Planned Parenthood: Profit of Death – even its own members
by Andy Moore of
Planned Parenthood’s bread and butter is death. The helpless, the disabled, and ethnic minorities are their prey.
But believe it or not, Planned Parenthood has even employed a way to profit from the death of its own members. This from the Fall 2008 newsletter of Six Rivers Planned Parenthood in California, discovered while researching for AbortionWiki:
Gisela and Jerry Rohde have been Planned Parenthood supporters for many years. Recently, the Rohdes became the 87th and 88th members of our Heritage Society because they believe in the SRPP mission of creating a world of wanted children…. By leaving part of their estate to Six Rivers Planned Parenthood, they ensure their legacy and their commitment to SRPP services…. As a thank you for their support, Heritage Society members receive a complimentary ticket to the annual Choices Breakfast every year.
The fundraising method outlined above is frequently carried out by groups from across the spectrum. However it is particularly ironic that Planned Parenthood of all organizations has the gall to line the pockets of its leaders with money obtained from the silent death of helpless, innocent preborn children – and willingly – from the death of its own members.
Not convinced that Planned Parenthood’s chief money-spinner is death? fills us in:
In 2006, Planned Parenthood performed 289,750 abortions, or approximately 23% of all abortions, making them the largest abortion provider in the United States. Even as the overall national abortion rate goes down, Planned Parenthood continues to perform more abortions every year.
By 2009, that tally of dead children for the year was 332,278. That’s one every 95 seconds, reported CNS News; about as many as the 333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati.
Another of Planned Parenthood’s niche markets is preventing or even destroying very early human life, through various forms of birth control. Students for Life of America has the lowdown on Planned Parenthood’s birth control scam:
[They provide] poor quality, faulty birth control that ensures their abortion profits. Planned Parenthood condoms have the lowest possible ranking by Consumer Reports and it is a well-known fact that contraception does NOT lower abortion rates. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 54% of women who have abortions used contraception during the month they became pregnant.
As much as I hate letting PP off any conceivable hook they might find themselves on, asking for members to add a donation from their estate via their will is exceptionally common. Standard practice really, pretty much everyone I get donation requests from have a note about how to add them to a will for a tax free estate donation. Now, if they were taking out large insurance policies on their high value donors, that would be sleezy, but this is just normal fund raising.
I agree Jespren. PP sucks but lets attack them for the right reasons.
“…Lets attack them for the right reasons.”
Put it in an historical perspective.
Herr Tweedle Dee and Fraulein Tweedle Dumber are so enamored of the NAZI’s eugenics policies and programs that they bequeath resources from their estate to keep killing children in ever greater numbers after they are dead.
I guess they earn high marks for consistent committment to their cause, but I am pretty sure history will not look upon their legacy with favor.
[Godwin is NOT GOD and no one appointed him sherrif of the internet.]
I stated in the article that this fundraising method is common. And I didn’t attack them for this. I was simply pointing out the irony.
But then what about pro-life orgs that ask for members to include them in their will or estates? Is that *truly* pro-life? Of course it is. This is a very silly post, imho.
Jespren: . Now, if they were taking out large insurance policies on their high value donors…
This is the kind of post that make it really easy for me to dismiss this site on the whole. Sometimes there is really interesting, relevant stuff here–even if I disagree with it. But this? This just seems petty and kind of dumb.
I’m sure Planned Parenthood enjoys the $$$ they make off of the $50 co-pay, government-funded abortions that Mitt Romney instituted in Massachusetts. Jill, when are you going to answer Dan D’s questions in the thread titled, “Stanek endorses Romney?”
Here’s what Dan D wrote:
Jill, you’re absolutely killing me here. Setting aside the life issue for a second, there are other disqualifying issues besides abortion. You do know that right? Mitt Romney is a cult member. He also singlehandedly instituted homosexual marriage in Massachusetts. On the contrary, Obama claims to be a Christian and also openly opposes gay marriage. Let’s take a look at the whole lesser of two evils approach:
Candidate AChristianAgainst gay marriage
Candidate BCultistSupports gay marriage
Who should I pick Jill? Please answer.
Getting to the abortion issue. Since you think Romney is a convert, can you please answer 2 questions?1. What month and year did he convert?2. Has he done anything pro-abortion since then?
As PP get defunded of our tax dollars, they will grow more adept at putting on the nicey-face and begging for charitable donations.
One technique is to celebrate the big donors, encouraging others to chase after such moments of glory.
And, of course, requests for inclusion in wills and estates and charitable remainder trusts.
We need to make sure that abortion is never fully identified with “healthcare.” Abortion is a “choice” — as much like healthcare as getting a tattoo is. As far as PP is concerned, we should strive to see their 501c(3) status removed until their for-profit abortion business is completely divorced from their “charitable” work of providing contraception and “other women’s healthcare.”
The Heritage Society? What a misnomer. The Hemlock Socity would be closer to it.
Scott Evans and Dan D. wrote two things that bother me:
(1) “Mitt Romney is a cult member.” Mormonism is most certainly a cult, but Mr. Romney is not applying for membership in my church. He aspires to a political office, and his Mormonism, if real, will give him a Judeo-Christian world view. It’s my impression, for example, that abortion and homosexuality are sin in Mormonism.
(2) “Obama claims to be a Christian and also openly opposes gay marriage.” However, there’s no evidence to back up President Obama’s claim to faith in the Christ. In fact, I’ve only seen the opposite. President Obama has spoken disrespectfully about the Bible, which is God’s Word. (It was in an address to Planned Parenthood long ago, and I saw the video on this site, I think.) President Obama does not regularly worship with his church, and if he once did, it was not a Bible-believing church but an apostate one (or a cult). President Obama habitually lies. His most recent lie has to do with his Buffett Rule solving the deficit. Obama has only ever weakly opposed “gay marriage,” and some might say that his administration’s defense of DOMA is worse than no defense at all.
(2) “Obama claims to be a Christian and also openly opposes gay marriage.” I had intended to focus on the second clause (about gay marriage) but got carried away in the first (about being a Christian). I am a Christian, but I do not believe that being a Christian is a necessary qualification for the American president. A Judeo-Christian world view is sufficient. Of course, I would prefer to have a Christian ruler.
Obama openly opposes “gay marriage”? He’s about as serious in his opposition to homosexual activism as he is in his budget proposals, the last of which (2012) failed in a 414-0 vote in the House of Representatives.
If I were them I don’t think I’d attend any of those breakfasts they have complimentary tickets to…
Very smart, give killers r us a vested interest in your demise…