web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • In Canada, the Carleton University student association has upheld its decision to ban the university’s pro-life club.
  • A federal judge has struck down a Baltimore city ordinance which required crisis pregnancy centers to post signs saying they don’t perform abortions:“Whether a provider of pregnancy-related services is ‘pro-life’ or ‘pro-choice,’ it is for the provider – not the government – to decide when and how to discuss abortion and birth-control methods,” [U.S. District Judge Marvin J.] Garbis wrote. “The Government cannot, consistent with the First Amendment, require a ‘pro-life’ pregnancy-related service center to post a sign.”

    The Center for Reproductive Rights is planning to appeal.

  • The Delaware Family Policy Council is calling on U.S. Attorney Charles Oberly to launch a federal investigation into the DE abortion clinics which were recently dropped as members of the National Abortion Federation:Council President Nicole Theis said Dr. Arturo Apolinario – whose listed phone number on several medical websites is the same as that for Atlantic’s Wilmington clinic – has let his controlled-substances license expire, meaning he could be in violation of federal drug laws if he has prescribed or administered any of the drugs since June 2009….

    Theis added that Apolinario is the only doctor other than Gosnell who her organization knows is associated with the Atlantic clinics.

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