As usual, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform erected its Genocide Awareness Project display along the March for Life route in Washington last month.

CBR’s Mark Harrington has just released the following compelling video. The backdrop is Mark’s delivery of an important message about the need to show graphic abortion photos against footage of marchers viewing the display. Mark wrote:

What has come of 38 years of the same tactics?  Children continue to die.  Parents continue to be wounded.

Successful social reformers of the past used images of the injustice against which they fought.  And, they won.  Why shouldn’t we do the same?  The truth is no social reform movement has ever succeeded in outlawing injustice by covering it up.  And I have news for you, the pro-life movement won’t be the first.

Sadly, much of the pro-life movement is unwittingly doing much of Planned Parenthood’s work for them.  They don’t need our help.  PP covers up the horror of abortion well enough on their own.

Watch the response of the marchers as hundreds of thousands are struck by the grisly reality that is abortion – many for the first time!  And, consider this question: If images are the most effective tool to change minds and end this battle, why don’t we use them?

For the past 11 days Bryan Kemper and I have been speaking across New Zealand for ProLifeNZ, our primary purpose being to help educate and activate the youth.

After getting a handle on the lay of the land in NZ, where the culture, pro-lifers repeatedly explained with frustration, is apathetic and often ignorant about abortion, I quickly developed a powerpoint presentation, “Why the hard truth?,” making the same case as Mark about the need to use graphic pictures in our social justice movement to stop abortion.

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