Andrew Breitbart: Adopted and pro-life
Breitbart’s politics were a bit more libertarian than Santorum’s, but Andrew was strongly pro-life. It was kind of personal with him, because he was adopted — his birth parents were a couple of ’60s hippie types — and Andrew thus understood deeply the enormous potential of “unwanted” babies.
~ Robert Stacy McCain remembering conservative activist and new media entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart (pictured with two of his four children), The Other McCain, March 1, 2012
[Photo via Daily Mail]
thats a very nice story. its important to note that liberals and conservatives are indeed able to be friends and be friendly. the key to that of course is of course Dont talk politics! actually it was nice to see a few libs on Joy Behars old show ..refusing to indulge her in her Sarah Palin hate rant. i took note of 4 total. i can indeed give credit where credit is due.:)
I was pretty shocked to see a classy tweet from Seth MacFarlane mourning Mr. Breitbart.
It actually kinda made me feel better. Made me feel hopeful.
x that was sweet. i surfed the web and forbes is bashing him for being a conservative. i guess there needs some reflection as to what have we all been reduced to? im watching that huge tornado sweeping through AL and i called my mom as im worried about her. this man has passed away. today could be my day or your day my moms day. ive met a few conservatives who indeed admitted to me they were ” undecided” or did not feel one way or another about abortion. so what is that now a libaservative? a conservalib? help me someone. i am anti abortion.
thinking of all of you at this time as these HUGE tornadoes are everywhere and OH is going to be hit~ i just want to talk to God (my choice ) right now and pray for his will. who can know?
Imagine if Breitbart had channeled all that fierce energy into taking on the abortion industry.
Good grief, that would have been a sight to behold.
who knows what he would’ve done if given more time?
I don’t have much to say about Andrew Breitbart’s passing, so I’ll let his words speak for him:
In the hours immediately following Senator Ted Kennedy’s death, Breitbart called Kennedy a “villain”, a “duplicitous bastard”, a “prick” and “a special pile of human excrement”.
Yeah. I’ve been seeing that a lot on Twitter today.
The main difference?
Since Ted Kennedy accidentally killed someone 40+ years ago, that makes it alright to insult him just hours after his death. Gotcha.
Accidentally. A secretary he was screwing around with while he was married. And then, NEVER alerted the authorities. At all.
There’s no evidence that he was screwing around with her. And he did alert the authorities the next day.
Not that that matters. What he did was appalling and irresponsible, but it doesn’t excuse Andrew Breitbart or anyone else saying the kinds of things they said about him after his death.
And let’s be perfectly honest here: the searing white hatred that conservatives feel towards Ted Kennedy has nothing to do with the fact that he was an irresponsible, drunken cad who killed a woman (albeit accidentally) and everything to do with the fact that he was an extremely successful liberal politician.
Ted Kennedy was complicit in the death of millions of women. Only one died at Chappaquiddick. The rest died in the womb at the hands of the abortionists.
@joan: Erm, no. Try again. Kennedy crashed his car within walking distance of a number of occupied residences but couldn’t be bothered to bang on anybody’s door and ask to borrow a phone. While a woman was drowning. Because he had been drunk. The best case scenario for him here is that someone died because he’s a moron. The options get progressively darker from there.
Stop making excuses. She died because he wanted to call his lawyers first. The only people who do not recognize this are the ones who don’t want to. Whatever you can say about Breitbart, you most definitely can’t level that kind of accusation at him. Not without being a liar, that is.
and one site wrote…i wonder what slime will fill his shoes. face it. if they believe anyone might be anti abortion then they havent a kind word to say. not all but there will always be someone.
Excellent point Bryan!
Please pray for Andrew’s wife and four children.
Is anyone else wondering about the tapes he says he was going to reveal about Obama on March 1st and then he died hours before?
In response to Heather on March 2, 2010 at 1:23 p.m.–
If you have a bible, please read the book of John 6:28-40 and chapters 10 and 14 through 17. He will provide the peace!
Ted Kennedy WAS all those things.
Xalisae, here’s the dealio: you CRACK me up!
thank you Ls i will. the thunder is present and the sky is dark here. i havent heard a word from my mom but i will pray. may Gods will be done.
Exactly, Carla. No matter what you feel about someone’s politics or character, a wife has just lost her husband and four children have no daddy. God be with them.
heather, prayers are with you, too. And all the victims of these natural disasters.
And let’s be perfectly honest here: the searing white hatred that conservatives feel towards Ted Kennedy has nothing to do with the fact that he was an irresponsible, drunken cad who killed a woman (albeit accidentally) and everything to do with the fact that he was an extremely successful liberal politician.
Only a true liberal would think that an irresponsible, drunken cad who killed a woman and tried to cover it up was an extremely successful anything.
Failures to joan are those responsible, respectful men who insist on the truth.
You couldn’t be perfectly honest if you tried, joan. It’s above your pay grade.
thanks at all. prayers to all in the storm zone. LS reading my bible. thank you. im ready come what may. i prayed today for a very long time. i asked God to forgive me for every person id ever hurt. every sin everything. i told his everything including “i just want to make it “home” how can i better serve you Lord? i had no knowledge of the tornado and it passed near Birmingham. right over my mother. i had fox on and saw it. either way i know its going to be okay. i had a moment where i had to tell myself ” self…you judge and show little mercy. now try to do better.”
Carla, the tapes are going to be released!
Heather (on March 2,2012 at 4:43 pm), glad your mom is safe!
God loves you! (see 1 Corinthians 11:31-32)
Jill, everyone tries to do what they think is right in their own eyes, just like in the days of the Judges. Breitbart did what he thought was right, even though many were offended. But the only way any of us can walk in “darkness” (and the time we live in is very dark) without stumbling (Isaiah 50:10) is by following Him Who is light and has no darkness in Him at all (1 John 1:5).
We who stand for the protection of all human life must ensure we are following that light, even though others don’t approve. After all, the greatest savior of humanity, Jesus the Light of the world, did what He knew was right, and offended the “leaders” of His day…
Teddy Kennedy is directly responsible for the murder of millions of babies. Formerly a pro-lifer, he arbitrarily became pro-abortion when his Democratic Party made an unholy alliance with radical feminists and anti-Christian zealots. Teddy did EVERYTHING he could to keep Big Abortion going. I am reluctant to call Barack Obama evil, when he is most pro-abortion, most anti-Catholic president ever. I am less reluctant to use the word to describe Teddy Kennedy. Nobodyin their right mind could possibly compare Andrew Breitbart with one of America’s greatest monsters.
I’ve been so bummed the last few days. I couldn’t muster up the energy to joust with Doug!
A general has fallen. But great websites will live on. It reminds me of the “riderless horse” in notable funeral proscessions.
May they kick butt just as Andrew did.
Andrew refused to roll over and pee when his enemies imagined themselves big dogs.
It’s stunning how many Americans have been conditioned to roll over and pee by powerful interests — including the all-powerful state. Dems have been conditioned to roll over and pee, accepting dependency. Reps have been conditioned to roll over and pee, lacking confidence in the coherence of a philosophy of liberty and the rule of law rather than the rule of the political class.
He opened the door for a younger generation to see it a bit differently.
“I Am Andrew Breitbart” on YouTube.