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I just watched the latest video by Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV, and wow, it’s great. Voris is my kind of pro-lifer.

In this episode Voris takes on Notre Dame for hypocrisy and inequitable treatment of 88 pro-lifers who were arrested for protesting against the university after it invited pro-abortion/pro-infanticide Barack Obama to speak at its 2008 commencement (and receive an honorary doctorate).

Notre Dame dropped charges earlier this month, Voris says because it saw the hand-writing on the wall. It realized it would lose in court. I’ll let Voris explain…


Read the settlement here. I’m now wondering if the ND88 should have gone forth with their lawsuit.

I know the Apostle Paul spoke against Christians suing one another. But is Notre Dame really Christian? Its leadership committed the ultimate betrayal, IMO – of innocent little babies.

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