web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • The Boston Herald has a balanced piece from the Oakland Tribune on pro-life billboards in Oakland, CA. Apparently, the billboards were removed on Monday after pro-aborts started a campaign to take them down.
  • Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed legislation which included rules on abortion advertising:

    According to Russian lawmakers, advertisements mislead the public by creating an impression that an abortion is a simple surgery that poses no health risks.

    The new amendments require that warnings about the dangers should occupy no less than 10% of each advertisement.

  • An Australian couple is rightly angry at a hospital which threw their miscarried child in the trash:

    On April 27, Lisa and husband [Charlie] were told by a nurse at Swan District Hospital that “it’s not a baby, it’s just a foetus” and that it had “probably been thrown out with the medical waste.”

    The couple had wanted to take their baby’s body home to bury.

    Lawyer John Hammond, who has taken on the couple’s case, said there was an obligation for the hospital to report the death of a foetus to the Registry of Births and Deaths after 20 weeks.

    Although Lisa was only 17 weeks into her pregnancy, Mr. Hammond said she was entitled to take the foetus home to bury.

    Health Minister Kim Hames today apologised to the couple and said he would investigate the incident.

  • 2 blind patients have received cells created from human embryonic stem cells in a Phase I clinical trial by Advanced Cell Technology:

    A team led by Steven Schwartz at UCLA administered about 50,000 cells Tuesday into one eye of a volunteer suffering from Stargardt Macular Dystrophy, a progressive form of blindness that usually begins in childhood, and another with Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the developed world….

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