(Prolifer)ations 4-20-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- University of Michigan Students for Life share their experiences with the setting up of a Cemetery of Innocents display. In their interactions with people, some hearts were changed, but others were just plain confusing:
I talked with an old couple who, at first, I believed to agree with me. They said they were Catholic and pro-life. But then they went on to say that they were proud supporters of Planned Parenthood. Then they went on to say they were pro-abortion because they “value all human life.”…They denied the truth of the footage of Live Action, and refused to even accept the challenge I gave them of reading pro-life literature.
- Star Studded Super Step discusses the power in the post-abortive man’s testimony by noting Alabama legislator Ed Henry’s (pictured left) recent public disclosure of his past involvement with abortion:
[A]dvocates of legal abortion are just fine with men speaking up about abortion – when they’re in favor of it. It’s only when they seek to voice their opposition to the practice that the “prochoice” lobby attempts to shut them down.As Pro-Life in TN points out, this attempt to silence the message of abortion regret was plainly seen at RH Reality Check, which immediately ran a post denigrating Henry – and in their haste, RHRC got everything wrong, from the photo to the state he represents. Fact-checking took a back seat to the pro-abortion agenda, as it took three days for RHRC to correct its errors.
- Timmerie Millington discusses the HHS Mandate and whether it will unite people of faith:
President Obama and the pro-abortion movement know they cannot defeat a unified Catholic church. They are scared of the Catholic church. Well, guess what? Not only are Catholics saying no to this mandate that directly assaults religious liberties, but people of all faith walks are saying “enough is enough!…The late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the founding members of pro-abortion organization NARAL who led in legalizing abortion in the U.S. and later turned pro-life said, “We would never have gotten away with what we did if you (the clergy) had been united, purposeful, and strong.”
- Students for Life is reporting vandalism today to the display of crosses on the campus of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green:
Early this morning campus police at Western Kentucky University refused to stop vandals from draping condoms on the top of small crosses in the stadium – these crosses, 3,700 of them, symbolize how many unborn children die through abortion each day in the US and were installed by the Hilltoppers for Life group on campus. The vandals were art students who claimed the condoms were part of an art project.” The group had campus approval for this display. Campus police were called but refused to intervene and just stood and watched because the students claimed this was a part of an approved art project of which credit was given.SFL encourages readers to contact Dr. Dennis George to “demand the university apologize to WKU Hilltoppers for Life and to train the campus police that putting condoms on someone else’s crosses is not art or freedom of expression, it is desecration and vandalism.” If an art teacher did, indeed, approve this project, he or she should also be disciplined.
- John Smeaton reports that in the UK, women can now obtain morning after pills by courier after “fill[ing] out an online form to be assessed by a doctor, and the pills will be delivered within two hours.”
- Mommy Life lauds the Vatican for finally taking action against nuns who may embrace social justice but throw the sanctity of human life under the bus.
- Reflections of a Paralytic shares a beautiful Procter and Gamble commercial about Olympic moms, and says that not only are stay-at-home mothers denigrated by our society, sometimes working fathers are viewed in a poor light as well:
Being a mother and a father is hard work, to be sure, but it’s more than just a “job”. It’s a vocation. It’s who they are. They don’t get paid for it and there’s certainly no “quitting time.”So, thanks to all you mothers and fathers for all you do and the sacrifices you make to shape our future, one immortal unrepeatable individual at a time!
It looks like the fools in RH Fantasy Land are the ones who need a “reality check.” Seriously, at least check a politician’s Wikipedia article before attacking them.
So Ed Henry thinks that he should have talked his girlfriend out of having an abortion? I guess his girlfriend was one of those silly, stupid women who just don’t know what’s good for them.
Timmerie Millington discusses the HHS Mandate and whether it will unite people of faith
Don’t think so!
I guess his girlfriend was one of those silly, stupid women who just don’t know what’s good for them.
“I guess his girlfriend was one of those silly, stupid women who just don’t know what’s good for *their child(ren).”
Fixed for ya. Man, typos abound today!
Once again, pro-legal-abortionists miss the point of being Pro-Life, and absolutely miss by a mile the reason one has regret after abortion. IT’S ABOUT THE CHILD(REN), DUMMY, NOT THE WOMAN OR THE MAN!
whose rights take precedence over the female incubator!!!!
And X woman, not all women regret their abortions which are just surgical procedures that the zealots want to criminalize. But power to the pre-born. Post born – all bets are off.
I wasn’t worshiping my daughter when she was in her fetal stage, CC. I just gave her what every human being deserves, and what I am still fighting for for children that are today in the place she was back then: their one chance to live their one life. The single and only shot they’ll ever get at it. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the humane and descent thing to do. Sorry you lack the decency and empathy of your garden variety koala. I know you can’t help it, though. When you have a crappy role model for a parent that kills your own siblings, I’m sure it has to warp someone quite a lot. I’m sorry your brother or sister died in a “just surgical procedure” at the behest of at least one of your parents. Don’t worry, though, CC. We’re working our hardest to get justice for your lost sibling.
Readers, some of us have actually had boyfriends.
Some of those boyfriends tell their girlfriends to get rid of babies they don’t want. I’m lucky that I never heard those words.
But, some men do miss their lost fatherhood and have real, human feelings for the child that they did not raise. There’s no shame in regretting an abortion, so don’t let rabid abortion advocates try to make you feel ashamed for feelings in your own heart. Many people have found healing, even decades after the abortion. It’s never to soon or too late to reach out for help.
Rachel’s Vineyard is one organization that helps women (and men) after abortion. If other readers are aware of other places women and men can go to seek help and healing, please share!
In the midst of the madness and darkness demanded by the culture of death, let us never forget to take the time for moments like those in that video.
Let us be thankful that there are still great people doing great things.
Let us be thankful that, while we have endured much and will continue to do so, as a movement, as parents, siblings, friends, as people simply trying to make the world a better place, we carry within us the hope that we will see this through.
And most of all, let us be thankful for our beloved mothers, who chose life for us not just when they learned of our existence, not just when they gave birth to us, but every single day when they placed our well-being ahead of their own.
(And for those not so fortunate to have had a loving mother in their life, I am thankful to our mother Mary for her intercession on your behalf and for helping you along this far.)
RH Reality had some talking points about laws in TN they wanted to vent about. They were inaccurate as well. I actually sent comments to the author for three days pointing out their error before it got fixed and as far as the erroneous comments about pro life bills in TN..well they just deleted that part of the post since Ed Henry was from AL the whole post seemed silly. I wonder what the newscaster Ed Henry thought of his pix being put up there as post abortive…
If I were at the cross desecration in Kentucky I would have knocked somebody out!!
I love how all the pro-aborts dumping on Ed Henry can’t seem to get their stories straight, either at RH or here. First he’s a bad guy for bringing up the fact that his ex-girlfriend had an abortion a skillion years ago because maybe she doesn’t want to talk about it, OMG. Then they get mad at him for minimizing her part in the decision because…patronizing or something, LOL. They get you coming and going, these people.
I do think that there can be something quite powerful about men sharing their experiences with abortion, just as there often is when men admit that they are affected by just about anything usually considered (in a demeaning way, often) a “women’s issue.”
My partner and his college girlfriend aborted their child, more than a decade before I met him. He considered (and to some extent still considers) himself an outsider in his own life experiences, ie “It was her decision, not mine, to make;” I can’t imagine what that must feel like, I mean to be taught that you are just a passive bystander in your own major life events. When he told me about it I felt – I don’t know, legitimately anguished and grief-stricken in a way I rarely have. I just wanted to hug him forever and make everything different. All I could think was that this man is so wonderful that I want so much more of him in the world; and all I could feel was the loss of some small part of him that I’d never even known.
And I loved him so much, for admitting that he was affected – in ANY way – by something so many men congratulate themselves for leaving to women. For not just being that guy who steadfastly maintains that, “So…what do you want to do?” is the beginning and end of men’s involvement. For at least claiming and owning his own feelings, even years afterwards.
The thing that is amazing to me is the loneliness of a crisis pregnancy, and how much could be changed if people just reached out. Women feel alone and isolated and it becomes pressure to abort; men too often feel that they should leave her alone to decide and in doing so become alone with their own feelings. So much loneliness amidst so much love.
Oh, so I could walk into one of their art displays, destroy their work and say, “what man, I was expressing myself! Just b/c MY expression happened to ruin yours is no reason to get your panties in a twist.” Or maybe the hypocritical, hyper emotional brats wouldn’t accept the logical extensions of their actions. Logic isn’t really their thing.
Better to be a “female incubator” than a female incubus, and fail miserably to suck the life out of many a thread on this site.
On a lighter note (and what wouldn’t be?) that commercial didn’t depict stage mothers, but rather dream mothers.
The commercial was prolife through and through! I weep at the reality of millions of our brothers and sisters denied the opportunity to spread their wings and conquer their fears and limitations. How profoundly tragic that our world did not know them longer!