23 pro-aborts protest Scheidler tribute attended by 400 pro-lifers
Click all photos to enlarge. Read backstory here.
I’m still waiting on the full story but have photos, video, and basic info. Only 23 pro-aborts turned out to protest the pro-life tribute to Joe Scheidler held in Chicago on the evening of April 2.
Here’s a great little video, showing Joe being greeted at his event by what looks like over 100 pro-life youth and then walking over the chat with the pro-aborts…
A few other photos, all classics…
The answer to the sign on the right is we’d, of course, try to save them. The question should rather be whether pro-aborts would support legislation banning abortion of future gays, if such a gene were ever discovered. I’ll answer that: NO…
I always love how pro-aborts wear masks, like outlaws…
I wrote in my previous post that pro-life stalwarts attending Joe’s fete would surely try to engage pro-aborts. Yep, here’s a photo of one of our best, Cathy, pictured right, trying to discuss abortion with an opponent…
[HT for photos: Jim Finnegan]

Abortion Providers Save Women’s Lives
Do tell.
Community organizers everywhere.
Looks like some of them are holding balloons…or could they be inflated condoms?
Oops, I wrote this accidentally in the “backstory” link….What I meant was:
Pro-abort protesters creep me out. Make sure babies are killed legally! They have no joy, none of them. Just anger and bitterness.
Some of these who protest terrorism fail to see the irony that they are they are the ones acting in intimidation and rage.
“What if the fetus is gay?”
Now, that’s interesting. Are they saying fetuses are people, and can have sexual orientation/preferences? Sounds like an inadvertent admission of the humanity of the fetus to me.
Oh, and let me go on the record as saying that REGARDLESS of sex, race, sexual preference, creed, etc, etc, each human life is valuable and deserves the right to LIFE.
The “what if the fetus is gay” “argument” shows that there is literally no understanding of what the pro-life claim is. None. All this shows is that they have spent no time trying to understand what our position is. Either that or their desired audience for that sign is people who actually would like to kill people who HAVE same sex attraction- notice that isn’t even people who would kill people for PERFORMING homosexual acts. No, either the sign shows that they have no idea whatsoever what the pro-lfe claim is, or they have been interacting with a very, very, very, very bizarre fringe group of the pro-life movement which also teaches that people who attracted to people of teh same sex need to be killed. So the pro-choicers who brought the sign are either familiar with nothing concerning the pro-life position or they are familiar with the most esoteric group of pro-lifers that not even informed pro-lifers are familiar with. If forced to guess, I’m going to have to assume they simply are unfamiliar with the pro-life position- not exactly a rare thing these days…
Why are pro-aborts ashamed to show their faces with their “just” cause?
Maybe we need a collection of masked pro-aborts and compare them with hooded KKK members?
With the masks, I’m sort of reminded of the KKK.
“What if the fetus is gay?”
That begs the question: Why do you want to kill gay fetuses?
carder – I think the ones with the inflated condoms are looking to play a little football – but are lacking coherent threads…
Bobby, that is an EXCELLENT comment. They have no idea what we actually believe, and they won’t bother trying, either. I’ve never, ever met a pro-lifer who uses “slut-shaming” and other ridiculous claims made by the pro-aborts……We KNOW their arguments, and we can refute them. But the pro-aborts don’t know anything at ALL about the pro-life movement. Nothing at all.
They think that we wouldn’t want to save a child if he or she were discovered to be a “gay fetus.” So, yes, you’re right. They’re clueless.
We are the ones fighting to save children who are otherwise singled out for destruction due to poor prenatal diagnoses. We are the ones crying “racism” and “genocide” regarding Black children in the womb. They would indiscriminately kill ANY fetus. Because not only do they not care if a fetus is gay, they don’t care that a fetus is HUMAN.
I wonder if attempting conversation with people who come out to protest pro-life gatherings, is similar to trying to converse with someone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I have learned over the years that one must discern if the person is receptive to being spoken to. When speaking to a person under the influence of alcohol, you end up speaking to the alcohol and not the person.
I do not think that minds can be changed in such an emotionally charged atmosphere. I have witnessed, too, that the pro-choice (to kill a baby) crowds leave as soon as the cameras turn off. go figure … it is all staged, it seems to me.
I have a legitimate question for the prochoice people… if the fetus is gay…does that mean the prochoice/proaborts are FOR killing them or AGAINST killing them…can’t tell. I think they assume that prolife people are anti-gay…which is a pretty stupid premise because prolife people are FOR the right of ALL people to live…Prolife people are PROLIFE for ALL life.
But, that is not the point here…the point is that proaborts are trying to make us look bad and it doesn’t work. The end result is that their silly signs end up making THEM look as if they have no logical capacity. Most proaborts cannot think logically, b/c if they did, they would see that a woman’s rights denies the unborn their rights…and one human doesn’t have the right to trump another person’s rights..If they are FOR women, are they FOR the rights of the females in the womb who will become women? ..Most people join the proabort/prochoice movement just for the sake of the “rights” issue and over all, it’s a pretty disorganized group of people. Sadly, many of them are Christians who think “choice” is the issue…however, the issue isn’t “choice” it’s what is really happening in that “operating” room down the hall when a helpless developing human being’s life is snuffed out so violently and without a logical reason for doing so…Are they saying I can kill another human being b/c it is my CHOICE? If this is true, then that means I can kill anyone at any stage of life for any reason. (NOT!) but you get my point. Logically, proaborts are too busy being emotional to see that their form of “logic” doesn’t make sense. Not to mention that most of them just want to protest to get publicity and attention.
Pro-abort activists are operating under the following false assumptions:
Falsehood #1: All pro-lifers are conservative Republicans
Falsehood #2: All pro-lifers are religious zealots
Falsehood #3: All pro-lifers hate gay people
So the sign plays into those false assumptions by assuming, which Felix and Oscar tell us never to do, that if we could identify the mythical gay gene, then suddenly all the pro-lifers would turn over and become pro-choice, because (the false assumption says:) we hate gay babies more than we love babies.
In truth, most pro-lifers don’t care one way or the other whether children grow up to be political conservatives or political liberals.
But here’s the question simply put in reverse: If a gay gene is identified, will you pro-abortion advocates suddenly become pro-life? Or, do you hate living fetuses more than you love live humans of the gay persuasion?
“Not to mention that most of them just want to protest to get publicity and attention.” Lynn, I totally agree! Even the masked one couldn’t bear to stay home, but had to come out and bask in some attention too. Why the mask, though? Who’s going to care if you’re pro-choice?
I need to resurrect that graphic I made that said, “If the CHILD I save is gay, guess what else he’ll be? ALIVE!” Either that or remake it, if it’s vanished from my computer.
Furthermore, another problem with the “what if teh fetus is gay?” “argument” is that it seems to not at all take into account that there are many pro-lifers who have no problem with homosexual actions. It seems to me that most non-Christian pro-lifers are in this camp, and there are many Christians who likewise do not have a problem with homosexual actions. While I do believe that both parties are mistaken in their analysis, I at least recognize their existence and realize that there is a very non-trivial percentage of pro-lifers who have no problem with homosexual actions, and so would a priori not be affected in the LEAST by that sign. Thus, we again have a pro-choice fail.
Well – even if people are not supporting of the actions of gay sexual actions, we are for LIFE – and that life must be allowed to exist, no matter what. That is the bottom line, for sure.
If you are part of the human family, then you deserve life!
The official teaching of the Catholic Church is that homosexuals are to be treated with respect and the dignity due to all human beings. Unfortunately, the radicals in their hysteria link opposition to homosexual marriage with wanting to exterminate homosexuals.
As has been said, the sign is based upon a complete misunderstanding of both the pro-life movement AND Christianity.
Sorry to be a stick in the mud here, but I’m only aware of males and females being genetically determined (apart from some very rare disorders). Much of this argument concedes ground that simply isn’t warranted based on current knowledge, nor is it supported by what God said.
Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Mt 19:4-6)
I support the protection of all unborn life. Funny how God feels the same way about us, even when we are all born into sin.