Jivin J’s Life Links 4-25-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Here’s a Live Action press release detailing the discovery of body parts of an aborted child in the parking lot of an abortion clinic in El Paso, TX. It includes pictures of the body parts:
Early this morning, Live Action Investigator and sidewalk counselor Gaby Federico discovered a dead, dismembered baby in the parking lot of Hilltop Family Planning Clinic, an abortion clinic in El Paso, TX.
The Hilltop clinic advertises abortions up to 15 weeks. Federico and a fellow pro-life sidewalk counselor at the clinic were alerted to the find by a man who lives next door to the clinic.
He said the night before, his dog had been sniffing around the parking lot and found the baby’s body parts lying on the ground. The man placed the body parts in a plastic bag next to the clinic and alerted Federico this morning. At approximately 9:15 AM, Federico and others found disarticulated tissue, two bloody legs with feet, and a severed hand in the bag.
- A German infant named Frieda Mangold (pictured left) who was born at 21 weeks and 5 days, spent Easter at home with her family after spending 5 months in neonatal care:Doctors at the Fulda Children’s Clinic say Frieda was born on Nov. 7 weighing just 16 ounces (460 grams). She was released from the hospital on Wednesday weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces (3.5 kilograms).
The clinic’s chief doctor, Reinald Repp, said he saw “no indication that she will not be healthy.”
The Daily Mail has additional information.
- An AZ jury has acquitted Lawrence Egbert of manslaughter after he allegedly helped a woman kill herself:Dr. Lawrence Egbert, who also is indicted in Georgia on charges that he helped a man with cancer there kill himself, was one of 4 people charged by Arizona authorities in Jana Van Voorhis’ death…. Authorities believe Van Voorhis placed a plastic hood over her head that was hooked up to helium tanks. She was found dead in her Phoenix home on April 15, 2007.
[Photo via hollybaby.com]

Let’s watch and see if MSNBC, CNN, or FOX reports on the horrific news story at Hilltop Planning Clinic in El Paso, TX. Let’s hope they (pro-lifers) have a very large group at the baby’s funeral. Perhaps a reporter could ask President Obama for his view of the situation there.
That is soooo sad about the little one! Glad the bishop requested a burial. That was wonderful of him! It’s obviously a foot you see in that picture and not just a “mass of tissues”.
I really don’t understand why this German baby story keeps making the rounds as ‘youngest’ surviving baby. There have been a handful of 21 week olds who have survived and even a few 20 week olds, and the Guinness Book of World Records from like the 90’s has a 19 week (and some days) old.