City of Pittsburgh forced to settle up with 3 pro-life activists
Pittsburgh City Council today addressed two lawsuits filed by anti-abortion advocates, and it’s considering the repeal of an ordinance at the center of one of the disputes.
Council gave final approval to a $10,000 settlement with Keith Tucci over a trespassing citation he was issued last year near a Planned Parenthood clinic….
The citation, which Mr. Tucci called a violation of his 1st and 14th Amendment rights, ultimately was dismissed by a district judge.
Council also introduced legislation today that would pay $35,000 to settle a suit filed by anti-abortion activists Kathleen Ramsey of Ross and Albert Brunn of Stanton Heights.
The pair, whose activities include leaving pamphlets on cars, sued to overturn a city ordinance that restricts leafleting as a hedge against littering.
Ms. Ramsey and Mr. Brunn called the ordinance an illegal restriction on fair speech. As part of the settlement, council would repeal the ordinance against leafleting.
~ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 26

We have a similar law against leaving pamphlets on cars in my town, but were under the assumption that nothing could be done about it due to “property rights.” It would be interesting to know the details of the case as that may be helpful to overturning our law.
Great sports teams, lousy city.
Well, phillymiss, maybe the second-best sports teams in PA, eh?