Abortion funds: “Investing” in tomorrow’s “new young leaders”?
Katha Pollit, in the April issue of The Nation, lays out 6 reasons why giving to [the National Network of Abortion Funds] directly or to a local abortion rights fund is such a powerful act:
1. With a very small investment, you can change a woman’s life forever
2. Your donation helps women in crisis directly and immediately
3. You could be paying forward the safe, legal abortion care that the people in your life — or maybe even yourself — have needed in the past
4. You are literally making choice a reality for someone
5. You are investing in the new young leaders of tomorrow — the activists and volunteers who answer the hotlines, form bowling teams for abortion access, and raise their voices for abortion access
6. You will feel good. With reason!
~ meerkoet, sharing why her fellow pro-choicers should pay for other women’s abortions, Daily Kos, April 10
[Photo via mediamonarchy.blogspot.com]

She forgot #7:
Because paying for someone else’s abortion means someone else is going to have an abortion, which means I can’t possibly be an inhuman monster for killing my own child, because someone else is going to kill their too, right? In short-
7.) Misery loves company.
Bowling teams for abortion access? Ick.
Well #1 is true.
4. You are literally making choice a reality for someone.
Makes it clear that “choice” to them doesn’t mean “freedom to make a decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy”. No donations to this network would support continuing a pregnancy, only to terminate one. Surprise, surprise, “choice” only means “abortion”.
Ok, I parodied the above list with a little bit more nuggets of truth…enjoy!
1. With a very small investment, you can change a woman’s life forever…for the better or worse.
2. Your donation helps women in crisis directly and immediately…but not long term, we don’t help her find resources for her long-term needs or even provide long-term post-abortion care (counseling). Once she’s had the abortion, we push her out the door & we’re done with her, that is unless she wants to support our political cause.
3. You could be paying forward the safe, legal abortion care that the people in your life — or maybe even yourself — have had in the past…to assauge your guilty coscious. But the next one may or may not be “safe” and “legal” and preformed by a licensed doctor, but we’re not responsible for ensuring she’s referred to a clean & safe clinic, we just collect the money.
4. You are literally making abortion as a choice a reality for someone…but realistically, you may also be paying so someone can have the abortion they need, with a little “convincing” and “insistance”
5. You are investing in the new young leaders of tomorrow — the activists and volunteers who answer the hotlines, form bowling teams for abortion access, and raise their voices for abortion access: women who are childfree by choice, men who will never be pregnant, aging women, and clergy who are condemned by their peers..and the post-abortion women who experienced complications & feelings of loss & grief, who wil also speak out on their own terms against abortion.
6. You will feel good. With reason! …Yes, you can pat yourself on the back for helping a woman get an abortion, making an impact on 8 hrs of her life, without having to lift a single finger to offer any real or long-term assistance or resources for her home situation which brought her there in the first placw (whether it be homelessness, abusive spouse/boyfriend, lack of safe & reliable daycare, unemployment, etc).
Depraved. Plain and simple.
Just want to know how those bowling outings go down.
I would like to see the “Bowl for Abortion Access” team go up against “Bowl for Life”. The video would be a fine addition to YouTube.
“5. You are investing in the new young leaders of tomorrow — the activists and volunteers who answer the hotlines, form bowling teams for abortion access, and raise their voices for abortion access.”
Yes, there is nothing in life like filling people with regret and encouraging others to commit the same mistake that you have you done.
. . . the activists and volunteers who answer the hotlines, form bowling teams for abortion access, and raise their voices for abortion access: women who are childfree by choice, men who will never be pregnant, aging women . . .
I don’t have a problem with people not wanting children, but it seems that 90 of these “childfree” people are very pro-abortion, including my sister.
Hey, what’s wrong with us aging women? I’m sure Jill and others on this board could tell you that GRANDMAS ROCK! Well, actually I’ve been told since I’m past reproductive age, I shouldn’t have a voice in the abortion debate. Uh, okay.
Would the author consider volunteering at a CPC?
Better they pay than the taxpayers.
With a very small investment, you’re ending the future for someone! You are literally making premature death a reality for someone! You will feel good, knowing you got away with ending someone else’s life! You are investing in eliminating the young leaders of tomorrow!
Yeah, sign me up…barf.
Tommy R: I would lace up my bowling shoes and take them on any day!! Bring it!!!!
“You are investing in the new young leaders of tomorrow”
How about:
“You are KILLING the new young leaders of tomorrow”
There…fixed it!
Heh heh oops, sorry phillymiss, Jill, & any others here who’s sensibilities I’ve offended. I was referring to groups like “Grannies for Choice” “Raging Grannies” & similar groups. Isn’t it funny, they say pro-life women past childbearing age should have no say in the abortion debate, but they have no problem welcoming older pro-choice women? I ment no offense to anyone here, I was just calling them out on their hypocritism.
That’s what I was thinking when I saw #1, Carla.
There, problem fixed! Get an abortion and goodbye to you!
Isn’t it the proaborts that are always complaining that we prolifers don’t care about women after they have the baby? Well maybe their little proabort fund should also have money in it to pay for years of medical follow up care, counseling and therapy as thousands of post-abortive women struggle with depression and physical side effects.
Jerry, they can pony up a few thou for fertility treatments, too. It only costs a few hundred to ruin your reproductive organs by getting an abortion, but it costs a cool 5K to fix the damage.
Are fertility docs in any way motivated to get on board with pro-lifers? Not bloody likely. There’s a lot of money in broken women.
Many women with fertility problems would LOVE to raise a genetically-unrelated-to-us baby, but children get “choiced” faster than we can adopt.
Exactly, ninek. :(
Rachael, I was only joking. Believe me, I don’t get that easily offended. But I was told since I’m post menopausal, that my opinion doesn’t count. I wonder if this applies to young women, who for some reason, are unable to have children?
I tried to sign up for the Daily Kos, because they won’t let you comment unless you sign up first. Then I could suggest in their comment section that maybe, if they really want to be charitable, they could donate to feed hungry children, or provide a clean water well for a village that doesn’t have clean water, or provide Obstetric care for a low income woman that wants to give birth to her baby, or give to a thousand other good, and worthy causes that are more important than helping someone kill her baby. But they must know the user name Sweet Marmot very well, and know that I’m pro-life, because they wouldn’t let me sign up. So I came here to comment.
Oh well, maybe some of them will be trolling around on this site and see my comment here.
Sweet Marmot,
:) Trust me… it’s better for your blood pressure, this way, anyway! Even the most recklessly daring pro-lifer would be pushed close to the point of cerebral haemorrhage if exposed to any significant input from Daily Kos, Media Matters, Vox Nova, etc…