Obama’s contraceptive mandate: “A dangerous game of chicken”
I see a dangerous game of chicken being played out here. If the rule is rescinded, then the pro-choice movement will be politically weakened, and the ardently held right to “reproductive freedom” will start to show cracks.
On the other hand, if the rule holds, the Church must decide if it will continue to support its mission to serve the needs of all.
If the Church caves, then abortion “rights” are cemented into secular America’s fabric as never before.
If the Church holds to its beliefs, then institutions such as the University of St. Francis, Joliet Catholic Academy, Providence High School, Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center, Our Lady of Angels Retirement Village, all face consequences that can only be imagined.
Imagine the worst.
~ Glenn Gummess, The Herald-News, February 13
[Photo via alt-energystocks.com]
Hey Glen – you don’t have to imagine the worst – all you have to do is go to Auschwitz or Siberia, or the killing fields of Cambodia. Then you can see the worst.
Abortion is about the destruction of innocent human beings.
Time and development eventually make no difference. What matters is removing/destroying whatever stands in the way.
Glenn is right, this policy is a game of chicken hoping the desires of people to save money on contraception will outweigh desires for religious liberty. This whole health care takeover plan is one cynical game of chicken with tons of these designed dilemmas, all hoping that a minority gets rode over roughshod by the majority for electoral benefit.
If the unborn were awarded their civil rights, men would be forced to use condoms, practice abstinance, have a vasectomy, develop your own pill or join the most sexist level of all aka homosexuality. We would see the rate of abortions drop dramatically. Right now this is more of a male issue than a female issue. Go battle it out guys. Just a reminder, hell is pretty damn hot!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!! Figure it out, Planned Parenthood in big business so you can all enjoy fleeting orgasms at the expense of your children. SHAME!!! Now is the time to do the right thing and do something about it.
hell is pretty damn hot!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Janet. :)
I haven’t followed things much here, but if it’s as simple as “should an employer have to provide insurance coverage that includes abortions and “morning after” pills, then I don’t think so.
Obama said that we could keep the insurance we have if we want. Now he’s working on destroying our insurance plans so we all have to go to the federal government. Have we ever had a president who hates the American people as much as this guy?
Wow! You mean you can’t serve God AND mammon by having it both ways??? Who knew?
hell is pretty damn hot!!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Or as my male middle school principal opened up our staff meeting this morning, “Happy VD Day.”
It’s better than the last staff meeting when he opened up with jokes about ejaculation.
If they force insurance companies to provide “free” contraceptives there will have to be a cost regulation built in somewhere. How will they control the expense? By regulating how many children you’re allowed to have? Extreme tax penalties for those who go over the quota? Eventually forced abortions and sterilization? Think it can’t happen here? Well, two weeks ago who would have thought an American president would be dictating that a religious organization must provide a product that goes against the values and morals of that organization.
All I have to ask is: how did “yes we can!” become “No, you can’t?” I hope that the people who voted Obama in – especially those Catholics that were mislead or lukewarm on abortion – will regret their votes and change them for November.
If we don’t – since he is behaving so shamelessly now, under the spotlight, imagine what he will mandate after elected to another term. Free abortions , for any reason, here we come. I wonder how he would persecute the Church then? I wonder what our society will be like then, and how much more that the Constitution will be tattered?
We must act, and courageously, even to the point of civil disobedience. Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves. The audacity of this administration to take power into the executive branch and wield it with such destruction.
Act with love, pray and fast. This is more than a battle regarding contraception – it’s more than for liberties – it is a war of supernatural proportions. Lord have mercy on our country, and all of our people, including those in power.
Praxedes, couldn’t that be considered sexual harassment in some form?
One would think so Kate and if I thought anyone above him would take me seriously, I’d go that route. He’s the same boy-man that said that the dress code for girls should be based on what she looks like in the outfit.
As it is, he is just one of many ‘good ole boys’ (that also includes gals) that run the show in my town.
I agree – it is a war of supernatural proportions.
“I agree – it is a war of supernatural proportions”
And just like in the wars of Reformation, there are two very different religious visions lining up against one another. Pro-life clergy vs. pro-choice clergy. It’s gonna be some fun….
How will they control the expense?
Insurance companies have already stated that contraception payment is cost effective as it’s cheaper to pay for birth control than it is pregnancy. And BTW, a bunch of Catholic universities already are paying for contraceptives. And, I know that might disturb you, Sister Carol Keehan, of the Catholic Hospital Association, signed on to the compromise as did a number of other Catholic organizations.
Things were so much better in the good old Inquisition days. Am I right?
Pro-life clergy vs. pro-choice clergy
Planned Parenthood is a religion now? Who knew? Planned Parenthood Pope Obama.
yes – the biggest expense they will control is making sure fewer women have babies… makes sense … except
those babies get born – and they need hospital workers to welcome them into the world (or midwives) – all honorable professions, keeping many in jobs…
those children need pediatricians, to help them thru their 18th year, and then adult doctors after… – another noble profession
and they need teachers, to teach them in the school system – more noble professions
and electrical workers, plumbers, house builders and remodelers, car manufacturers, clothing manufacturing, transportation and retail sellers…
farmers, food growers, agricultural implements and manufacturers and transportation workers
And police, fire and city, state and federal workers
and public transportation workers, social services agencies, etc.
Oh wait – children are GOOD for the economy – creating jobs in the public and private sector! Not to mention that most children are born and grow to adults who contribute to the educational, scientific, service and manufacturing sectors – as well as help parents to grow in maturity (hopefully)…
So to save money, we truncate the numbers of future generations, we truncate the need for future workers, have less workers paying into federal and state and city coffers, and have less money to help the government to help pay for more services for less people… and then we have Europe – spiraling downward due to too few children being born and having too many expenses to keep up.
It makes perfect sense – besides missing future smiles, hugs,, love and laughter…we lose future inventions, art, music, dance, educational and social advances. Perfect sense…
Planned Parenthood is a religion now? Who knew? Planned Parenthood Pope Obama.
Indeed, I think that there is evidence that Abortion is a religion.
They have a collection plate (paying for the abortion).
They have an altar (the table).
They have a blood sacrifice. (..)
They dole out a piece of carbohydrate and a sip of fruit juice to end the “ceremony.”(the cookie and juice they give women afterward).
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…looks like a religion to me.