Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

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  • Timmerie’s Blog has a must-read account of intimidation in her college speech class. Though her physically and verbally hostile teacher told the class the topic of abortion was not allowed (unless a student chose to argue in favor of it), Timmerie got around this rule in an interesting way.

  • The Passionate Prolifer effectively compares the dehumanizing language of abortion (“parasite,” “intruder,” “product of conception”) to that of other historic horrors. This language changed the thinking of the populace and eventually paved the way for the extermination of certain humans.
  • Wesley J. Smith points out the hypocritical thinking of Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, who administered the state’s assisted suicide law “with gusto,” stating the voters made their wishes known on this issue. However, he did not follow this precept on capital punishment that was twice approved by voters, refusing to carry out executions during his term. Pro-euthanasia but anti-death penalty? Interesting.

  • Suzy B applauds the story of a mother’s unconditional love for her daughter, Taya (pictured left), who has Down syndrome and has also already been signed by a modeling agency at 14 months of age. Taya’s mother says “without her disability, she wouldn’t be Taya, so we wouldn’t change anything about her.”
  • Pro-Life Action League notes the fact that the Illinois Supreme Court will finally, after 16 years, address whether or not the IL Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 should be enforced. Illinois parents have the ACLU to thank for the delay.
  • ProLifeBlogs spots a story from Life Site News regarding the New Jersey nurses who were told to assist in abortions against their wills. Thomas Peterswrites:Pro-abort writers and bloggers are hysterically (I don’t use the word lightly) attempting to attack these women’s motives.

    Here’s just a sample of mockery by Erin Ryan of the feminist blog Jezebel:

    From the way the complaint describes it, you’d think they were being ordered to line babies up and shoot them with a crossbow in front of their children.

    I won’t even repeat some of the other things I’ve seen written about these pro-life nurses.

    I think the need by pro-abort writers to hysterically blow this story out of proportion is telling: they have to exaggerate because the actual reality of what these nurses have been asked to do is truly horrifying.

  • Pro Life NZ has a post on parents who called the police “after finding their daughter had been given a rubber foetus and a pamphlet describing the development of the unborn, while walking from school,” which they referred to as “disgusting.” PLNZ writes:

We have no problem in society teaching sex education to the same age group, so what is so inappropriate in giving a 12 year old a model foetus and description card? If we were to follow such logic, then we should report biology teachers who teach the science of any stage prenatal development.


  • Pro-Life Wisconsin discloses that Catholic hospitals in WI received over $81M in taxpayer funding for contraception from 2007-2010. This includes things like oral contraceptives, condoms, Ella, IUDs, etc, but does not include funding for preventatives like mammograms. What’s even more puzzling is that one of the hospitals which received funds was the Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee.
  • Secular Pro Life lauds the newly-passed Unborn Victims of Violence Act (“Ethen’s Law“) in North Carolina:The abortion lobby has consistently opposed laws protecting unborn victims of violence, precisely because they recognize the humanity of the fetus. Governor [Beverly] Perdue, who is strongly supported by NARAL and has vetoed common-sense abortion regulations in the past, presumably shares that view. Fortunately, this legislation passed with a veto-proof majority. Bear this in mind – local elections can be very important to the success of pro-life and pro-woman legislation!”
  • Right to Life of Michiganasks, “Is it time for proponents of killing human embryos for research to apologize” given all the false promises in the fight to legalize embryonic stem cell research?
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