Kline accuses KS Supreme Court of obstructing justice to protect Tiller, Planned Parenthood
UPDATE, 10:03a: The Daily Caller has a new piece up, “Phill Kline maintains innocence.”
6:31a: Round 1 of the ethics trial of former Kansas AG and Johnson Co. DA Phill Kline ended Wednesday.
Round 2 will commence July 19-23, at the end of which Kline will be allowed to make his own closing arguments.
Kline is accused of going too far in his dogged investigation of George Tiller and Planned Parenthood for illegal late-term abortions and not reporting child rape.
In all, Kline was on the stand 23 hours. The prosecution was given 7-1/2 days to make its case; Kline was given 1/2 day.
Kline spent the bulk of his defense time Wednesday going through 2 KS Supreme Court decisions, pointing out specific statements made, mostly by Justice Carol Beier, that were either inaccurate, threatening, assumptive without evidence, prejudiced, or outright attempts to falsely frighten adult mothers who had aborted at Tiller’s mill or PP.
Kline said it pained him to do the aforementioned because it could trigger another complaint against him, and also because his fate ultimately rests in the hands of the very Supreme Court he was condemning.
Ultimately Kline was merely synopsizing what I think became abundantly clear throughout the trial, that former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’s handpicked Supreme Court attempted every step of the way to obstruct the justice against Tiller and PP that Kline sought. Here’s Kline’s press conference outlining his charges:
It additionally became clear throughout the trial that Kline’s AG replacement, Paul Morrison, also attempted to obstruct justice.
Both he and the Supremes did so to a bizarre extent, almost as if some of them had a personal stake, something to hide. Or perhaps they were being blackmailed, or paid off. This is all speculation, obviously. But mark my words there’s something more to all this than extreme pro-abortion advocacy. And someday it will all come out.
CJOnline.com has a fair analysis of the trial. Peter Smith at LifeSiteNews.com has much more. Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue also has a trial wrap-up. Kansas Meadowlark contains an encyclopedia of information.
What they never investigated
What also came out during the trial was what the Supreme Court has never investigated to this day. While it desperately attempts to find unethical behavior on Kline’s part, it ignores actual potential violations of law on the part of state officials and abortion clinics (aside from illegal abortions and rape cover-ups):
1. Opening Kline’s mail, a federal offense: Documents Kline never requested but were sent to him at an incorrect address after he left the DA’s office and then returned, were opened by either the DA or AG and are currently being used against him in the ethics case.
2. Someone in AG Morrison’s office made a cd of all Kline’s abortion files and left it, along with some spreadsheets, on the desk of Tiller’s attorney, who kept them for over a year.
3. The Supreme Court ordered Kline to hand over all information he had obtained to AG Morrison on PPs nationwide. This included evidence in prosecutions against PP in Ohio, videotapes from Lila Rose’s 1st video investigation of PP nationwide, and the names of PP employees who came forward to Kline from clinics around the country. Kline testified this prompted some of his sources to threaten litigation against him. But most importantly, “I’ve been told all that information was then turned over to attorneys for abortion clinics.”
None of these serious infractions have been investigated.
I would not be surprised if Kline takes his case to federal court if it is not resolved as it should be. I also think the Republican-dominated Congress should intervene and call its own investigation of this travesty.
[Photo via the Kansas City Star]

It is almost unbelievable that this is going on. You are right this seems to be more than pro abortion advocacy. What’s wrong in KS. I keep thinking that Sebelius is now in Washington, how scary.
“Kline is accused of going too far in his dogged investigation of George Tiller and Planned Parenthood for illegal late-term abortions and not reporting child rape.”
Yet the courts are permitting the case Kline assembled to go forward. If the case is so riddled with injustice that its author now faces disbarment, it should be dismissed immediately.
Our prayers are with you Phil Kline. Please hang in there for all the innocent unborn babies. God bless you.
I agree – this is unbelievable. Sitting here shaking my head.
Something is very, very wrong here.
“The term show trial is a pejorative description of a type of highly public trial. The term was first recorded in the 1930s.[1] There is a strong connotation that the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt of the defendant and that the actual trial has as its only goal to present the accusation and the verdict to the public as an impressive example and as a warning. Show trials tend to be retributive rather than correctional justice.
Such trials can exhibit scant regard for the principles of jurisprudence and even for the letter of the law. Defendants have little real opportunity to justify themselves”…
[and/or in addition, the trial itself becomes part of the punishment for the one who has ‘angered the gods/godesses’ of political correctness.]
Jospeh McCarthy is a rank amateur compared to these democRAT apparRATchiks.