The PRC’s of NYC do not engage in false or misleading advertising, and posting what we do not do on our doors is fine with me, so long as the City Council mandates that abortion centers post the following on their doors:
“The abortion that we are going to sell you has been documented to have done the following in women procuring their procedure:
Death due to severed arteries, septic shock, embolism, and anesthetic complications such as aspiration pneumonia.
Uterine scarring leading to placenta previa in future pregnancies.
Collapsed fallopian tubes from the force of the suction machine leading to infertility.
Damaged cervix, leading to weakened (incompetant) cervix in future pregnancies, which leads to extreme premature delivery resulting in death or cerebral palsy.
Damage to surrounding organs, including sucking the intestine through the vagina, requiring reconstructive surgery.
Infection, including pelvic inflammatory disease in 23% of women with chlamydia, because we will not follow gynecologic standard of care and test, then treat for STD’s prior to surgery (which takes a few weeks).
Hemorrhage requiring hospitalization and blood transfusion.
Embolism, Fever, Cramping, localized and generalized infection, etc.
Increased rates of suicide, domestic violence, breast cancer, depression, drug and alcohol dependence and abuse.”
Now, if the abortionists are willing to lead the way when it comes to truth in advertising, I say you have a deal. But somehow, I suspect that they will continue to lie to women, butcher them, take their money, and kick them to the curb.
As for the expense of living in New York City, plenty of women in communities of color raise children in the midst of poverty, aided greatly by WIC, food stamps, welfare, medicaid, the state children’s medical program, education programs free to those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder, etc.
As for sounding like a racist and looking like a racist, you could be the second coming of Margaret Sanger, who talked about poverty, minorities, and the need to eliminate children conceived in such circumstances:
From Sanger’s racist masterpiece, The Pivot of Civilization:
Page 28
Even if we accept organized charity at its own valuation, and grant that it does the best it can, it is exposed to a more profound criticism. It reveals a fundamental and irremediable defect. Its very success, its very efficiency, its very necessity to the social order, are themselves the most unanswerable indictment. Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease.
Those vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and to diminish the spread of misery and destitution and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil, are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents. My criticism, therefore, is not directed at the «failure» of philanthropy, but rather at its success.
Page 29 Statistics now available also inform us that more than a million dollars are spent annually to support the public and private institutions in the state of New York for the segregation of the feeble?minded and the epileptic. A million and a half is spent for the up?keep of state prisons, those homes of the «defective delinquent.» Insanity, which, we should remember, is to a great extent hereditary, annually drains from the state treasury no less than $11,985,695.55, and from private sources and endowments another twenty millions. When we learn further that the total number of inmates in public and private institutions in the State of New York?? in alms?houses, reformatories, schools for the blind, deaf and mute, in insane asylums, in homes for the feeble?minded and epileptic?? amounts practically to less than sixty?five thousand, an insignificant number compared to the total population, our eyes should be opened to the terrific cost to the community of this dead weight of human waste.
Organized charity is thus confronted with the problem of feeble? mindedness and mental defect. But just as the State has so far neglected the problem of mental defect until this takes the form of criminal delinquency, so the tendency of our philanthropic and charitable agencies has been to pay no attention to the problem until it has expressed itself in terms of pauperism and delinquency. Such «benevolence» is not merely ineffectual; it is positively injurious to the community and the future of the race.
Page 31 This rapid survey is enough, I hope, to indicate the manifold inadequacies inherent in present policies of philanthropy and charity. The most serious charge that can be brought against modern «benevolence» is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression. Philanthropy is a gesture characteristic of modern business lavishing upon the unfit the profits extorted from the community at large.
Get well soon, Kunoor. And next time, leave the race-baiting home. You’re not very good at it, look silly trying it, and don’t have the facts on your side in order to pull it off.
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“As for the expense of living in New York City, plenty of women in communities of color raise children in the midst of poverty, aided greatly by WIC, food stamps, welfare, medicaid, the state children’s medical program, education programs free to those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder, etc.”
Thank you for that reminder. Sometimes it’s difficult to appreciate the city that birthed the U.S. abortion industry, but I know there are many good things about NYC, from people like you. :)
I’d never read these words ( From Sanger’s The Pivot of Civilization). She hated philanthropic businesses and charities?? (How scary that the NYC council, in their fight against PRC’s, seems to be continuing her legacy.)
Lord have mercy on us all.
If the abortionists will not post signs about the true consequences of killing one’s unborn child, why not have our side place huge (and I mean really big, professionally designed) signs around and in front of the killing facilities doing just that?
How about having pro-life doctors in New York, volunteering their time, standing in front of these places, with white coats and stethoscopes, looking all official and medical, explaining to each mother the horrific side effects of child killing? How about making certain that every mother knows about the 300,000 women who have paid with their lives by contracting breast cancer since 1973 after killing their unborn children?
Kunoor Ojha
Of course they are trying to make it so CPCs have to shut down. Are they going to make abortion clinics put “truth” in their advertising by hanging signs? “Abortion may cause sterility, depression etc etc, there is a possibility of death, etc etc” No they are not
Lets be real here, are they concerned with the many law suits pending from women hurt by abortion in NY, or the deaths that have happened here? NO. Jessica Lapin the NYC Council member who introduced this legislation used to be a clinic escort…I can go on and on …some of the name s of CPCs here in NY
Expectant Mother Care
Sisters of Life
Bridge to Life
Life Center
Pregnancy Care Center
Amazing how they “trust” women to pick abortion but think they are so dumb that they wouldn’t know places with those name don’t do abortions.
Are abortion clinics going to post the truth on THEIR doors “The abortionist at this facility graduated last in his medical class. He has been disciplined 8 times. He has killed 5 patients and had improper intimate relationships with 3. His medical license was revoked two years ago two states over. This clinic was last inspected in 1995 and has no resuscitation equipment on the premises. Many of the people who will be assisting in your abortion have no medical training whatsoever. Good luck.”
Uh, what part of FREE ABORTION ALTERNATIVES is not clear?
I don’t know how effective petitions are. Maybe we should just boycott New York? I hate it there anyway!
Sydney M.,
I think elevator inspectors are more diligent in their duties than health inspectors of abortion clinics. (I’ve never seen an elevator with an expired inspection notice hanging on the wall.) It’s pretty darn sad.
“Uh, what part of FREE ABORTION ALTERNATIVES is not clear?”
Seems pretty clear.
Maybe they’d prefer to see signs like
or animal rights activists may prefer
Janet, isn’t that the truth. But women are “valued” and we tell ourselves we’ve come such a long way.
The judge ruled, in part, that the restrictions were unconstitutional, because they violated the First Amendment because the law created viewpoint discrimination.
The link below reports on the ruling today that should help us defeat the onerous, proposed Bill #371, discussed above, a proposed NYC law that would burden 23 NYC CPCs, including the sites of our EMC FrontLine Pregnancy centers, with signage, advertising and website restrictions similar to the Baltimore law just struck down.
This is a great development, and our lawyers will be analyzing how we can use it to defeat the proposed NYC law!
Excellent news, Chris!!!
Praying for NYC!!
Consider me Sweden, I have kept far, far away from the abortion debate for a lifetime, don’t subscribe to ANY organized religion & try my best not to step on any toes. I even keep straight down the middle in politics too. However, even I think this liberal squashing of alternatives to abortion mills (yep, that’s what they are; 1 after another, after another “terminated” pregnancy) to help decide to keep a child is just disgusting! I am sorry to say that the majority of the “life” centers where I reside are pitiful & make more promises than they can live up to, but at least the girls & women who go to them can get information & at least a little help before choosing abortions outright. NYC has become a liberal’s dream-land, where everything looks all bright & shiny, until you look closer & see it’s still the same old place, dirty & grungy, chock-a-block ridden with crime. Bloomberg needs to be ousted & someone who isn’t going to pander to just one side of the political spectrum is put in place. NYC keeps making ridiculous & fascist rules (go ask a NYC Cabbie) with politicians thinking they know better than everyone else as to how 1 should live, or in this case, “terminate a pregnancy.” (shakes head) Glad I live far away from that wasp nest.
Looking at the dirt Christina over at Real Choice, has on a lot of abortion clinics here and here, many clinics whom are members of supposedly professional organizatins, such as NAF and Physicians for Choice, their claims against pregnancy resource centers just seems petty and hypocritical.