Oops, they did it again: Planned Parenthood caught enabling sex traffickers in second Live Action investigative video
Read Live Action’s press release here.
The angle the other side will pursue, according to a friend of mine who Media Matters interviewed:
1. They want to know what we knew and when we knew it, attempting to demonstrate some sort of conspiracy. Whatever. The sting was only conducted 3 weeks ago. What the Left is merely seeing is pro-lifers banding together against the ghastly abortion business that is Planned Parenthood.
2. They are focusing on a “deception” angle, as if this is the first investigative journalism done in the history of the world. Bob Woodward anyone? Typical attempt to shoot the messenger.
Rather, Planned Parenthood for a 2nd time has been exposed as a human sex trafficking enabler that has no problem servicing pimps of illegally smuggled and adolescent sex slaves in order to keep the business operation humming. Reciprocation….
Full footage of sting available here.

It’s confidential, it’s confidential, it’s confidential… Oh, by the way, all the strippers at Paper Moon come here.
Oh Kimberly, I think you should start looking for another job….
The issue of judicial bypass cannot be overstated.
Many teens work in prostitution and their parents are oblivious. That’s because not all prostitutes are streetwalkers, but are managed through outcall services. The fastest way an unsuspecting parent would discover this is when the girl gets pregnant.
These notification and consent laws are designed to aid parents in discovering the abuse and exploitation of our daughters, and as Kimberly, the worker in the video stated:
“So for someone who’s a minor, that’s a really good option (judicial bypass). We do ‘em probably once or twice a month here… We’re pretty good at handling if someone, you know, doesn’t want someone else to know or doesn’t want their parents to know.”
Welcome to the filth and disease that is Planned Parenthood.
Come on Gerard,
Certainly this tape is edited and the PP employee is just playing along so as to help catch these perps. She’s an exception and not the rule…well maybe except for that one in New Jersey.
Care to comment joan and Megan????
I don’t know about this one. I don’t see exactly where the aiding and abetting is coming from. I know that the PP clinic worker doesn’t noticably react to the age or illegal prostitution, but the VA video doesn’t go into the same detail as the NJ video. I don’t see her encouraging the prostitution. Going by voice alone (and on a much lower quality audio/visual than the NJ video), I hear some stress/nervousness in the clinic worker’s voice.
I mean, the NJ video is a very high threshold to meet, but here are a few of the differences I see outright:
1) NJ- encourages the 14-15 year olds to come in and lie about their ages and the ages of “boyfriends” to get around laws; VA- No encouragement about falsifying records
2) NJ- discusses how long to get back into sex work after an abortion and what to do in the meantime; VA- video doesn’t even go there.
3) NJ- Provides an alternative that has looser standards and will look the other way; VA- clinic worker is very knowledgable about VA abortion law and mentions that later abortions must take place in DC or MD, which is true. Clinic worker also doesn’t recommend any places that have looser standards.
I mean, my overall impression is that the NJ clinic manager quickly built a rapport with the pimp and his lady, and thus shared a lot of information that speaks to how PP operated there. This visit seemed a lot shorter, a lot less detailed, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this clinic was one that passed the visit up the PP chain of command.
Now, just to be clear- I support Lila and LA and think they do a pretty good job overall. However, I don’t see overall what the clinic worker did *wrong* here legally. Mandated reporting of sex crimes does not mean a clinic worker must rush out of the room to call 911 as soon as the pimp says he has some illegal 14-15 year-olds. If the clinic worker sees danger for the girls, I could see more value in gathering as much information as possible to pass on to the police, including forms filled out, getting license plates copied down as the pimp leaves peacefully, etc. While PP is a major enemy to life and I look forward to the day that Sanger’s Sex Shop closes forever, that does not mean that every accusation against it is valid and true. I think LA overreached on this one.
It’s confidential, it’s confidential, it’s confidential… Oh, by the way, all the strippers at Paper Moon come here.
Yeah, that was my thought too.
Curious to know what “to be continued” is…
Do you know if the PP worker at very least notified the authorities? I would think she had an obligation to do this, as any of us would. OK let’s say she wanted to gather info. I would give her the benefit of the doubt if it was certain she picked up the phone the minute these perps left and there is a documented police report of her call.
Gerard, I agree with you on judicial bypass- it is a major issue, and it is sad that PP of Richmond does this once or twice a month. However, in this video, does the judicial bypass discussion enable the pimp?
Judicial bypass decisions, due both to the age of the petitioners and the nature of the topic, aren’t disclosed publicly, I assume. But does anyone know what percentage of bypass petitions are approved? Are there cases in which a perp is caught because the judge involved in the bypass is a little too suspicious of “nice Uncle Dan” who is helping his 15 year-old niece get an abortion because she’s too afraid to tell her parents? I don’t know.
Pro’aborts say that in such a situation, they would go along and then leave to phone the police. Which is the proper thing to do.
Some say, they can´t do anything until they have evidence of a girl. I wonder if Lila should of have done her investigation more slowly and gone back with an 18 girl posing as a 15 year old, to see what they would have done. Especially the NJ manager. This would have eliminated the present criticism especially if they would have done it more slowly. They might have been stopped quicker however.
I also wonder what would have happened if the police actually showed up to arrest them.
This video, shows PP willing to skirt the parental consent laws. The judicial bypass should be eliminated. If a child is in danger from their parents (Muslim and Asian most likely) parents, there can then be a police report and observation of the family. This video mostly shows that abuse of judicial bypass.
This should have required an immediate call to the FBI.
Planned Pimphood of America – once or twice a month?
It’s time for us to seriously start demanding our Congressional representatives defund PPA.
This is ridiculous.
Gerard Nadal said: That’s because not all prostitutes are streetwalkers, but are managed through outcall services.
It’s to the point where there are almost no streetwalkers at all. The latest MO is to do a road-trip using digital connections for johns and being a mule for drugs. Workin their way up and down the coast.
Incredibly sad.
Gonna be fun to watch the borts start all over again today defending their crumbling empire. Think I’ll make some popcorn and enjoy the show.
Hi Chantal,
Good points. If they did indeed call police there would be a record. If they present this documented proof that they took action then they have a leg to stand on and Lila has egg on her face. All they would have to do is ask police to present proof of their call to put the kabosh to all of this. So, we’re waiting…..
I wonder if they went too quick with their questions, with this one. It seems to be one of the later ones which probably blew their cover.
Kelsey 10:17 – I know, right? Wow… so much for that HIPAA law!
Mary, I don’t know if the cops were called. The video doesn’t say so, either. Past LA stings have researched and revealed if mandated reporting requirements weren’t met. Not so with this video.
In addition, what information is there to provide to the police? Did the man ever provide a name/address/phone number? Were there any references to names/locations where this pimping would take place? What information would there be for a police report to be completed? ”A man whose name is unknown, address is unknown, age, unknown etc. reported running an sextrafficking ring that involves an unknown number of multiple underage illegal girls from an unknown country?” The police might not even file a report if you can’t give any specifics.
Is this visit even covered by mandated reporting? In VA, the statute states that mandated reporters must, “in their professional or official capacity, have reason to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child, shall report the matter immediately to the local department of the county or city wherein the child resides or wherein the abuse or neglect is believed to have occurred or to the Department’s toll-free child abuse and neglect hotline.” If the clinic worker suspects the visit is a hoax, is a report required? (By the way, does the pimp even go through with the STD testing he came in for? If not, I as a worker would be suspicious about the veracity of the visit.)
In addition- from the VA code (§ 63.2-1509), “If the information is received by a teacher, staff member, resident, intern or nurse in the course of professional services in a hospital, school or similar institution, such person may, in place of said report, immediately notify the person in charge of the institution or department, or his designee, who shall make such report forthwith.” This clinic worker may have reported it up the chain to a supervisor who should have reported the visit. I don’t know, but neither do you.
My point is this. There is a lot to legitimately criticize and sting PP for. Therefore, we need to make sure that when accusations are levelled, all the “i”s are dotted and “t”s are crossed. Weak videos like this one make it easier for PP to explain away ones like the NJ video.
So no word yet from Kushiel’s Moon and her buddies about the unfairness of it all and all the good PP does for society? Where are all the prochoice blowhards when their heroes need them most? Are those crickets I hear? LOL.
It’s sad when this sort of thing becomes expected. It is unconscionable that there is not outrage from the feminists. But again, expected.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for the response. The point is though that PP could have reported this man the second he left the place, whether it was the employee or her supervisor. What the police do with the info is up to them but PP at least did their duty.
Its like if you notice suspicious activity at a neighbor’s house while they are away for the evening. You may not see or hear anyone, but there’s reason to suspect something suspicious. Your reaction? You call the police. If its a false alarm, fine. If not the police will handle it. Whatever, you did your duty in calling the police.
There would be documentation if a report was called in. My brother was a cop so I have the inside on some of this :) PP could point to this police documentation of a call and put the kabosh to this whole thing. Sure we were just playing along until someone could notify authorities. Lila and Co. have egg on their face.
I understand your point about the videos. My point is PP can put the kabosh on this whole thing by simply providing proof they immedicately notified the police. If they didn’t its going to be a problem, whatever the videos.
Just for argument’s sake:
Your 14 and 15 year old daughters start working for a pimp, turning three tricks per week, and are using the money to have a great time at the mall on weekends with their friends. Neither you, nor your wife suspect a thing.
Your daughter gets pregnant because the condom broke, or slipped, or leaked, or whatever. Unbeknownst to you, she was brought to Kimberly at PP, and a judicial bypass was arranged, because PP told her what she needed to say. Later that night, after the abortion, the 15 year old comes to you in a panic telling you that her sister is “real sick”.
In fact, she’s been hemorrhaging all afternoon and evening and needs to be transfused. In the hospital, the 15 year-old comes clean. Will you call the police not only on the pimp, but on PP who helped your child circumvent the law designed to catch her predators?
That’s what happened here. Kimberly told a pimp who admitted that he was trafficking 14 and 15 year-old girls exactly how to skirt the parental notification laws in her state.
Think about that for a moment.
She was aiding and abetting a child sex-trafficker, telling him how he could obtain an abortion for one of his child prostitutes in a manner that would protect him and his entire operation. She then further counseled him about how he could obtain later term abortions in Maryland and DC. In giving the pimp such counsel, she willingly educated him about protecting his entire operation, which means she not only helped to ensure the sexual degradation of the one child who gets pregnant, but does so for all of the children in this pimp’s operation.
Even if one were a committed pro-abort and Planned Parenthood clinician, cannot one draw the line at giving counsel to a child sex trafficker on how to protect himself by keeping a child’s parents in the dark?
The appropriate response would have been:
“I’m sorry, but Planned Parenthood does not cooperate with pimps who traffic in children. Please leave.”
As said on Media Matters:
So here’s what we know: (1) Some Live Action people went undercover allegedly posed as a pimp in prostitute in various Planned Parenthoods around the country. (2) Later on, Planned Parenthood reported to the FBI that they had heard information regarding a possible sex trafficking ring.
All this video does is confirm (1) without telling us anything about (2) one way or the other. So remind me again why we’re supposed to be so worked up about this
Actually, on this one, she may actually have reported something to somebody as soon as those two walked out the door.
From the Washington Times article about when PP called the FBI: “The visits were made between Jan. 11 and Jan. 15 to health centers in Virginia, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Washington, D.C., and Arizona.”
This video says that this particular undercover op occurred on January 12, which is in the appropriate range of dates. So we can conclude that there is a reasonable chance that PP knew, as a company, about this visit in particular and did, eventually, report it to national law enforcement prior to the release of the films. And the likeliest source of information on this particular visit would be Ms. Kimberly
What we don’t know is if Kimberly reported this visit to law enforcement or her superiors. If it was only to her superiors, that’s absolutely unacceptable. We also don’t know if she really picked up on the implications of what the “pimp” said here until afterwards, as she seemed more focused on answering specific questions than she did on why someone would be asking those questions in the first place. That would certainly make her a bit of an idiot who can’t see past the end of her nose, but to her credit (such as it is) she seems to be very serious about complying with the laws as they are established, and is only willing to exploit loopholes that are legal and are exploited in a legal manner. We also don’t know if she reported anything at all until the grapevine started humming. We’ll see, on this one, what comes out as the story progresses.
Obviously, she’s not Amy Woodruff, who wanted to help the sex trafficker’s business. She may be acting out of a wrongheaded but well-meaning concern for these young girls who might need treatment for STDs, which may or may not be lethal. None of which will let her off the hook if she didn’t call the cops, but I don’t think Ms. Kimberly is quite the same embodiment of evil we saw in the first film.
antilifers on twitter are now circulating a rumor that Planned Parenthood is getting bomb threats due to Live Action’s expose-they’re getting desperate, folks. LOL. Pass the popcorn.
Lila Rose is getting death threats as well. I need a Coke.
CC and Alice
PP finally calls the FBI to report visits in a certain time frame. They probably finally caught on to what was going on. Did they take immediate action and if not why not?
Why were authorities not notified until after several visits over an extended period of time?
Had PP immediately phoned police their call would have been logged. There would be a record of the call. If a car was dispatched to PP for more info, there would be a record of the dispatch, the police would log the visit and fill out a report. Put simply, there would be an abundence of documentation that PP did their civic duty. They would be off the hook. Whether Kimberly is saint or sinner is irrelevant.
Most of us start by calling police. If bigger guns like the FBI or the ATF have to be called in the police determine this and make the call.
A good analogy is a hit/run accident. A drunk may have staggered in front of your car and you are completely innocent. Report it and you will likely get off the hook. Leave the scene and not report and you will face some serious charges.
Until PP shows documentation, we have to assume they did not take the appropriate and immediate action and this is what is going to hang them. If they show documentation to the contrary, they are off the hook.
My prayers are also with Ms Woodruff. Many people like her eventually became pro-life. There is always hope. Please do not call her the embodiment of evil; what she did was wrong, but there is hope for her yet.
If all reporting procedures were followed, why did Amy Woodruff get fired?
What could she have done wrong, if she was just acting?
I wish a PP supporter could give some rationale for why Amy deserved to be fired.
@Mary: I’m not trying to say Kimberly acted correctly if she did not call the police. Obviously that’s not the case. I’m pointing out that she might have called the police, but we don’t know yet whether she did or didn’t. If documentation saying she did doesn’t surface within the next two or three days, she probably did not. But, even if she didn’t, she doesn’t strike me as having achieved the same level of horribleness as Woodruff. Not because she necessarily did things right, but because she didn’t do as many things wrong. And certainly not as gleefully wrongly as Woodruff did them.
Hi Alice,
I understood your point about Kimberly. Since I combined my response to include both you and CC, the points I was making overlapped. My argument is that this whole thing could be easily resolved by showing the documentation and I can’t understand why PP doesn’t, unless of course there is none. That is what will get them into big trouble.
Mary Ann 1:43PM
Mary Ann, that is the question, isn’t it? If the woman in NJ was just playing along and she called the police/FBI later, why was she fired? Why are the other pro-aborts throwing her under the bus? If she blew the whistle on sex traffickers, then she’s a hero and shouldn’t have been fired, right?
Let’s see what happens to Kimberly. If she gets fired, too, then the pro-aborts will have to come up with some other excuse. Or, they’ll just pretend it never happened.
Tangentially related, but another pro-lifer was just the victim of death threats:
“Tolerant” “progressives” protesting against the Tea Party apparently want Justice Clarence Thomas to be “put back in the fields”, tortured, and/or hanged. Now imagine if a member of the Tea Party had called for a black man to be enslaved or lynched.
I thought this kind of “violent rhetoric” was supposed to be done away with in the wake of the AZ shooting?
Most of us start by calling police.
Yep. And I dare say, most of us would do our best to call BEFORE this guy left the premesis. We’d try to keep him talking until the cops got there. At that point, they can take over and determine how to best proceed to assist the alleged victims.
she didn’t do as many things wrong
If she didn’t alert local authorities ASAP, then she failed to do EVERYTHING IN HER POWER to attempt to free young girls from a self-reported trafficker. That may be just one thing, but it’s a pretty serious thing to overlook. A lot of us could lose our license or face serious reprimand/suspension for that kind of thing. And rightfully so.
this whole thing could be easily resolved by showing the documentation
Yes. Which is why most mandated reporters I know document date, time, dispatcher’s ID, etc when making the call. That way there’s documentation on both ends that a notification was made.
Hi FedUp.
Excellent point about two way documentation. You can never be too careful.
Hi John,
Given the history of the Democrat Party is this any surprise? After all didn’t Bill Clinton suggest Obama, after winning the nomination, would have been serving him and Hillary their coffee the year before? Then there’s that old ex-klansman who spent years in the senate. That was ahhh…oh yes a Democrat. Robert Byrd.
Darn if only he had be a Republican. But then, Republicans couldn’t join the klan,
only Democrats.
“So here’s what we know: (1) Some Live Action people went undercover allegedly posed as a pimp in prostitute in various Planned Parenthoods around the country. (2) Later on, Planned Parenthood reported to the FBI that they had heard information regarding a possible sex trafficking ring.
All this video does is confirm (1) without telling us anything about (2) one way or the other. So remind me again why we’re supposed to be so worked up about this”
Okay CC/Artemiserable/DD.
Here is your case study in Decency 101 for the day.
1. Pimp Comes to PP.
2. Pimp says he is sex trafficker of children.
3. Pimp asks for assistance in keeping his human livestock healthy so that he may exploit them to the fullest, most profitable extent.
1. Tell pimp that Planned Parenthood does not work in conjunction with vermin (odd, I know as this is a distinction without difference).
2. Tell pimp that Planned Parenthood cares for the well-being of children (another lie, but it sounds good).
3. Tell pimp that Planned Parenthood adheres to the highest ethical standards of medicine (should be practiced in front of a mirror until the line can be delivered with a straight face).
4. Call police immediately after pimp has left premises and turn over security camera footage.
5. Don’t wait until Planned Parenthood ascertains whether this is a national sting by Lila Rose, as it may be a real local pimp, using real local girls, or imported slaves.
I know that this is too much red meat for a woman who glories in having killed her own child and having facilitated the death of her own niece or nephew by driving her sister-in-law to an abortuary.
But try to see it through the eyes of parents who actually care.
“Your 14 and 15 year old daughters start working for a pimp, turning three tricks per week, and are using the money to have a great time at the mall on weekends with their friends. Neither you, nor your wife suspect a thing.”
[Insert Cranky Catholic’s anti-PP poster of two lily-white Jon-Benet Ramseys]
This image is so divorced from reality. Girls who get into the business are typically poor children of color from broken homes and with prior history of sexual abuse. For a former Covenant House employee and self-proclaimed 21st century abolitionist, you sure do sound naive, Dr. Nadal. But it’s more fun to prey on the fears of middle class white parents–those whose daughters are LEAST likely to be lured into the sex industry.
The fact is that nobody cares about these street kids. Law enforcement officers certainly don’t protect them–they arrest the underage along with the old pros and try to ship them back to their [broken] families, who often could care less. Oakland, California: hotbed of youth sex trafficking, and *nobody* can seem to figure out an effective way of cracking down on the pimps and johns. It’s easier to blame the woman, the GIRL, and pretend it will never happen again as long as she’s off the street.
So please, enough with the dramatic rescue politics. Community health workers know they’re working on unstable terrain. Adolescents deserve healthcare, first and foremost. Second, let’s be real. A community health clinic employee knows that sex workers are an extremely stigmatized population, and that cops often punish girls and women instead of going after pimps and johns. Plus, if a girl’s poor and doesn’t have parents who care about her, who is going to be her advocate? Most likely there ISN’T a mother or father willing to come down to juvie to take her back home and tuck her in bed. And then what?
Oh, and by the way: this video doesn’t show anything incriminating. Big ‘ole glorified nothing. Thanks, Lila, for making yourself look foolish once again.
Well, I know who isn’t going to be her advocate: the oxymor who thinks it’s perfectly OK to keep exploiting these young people. Oh golly gee, they’re going to be exploited anyway, let’s make sure to give them birth control and kill their children, after all, golly gee, nobody cares about them anyway, and stupid ole LiveAction just keeps getting in the way of everyone’s good time!
Let’s make that a tenner for Lila from MEGAN. Just cuz.
So Megan, if “Kimberly” ends up getting fired due to this “nothing” video, I’ll expect you to come back here and eat your words. Preferably with some ketchup.
If children deserve healthcare, first and foremost, then let us shut down these Planned Parenthood mills and give the 300 million a year to some organization that actually will provide healthcare instead of giving legal advice to pimps.
Looks like the new ‘sex slaves for choice’ defense of PP is
‘move on, folks, nothing to see here, no big deal’.
Are these the same people who had a very big problem with the abuse cover-up of other children, by another big institution?
Either minors who are being abused deserve protection, or they don’t. Which is it?
And if these videos prove nothing, and proper reporting procedure was followed, why was Amy Woodruff fired? Where are any prochoicers who support her? Or is it groupthink that PP can do nothing wrong?
These videos bring lots to light about the priorities of prochoicers. Why not just say that PP has acted wrongly? Would that really bring down the whole position? Or is it that sex slavery doesn’t bother them enough to criticize PP?
MaryAnn, are you implying that if PP employees had clerical collars and honored Il Papa, that maybe the pro-choicers might be a tad more angry? Things that make you go hmm… Lol! It’s true that the Catholics have endured a scandal. And it looks to be true as well that pro-choicers are very selective when it comes to getting angry about the real or possible exploitation of minors. Hypocrisy, thy name is pro-choice.
“I know who isn’t going to be her advocate: the oxymor who thinks it’s perfectly OK to keep exploiting these young people.”
Unlike you I’m a realist. I know that that women and girls in the sex industry and are a highly vulnerable population. And I also know that our legal system hardly works to the advantage of sex workers. Your white slavery hysteria is sickening, honestly. I almost wish these clinic workers had called the cops on the spot–then we could see behind the scenes, see these girls dragged off to juvie in handcuffs and made to wait in a cell while their (non)parents were notified of their daughters’ bad, bad behavior. But no. Let’s demonize the people who provide health care to these women instead of a flawed legal system that ends up punishing women in the industry and not the johns and pimps who exploit them.
Do you even get it? If everyone had access to affordable health care, you wouldn’t even have a PP to “raid.” There would be no need for Title X, or community health clinics.
Also, Lila Rose didn’t uncover anything. Newsflash: there WAS no sex ring, no matter how you people talk this sick fantasy into reality. Lila Rose was not on the streets of Oakland, putting her own safety on the line to understand the world of sex trafficking. She didn’t talk to any former sex workers. Her cronies played dress-up and posted part of an Iphone video to the Web. Good thing this little media starlet has the support of fools with deep pockets, because no respectable publication would be welcoming of that dross.
But Megan, if Amy Woodruff indeed reported everything and did everything after the video right, why did PP fire her?
Don’t you support Amy?
And how is promoting abortion doing anything to end sex slavery? What are you doing, Megan? So far you’ve only defended PP and criticized Rose. What are you doing to help free minor sex slaves and prostitutes from their pimps? Your plan just sends them back for more abuse. I’m not impressed.
Rose has done much more than you to shed light on the real problems of sex trafficking and sex slavery. She implicates PP in the process, and that’s what bothers you.
Meanwhile, minors continue to be abused, and prochoicers have no solution other than finding ways to keep them where they are. Enablers, isn’t that the term?
So please, enough with the dramatic rescue politics.
You willing to lead by example?
Community health workers know they’re working on unstable terrain.
So that makes it ok to turn a kid back onto the street or back with their abuser?
Adolescents deserve healthcare, first and foremost.
Healthcare and referral to appropriate authority are not mutually exclusive. What’s the first thing that typically happens after CPS or the cops intervene? The kid (unless there’s an extreme degree of uncooperation) gets a medical screening and appropriate care. To suggest that medical care is not provided after cps or cops are involved is simply not true. At least not in my jurisdiction.
Second, let’s be real. A community health clinic employee knows that sex workers are an extremely stigmatized population,
So you lessen stigma by treating an STD but ignoring abuse? Doesn’t that send the message that the kid is worth antibiotics but not worth the effort it takes to address the larger problem? If you believe it’s futile or you presume to know the outcome of contacting authorities, isn’t it prejudice (against the cops) on your part that keeps you from doing all you could for someone you’ve already identified as stigmatized? You’d have us believe that your prejudice is more noble than other aspects of stigmatization these kids have faced?
and that cops often punish girls and women instead of going after pimps and johns.
After contacting law enforcement, why wouldn’t you make a cps or other referral to get an advocate for the young girl? You are only telling part of the story. I agree with you that kids need health care and circumstances are sometimes not ideal for them to access services. But to suggest that medical care (unless life threatening) should take precedence over the opportunity to rescue a child from a trafficker strikes me as incredibly callous. I hope you never accuse prolifers of not caring about children after they’re born!
It’s true that the Catholics have endured a scandal.
Ninek, the part the proaborts never acknowledge is that the Church has a plan in place to address the safety of children. We have yet to see that from PP.
After contacting law enforcement, why wouldn’t you make a cps or other referral to get an advocate for the young girl?
“Advocates” are appointed by the courts. They’re called “guardians ad litem.” Usually, they’re attorneys.
“This image is so divorced from reality. Girls who get into the business are typically poor children of color from broken homes and with prior history of sexual abuse. For a former Covenant House employee and self-proclaimed 21st century abolitionist, you sure do sound naive, Dr. Nadal. But it’s more fun to prey on the fears of middle class white parents–those whose daughters are LEAST likely to be lured into the sex industry.”
Once again you demonstrate what an ignorant little roll you truly are. I would suggest that you have a sit-down with a vice officer in a major city’s police department. Then you should read back issues of major periodicals.
The truth is that outcall services are increasingly staffed by white and asian girls who look like they just rolled in from cheerleading practice. Undergraduate women and graduate/medical students are big into the act as well. Many middle-class young women are turning tricks to afford designer clothing and trendy lifestyles.
That’s today.
Now for a little history lesson.
Back in the 1970’s and early ’80’s in NYC, 8th Avenue between the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd Street and extending up to the fifties was called The Minnesota Strip, so named for all of the blonde haired, blue eyed girls who ran away from homes in the midwest and were snatched up by pimps. A search of the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature will yield you a treasure trove of information.
The reality, dear Megs, is that girls of color tend more to being street walkers, while asians and caucasians are increasingly the staple of outcall services. The shocker for the outcall girls is their higher than expected levels of education and socioeconomic status.
Start reading sweetie, and better luck next smear.
You guys are wasting your time with Megan. She will never answer the simple question, “Why was Amy Woodruff fired?” And if “Kimberly” is also fired, she’ll ignore that, too, and continue to have a conversation with herself about how wonderful PP is, and how if it wasn’t for them, poor women would have no healthcare. Anything to defend the criminal enterprise that is Planned Parenthood.
You’re right John, and she’ll sell countless girls into desolation in order to protect the butchering of babies.
And to think Megs doesn’t believe abortion does terrible damage to women…
The comments both here and at LiveAction are truly mind-boggling. I’m relieved that most pro-lifers are able to see the big picture: how the exploitation of young people is part of the large scale damage that a corporation like PP does to a huge number of people, and how the abortion-birth-control-sex-industry tapestry is interwoven.
The so-called-pro-choicers are woefully tunnel-visioned, and wrong. I can’t believe how many people are criticizing LiveAction for interfering with the ‘health care’ of ‘stigmatized sex workers.’ “It’s not true!” they cry in one breath, and then “It is true and you’re cruel to hurt these kids who need abortions and STD care!” in the next breath.
If I ever had doubts as to whether my pro-life efforts were worthwhile, this last month has proven to me that yes, I’m on the right side. We may not be perfect, but history will side with us. It’s going to be a lot more hard work to abolish abortion, but it’s worth it, every bead of sweat, every sacrifice of our time and comfort, all worth it.
“Advocates” are appointed by the courts. They’re called “guardians ad litem.” Usually, they’re attorneys.
Yes, I’m aware of that. In my jurisdiction cps is the typical route to initiate that process but isn’t the only means. My point, as I’m sure you are aware, is that calling law enforcement isn’t the only option open to most mandated reporters, nor is it true that nobody cares about these kids.
From the Polaris Project:
“While anyone can become a victim of trafficking, certain populations are especially vulnerable. These may include: undocumented immigrants; runaway and homeless youth; victims of trauma and abuse; refugees and individuals fleeing conflict; and oppressed, marginalized, and/or impoverished groups and individuals. Undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are highly vulnerable due to a combination of factors, including: lack of legal status and protections, language barriers, limited employment options, poverty and immigration-related debts, and social isolation. They are often victimized by traffickers from a similar ethnic or national background, on whom they may be dependent for employment, shelter, and other means of support. Runaways and at-risk youth are targeted by pimps and traffickers for exploitation in the commercial sex industry or different labor or services industries. Pimps and sex traffickers are skilled at manipulating child victims and maintaining control through a combination of deception, lies, feigned affection, threats, and violence.”
“Why was Amy Woodruff fired?”
I haven’t ignored the question. I even answered it on another blog post. What did you expect would happen? This woman’s now a liability. Her picture’s all over the Internet. People are already calling that clinic with bomb threats. Great. Plus the NJ video sure looks damning to the average fool. Oh no! Even with two minutes cut out of the middle, no documentation of the initial clinical encounter, no mention of follow-up, one-on-one time with a clinic worker, etc etc…you’d think a Thai prostitute even crawled out of the closet at one point. If the “evidence” spoke for itself, we’d have the entire video unedited. But whatevz. PP caved to public pressure and I’m sorely disappointed.
“If it wasn’t for them, poor women would have no healthcare.”
Jeez John, why are there Title X clinics in the first place? BECAUSE THIS COUNTRY DOESN’T HAVE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.
Planned Predator strikes again. Tells another pimp that is using minors for sex slaves to have them come in and fill out the judicial bypass paperwork and we will take care of the rest. That was completely appropriate as far as Megan is concerned. Megan, did Planned Predator help you set up your judicial bypass so they could kill your kid?
Megan’s last comment proves that she is literally stark raving mad.
Dr. Nadal,
Megan comes across as really misguided. In a previous post she said she is a teacher. Yikes! Her comment that Planned Parenthood was proper to NOT notify the authorities because the kids would get into legal trouble is incomprehensible. Tell me which is better for a fourteen year old girl Megan; juvenile detention and counseling or a life of forced prostitution for a scumbag sex-trafficer?
Megan 10:30PM
Doesn’t’ wash. Had Amy followed proper procedure one would expect PP to back her up. I’m sure they’d love nothing more than an abundance of documentation proving she did in fact immediately report this “pimp”. She could also take legal action for an unjustified firing and public defamation of her character.
Instead she’s an embarassment and for obvious reasons.
This woman’s now a liability.
NOW?? Yeah, I guess Megan it would have been better had this woman never been exposed and if those meanies at LiveAction had left her alone so she could continue to do what PP obviously hired her to do.
Stark raving mad is putting it mildly.
@Megan: There’s your full footage. It was released on Tuesday.
Wow, Megan. Where has your humanity gone?
Defending abortion to he point of thinking it’s defensible to send forced rape victims (sex slaves) back to their slavers/pimps for more rape and abuse. This issue is bigger than your personal views on abortion. You seem to care very little about the escape of these girls and women, whose lives are a living hell.
You go so far as to joke about a Thai prostitute. Gotta call you out on that one- a little racism never hurt to make your point, huh?
The videos show that PP managers had ready answers and info to enable the pimp/slaver. Get beyond you personal experience and acknowledge that real women and girls are trapped in a life much harder than yours. They need your help, not your blind eye.
it’s defensible to send forced rape victims (sex slaves) back to their slavers/pimps for more rape and abuse
Helps explain the marketing strategy “no woman should be forced to bear her rapist’s child,” doesn’t it? Enable the pimp, treat the victim’s STD or abort her pregnancy, get the repeat customer base going. Oh, and while you’re at it, claim that prolifers don’t care about kids after they’re born, just for kicks and giggles.
The reality, dear Megs, is that girls of color tend more to being street walkers, while asians and caucasians are increasingly the staple of outcall services
And Asians are now considered white?
I haven’t really been following this controversy, but I can’t help think of all the furor involving the CPC’s. I doubt very much that if a young woman went to a CPC, that the workers would try to cover up a sex crime.