Jivin J’s Life Links 4-4-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Some groups with pro-choice positions want murder and attempted feticide charges against Bei Bei Shuai dropped. Shuai took rat poison while she was pregnant in an attempt to kill herself. She survived but her child died shortly after being born. Notice in the video how Dr. David Orentlicher calls Angel Shuai, the child who died after birth, a “fetus.”
- Ed Brayton joins the chorus of pro-choicers who apparently have such a small view of women they think women are unable to pursue future dreams if they have children.
- 16 unborn children, mostly female, aged 4-6 months were recently found in India in jars.
- John Piper passes on something from the January issue of First Things regarding Incan child sacrifice:
The findings lend credence to the accounts of Spanish conquistadors that described how children were selected for sacrifice from all across the empire, based on their physical perfection. We shudder at such brutal backwardness.
Today, using prenatal screening, we scour the empire for children with physical imperfections and sacrifice them to ourselves.

We had been advised years ago that many immunizations contain the “cell line” of aborted babies-so due to religious reasons we LEGALLY opted out of these injections (we signed the waivers as required by law), following ALL Calif laws-we also home schooled all our kids to protect them against forced injections .The Principal-of our legally registered home school- said we are in “FULL compliance with Calif State Law.” -Detective Newman-and The ESW Delmay Mendoza, flat out told me/us that our religious beliefs were “–stupid–” and asked repeatedly if our school was “–even real–“?
They both indicated, seeming to parrot one another, that I was a “–bad dad–” for “–not immunizing them–” Showing her our school documents and our signed waivers did not help our position in the least in their eyes. Perhaps it made it worse-they acted like we were defying their will.
Still she did like our documents well enough to keep them along with medical records, school books and my legally prescribed medications, etc. Perhaps she was running short? Maybe she just enjoyed the Velveteen Rabbit or the Little Engine That Could? Good books, my kids like them. At least shes now well read.
We, their Mother and myself, advised them -both Det Newman & Delmay Mendoza the ESS worker)-that we were aware of Calif Health & Safety Codes 120325 (2006) Legislative Intent; “In enacting Chapter 1–it is the intent of the Legislature to provide-Exemptions from immunizations for medical reasons or because of personal beliefs.”
Somehow this seemed upsetting to them-their aggression increased.
We asked “The Emergency Social Worker” to clarify her reason (s) for imprisoning our children-almost 72 hours later. She reiterated her “due to no milk in the fridge” reason and added strongly that “–that’s enough-” We informed her AGAIN that we believed this was a violation of California Penal Code § 11 I 67(e). As she provided no reason when she arrived nor one when she left–she ONLY provided one once we went down to the Social services office. She seemed irritated and dismissive when we sighted the Penal code. She turned red when we additional informed her that THIS did NOT meet the standard of ‘imminent danger ‘ under California Law– from there she stated angrily that she could “–not talk to us and write at the same time.” and dismissed herself.
It was the 1st statement she made that I believed-if only she had admitted to liking the ‘Velveteen Rabbit’- perhaps things could have been different. “The Little Engine That Could” wasn’t bad either perhaps she preferred “Thomas The Train”. Walmart did have it on sale-my mistake.
Sighting the laws only seemed to further incite them and did NOT end their questions regarding our medical nor our religious decisions. Detective Newman was already dismayed that I/we had challenge his claim of having “–a warrant–” (the social worker was NOT there yet) and the detective called 4 police cars for back up after my request to see his warrant–I am disabled and spend 60% of my time in a wheelchair-obviously a huge threat to the general public and perhaps police men at large-needing 4 other policemen appears to be about right.
Though I’m certain they still felt out numbered and I understand why.
Still, it mattered not that we complied with all laws and were NOT neglectful but judicious in our research in reaching all of our decisions. It didn’t matter that these were our sincerely held religious beliefs or we did everything we could to act in the best interest of our beautiful, beautiful children-they pressed on.
The Law was one thing violating THEIR beliefs is a whole other story—or perhaps that horse of another color your hear so much about.
The PS is they revealed their REAL motives for abducting our children by putting them into a school of THEIR choice and are FORCE INJECTING THEM-the rest is a simple smoke screen to cover their crime.
Yes crime, either there is a Constitution or there is not. Either there is religious freedom or there is not. They either acted within the law—or they are criminals acting under the color of law. A civil rights violation.
You decide which.
They indicated to us if their Mom and me would divorce each other-to destroy our family-they would “consider” giving the kids back to her.
The father gone?–For what purpose? I was the one who named our kids to give them meaning
Aeylias-base on the prophets Eli & Elijah–and Amalay–meaning the enlightened one and the way of truth and beauty as well as GOD–to take their father away? WHY?
Yes destroy our family-we LOVE each other and are happy with one another–divorce each other why? There is NO justification for this. Simply a whim they wish to impose upon us.
And now they INJECT our kids against our will AND against their will-again why?
They are not only poisoning their bodies and going against our families religious freedoms but also planting ideas in their heads that we “don’t want them back.” and “don’t love us (them)”. BEYOND Heartbreaking. Personally we believe, AFTER several conversations with our children, that their education has taken several BIG steps backwards–and both my son & daughter have unexplained injuries of a reasonably large variety. ALL DOCUMENTED. Need pictures-we got pictures—ahh Got Milk? Well not so much– just ask Delmay, apparently she is the REAL dairy queen.
How are they better off with strangers than with us or their Aunt and God Mother that has known them since the womb?
They also have been CONSISTENTLY sick since they left our care and their health, mental, physical & emotional are clearly in decline.
It is so HARD to BELIEVE WE WILL GET OUR KIDS BACK-they believe they can “raise them better”.
The coming of George Orwell. 27 years late.
If they pursued an honest, but perhaps an incorrect point of view, we could see it (though of course disagree) but what would be the need to make allegations and create events that are wholly untrue and worse non-existent? I.e. alleging we “–had a fridge full of moldy food.” or (a few weeks later) “–father is dependent on & an abuser of prescription medication.” I have no criminal record and no history of being a drug abuser nor suffering from a drug addiction. I OFFERED three times to take a drug test THEY declined ALL 3 times. Even the ESW documented in her report “–that father is a law abiding citizen–”
Further, I do not, nor have I ever, owned a moldy food collection-sometimes I eat cheese or yogurt but that’s as far as it goes-honest.
Some have dubbed this as the “The California Milk Case”
Yet I did not know there was a California Milk law—They attacked you for meat they are attacking me for milk-at least they both begin with “M” right?
We asked the ESW how this met the standard of ” imminent danger”? Neither she, nor her supervisor, nor the mediator was able to answer such a simple & direct question. Though they had plenty of questions about why we “hated” school–or were “against vaccines” and what was EVERY detail of our “—religious beliefs.” They spent VERY little time on my “–drug addiction–” and my “–moldy food–” hobby and my INTENSE disdain for milk. And perhaps for good reason. They have now moved on to the game I play with my daughter and my son of ‘seeing’ shapes in the clouds–can you guess where they are now going with this?
Madness-not mine-theirs. Aren’t they embarrassed? I am insane and talk to invisible God creatures in the sky. Right. Perhaps IF I drank more milk I might have been cured.
Everyday they change their story-add new allegations and manufacture claims. Of course they realized long ago their “no milk–” claim would sour and they DESPERATELY needed something else to take its place.
Perhaps cottage cheese? Swiss? Gouda? Gouda sounds good-kind of exotic.
Don’t they know our kids have minds and hearts and souls of their own? Amalay (F7) & Aeylais (M8) years old, love babies and animals. –They clearly have no wish to hurt them– even they are vegetarians–which is wholly in line with THEIR religious beliefs. They even refuse to buy products that promote animal testing and even HIDE such products while in a store as they believe this will “–help to protect–” a scared life.
The truth did not matter to Detective Newman nor Demay Mendoza-our beliefs were “–stupid–” and our school was “–not real–” Perhaps they need a psychological evaluation and not me?
Yet we know the REALITY of all of this; they removed our children – due to religious reasons-BUT they couldn’t say it now could they? That would be illegal.
JUST as if they were racist-they could not afford to say we did what we did because we do not like _______ people now could they?
BTW My daughter is lactose intolerant so having milk would be counter intuitive to any thinking person.
I wonder if they California Milk Law has a lactose intolerance exclusion?
I’ll ask Delamy next time I see her.
I mean they never considered simple facts like we called the Police and CPS once in 2006 due to her family allowing sexual abuse to occur in a child care center they were running. They allowed a grown man, that was NOT employed their to hang out with 3, 4 and 5 year old kids? Yeah why would you allow that? Of course he fled and nothing was done. Even thought they Failed to protect their family remained intact-guess they were immunized and enrolled into the right schools.
Our children were AGAIN abused by separate family members and we packed up and left-that’s what you do you protect your kids right? And instead the Police and CPS attack us? Wow what a wonderful message-be careful if you call CPS it might just flip on you. It seems that CPS is EVRY bit as DANGEROUS as a predator. Losing your kids forever—think about it—THAT”S Power.
I personally will NEVER call CPS again.
Naturally Demlay Mendoza & Detective Newman thought it would be best for the children if THEY were RETURNED TO THE HOUSE THE WERE abused at!!! I mean this is brilliance in action.
Bring them back where they were sexually assault and had his arm broke.
Makes sense doesn’t it?
Perhaps genius. Perhaps that is the best summation I could give.
I miss the “Velveteen Rabbit” and “The Little Engine That Could.”
1984? Not so much.
This email does NOT cover everything.
It’s an outrage for this unfortunate young woman to be charged with murder .She is NOT a murderess, but some one who committed a tragic act in tragic circumstances.
She deserves sympathy and help, not accusations of murder. She committed no crime. It’s frightening to see this happen -it’s nothing but another assault on women’s reproductive rights, and must be condemned by all right-minded people.
Robert, I imagine that she will be found to be “nuts,” basically, and thus be not convicted of murder as could otherwise be the case.
A sad story, but since the baby was born, it was a citizen with rights attributed, and I can certainly see how the mother was charged.