90 KS legislators blast Sebelius as part of widespread pro-abortion corruption, persecution of Kline
Great news, and good for them. Representing 90 colleagues, 3 dozen Kansas legislators held a press conference yesterday to lambaste former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and her corrupt political machine, including the KS Supreme Court, for “subverting justice in the ethics case against former Attorney General Phill Kline,” according to CJOnline.com, which agreed with my earlier assessment of last week’s ethics trial:
“An unholy alliance existed in this state for eight years between former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ administration, the abortion industry and the courts,” [Republican Rep. Steve] Brunk said.
Brunk said the disciplinary case against Kline was “one more sad example of the institutions of this state wasting time and resources in an effort to punish those who do not share their ideology.”
“The real scandal is the abortion industry callously ignoring child rape and brushing it under the rug for no other purpose than financial gain,” Brunk said.
He said Kline uncovered evidence 249 abortions were performed in KS on children 14 years of age or younger from 2001 to 2003. However, Planned Parenthood and [George] Tiller, the most prominent abortion providers in KS during that period, reported a total of 2 cases of child sex abuse to the KS Dept. of Social and Rehabilitation Services.
“The more the abortion industry and its defenders attempt to persecute Phill Kline for upholding the law, the more evidence comes to light about their own misconduct, which frankly is shrouded in darkness,” Brunk said.
The timing of all this is remarkable in light of the national campaign to defund PP. Importantly, the evidence Kline uncovered would cost PP all of their Title X funds if PP is found guilty in a criminal case still open – funds that Sebelius now administrates. It is this very funding Republicans want to cut, part of the rationale being PP’s failure to report child rape.
Republican members of Congress smell a rat, wanting to ask Sebelius what she is doing, if anything, to ensure PP is following state law requiring the report of child rape.
The evidence in Kansas is that Sebelius used the power of her office as governor to bury proof of PP’s criminality and possibly illegally leaked the investigation to national abortion interests.
The questions are: What did Sebelius know, when did she know, and who did she tell?
Furthermore, why was Sebelius appointed Secretary of HHS? Was it merely because Obama liked her? Or was there more to it? Was she put in place to further protect PP? Did PP recommend her for the appointment? Sebelius proved her ability to cover for PP while in KS. It appears she is now covering for PP on a grander scale, at the federal level.
Oh, and yesterday Obama nominated former KS Democrat AG Steve Six to the federal appeals court overseeing, in part, KS. Sebelius selected Six for the AG position after Kline’s replacement, Paul Morrison, resigned in disgrace.
Is it advancing pure conspiracy theory to speculate Obama/Sebelius are now trying to stack the federal courts – like Sebelius stacked the KS Supreme Court – for a time if and when Kline’s ethics case or PP’s criminal case advances to that point?

It’s heartening to see Republican legislators rallying around Kline and not running for the tall grass.
This case will be the Democrats’ and PP’s undoing. The tide of filth has risen to an all-time high and parents have had enough of it. Kline was a bridge too far for the Dems and they will pay a terrible price at the polls.
Perhaps our next Republican President will appoint Kline to the federal bench.
Dr. Nadal
I’m hoping whoever our next President is that he or she will have enough sense to appreciate the opportunity they will be given to represent all Americans. And I’m also hoping both the President and Vice-President take a strong stance on environmental issues in addition to being pro-life.
Myrtle, while I agree that the environment needs nurturing and protecting (after all, we live here), I am also skeptical. Too many environmentalists are anti-human: they see people as a blight on the planet that needs to be eradicated. We have to be very careful of who our friends and allies are. Remember: one of Earth Day’s founders is a murderer.
Oh we know we smell a rat and Sebilius and PP are both rats. If it looks like a rat, scampers like a rat, leaves dropping like a rat and smells like a rat IT IS A RAT. A pro-abortion, money making rat.
I hear what your saying because that does seem to be the theme population control. I read something though that encouraged me it read that true environmentalists are pro-life. I think if we wait until everyone is in agreement very little will get done. I think there is a lot of heart searching going on now and a lot of people who were previously pro-choice hopefully will soon be supporting life. I think we can do both be pro-life and pro-environment we just have to make better choices. I think when people have a better understanding of the importance of healthy and habitable environments for people as well as animals more people will be pro-environment too. Did you know that poor air quality actually can lead to reduced cognitive abiltities? So if you think about it quality air and water are important to homeland security. What do you think.
“I think we can do both be pro-life and pro-environment we just have to make better choices.”
I totally agree with you on this one!! We need to get off the fossil fuels, like, yesterday! I also think that once people begin that healing journey from pro-choice to pro-life, many of these issues like environmental stewardship will fall into place. Be gentle with your children, be gentle with your planet.
That is exactly the stand of the Church! ;) All things in moderation, though – no rabid pro-environmentalism at the expense of human rights.
Can you be both pro-life and an environmentalist? You bet! I grew up in a home where we shared the well water with the people next door – so I am very careful with water use and paper use. I ride the bus as often as possible, and I don’t pollute the water system with artificial hormones! We have an electric mulching mower and we are planning to do more.
But being careful with the earth is not unrelated to being careful with all life, including human life. Revere your mother earth, why not start with revering all human life?
The main goal of most of the top environmentalists is to see a radical decline in human populations.
How has Planned Parenthood become so powerful? It’s not even a federal agency or a quasi governmental organization, yet it has made itself into a scared cow that will hurt you if anyone is critical of it.
Be gentle with your children, be gentle with your planet.
I would just add to that because the most precious things in life are often taken for granted.
I’m trying to do more too I use to like to use miracle grow occasionally and now I hardly ever use it and I ride the bus too. I don’t have a vehicle and I actually enjoy riding the bus. What do you think would make for a healtier environment. When I look at the earth I think we need a better understanding that when we harm our environment we’re actually harming ourselves. I also think government moves way too slow when it comes to environemtal issues. Like with the bees. A lot of people don’t realize how important bees are to our food supply.
I totally agree with you on this one!! We need to get off the fossil fuels, like, yesterday!
I’m not a real risk-taker. I don’t like dedicating my life to being a guinea pig for the environmentalists. Fossil fuels are dependable. Tried and true. Electricity, not so much. Batteries, not. I can’t even keep a charge on my cell phone, much less a car. Even tho I recycle, and air dry many of my clothes, I believe I am not strong enough, nor are the rest of us, strong enough to move mountains and melt and move the seas like mother nature does. I know God can provide. I guess I’m a terrible person in most people’s eyes. I am anti-abortion, does that count?
(Sorry, I’m totally off-topic.)
Pray for the people of Japan.
“Republican members of Congress
smell a [democ]rat,
wanting to ask Sebelius what she is doing, if anything, to ensure PP is following state law requiring the report of child rape.”
It’s about time.
The democRAT’s have been trying to blame the foul odor on their own constituents who came to the capital.
ninek says:March 11, 2011 at 7:12 pm
“Be gentle with your children, be gentle with your planet.
Evidently Gaia/mother earth is lot tougher than you believe.
She just delivered an 8.9 magnitude slap in the face to the people of Japan.
We humans have a lot more to fear from earth than the earth has to fear from us.
But afterwards, as Hesiod tells it,
Hesiod mentions Gaia’s further offspring conceived with Uranus: first the giant one-eyed Cyclopes: Brontes (“thunderer”), Steropes (“lightning”), and the “bright” Arges: “Strength and might and craft were in their works.” Then he adds the three terrible hundred-handed sons of Earth and Heaven, the Hecatonchires: Cottus, Briareos, and Gyges, each with fifty heads.
[It seems Gaia really had fondness for names ending in ‘anus’ and birthed some really odd creatures.]
I wasn’t much on environmental issues either until my son was diagnosed with leukemia. Thankfully he’s in remission now. So it’s only in the last 10 years that I’ve really started paying attention. I’m not sure why but I use to believe that my voice didn’t count I really didn’t believe that I had the power to effect change. But I’m older now and know better. Everything we do in life counts. When I first started paying attention to environmental issues I subscribed to that same argument I thought if I wasn’t a perfect environmentalist that I would be a hypocrite. So I thought about it and decided that it’s better to do something than nothing at all. So I don’t recycle maybe one day I will. But I do my part. I like to go to the Green Peace site and I find out what there working on. There very upset with a company because there environmental record is very very bad. So I thought about what I could do and wrote them a nice letter to just let them know they can do better. And then I pray for them. If I waited until I was a perfect environmentalist I would miss a lot of opportunities to get things done. Does that make sense. That’s how I think. I think it’s awesome that you are pro-life.
yor bro ken
Thank you for the lesson. Did Cyclopes have any descendents? And do you have any theorys on Atlantis?