This movie is not for the sake of promoting violence against the abortion industry; it points out the violence the abortion industry has brought to us!

Even though this is fiction, this movie is not for entertaining a fantasy for exacting violence against abortionists. So instead of putting so much energy into reprimanding and trying to “strangle” this project in its crib, as one so-called pro-lifer by the name of Dr. Gerard M. Nadal put it, how ’bout this: the sales of music with misogynistic lyrics are astronomical. The porno industry isn’t doin’ too bad, either.

Is it just coincidence that every two minutes a woman is raped somewhere in America according to the US Department of Justice?

Sounds like people are acting out their fantasies…

Now people like Bill Maher and his rape-minded friends can express their violent sexual fantasies while sexual violence is a real occurring problem in America, and pro-lifers are angry about Gates of Hell?

~ Zo criticizing pro-lifers who criticized the upcoming pro-life film, Gates of Hell, PJTV’s ZoNation, July 25

[Discussion begins at 3:53]

And a response from filmmaker Molotov Mitchell:



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