Punk rock death concert for abortion fund
By now I’ve attended hundreds of pregnancy resource center fundraisers, and they’re always full of love and compassion. There are testimonies, tears, laughs, and sometimes a worship or pro-life song or two.
I couldn’t help but contrast prc fundaisers with a fundraiser being held tonight by the New York Abortion Access Fund, featuring a “[h]uge line-up of rowdy punk bands and killer Dj’s,” pardon the pun. Here’s the line-up…
Deathman… DirtyFinger… Fresh Kills… Dead Reich? Here’s their description of the bands:
MIRRORS AND WIRE (Surf/punk weirdos)
HANK WOOD & THE HAMMERHEADS (Rude punks on drugs)
ANASAZI (Deathrock passion)
FRESH KILLS (BK post-punk)Special split set by:
DEATHMAN (Death/Traitors, Burn Books)
&M.F. HILLERSON (Toxic State)
I can’t think of more that shows the true nature of abortion than this. You are known by the company you keep, as the proverb goes.
And why in the world does New York City need more abortions? The stats are already abysmal: 41% of all pregnancies end in abortion, and 60% of all black babies are aborted.
Here’s the very creepy ad flyer, complete with coathangers…
Ack, just ack. How depressing.
That poster, the band names, the rank and despicable innuendo.. these people are sick. It makes me so angry, and so sad as well.
Sad. New Yorkers are jerks when it comes to abortion – they love it I have come to think – it’s this nihilistic liberal leftist attitude that has infected the place. Isn’t there a conservative type movement in the NYC hardcore punk music scene though that calls itself Straight Way something or another? They don’t do drugs, booze, and no premarital sex. This doesn’t seem like a big venue like in Manhattan, just some punk club in the wilds of Brooklyn, still pretty gross.
Sounds about run of the mill for death metal and punk bands, sounds like a lot of music I like lol. I think the irony of the names may be lost on the abortion supporters.
Jill, this is even more sick and offensive because today, December 8, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Conception... and they chose this day to celebrate the death of the newly conceived. Ick. Immaculate Mary, pray for us.
I see they think clothing is optional – (either that or they have a hang-up about coat-hangers).
Don’t go.
Well, that sounds about right. These devils are truly evil, mixed them in with hollywood, pornographers, pimps, terrorists, many Jesuits, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Notre Dame college, Democrats, many lawers, NYtimes, murderers and other vile human beings..
Worse yet, where were the PARENTS when these misguided youth were buying into this whole “death” obsession?
This is the generation that will be running this country some day.
And to think the Beatles were feared back in the day.
Jack, I think that the irony would be lost as to why it’s ironic to any punk supporters. Simply because many punk bands pick names like that to be ironic in the first place. Regardless of the fundraiser function they’re playing, it’s not like they chose their names for it. But you are right, those sound like normal punk bands to me. Like the ones that would be just as soon playing for any other gig.
Depends on the genre though, Duck. A lot of the death metal bands are really death obsessed, they aren’t meant to be ironic. But yeah, punk bands tend to name themselves ironically. It is, however, ironic that these death named bands are playing an abortion benefit, when abortion involves the death of an embryo or fetus.
Mario, you’re thinking of straightedge.
Jack, I’m inclined to think by the lack of name recognition of the bands, that they’re probably still local and taking any gig they can get. :)
Lol, you are most likely right Duck. I am talking more about the people who set it up. I sincerely doubt the band members care at all.
Punk music is the “in” thing among the hipsters today though Jack. The people setting it up, were probably just thinking about how to get a crowd in a hurry on Thirsty Thursday. :)
Ugh, I hate the fake emo-punks. I find them as annoying as juggalos. ;)
bwa ha ha. Well, I can’t say too much, my girlfriend is a hipster. :) But at least she genuinely likes the music and isn’t just doing it to be popular. :)
Lol see I don’t mind them if they actually like the music. I get irritated when some fourteen-year-old pretends to like schranz or metalcore lol.
True, or any other music name for that matter. I’m not a fan of when someone only likes listening to indie folk cause they think it will get them laid.
I live in Brooklyn and have been past this venue many times. It’s a haven for filthy hipsters.
I shall take Reality’s sound advice.
But gads what a freak show.
i hate punk rock. the music stinks. there is another band that comes here from time to time called eitherr the dead fetus or the bloody fetus. no matter. they wont get my money.
They need a holiday in Cambodia.
Umm…if the name of the bands you listen to/like reflect your preoccupation…I’m in trouble. My favorite band is TOOL. XD
What else would we expect from the culture of death? And the juxtaposition of this event when serious Christians celebrate new life and the coming of the Christ child could not be more pronounced. Thankfully this concert and the money makers behind it are a small minority and it shows people just how perverted the abortion industry is.
Gee…I wonder how much $$ they actually raised for the abortion fund??
THX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXQViqx6GMY p.s. you guys seem to be misunderstanding irony
this rules
If by “this rules” you mean “contributes to the killing of hundreds, possibly thousands of children at the hands of those who are supposed to be trained to heal, at the behest of their own parents, those who are supposed to protect and care for them.” then yeah. This totally rules.
We don’t need more people, the earth is vastly overpopulated and aborting fetuses is essential to the survival of mankind. If you don’t believe in abortion, you don’t believe in mankind’s survival.
lol Davey you sound so dumb right now. Really really dumb.
You might believe that “overpopulation” b.s. if you’re too stupid to move out of a large metropolitan area. However, if you just go a relatively short distance inland, you’ll find no such danger exists. My family had the good sense to move out of the Bay Area of California, where I would’ve completely believed such nonsense, because it would’ve looked believable. However, now that my family lives in basically the middle of nowhere in a land-locked state, I realize this is just a bunch of fear mongering nonsense to get gullible people like you to believe that we “need” to kill ourselves off for “survival”. Because that makes sense.
I guess I’m hopelessly unhip, but I still love Stevie Wonder, the Supremes, and other “oldhead” music.
AHH, those CPC fundraisers — if I have to eat another plate of dried out baked chicken and overcooked broccoli again I might scream, but it’s for a worthy cause.
No I wouldn’t, because he or she would be my baby, too. I wouldn’t want to do that to my baby, no matter who their craptastic father might be.
Lol where did the trolls come from all of a sudden?
i can’t tell what side of this ian is on
The Right Side of History, Max…
I think Ian is just that special kind of troll who pretends to agree with the OP to make them look bad.
UPDATE: Clicking on the link in Ian’s name takes me to some sort of Aryan Brotherhood page, so yeah. He’s just a troll who’s pretending to agree. He probably loves the fact that 60%+ of abortions in NY are of African American children. This is the face of pro-legal-abortion, people. :D
Absolutely not, xalisae. My political beliefs have no bearing on my moral stance on this issue. We must put an end to the appalling practice of abortion. We must secure the existence of our people and the future of our children!
Riiiight. Because someone calling for the extermination of non-whites would certainly never do anything as terrible as tell a lie, right Ian?
Obviously no one here went or would go to a function like this. Denouncing the event to a bunch of people who would never go I’d hardly call publicity, and I certainly wouldn’t expect any of us to show up.
p.s. I think we can all agree everyone loves stevie wonder and the supremes
so, so gross.
This made me go “huh???”:
“If you don’t believe in abortion, you don’t believe in mankind’s survival. ”
If you’re for mankind’s survival, answer me this: How can mankind “survive” if you keep killing our descendants?
*To put it in blunt perspective: If you pro-aborts keep killing your kids…who’s gonna be left to carry on your “pro-choice” mentality??? ….NONE!
Pro-lifers will then rule the world..mwahahaha!! (*JK*..you get the gist, right?)
Jack – I like heavy metal, etc. too – buttttttt not artists that sing about death, etc…and it’s not the TYPE of music under attack here (at least, i hope not – as there are even pro-life and/or Christian bands who preform this kind of music) but rather the context of their music, names, and the support they are giving – plus the pictures are just gross and misleading – anti-hanger signs? really? they’re still ragging on about that? haha. But I agree – it probably will be lost on them – as the extreme supporters don’t even consider abortion murder – but that’s what’s really sad here…
I think its cute when others think they have the moral highground to tell others what their life choices should be. Dont like abortion? Dont have one. Simple as that. You cant pick and choose which rights we should be allowed to have, its broad spectrum. All or nothing. Tell me, hows the weather up on that high horse?
So trolls……….
how much did you raise to abort more babies and hurt more women?
I don’t think it’s too cute when a parent or family member of that parent pays a “doctor” (I use “‘s because no actual doctor worth his/her salt would kill rather than heal, it’s in their oath, for crying out loud) to kill their child in utero, when a parent’s job and responsibility is to care for and protect that child. What about that child’s “life choices”? Who is protecting their right to live?
“Don’t like getting forcibly assaulted and killed in the process of being removed from your mother’s womb? Don’t get aborted!”
Sorry, but that doesn’t work.
I like how those who came here to debate and support our cause are marked as ‘trolls’ right off the bat. “Hey! What do you think your doing! Using the internet as an outlet to express your opinion in open forum? Whats that? You dont agree?! TROLL TROLL! Y U NO LET US BATHE IN THE GLORY OF OUR SMALL MINDED IDEALS UNCHALLENGED?! TROLL!”
Just to be clear, Freshkills is the name of a former landfill now park on Staten Island. It’s quite pretty. The kills in the name refers to a geographical feature.
Freshkills LOVE life. We also love a woman’s right to choose.
And xalisae, whether or not a fetus has rights is all a matter of opinion. If we based law off opinion we’d really be screwed wouldnt we? let me dumb it down. Its my opinion that people shouldnt eat meat. So we should have all meat products removed from stores, right? of course not. Granted, Id like to see that happen but I can wrap my brain around the fact that people are capable of educating themselves then choosing what they may want to eat. No amount of bible-thumping will dampen the spirit of think-for-yourselfers (I say that because people liked to point out the date coincided with the immaculate conception…like that was totally planned as a slap in the face. I can bet no one even realized except for those who choose to nitpick) I guess what Im trying to say is this: is an embryo a human, who is entitled to every right that a grown adult has? or is it a parasite, who leaches off said human regardless of how they got there? Its all a matter of opinion and the fact remains that peoples choice to make those decisions are their own, and they must live with the consequent. And just to throw it in there, I have a good friend who is a product of rape and let me tell you, she dosent feel too super about that considering her mother was forced to have her by her parents at age 16 thus resulting in nothing but resentful emotions twards her by her “loving, compassionate mother who made the right decision”. Just a thought.
Your pain is bleeding through your denial. I pray you find peace and healing when you are ready. You and your offspring deserved better. There are millions of people who would have offered you unconditional care and I am very sorry that you were only offered more violence and pain as a ‘solution.’
I have to wonder if the Foremothers in the poster were pro-life. Very likely, based on years of study of early feminist writings. Oh, how far we have fallen.
Hi Trainwreck,
Well, so far all I have seen is a bunch of swearing and disgusting comments full of vileness. So I have deleted those. Tell your pals to clean it up a bit, please.
You are welcome to stay and respectfully discuss your views on abortion.
Let’s use our big boy and girl words!!
Hi Zack,
A woman’s right to choose what exactly? Hairstyle? Ice cream flavor? Tattoo?
Allow me to finish it for you.
A woman’s right to choose to have her cervix forcefully dilated and her child suctioned out of her womb.
There ya go.
So your friend would have rather been aborted than live at this time because she was conceived in rape? Have you counseled her to end her life?
FYI Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape/incest yet you are trying to advocate for the 99% of abortions that are elective.
Thanks, Carla. Your condescension changed my mind.
Carla, Thanks for your civility. Its refreshing during debate on hot-button issues.
Hey Zachary,
If innocent human beings did not die in abortions you and I would not be here would we?
There would be nothing to discuss.
I would have no problem with abortion if it didn’t kill an innocent, preborn human being.
But it does.
And I do.
Have I counseled her to end her life? I see what your doing there. If I say ‘no’ it will end in the rebuttle of “why not, you advocate murder…” or something to that affect. But to answer your question, of course I havent. Although she has fought life-threatening depression. The combats suicidal ideation and has attempted to take her life several times all due to the rejection felt by her family…in particular her mother. So yeah, she does kinda with she wasn’t born but its something shes working on. And yes, I am advocating the other 99%.
Most people here will be civil if people with opposing viewpoints act with civility themselves…
Trainwreck, people battle depression for all kinds of issues. There are unloved and resented children of parents who weren’t forced to have them, too. I don’t think that the solution is advocating for the death of these children before they were born. I hope your friend finds the help and healing she deserves.
Freshkills LOVE life. We also love a woman’s right to choose.
When that choice is ending the life of another human being-the pregnant woman’s child-those two loves are in direct opposition to one another. What’s it like to be so conflicted?
And xalisae, whether or not a fetus has rights is all a matter of opinion
No it’s not. At the moment, gestating human beings do not have basic human rights. Their basic human rights are being denied them by law because of a court ruling. That is not opinion, but well-established fact.
If we based law off opinion we’d really be screwed wouldnt we?
as a collective, yes, we would. That’s why a few thousand human beings every day are legally allowed to be killed by abortion in the United States alone-because a few judges ignored scientific fact and wrote law based on the opinion that gestating human beings are not human beings.
No amount of bible-thumping will dampen the spirit of think-for-yourselfers
Yeah. I’m hoping citing scientific fact will, and you’ll notice I take great pains to present my argument without citing any sort of religious material whatsoever, as I am a secularist. I’m just hoping “think-for-yourselfers” will crack open a dictionary and perhaps a biology book and acknowledge that gestating human beings are just that-living human beings who deserve the right to live and lawful protection of that right to live just as we have.
I guess what Im trying to say is this: is an embryo a human, who is entitled to every right that a grown adult has?
Your premise is faulty. Minors do not have every right an adult human being has, but they at minimum have the right to live (the exception being gestating human beings, currently). Pro-Life seeks to achieve equal rights for every very young/minor human being–the right to live for everyone at minimum.
or is it a parasite, who leaches off said human regardless of how they got there?
No, he/she is not a parasite, by definition, as biologically-speaking, a parasite must be of a different species in order to be considered a parasite. By your definition, every placental mammal would be a parasitic species.
I find it odd that you’re advocating that people like your friend be killed in abortions before they are born, yet seem to be very supportive of her continuing living and fighting her suicidal ideations now that she is born. Once again…how is it to live such a contradictory life? :/
Ok, the punksters have invaded the site and the mods can’t be expected to babysit here 24/7 for the next little while to delete vile comments. So I’m closing down comments, sorry.