Planned Parenthood, coyote ugly
In a post this morning I mentioned actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Scarlett Johansson have made PSAs for Planned Parenthood this year. Now Amy Poehler can be added to the list of celebrities making pro-Planned Parenthood pitches. From a PP email yesterday…
The highlighted section segues to my point. I’ve been pondering how well PP would be faring if it didn’t have Cecile Richards at the helm, if instead it had a militant feminist hag in charge.
In my opinion, much if not most of PP’s continued political popularity can be attributed to pretty, soft-spoken, earnest, pedigreed, and, yes, blonde Richards.
Richards has been CEO of PP for 5 of its most tumultuous years, when it was nailed in stings and actualities for underage rape cover-up, fraud, racism, and aiding and abetting sex traffickers.
And yet Richards made Time’s top 100 most influential people this year as “a portrait in grace, intellect and determination… dedicated… tenacious organizer, talented… always wins… leads with diplomacy… proud mother of three, a devoted wife and gracious company,” as Nancy Pelosi described.
Any other CEO would have been fired by now. Being the CEO of Planned Parenthood cannot be rewarding or enjoyable these days. Richards must constantly play defense – and will for the foreseeable future. Her plight will only grow worse if Obama is defeated.
Richards won’t always be CEO of PP. When she leaves, PP will lose valuable star power.
Planned Parenthood relies way too much on Hollywood and political star power, which it won’t always have. Imagine when that day comes.
Pro-lifers, meanwhile, rely on ideology power, truth power – winning through persuasion. This will rule the day in the long run, which we are seeing.
In Biblical terms Planned Parenthood is a whitewashed tomb. It’s glitzy on the outside but death and decay on the inside.
From the 2000 movie, Coyote Ugly:
Girl: Can I ask you something?
Lil: What?
Girl: What does Coyote Ugly mean?
Lil: Did you ever wake up sober after a one night stand, and the person you’re next to is lying on your arm, and they’re so ugly, you’d rather chew off your arm then risk waking ’em? That’s coyote ugly.
Girl: My God. Well, why would you name your bar after something like that?
Lil: Oh, ’cause Cheers was taken.
Someday the masses will consider Planned Parenthood coyote ugly.
[Photo of Richards via Time]
One day, people will still be naming their daughters Jill and their dogs, Cecile.
*from the quote: one day, men will name their sons Paul and their dogs Nero.
Awesome! Totally rules!
At least we now have proof that they have given up trying to convert intelligent adults.
The tone is so childish.
That was great, Jill! I cannot wait to see that monster leave and abortion end!
-ninek: that woman is a disgrace to the name Cecile (or any variation of my name)… I demand she change her name to something more fitting, like Satan’s little helper. She looks more like one.
There are at least 3,000 innocent human beings a day that don’t get the care they need at PP.
Could Ms.Poehler, who according to Google is 39y/o, try speaking like an adult and not a high school girl? “Totally rules”, “really truly no-kidding awesome”. Puh-leeze.
Maybe the time has finally come for celebrities and liberals to put their money where their mouths are.
Ninek, you make me smile… :)
Aw shucks, Jill! Sorry Cecilia for the name thing! Just imagine how the nice Dr. Kevorkian feels about his name-recognition!
Re: Amy Poehler’s grammar:
“Richards.. she’s cunning and wiley, she’s ruthless to the unborn, and she’s totally dedicated to fighting against their right to exist.” There ya go. I fixed it.
Do you folks seriously think that the progressive areas of this country will ban abortion? Do you really?
Hi Ninek,
Waaay too many syllables.
I find the photo of Jill to be more attractive than that of Cecile. But I don’t know how old it is or what photoshp work may have been done to it.
So could “political popularity can be attributed to pretty, soft-spoken, earnest, pedigreed, and, yes, blond” be applied to Jill?
“When she leaves, PP will lose valuable star power.” – they may get someone even better.
“Planned Parenthood relies way too much on Hollywood and political star power, which it won’t always have.” – why not? Hollywood has a long history of being progressive and liberal-minded. Why would that suddenly change?
I get the point you’re making about how Cecile Richards puts an attractive face on Planned Parenthood, but is it really helpful to use the term “militant feminist hag”?
It’s just wonderful that you even have to qualify that statement about banning abortion to the progressive areas of the country.
Years ago it would have been unthinkable to have any form of abortion banned anywhere…yet here you are pointing out that it will be tough in the “progressive” areas of the country. Thank you, Emma!! Thank you, thank you!
You brought such a smile to my face.
Pro-lifers, we really have achieved so much in 2011, and we’re only halfway through.
“Years ago it would have been unthinkable to have any form of abortion banned anywhere…yet here you are pointing out that it will be tough in the “progressive” areas of the country.”
Scuse me but where did I say that it will be “tough” in the progressive areas of the country? I was asking, in jest, if you lifers actually believe that you can make inroads into areas that value women as people and not breeders – because you won’t. I also referenced “stare decisis.” But nice projection there Mary Beth. And BTW, there are court challenges to those states who are trying, de facto, to make abortion unavailable. Meanwhile,we, in the progressive states, welcome any woman who wants to terminate her pregnancy in a safe and legal manner. Just like the pro-choice countries of Europe are available for those poor Irish women who also seek to cast off the patriarchy that condemns them to a life of complacent conception.
Amy Poehler has had a career in movies, a sit com, and SNL. Remind me what networks Jill Stanek is appearing in?
That’s the point of my post, Emma.
@Emma: Yeah, we should absolutely base our social justice positions on the opinions of someone who pretends for a living!
Look, I like actors, and I like fannish stuff (frankly, I would be shocked if you are even a fraction as into fandomy things as I am). But unless the actor in question displays some brains (like, for example, being pro-life and actually valuing human rights for all humans) then the only thing I’m going to appreciate from them is their acting. I don’t care what Amy Poehler is in.
Nice save, Emma…but you were the one who inserted “progressive areas” into your abortion ban statement. If you were confident and secure you would have said that abortion will never be banned anywhere. Pro-life has made great strides this year.
Oh, and Jill appears in real life as “saving born babies from being left to die in the hospital utility room.”
That’s a bit more impressive than show business.
I really don’t think it is ever necessary to mock someone’s looks to make a point about their view. “Militant feminist hag,” wow, just rude. I know it wasn’t referencing anyone in particular, but it was meant to symbolize the stereotypical pro-choicer, and that just isn’t cool in my book.
Emma – New Hampshire just defunded PP. They’re pretty progressive. Some might even say, ‘enlightened’.
It was the militant feminist hags that pushed through abortion – men and women who lied about how many women died during illegal abortions.
The militant feminist hags made life miserable in the 60/70’s – I know, I was there. Women who wore deodorant or used make up or wore a bra, for Pete’s sake, and gosh, shaved their legs and their armpits were derided and ridiculed. Women who wore feminine clothing were mocked.
I do not think that the term militant feminist hag has anything to do with looks, Jack – it has much to do with a mindset and hygiene.
That said – Cecile Richards and her make up artist do a good job!
Well, I wasn’t born then, lol. I had no idea where the term originated. I think most people my age would have a similar reaction like I did to the term, though. We have a lot of good arguments and facts on our side without resorting to that, IMHO.
Seriously!! Is it part of the job description of an actor to be a complete idiot? Has their heads gotten so big and full of air that they do not realize who and what they are really promoting? Or is it for the art?!?! There was a time when I was on my way to really focusing on making it in the television world. I got a small scholarship to the community college in my area and an agent. I had real dreams and real talent. And then I got pregnant and of course my life took a different route. And guess what THANK GOD!! If being a 17 year old pregnant military wife kept me away from the world of progressive thespian stupidity then I consider myself more blessed then I even realized! I am from southern California and these women are embarrassing.
Yeah, a second Cecilia! I was reading the comments and came across one written by Cecilia. I noticed immediately that I did NOT write it. That means another Cecilia is on this board. And she’s pro-life like me, YESSSSS! (high 5).
While I am 100% prolife and find it possible that this horrible suppression of human rights will one day be outlawed and recriminalized…but I too disagree with it losing ‘start power’. Hollywood, with few exceptions, are radically liberal, immoral, and prone to push the worst of it in their public speaking and working scripts. They might get less rabid about it, but something being criminal or immoral has never stopped Hollywood from supporting anything. There is no reason to think it would stop them in reference to abortion. In fact, about the only thing that seems to be a requirement for Hollywood to support a thing is that it *be* illegal or immoral.
that value women as people and not breeders
This is a misconception.
Just because we pro-lifers value giving birth over aborting a pre-born human being’s life doesn’t mean that we don’t value women.
I have lots of female friends and relatives who I value as women–not just because they’ve been good mothers, but also for who they are. My own mother is an amazing person and not just because she is a mother, but because of who she is.
Today’s briefer version of Harper’s Index:
Number of posters speaking of “militant feminist hags”: 1
Number of posters speaking of “the patriarchy that condemns [women] to a life of complacent conception”: 1
I’ve never understood Harper’s Index, so I have no idea what the above could possibly “mean.”
At any rate, as far as abortion becoming illegal in progressive states — right? That’d be as ridiculous as slavery being banned in the deep South…
The comparison is apt. Progressivism is about expanding government control at the expense of individual liberties; progressivism is counter-Constitutional. Note the progressive states: (Some progressives — lamentably few — properly advance the idea that mediatating institutions should obviate government programs as much as possible.)
Progressives are generally communitarians in all respects except abortion. “It takes a village to raise a child,” and even parental rights take a back seat to both parental and societal responsibility in that regard. But pro-life posits a more fundamental communitarian ethos: “it takes a mother to gestate a child.” As progressives are concerned with born children, pro-life folk assert a communitarian responsibility (a pregnant woman should nurture her unborn child — the most fundamental imaginable communitarian pact, and it may also “take a village”) with consequences for individual liberty (A substantial proportion of a mother’s life serves her child through nurture before and after birth, a substantial proportion of our daily work serves others through taxes).
I’d pose that conception is the striking of a social contract — the most fundamental one imaginable. And why not? Progressives who wish to tax me seem to believe that birth entitles me to the varied protections of their nanny state, and obligates me to contribute according to my ability to help others according to their need. The moment I’m born, society bears significant responsibilities for me. That’s a progressive staple. That pound of flesh IS extracted from taxpayers — as involuntarily as a woman supplies her unborn with nutrients.
As involuntarily as she breathes.
Were mother earth sapient and pro-choice, we oxygen parasites might all be doomed.
“Give me liberty or give me death!” That’s a declaration of active resolve: I will be free and resist tyranny even at the expense of my life. It’s also the expressed passivity of the unborn, who depend on their mothers for their life and liberty. For “progressives” who wish to deny them their life and liberty, killing is as much an option as it was to the Redcoats — it’s what you get instead of liberty because others want control.