(Prolifer)ations 7-1-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Women’s Rights without Frontiers, our newest blog addition, features a sobering video on the atrocity of forced abortion and sterilization in China – funded by the international community through UNFPA, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Marie Stopes International:
- In honor of Fertility Awareness Month, Timmerie’s blog has a post on society’s search for alternatives to infertility via surrogacy, IVF, and egg donation – all fraught with moral and legal issues.
- Suzy B calls out NY Democrat Rep. Louise Slaughter for “cross[ing] the line of decency” when she told a crowd of abortion supporters pro-lifers are “here to kill women,” and “You are allowed to have an abortion if you’ve been raped or it’s a matter of incest. However, you have to keep a receipt. Did you know that? It’s sort of like an old German Nazi movement: show me your papers.”
- Star Studded Superstep discusses the convoluted strange rants and unbalanced claims made against Abby Johnson by Army of God member Rick Ellis.
- ProWomanProLife links to the heartwarming story of a woman who, at age 18, placed her son for adoption only to have him find her through Facebook 36 years later to tell her what a wonderful life he has lived. PWPL aptly notes this woman “might have chosen abortion, and that would have been the end of the story.”
- Pro-Life Action League discusses the 2010 film All Good Things, loosely based on the actual disappearance of Kathleen Durst. The film effectively weaves an underlying story of abortion, showing how it led to the deterioration of a marriage and a woman’s life.
- Wesley J. Smith shares snippets of his current Weekly Standard article on the coupling of organ donation with euthanasia in Belgium:
Coupling organ donation with euthanasia turns a new and dangerous corner by giving the larger society an explicit stake in the deaths of people with seriously disabling or terminal conditions….
[It] creates a strong emotional inducement to suicide, particularly for people who are culturally devalued and depressed and, indeed, who might worry that they are a burden on loved ones and society.
People in such an anguished mental state could easily come to believe (or be persuaded) that asking for euthanasia and organ donation would give a meaning to their deaths that their lives could never have.
- John Smeaton happily reports the British Medical Association has affirmed the supposedly impartial Lord Falconer’s Commission on Assisted Dying is actually stacked with supporters of euthanasia and assisted suicide, and is partially funded by well-known fantasy author and high-profile assisted suicide campaigner Sir Terry Pratchett. Smeaton states:
This motion will help to counter-act the inevitable media propaganda in favour of legalising assisted suicide which will almost certainly follow once Lord Falconer’s fake “commission” issues its report.
[Photo via Euthanasia Prevention Coalition]
Did you hear that Ireland is having a baby boom? The births are even making up for all the people leaving Ireland because of the recession. And there are something like 104 girl babies to 90 some boys. (I heard it on WBBM Chicago and I cant exactly remember the numbers.)
Erin Go Bragh!
MSN’s main page is also highlighting a news story about a celebrity baby boom titled:
Summer Baby Boom.
:>) !!!!
…”forced abortion and sterilization in China – funded by the international community through UNFPA, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Marie Stopes International”…
Which is to say that, Marie Stopes International aside, the United States taxpayer is subsidizing the profligation of the humanist gospel in China.
One would think this would be easy sledding for the humanists, but reality keeps getting in the way.
The communists have had more than 40 years to eradicate any concept of religion other than worship of the Marxist state. Every human need is subordinate to the ‘good’ of the state. Inidvidual human rights are completely relative and subject to arbitrary abrogation at the whim of the ‘more than equals’ who lord their authority over the ‘less than equals’.
On the one hand we have ms Littlejohn shining the spotlight on the barbarity of China’s one child/forced abortion policy and on the other hand we have missy Hvistendahl who is lamenting the motivation behind Chinese women’s ‘choice’ to kill their female children.
Not the fact that they are killing them, but they are doing it for a reason that is incogruent with ms Hvistendahl’s feminista idiotology.
[I wonder what missy H would say if the Chinese women were murdering their male children because they preferred females. I predict deafening silence.]
The Chinese women who have resisted being assimilated, and who have preserved both their humanity and their feminity, and who value their babies simply because they are their children, regardless of their gender, must be especially troubling to both the feministas and and the humanists.
The humanists are at war with human nature and they can only be victorious by eliminating humanity.
Consequently, when humanists seize power, humans die by the millions, tens of millions and now hundreds of millions because to them the only humans who are inherently valueable are the more than equals who have the power/wealth. [It’s that dialectical /diabolical materialism thing.]
De-odorize the White House, remove b o.
The article about organ donation associated with euthanasia reminds me of the video game Headhunter for the Dreamcast. The storyline took place in the Los Angeles area; in the United States people who wished to longer live were euthanized peacefully and “with dignity” to have their organs harvested for donation. The enemy of the game was the leader of a black market of smuggled organs. I always thought that the video game was a possible prediction of the near future. Hopefully it will not be accurate.