Click all photos to enlarge. Read backstory here.

I’m still waiting on the full story but have photos, video, and basic info. Only 23 pro-aborts turned out to protest the pro-life tribute to Joe Scheidler held in Chicago on the evening of April 2.

Here’s a great little video, showing Joe being greeted at his event by what looks like over 100 pro-life youth and then walking over the chat with the pro-aborts…


A few other photos, all classics…

The answer to the sign on the right is we’d, of course, try to save them. The question should rather be whether pro-aborts would support legislation banning abortion of future gays, if such a gene were ever discovered. I’ll answer that: NO…

I always love how pro-aborts wear masks, like outlaws…

I wrote in my previous post that pro-life stalwarts attending Joe’s fete would surely try to engage pro-aborts. Yep, here’s a photo of one of our best, Cathy, pictured right, trying to discuss abortion with an opponent…

[HT for photos: Jim Finnegan]

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