The anti-choice assault in NYC against pregnancy care centers
This is Part II of Dr. Nadal’s 1st person account describing the attempt by pro-aborts in New York City to co-opt the life-saving message of pregnancy care centers. Read Part I here.
by Gerard Nadal, Ph.D.
In testimony before the New York City Council, and in meetings with legislators, I have delivered the following analysis of the NARAL and Planned Parenthood-backed bill:
It is anti-“choice.”
The truth of the matter is that PP and NARAL fear choice. The “right” to choose has morphed into the “obligation” to abort. They fear pregnancy resource centers precisely because we offer the hope, help, support, and resources they do not.
Councilman Dan Halloran forced PP to admit that it does not provide prenatal care but is primarily about contraception and abortion. In a word: Nihilism.
PP is the Seinfeld show of reproduction. It’s all about nothing: nonexistence and ending existence. What it is not about is parenthood. “Choice” is merely another of their many lies.
“Without more than one viable option on the table, ‘choice’ collapses into compulsion and coercion,” I told the Council. “Our existence guarantees that women actually have a choice.”
Many have been stunned and unable to respond to this linguistic speed bump. It’s a critical distinction, perverse as it may seem. In our pro-life efforts, we need to deconstruct the tangled ball of verbal engineering the other side has constructed, and that begins by taking the word “choice” away from them. They don’t believe in it, and therefore have no right to it.
It’s ours.
Of course we want abortion outlawed. Until that day comes, the reality is that women have a legal right to choose. What many lack is support, a vision of hope, and the knowledge of how many resources are actually available to them.
And that is why PP and NARAL so hate PRCs. We guarantee “choice,” the outlet for a woman’s natural desire to keep her child. They don’t want abortions to be “safe, legal, and rare.” They want them to be expedient, legal, and abundant. They have chosen New York State as their central front in this ongoing war and to make this legislation the template for a national assault on PRCs.
Join us by visiting our petition website to sign our online petition. At that link also find the legal brief written by the American Center for Law and Justice, listen to Laura Ingraham’s interview with Chris Slattery, and so much more.
We’re winning, and this is their desperation showing. Let’s commit to making this petition a statement of national consensus.
JLS note: In its 2010 State Legislative Session Report, released today, Americans United for Life observed:
Despite increasing attacks against prcs by NARAL and other abortion advocates, 3 states – Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Virginia – adopted resolutions commending the important and life-saving work of these centers.

Thank you so much Dr. Nadal for speaking out on behalf of the preborn.
As you pointed out Gerard, the lies and hypocrisy are so prevalent, it takes a while to unpack them all.
You would think with a name like Planned Parenthood they would immediately help mothers who come to them for assistance write out a plan to be ready when their child is born. Diapers, nursery, crib, onesies… Parents can either prepare their home to welcome the new child or prepare to give their child to adoptive parents for their child’s care.
The only plan PP pushes on parents of unintended children is kill the kid.
Like I said previously folks, if you want to help make a donation to your local CPC this year. It will surely be welcome!
Gerard – love the linguistic jiu-jitsu.
Will have to remember that when talking with pro-choice state reps.
I agree – we’re winning. Thanks for being a strong advocate in that fight.
Of course we want abortion outlawed.
Oh, goody. Women and their doctors in jail. That’ll teach em! But Dr. Nadal, what about the women who travel to enlightened states that maintain reproductive choice? How will you punish them?
We don’t punish women. We help them realize their natural inclination toward keeping their children. We do this through supporting her during and after her pregnancy in whatever way she needs support, which includes referrals for longer-term housing, food, etc.
Abortionists are the ones who need to go to jail.
Get well soon.
PLEASE, PLEASE get everyone you know on board with the petition as a show of national consensus. It takes two minutes.
God Bless.
We help them realize their natural inclination toward keeping their children
“Natural inclination” – And on what scientific basis to you establish that “fact?”
DD, Your biology teacher called, and she’s very disappointed. She said she explained mammals to you already. Have you forgotten, she wants to know, or did you think you came from spores?
DD it is a biological fact that women’s bodies are designed to conceive, nurture and birth babies.
I”m betting you’re a product of 20th century sex ed. ;)
You’re turkey baster puts you in an entirely different category.
That you glory in such behavior is the very definition of psychopathology. I’m discussing the natural inclinations of women unencumbered by such pathology, which distorts all reasonng.
‘Nuff said. Get well soon.
Troll on fire!
Sorry, that last post should open with Your, not “you’re”. I didn’t mean to imply that DD was her turkey baster.
LOL :-)
I saw this in Part 1: Blacks are down to 12.3% of the U.S. population in 2010, from 14.8% in 2000.
I have seen similar claims before, and this is not true at all. Black population of the US, from the US Census Bureau:
1960 10.6%
1970 11.1%
1980 11.7%
1990 12.1%
2000 12.9% (12.3% reported only black, as opposed to black and at least one other races)
2008 13.5% (The 2010 figures have not been officially released, that I could find.)
I used these sources:
Doug, it is with great pleasure that I inform you of your wrongness. I have heard with my own ears two different men saying that they encouraged their women’s abortions specifically because not only did they not want the babies, but “the world is overpopulated anyway.”
Not only that, but please read the book “Three cups of Tea” because the author specifically mentions the Taliban’s policy: They recruit young men, indoctrinate them, and send them back to their villages with express instructions to marry at least 4 women and have as many children as possible.
And, by the way, overpopulation is a myth. Abortion is nothing but murder for hire. Abortionists don’t care about the women who’s children they destroy, they only care about $$$$.
I’m not rewriting what I’ve already written. You admittedly use unpublished data, which are unpublished for a reason. I, on the other hand, have used and linked to the published Census Bureau data.
Your apologia and dismissal of the facts are profoundly disturbing. You cannot escape the fact that PP operates 78% of its “clinics” in inner city neighborhoods, mostly black. 78% of their clinics brought to bear on 12.3% of the population, and you dismiss this and defend these monsters.
Have you no shame?
You know I find that people who are Pro-Choice, some of them or should I say most of them, really have no clue on abortion procedure itself. I have talked with many people that have argued facts with me, but when I explain or show them medical fact on what 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester abortion is, they have that deer in the headlights look and then with a comment of “they really don’t do that!”. Well my friends, yes they do that and more. When I tell them about Partial Birth abortion & those medical facts, some comments are:
“are country would not allow that to happen” Well, let us take the blinders off and really see what abortion looks like. It hurts women and men. Not to mention it is taken the life of another human(the unborn baby).
We had protesters in front of the pregnancy center I work at and I asked one of them “Why are you protesting?” Her reply was “You don’t share all the options with your clients.”
I said to her “Why yes we do and did you know that I am Pro-Choice!” This girl whirled her head and looked at me with amazement. But then I said “My choice is Life”
Her response to that was “That is not a choice!”
I thank God everyday for my restoration and healing of my past 3 abortions. YES, it hurts women!!!!! Go to Silent No More or Operation Outcry, tell me that it does not hurt women and men.!!