Rosie O’Donnell’s producer’s childhood plan: Murder baby if unable to abort
When I was a kid, I thought, ‘If we lose this right, I’m leaving this country.’
I had plans [in the event of pregnancy]… I’m gonna wear a tent dress while I don’t eat so I can get big and I can go in the woods, have it, kill it, and bury it, ’cause I didn’t know how else I would get rid of it if I lost that right. I was pretty young when I had that plan, and I got over it.
~ Janette Barber, sidekick and executive producer of Rosie O’Donnell’s XM/Sirius radio show, as quoted by, May 29
[Photo via Facebook]

Oh, I don’t know, you could give the baby to someone who wants her? But right, murdering her makes much more sense. Geeze.
Infanticide. Good plan.
Another perfect example of ‘if I can’t have it, no one can’ mentality. Just goes to show, for the hard core pro-aborts (and probably a fair amount of the ‘standard’ pro-abortion crowd) it’s not the pregnancy that’s the problem, it’s just the very notion that there might be some ‘consequence’ to their supposedly consequence-free sex running around out there.
Nothin’ like blaming the baby for being in the womb after dark, and sentencing him to death…
Had she really never heard of adoption?
What a cold soul. She desperately needs Jesus.
To be fair, she did say when she was a kid she ‘had’ plans. Meaning, past tense. But, I do find it interesting. I wonder if she believes girls who give birth in bathrooms at prom and then toss their children in dumpsters should be charged with murder. I wonder if she makes a distinction between what constitutes murder if abortion were deemed illegal. Clearly, she doesn’t consider abortion murder – or does she and she’s just okay with it because its a baby? This line of thinking illustrates perfectly what pro-life people have known all along, which is the blood-thirsty nature of the abortion mind-set. It saddens me, and, Jen, you’re right. This woman desperately needs Jesus…
It says she “got over it” but what does that mean for her? did she have a complete change of heart? was this something she was taught as a child and realized it was very wrong? I’d like to give the benefit of a doubt about her “got over it” statement.
I was looking at her website and she does a lot of work with children. She has footage of her in the Phillipines and she’s with children with severe facial/cleft plate deformities who are going to have corrective surgery did she get over her fear of kids?
It’s a truly derranged statement, but, what or how did she “get over it”
How do you kill an “it”????
Whether or not her use of past tense means that she had a change of heart, which I very much hope she did, its still sad and sick that a young girl could think like that. Shows how deeply infiltrated our society is with this death poison for a yound lady to think that would’ve been alright
Or…. you could avoid the entire scenario by not having sex until you’re ready for the possibility of conceiving a child.
At least she is morally consistent. All pro-choicers should hold this view, really. I mean, if the mother is not responsible for a preborn, and is morally allowed to take the most expedient option to end the pregnancy, wouldn’t a mother also not be responsible for a newborn, and be morally allowed to take the most expedient option to end the parenthood?
If you argue that the mother has a responsibility to find a suitable alternative to her parenthood, then why wouldn’t it be the same case in pregnancy?
This quote was in response to a NYT interview with Chelsea Handler who stated the following:
On political correctness and abortions: “People are too P.C.,” she said. “We need to be focusing on other things. We’re seeking out such grossness in human behavior and want such mindless entertainment. ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ and some of these other shows are more racist. Or ‘16 and Pregnant.’ Getting rewarded for being pregnant when you’re a teenager? Are you serious? I mean, that makes me want to kill somebody.” She continued: “I had an abortion when I was 16. Because that’s what I should have done. Otherwise I would now have a 20-year-old kid. Anyway, those are things that people shouldn’t be dishonest about it.”
Hmm . . . I keep on hearing that abortion is something that “women don’t take lightly,” but she seems pretty flippant about it.
As for killing someone, Chelsea, you already did.
Okay, someone needs to say this: Doesn’t she look kind of like Velma from Scooby Doo?
Oliver, I don’t think so.
I think for many parents, the birth of a child is the catalyst to maturity and responsibility. No one has the right to end the life of a developing human (or any other human for that matter!).
Pregnancy is a natural occurance. It isn’t an opportunity to play god and decide who gets to live and who gets to die. The only humane decision is: live and let live.
I think you misunderstood my point there buddy. I am saying that a pro-choice viewpoint necessarily supports an infanticide view as well. Therefore, since few pro-choicers actually support infanticide, they should also not support abortion. They are essentially linked.
abortion –> infanticide
~infanticide –> ~abortion
When I was first post-abortive, I wondered to myself if I would have been a bad mother because I was able to go through with it. If I had been capable of being a good mother then I wouldn’t have entered the door of the abortuary, I wondered.
Of course that wasn’t really true.
But I think a lot of post-abortive women still rationalize that way many years later. I think the truth is that having a baby is a startling life-changing experience for all parents, whether their baby was planned or unplanned.
But you’re right: abortion so poisons a woman’s attitude, they can’t see the humanity in born children either. Even where abortion is legal, women still sometimes act out to terminate their own pregnancies. Even where setting a baby down at a fire station or hospital is legal, some women still kill their newborns. It’s insane. I’m suddenly reminded of the newstory a while back about a man who came home and he and his neighbor discovered a baby in the garbage dumpster; the baby turned out to be his!
What exactly does she mean by “I got over it”?
I’ve long suspected that many sound like they wish they could personally stomp on the babies that are daring to be in their way.
“When I was first post-abortive, I wondered to myself if I would have been a bad mother … I think a lot of post-abortive woment still rationalize that…”
I agree as I have met several post-abortive women who rationalized that they would have been a bad mother at the time, so that’s why they had an abortion, ie “I wasn’t ready to be a mom”. Two of the women have said to me, “Abortion is wrong because it kills a baby, but it was right for me at that time and I don’t regret it.” It takes quite a unique world view to say something is wrong but it’s still okay.
She says “when I was a kid…” She had thoughts of murder when she was a KID?? That’s pretty disturbing that a kid( she doesn’t say how young she was) would sit around and PLAN a murder “just in case”.
I echo the responses here – twisted as a kid to have those thoughts – hopefully she does not have them anymore and works on the behalf of ALL children, born and unborn.
When I was a kid, I never thought of abortion, never thought that killing children after birth was ok. To me, that would have been a nightmare – not something to embody or wish for.
Let’s hope for improvement, and redirection in her life. It’s never to late to have a heart soften and cherish all.
Oliver: Doesn’t she look kind of like Velma from Scooby Doo?
Ha! Oh yeah, she’s getting there… I think you give her some darker hair color and a couple hundred milkshakes and then we square-up those glasses a tad…
What Janette really said is – she’s confessing her “right” actually kills a child. And this doesn’t bother her in the least.
That’s sort of like the story I heard about Islam where one man killed another who refused to follow Islam (and Islam condoned the killing) causing a friend to remark that he needed to follow such a powerful religion. Insanity.
Yeah, Pamela, I’m with you. This makes me think perhaps her childhood was frightening or difficult in some fashion.
Wow I don’t know what is worse, the people in here that immediately judge people from a 2 paragraph story or Chris who compares her with a terrorist mentality…
Read the story for what it is, She is talking about the fear and lack of knowledge she had as a child as it relates to the abortion issue. It is like my daughter asking me if she could put her uterus on E-Bay because she never wants to get pregnant. lol She will change her mind someday, I did. The biggest thing I hear in this story is fear and a wrong conclusion reached by a young girl in the grips of panic.
Education is the answer, kids need to know the truth about sex and all that comes with it even the parts of it that are a bit scary and twisted. They need as much info as we can give them in order for them to make good decisions. Even if you do not agree with homosexuality you still have to teach your kids about it just so they know how to handle it when they inevitability run across a gay person.
When you are a female teenager, the adults around you often talk about your pregnancy as the Horror of Horrors. My mother said about a woman who had taken in a foster daughter, “Tilla’s pregnant. Ampara wishes she’d never taken her in. She’s been such a disappointment.”
I often heard that a teen girl was a “disappointment” because she was pregnant. I also knew that the mother or father often became violent if they suspected a teen girl might get pregnant or was pregnant.
These are the reasons behind many crimes against newborns and are also the reasons behind many abortions. To make a dent on such things, we have to find a positive way to deal with the sexuality and sexual vulnerability of teen girls.
Have it. Kill it. Bury it.
Pretty hard to miss her intent of premeditated murder, Biggz.
And so not surprised that you could care less.
You’re right, Biggz. It’s a shame that there wasn’t a sane adult in her life who could tell her, “The simple solution to your worries is to simply not have sex if you’re not prepared for the possibility of getting pregnant.”
To most of the liberal, pro-abortion people I know it is outlandish to suggest they not have sex. You may as well be asking them to use leeches to cleanse their blood; it just does not compute with their thinking. I understand it still needs to be said, but we need to understand they are going to look at us like we have three eyes.
Honestly, I was a bit appalled reading this, being completely pro-life here. Doesn’t everyone have a right to life? I’m sorry, but with this especially I see no logic, reasoning, or consideration.
Somehow her “getting over it” doesn’t make me feel better.
Don’t drink milk after the expiration date, but by all means have sex whenever!
Don’t ride in a car without fastening the seatbelt, but by all means have sex whenever!
Don’t combine medicine with alcohol, but by all means have sex whenever!
Do I have the pro-choice logic figured out? Because if I post here that young people should be educated that sex leads to pregnancy, that sex isn’t just a fun way to pass the time, the pro-choicers will jump all over that because I’m being anti-sex and trying to oppress people’s sexual expression.
So, let’s go over this again:
Cook pork thoroughly so you don’t get food poisoning, but go ahead and have sex anytime!
Look both ways before crossing the street, but don’t think twice about sex or you’re letting religious moralists oppress your self-expression.
Yes, I thought so.
Look both ways before crossing the street, but don’t think twice about sex or you’re letting religious moralists oppress your self-expression.
An abortion costs approximately $350. a VASECTOMY costs approximately $350 ($1500 tubal/women). If you insist on having sex and don’t want a baby, do something about it. Know yourself well enough to take premeditative action. While I understand these options are not available to minors… there was this invention a few years back, it’s called a condom… Less effective than abstinence, but better than murder.
Over and above how deranged and disturbing her childhood way of thinking was, I find it possibly more disturbing that she is willing to share these thought as though they might make someone think “Oh gee, you know you’re right, if we don’t allow abortions then poor little girls will be killing their babies in the forest.” The fact that she can share this story as some kind of “lesson” only says to me that she didn’t “get over it” and that this course of action seems logical in the absence of abortion. This woman is frightening. I wonder what kind of skeleton’s she keeps in the closet if she is willing to let this one out :/
So here’s the excuse again for abortion, that they’ll have abortions or kill the baby anyways. The only difference between what she said and abortion is with abortion, someone else kills and gets rid of the body. When I got pregnant at 15 My thought was “OK I’m going to have a kid.” I was scared to death of my Dad even knowing I had sex, but it was natural to me to be a mother and love the child inside me. I have a friend, who when she was pregnant, said to her father, “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” He responded with, “What do you mean, what are you gonna do? Your gonna have a baby and raise it just like I did you.” Exactly. Just like millions and millions, women have babies and raise them. How can the thought be, it’s a problem I’ll kill it?
Carla – put the drama stick down… We are talking about the scared ideas of a little girl.
“Pretty hard to miss her intent of premeditated murder” – It is not premeditated murder planning. It is childhood rational minus adult guidance. Before we go condemning her as a cold blooded murderer can we just acknowledge the point she is making about being a scared little girl with no information to go off of.
Brandolyn – You are 100% right.
Ninek – Your brand of outlandish over blown responses are always comical if not factual. This is why children need sex education. Fight it all you want but people are going to have sex, so you can sit up on your high horse and condemn the sinners or you can help educate the people you can’t change so even they are as safe as possible.
These thoughts would not come out of a young girl who has been through sex education.
Ok continue to demonize…..
In other words, murder baby after birth if unable to murder baby before birth.
Please cut and paste where she talks about being a scared little girl that had no sex education.
Put the assumption stick down.
Oh, golly, I guess I missed all of Planned Parenthood rhetoric to school children wherein they say: You can have sex but you don’t have to have a baby!
It’s all over their website, all over their literature.
So spare me. Planned Parenthood doesn’t tell young people this basic fact of life:
When two humans, a male and female, have sexual intercourse, his sperm can fertilize her egg which is how new humans are made. Instead, Planned Idiothood tells them, oh go have sex when ever and where ever and come see us for the abortion!
Now, make sure to leave the tag on your mattress, and have sex whenever.
Turn off lights to save energy, but have sex whenever.
Don’t let bleach splash in your eyes, if so, seek medical attention, but have sex whenever.
Don’t pick at acne because it will cause scars, but have sex whenever.
Don’t use a blowdryer while standing in the bathtub but have sex whenever…
2 +2 = 4,
but sexual intercourse doesn’t make babies.
The capitol of New York is Albany,
but sexual intercourse doesn’t make babies.
Water freezes at 32 degrees F and 0 degrees C, but if your period stops after having sex but you don’t want a baby, then you’re not really pregnant, the baby isn’t a human being yet, and abortion will empower you and make you equal to a man.
“So, Johnny, did your dad tell you about the birds and the bees?”
“Yes, Mom. He said that if the bird pecked the egg open before it hatched and threw it out of the nest, then: the bird didn’t lay an egg containing a chick, the chick wasn’t alive and wasn’t a bird, and now the female bird is equal to the male bird who’s been oppressing her sexuality anyway.”
Cecilia says:
May 31, 2011 at 6:24 pm
Hadn’t she ever heard of adoption? There are babies abandoned in the woods who survive because someone finds them in time. To kill the baby, then bury it, says that she didn’t want the baby to be found and rescued. To never see the baby again wasn’t enough for this bitch. No, the baby had to die in order for her to feel OK about things. No wonder I’m all for proscuting these moms when it gets discovered, especially if they live in a safe haven state where they can leave the baby at a fire station or hospital, no questions asked.
(Denise) Should we prosecute the boys and men who seduced and abandoned?
Should we prosecute the moms and grandmas who warned “You better not come home with a baby!”?
Should we prosecute those who made these young women afraid and ashamed?
All of the above share in the guilt.
Babies will end up in dumpsters and in forests until we as a society find adequate ways to deal with the erotic and emotional needs of the female in puberty.
This isn’t just a matter of saying “don’t.” It’s a matter of dealing with their feelings. Polly Bergin said she’d been given a lot of harsh lectures about sex but “nobody ever talked about FEELINGS,” about wanting to be with a boy or man, wanting to be held close and not be afraid for awhile.
The harsh lectures make girls ashamed of their bodies and the natural desires of their bodies and probably do a lot more harm than good.
She reminds me of some teenager in a news story I heard several, several years ago (greater than ten?) that was trying to get a judge to approve a late-term abortion for her. The judge refused – and I believe the state was California? She told the judge that she wasn’t going to put the baby up for adoption and that she was going to be an abusive parent to “it” – as if that would be the judge’s fault. Selfish, twisted individuals. I’ve forgotten the details to that case, but I often think about the child and wonder how he/she is.
Babies will end up in a dumpster as long as we as a society allow abortion industry people inside our schools to continue telling young people: just have sex, everyone’s doing it, here are some condoms!
Babies will end up in a dumpster as long as parents and grandparents think that pregnancy is worse than murder.
Should we prosecute parents who throw their teen daughters out of the house for the “crime” of turning up pregnant? YES!!! Telling a teen daughter to hit the street or kill your grandchild is nothing short of criminal.
Maybe we can tell our young people to use a little common sense. Oh, no! That’s oppressing them!! That’s not realistic, they’re all doing it!!! yada yada.
You’re durn tootin’ we need to change how we educate our children on how to handle the hormonal changes during puberty and how to navigate in such a sexually charged culture, but throwing condoms at them in school isn’t working.
Hadn’t she ever heard of adoption? There are babies abandoned in the woods who survive because someone finds them in time.
The above story is an example of WHY CATS RULE!
I don’t think most PC’ers support infanticide. Some do, like Peter Singer, but saying that all of them do is like saying we all support bombing abortion clinics.
Phillymiss: The above story is an example of WHY CATS RULE!
Some dogs would do that, too. And, some kids have been raised in the wild by wolves, right?
when she was a KID? Most children that know what abortion is or what it does would NEVER want to fight FOR abortion rights….
maybe she means when she was a teenager.
Biggz at 4:40pm
Here – read what you’ll find quoted at the article:
She also said:
She’s undeniably talking about a child, and undeniably saying it’s okay to kill that child, because at this point she considers it a “right” for a woman to kill her own child.
That story I conveyed about Islam – it comes from AD 640 and has nothing to do with modern terrorism. It has everything to do with empowering a brute force absolute power mindset which the adherents of Islam found … useful.
Janette Barber’s mindset – her words, are, she’d kill so others can kill their own children.
And you’re calling me fanatical?
Go away Biggz.
Just go.
this woman is sick. Period. :(
When I was a kid…
I was pretty young when I had that plan, and I got over it.
Another storm in a teacup?
Brava Ninek,
Outstanding comments.
Biggz said, “It is like my daughter asking me if she could put her uterus on E-Bay because she never wants to get pregnant. lol”
Seems if a girl is young enough to be naive about placing body parts up for auction, she is too young to comprehend sexuality. By all means educate children on the facts of life, but teaching them mathematics, piano, softball, foreign language, violin, etc as a first priority builds self esteem and tends to reduce teenage pregnancy more than sex ed.
Revive chaperoned dating. Many inappropriate and destructive sex acts could be avoided though chaperoned dating.
OK, I’ve been thinking this all day and I just have to say it:
Is she wearing a Snuggy?
Another round of kudos for ninek. :)
Condoms aren’t the complete answer. They break, slip off, and leak. Additionally, they don’t protect the female from the psychological problems that can result specifically for them from partnered sex.
Neither are harsh lectures the answer.
We’ve got to become creative in trying to diminish destructive sexual activity without harming mental health.
Teens need more adult supervision. Without it, partnered sexual experimentation often seems inevitable.
Thank you!
I know my comments may have seemed ridiculous to some, but if we expect ourselves to learn how to eat and live using logic and self control, surely we can use some common sense about sex. Thanks, Denise Noe:
“We’ve got to become creative in trying to diminish destructive sexual activity without harming mental health.
Teens need more adult supervision. Without it, partnered sexual experimentation often seems inevitable.”
I agree. I think too many parents don’t know where their teens are. We can’t just take it for granted that they withdraw from their parents. I recommend family dinner time, or breakfast if that’s what it takes. No matter what shape your family takes, communal meals work wonders.
its the same thing
ninek says:
June 1, 2011 at 10:39 am
Thank you! I know my comments may have seemed ridiculous to some, but if we expect ourselves to learn how to eat and live using logic and self control, surely we can use some common sense about sex. Thanks, Denise Noe:“We’ve got to become creative in trying to diminish destructive sexual activity without harming mental health.Teens need more adult supervision. Without it, partnered sexual experimentation often seems inevitable.”I agree. I think too many parents don’t know where their teens are. We can’t just take it for granted that they withdraw from their parents. I recommend family dinner time, or breakfast if that’s what it takes. No matter what shape your family takes, communal meals work wonders.
(Denise) People should not “repress” — that is, deny that they have feelings that are natural and healthy. Sexuality is a very powerful force and it is one that has many dangers. As a result, it makes sense to hedge partnered sexual expression around with limits designed to keep its many dangers to a minimum.
Sexual activity spreads diseases, at least one of which is life-threatening and many of which may cause permanent damage of varying sorts. Sexual activity leads to pregnancies. Partnered sexual activity has special psychological risks for females. All of these truths mean that we must find reasonable and humane ways to reduce the amount of irresponsible and potentially destructive sex.
Eric and Denise
Ditto to what both of you said. When I was 14 I went to live with my brother and sister-in-law. We were told the story of the why buy the well if you can get the water free story. we were expected to do chores and then were rewarded with ice skating, swimming and other activities. When I moved back with my mom there was no preaching I was bought a car an was given the freedom of an adult. I had a neighbor who worked at a clinic and advised my mom to put me on the pill or at least that’s the story I was told. I was sixteen I should have been happy, I wasn’t. I just felt like I had been betrayed. I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when I was 23 read what God had to say about abstinence and believed him. That’s one of the reasons why when I see planned parenthoods agenda I’m very vocal. I think they and their agenda are evil. And if the middle class don’t seriously fight their agenda I don’t think the economically disadvantaged will be able too. But I could be very wrong maybe it will be economically disadvantaged moms and dads who put a stop to their usurping of parental authority. Hopefully someone or someones out there are able to remind them in a very legal way that good parental authority is still a good thing. If not parents (taxpayers) will continue to pay for humanistic indoctrination of their children and when their childrens lives are falling apart they’ll pay again.