O’Donnell then turned to an email which he said came from a friend of his who used Planned Parenthood. He read the email out from his Blackberry, and as he did so, his hands, and his voice, started shaking with emotion.

The friend’s email recounted her dire financial straits and history of medical illnesses. PP, she wrote, was the place she went for her birth control and her cancer screenings, and through them, she said, she was able to get multiple mammograms.

“It’s terrifying to think that with lack of funds, millions of women would not have access to this kind of care,” the friend wrote.

“I can’t imagine what I would do without PP. Talking about what they do is part of your job right now… please yell some sense into these people.”

As O’Donnell said those last words, his voice broke perceptibly, and he then dropped the Blackberry shaking in his hands and turned away from the camera.

~ Huffington Post, describing MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell defending Planned Parenthood against being defunded, April 8

O’Donnell gives much inaccurate information in his 8 minute monologue, which we don’t unpack in our Quotes of the Day. Commenters certainly can. Skip to 4:40 on the video to watch O’Donnell read the letter from his friend…


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