Jivin J’s Life Links 8-30-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- At the Live Action blog, Jennie Stone dismantles Charles Blow’s pro-abortion editorial in the New York Times. The editorial previously (it has now been corrected) misquoted a Guttmacher Institute study about unplanned pregnancy.
- Cynthia Greenwood of Texas is being charged with interfering with a rape investigation after she allegedly took her then 12-year-old adopted daughter with special needs to get a late-term abortion in Cleveland because her now 19-year-old biological son was the father:
Children’s protective services launched its investigation after someone in Texas called in anonymous tip that the 12-year-old became hysterical when Greenwood took her in for an abortion. The tip caller said Greenwood refused to say how her daughter became pregnant. Court documents said on Oct. 22, 2010, Greenwood allegedly took her daughter to a women’s clinic in Cleveland to have an abortion. She was 22 weeks pregnant.
Notice that the tip came from Texas. No one at the abortion clinic in Cleveland took the time to think about why a 12-year-old girl with special needs from Texas was in Ohio for a 22-week abortion.
- In response to a push for impartial abortion counseling in Great Britain, female reporter for the Daily Mail, Jenny Stocks (pictured left), posed as a pregnant woman and went to 5 locations (abortion clinics and pregnancy care centers) for counseling:
What happened next left me confused and traumatised – and I’m not even pregnant. I discovered that vulnerable women are being given advice that is both biased and manipulative – and could easily make them feel pressured into making a decision they will regret later….
My first call was to Marie Stopes, a nationwide network of sexual health clinics that provide private and NHS abortions….
Questioned about the size of the foetus, or the risks of infertility caused by abortion, [the counselor] said ‘You’ll have to talk to a nurse about that’, or ‘I don’t have the exact statistics’.
Nevertheless, the message seemed very much to be that abortion was the best option. ‘It goes against our very nature to have an abortion,’ she said. ‘But we do things every day that go against our very nature.’
This was followed by: ‘You want what you want… ?is it worth having a child because you don’t want to deal with a bit of guilt?’…
The session came to an abrupt end after 29 minutes and I left not knowing the medical or emotional side-effects of abortion. Keeping the baby was not seen as an option at all. I thanked my lucky stars that I wasn’t scared and pregnant for real.
- Biopolitical Times discusses the trend of some IVF practitioners to promote social egg freezing:
In most of the media coverage, the take-away message is that egg freezing is an unproblematic boon. NPR’s article, for example, carries the conclusive title, “Egg Freezing Puts The Biological Clock On Hold” and reports that fertility doctors “envision a time when society considers freezing eggs an act not of desperation but of empowerment.” The Vogue piece declares, “Stopping the biological clock through egg freezing has long been the ultimate feminist fantasy.”
[Photo by Nick Holt via MailOnline]
Jennie Stone’s article is fantastic.
Disgusted that the only one who even mentioned adoption was the second abortion place. Many pregnancy resource centers won’t even bring it up or if they do they use outdated language and do not have accurate information about adoption.
is a non profit working to address this. Do you know that a pregnant teen chooses parenting first and abortion second. Adoption is not even on the radar with less than one percent. \
Well today I went to a CPC and they gave me a free ultrasound merely because I was feeling so discouraged from the constant nausea with my pregnancy. They knew I was pro-life and that I had no intentions of aborting my baby yet they still wanted to help me. They gave me a beautiful hand-crocheted baby afghan too (a group of ladies makes them for the CPC) I saw my beautiful 8 week (10 lnmp) baby twirling in my womb and rubbing her hand on her face. It made me cry it was so precious to me. They encouraged me, gave my husband and I contacts for financial help should we need it and were just sweet as can be. Would Marie Stopes give free help like that with no compensation? Would PP? I think not.
Congratulations Sydney M to you and your husband. Glad to hear of your good experience at the CPC, though not surprising.
“Would Marie Stopes give free help like that with no compensation? Would PP? I think not.”
Sadly, you’re right.
To be fair, the author of the article didn’t feel that the prolife agency was helpful to her either.
What shocked me, though is that Marie Stopes is paid per abortion. If that isn’t an incentive to counsel women for abortion, what is?
I like the Daily Mail, especially the gossip section. Along with “Jerseylicious” it’s one of my guilty pleasures.
Sydney, did you say “her” hand? Do you know the baby’s a girl or do you just suspect so? I had been meaning to comment to you before that worse nausea supposedly means a little girl, though it’s considered an old wives’ tale. I had a lot of morning sickness with both my girls, more (and longer) with the first, but I was under more stress with the first. Hang in there and I hope very soon your morning sickness will be a distant memory. I enjoyed the 2nd trimester the best, and with you knowing what your son’s movements felt like, you will likely feel this little one’s a bit sooner than with him. I believe it was 14 weeks with my 2nd, but as your ultrasound showed today, she’s plenty active already. God bless your growing family :)
Hi Klynn73, don’t know the gender yet. I just feel the baby is a girl. I thought my son was a girl though too ;-) Another boy would be equally welcomed and loved. It is amazing how tiny these babies are and yet perfectly formed and moving with deliberate movement. And babies the same age and development as mine are aborted every day.
Awwww, Sidney got an afghan from a CPC. If Sydney didn’t have a husband who provides resources for this pregnancy, I’m sure that afghan would go a long way towards providing sustenance.
Try reading Sydney’s first post again, CC.
Oh here let me help.
They encouraged me, gave my husband and I contacts for financial help should we need it and were just sweet as can be.
CC, even if all they provided was an afghan (which, if you read the post, isn’t so) , it’s still more than PP would ever give to a mother. All they give mothers is dead children.
If Sydney didn’t have a husband who provides resources for this pregnancy
Pregnancy is the condition, not the output. We don’t provide resources for a pregnancy. I wasn’t going in to my OB to have MY STOMACH measured with ultrasound. When I was pregnant with my children, I wasn’t just feeding my belly. We provide resources for the living fetal human beings who are our biological children. Say it with me, “If Sydney didn’t have a husband who provides resources for this CHILD…” C’mon! You can do it! I know you can!
Sydney M.,
I’ve heard that morning sickness is often remedied by drinking water like a fish! Most people are underhydrated, and should drink half an ounce for every pound of body weight. Thus a 100-lb. person should drink at least 50 oz. of water a day.
Not that I have too much experience with morning sickness. :)
They encouraged me, gave my husband and I contacts for financial help should we need it and were just sweet as can be.
Right. Just like Planned Parenthood does for those women who need financial assistance. And given all the hype for CPC’s, I thought that they did provide monetary help. In the movie “12 and Delaware,” one of the CPC women, who was trying to induce an abortion clinic client to reconsider the abortion, said that she was going to give the abortion client money from her own (the CPC person) bank account.
So….what’s your beef CC?
Afghans? Ultrasounds? CPC’s? Supportive husbands?
How many afghans does PP hand out to women that choose life?
And yes I know directors that take women into their own homes, give money from their own pockets and take clients out to lunch. I think it falls under the umbrella of compassion.
Still waiting for the next Lila Rose from your side. Someone has gotta bust the CPC agenda wide open.
“Still waiting for the next Lila Rose from your side. Someone has gotta bust the CPC agenda wide open”
Our side doesn’t believe in bogus “sting” videos which haven’t, BTW, “blown open” any agenda on the part of Planned Parenthood. So far, no official investigations have been launched as a result of sweet, lil Lila’s videography which, in some cases, was edited. But I did read a comment on a pro-choice website which, in a satirical vein, suggested that our side engage in the kind of street theater “sidewalk counseling” that our side engages in. You know, the shouting about how the client will be lied to. But as our side feels that this is tacky, it won’t happen. But it’s amusing to picture it. LOL, we would have to come up with an equivalent to the rosary. Hmmm, maybe a Buddhist mantra chant.
This just in. Texas judge struck down the 24 hour sonogram law which Rick Perry was so invested in. The basis was the First Amendment – something that protects your “sidewalk counselors!”
You talk as though your side is all in one accord. Which is simply not the case. None of you can even stammer out when life begins!!! Your side on this blog contradicts themselves all.the.time.
And yes please get out there and stand on the sidewalk and sing the praises of legalized child killing. One or two of you will show up. Wear pink and let your middle finger do the talking.
Your side continually whines and moans about those naughty CPC’s that talk women out of killing their children and hand out all sorts of FREE things before and after the baby is born!!! Wah Wah Wah!!! How many children have died at CPC’s? How many times does 911 need to be called and the ambulances dispatched? Lights off, no sirens, please.
Put up or shut up. Find out the truth or cease your yammering about the real help we offer.
Please oh please oh please come to my CPC.
::Crosses fingers, closes eyes, wishes upon a star::
Kindness does not matter in CC’s world. Obviously, the only folks who were ever kind to her to her had a jacked-up agenda.
And, sadly, Truth does not matter in CC’s world either.
“Just like Planned Parenthood does for those women who need financial assistance.”
What assistance do PP clinics provide to women who choose to have their baby?
So, CC, I’m interested in your opinion. What does my local CPC do with the boxes of diapers I donate to them? Do they wear them on their heads and go to diaper parties, or what?
CC: The reason ‘your side’ doesn’t engage in protest outside CPCs is because it’s infinitely more difficult to argue that not killing children in the building is a bad thing.
People protest abortuaries because human lives are destroyed in them.
In other words, particular actions are protest-worthy. The lack of such actions in other places does not provide a locus for protest.
What flaming-on-wheels hypocrisy. I’ve seen the usual abortion fans comment that they’d support any choice a woman makes. So not true. We see evidence right here that when a woman dares to have a baby, she is mocked.
Some abortion fans aren’t content with personally making sure that no frightened teens, who are being coerced or forced by their parents, escape the parking lot with a live baby. They aren’t content with how many willing women they’ve led to slaughter their children. The body count, it seems, is never high enough.
They must despise their own mothers so very much. How very sad. No poverty in all the universe is worse than poverty of spirit.
For those readers who don’t like my phrase, abortion fans, because as one said, ‘no one is a fan of abortion’
I give you Exhibit CC.
“In other words, particular actions are protest-worthy. The lack of such actions in other places does not provide a locus for protest.”
I’d say that lying to women could be grounds for protest. And in addition to the lies, there’s the aspect of Christian propaganda being promulgated in some of these places. But the main reason why we don’t engage in street theater is it’s demeaning to women and a form of harassment. Women getting a legal medical procedure shouldn’t have to run a gauntlet of bizarre zealots. Women going into CPC’s should have the same treatment.
“What assistance do PP clinics provide to women who choose to have their baby?”
As do the CPC’s, they provide them with referrals to private charities and state agencies, if the client requests them. Unlike CPC’s, they’re not in the business of ”saving” “babies.” What assistance do private doctors provide to women who give birth?
“What does my local CPC do with the boxes of diapers I donate to them?”
They give them to the clients. But for poor women, boxes of diapers are just some of the many types of assistance that are needed. Frequently, it’s the taxpayer who foots the bill for TANF, etc. And I’m not complaining. But there are many who do and that’s why we’re seeing fewer programs for low income mothers and families. From strictly a cost efficiency perspective, abortions are much cheaper for both the mother and the government than bringing another child into a situation where it is either not wanted or unable to be maintained.
“frightened teens, who are being coerced or forced by their parents, escape the parking lot with a live baby.”
I thought that you folks feel that parents are the ultimate arbiter of a child’s reproductive system. Works both ways, here. And how do you folks feel about “frightened teens” whose parents or boyfried is coercing her into having a baby? Oh, right. That’s a good thing because a baby will happen and they’ll all live happily ever after.
And “abortion fan.” As much as I’m a fan of botox and liposuction for those who choose to go that route. If abortion “fan” means allowing women (those silly creatures who are all forced to have abortions) to have the right to an abortion – yeah, I’m a fan.
I thought that you folks feel that parents are the ultimate arbiter of a child’s reproductive system.
Nice try, but what we actually believe is that parents are ultimately responsible for the proper sex education of their children – not Planned Parenthood.
Fear is not a logical reason to take the life of one’s own child. Situations like “my boyfriend doesn’t want me to have an abortion” should make us glad that some man isn’t willing to just roll over and say “sure, lemme plop down $500 so you can kill the thing and we can keep having sex without taking any responsibility.” They should also make us realize that “frightened teens” probably have no business having sex since they’re unprepared to deal with the consequences of sex such as pregnancy and STDs. It boggles my mind that you can’t see that perhaps teenagers aren’t mentally or emotionally prepared to deal with sex, and that maybe sex isn’t just some harmless fun that teens should be encouraged to mess with. Our ability to reproduce is a serious responsibility, and aborting one’s child isn’t just like taking out the trash, despite the fact that the slaughtered human being is treated as such.
This is LIFE. There are very few “happily ever afters.” Killing should never be a solution to “improving” the lives of others or ourselves.
CC: ” But the main reason why we don’t engage in street theater is it’s demeaning to women and a form of harassment.” – no, CC, it’s because you’d lo0k stupid if you did so.
Let’s put it this way — in at least some respects, you people are losing the PR war. I think you know darned well what’d happen if you engaged in street theater over lies or propaganda. People could doubt your claims. But no one doubts that abortions actually take place in abortion clinics.
In a down economy for abortion rights, you people need to watch your credibility.
My family is acquainted with unplanned pregnancy, as I have a relative who got pregnant as a teen. Abortion was never an option. Though her parents were devastated, the pregnant girl decided to marry, but that fell apart (luckily!) because the guy was such a jerk and decided he didn’t want to take responsibility for the life he created. (Ah, isn’t it lovely when a girl’s good enough to sleep with, but forget about respecting her or loving her enough to support her and your child.) She lived on her own for a few years and then met a man who had been married previously and they got married and had a daughter a few years later. Today, her son – the one ditched by his father – is 18 years old, and he respects his mom, but can’t tolerate men who don’t take responsibility for their own actions. His life hasn’t been perfect, but he HAS life, and he has a family who has supported him, and he has turned out to be a good kid.
Another unexpected pregnancy happened in my family, too – I was that unexpected pregnancy. My parents were married and had wanted a child for years, but it just didn’t happen. One day, my mother found out my dad had been unfaithful to her. While dealing with this, she discovered she was pregnant with this adulterer’s child. Me. She divorced my father and raised me by herself, working full time and getting peanuts in child support, and we didn’t have much when I was growing up. Ideal situation? Nope. Happily ever after? Hardly. But I sure am glad to be here. I have an amazing mother and now I have a wonderful husband and 3 kids of my own.
So… life wins. Less than ideal circumstances do not excuse child killing.
Sooooo if we freeze embryos can we freeze the wacky brand of feminists, too? Please?
“What assistance do PP clinics provide to women who choose to have their baby?”
As do the CPC’s, they provide them with referrals to private charities and state agencies, if the client requests them. Unlike CPC’s, they’re not in the business of ”saving” “babies.”
Well, isn’t that a nugget of refreshing honesty?
But then our fan responds:
“frightened teens, who are being coerced or forced by their parents, escape the parking lot with a live baby.”
I thought that you folks feel that parents are the ultimate arbiter of a child’s reproductive system. Works both ways, here. And how do you folks feel about “frightened teens” whose parents or boyfried is coercing her into having a baby
For someone who claims not to indulge in theatre, this is pretty standard pro-abortion hand-waving. Don’t answer the question, immediately deflect with a forced birth reference!! She does not address the morality of whether or not she’s violating a teenager’s RIGHT TO CHOOSE. A teen has a right to give birth, no one can force a teen to abort, though plenty of you abortion fans do regularly break the law in this respect.
Proving, again, yet again, that abortion fans only want one choice: murder.
Wow, it must be a bleak existence to hate babies and mothers so very, very much.
I admit to being morbidly curious about which 5 lurker trolls could possibly have “liked” CC’s initial snarky comment…
…and for the rest of y’all: need I remind you again? :) I’m pretty swamped with work at the moment, but be careful not to feed a herd of trolls in my absence!
I would like to hear from a frightened, unwed American teen whose mother forced her to get pregnant and give birth. What I see from American teens is an overwhelming number tell us “my parent told me to abort or get out of the house.”
Now, we know that in some cultures, this still occurs. But our abortion advocates have nothing to say to those young girls other than ‘we’ll send a delegation to make sure you can get an abortion’ as if that makes it alright. Sure, that’s what Taliban child brides need. Cuz giving them an education, building and protecting their schools, and educating their brothers as well, awww that’s too hard.
But I digress. Let me give abortion escorts one chance to redeem themselves: Can you tell if a teen is being coerced to abort against her wishes? If you can tell, have you ever, even once, turned the family back and advised them to go home instead? Or did you side with the parent? Tell us, escorts, what have you done?