Life Links 12-5-11
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The New York Times features on article on the pro-life factions in Ohio and the heartbeat bill.
- The NOW of New York is upset a NY woman has been arrested and charged for self-abortion.
- A former abortionist at the Marie Stopes abortion clinics in the UK has been disqualified from practicing medicine. One of the patients whose care Phanuel Darteybotched was a woman seeking an abortion:One of the five cases involved an unidentified Irishwoman whose uterus was perforated. The patient was also left with parts of her fetus inside her during the 2006 procedure.
The woman had to be rushed to hospital on her return to Ireland and was in a critical condition for two months before eventually recovering.
- Defending pro-life legislation can be expensive. In Kansas, for example:After about six months, the state has tallied $392,520 in legal bills stemming from attempts to restrict abortion that were pushed during the legislative session earlier this year.
The state spent $237,834 on private lawyers defending efforts to strip Planned Parenthood of federal family planning funds. It has laid out $94,380 defending new rules for abortion clinics.

It might be expensive – but I’d rather my money go to protecting babies than killing them!