Jivin J’s Life Links 4-26-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The Washington Post has a short story on how the Maryland Board of Physicians is investigating late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart.
- At the National Review, Charmaine Yoest provides 5 truths about Planned Parenthood:
… PP is increasing abortion services with an eye toward increased revenue. PP Mid-Hudson Valley is relocating its consolidated clinics to open larger and more “modern” facilities, which, notably, have “the addition of surgical abortion services.” The PPMHV report “anticipates” that these new centers will lead to “increasing our revenue and sustainability.”
- A TX bus driver who was fired after refusing to take a woman to Planned Parenthood was paid $21,000 by The Capital Area Rural Transportation System to settle his lawsuit against them:
System board members said they agreed to settle after determining that the cost of defending the suit could exceed the settlement amount….
After [Edwin] Graning was dispatched to take the women to PP in January 2010, he called his supervisor “and told her that, in good conscience, he could not take someone to have an abortion,” his lawsuit said.
- Various El Paso news outlets are covering the discovery of aborted child body parts in the parking lot of an El Paso abortion clinic.
I have heard the Westchester Legislators have been meeting with PP to get a bubble zone passed. Probably doing it so their new larger clinic won’t be as accessible to those who pray/counsel outside.