Barack Obama, liberal feminism: What women don’t want
The Obama campaign and feminists must be freaking out. It turns out they bet badly that what women want are free abortions and contraceptives. What a blunder. There’s nothing left in the pro-abortion arsenal if American women don’t believe Republicans are out to take away their birth control. The other side has already admitted abortion is no longer a winning issue for them. What else do they have?
A New York Times/CBS poll in March showed Obama’s approval sinking among women, this after they launched their “Republicans are waging a war on women” strategy that was supposed to bulk up their support.
Then yesterday the NYT/CBS poll showed now Romney leading Obama among women 46-44%.
We’re in the midst of the second tectonic shift against liberalism in America since Barack Obama was elected president.
The Tea Party movement generated the first shift in 2010. Women are doing it in 2012.
Today the Susan B. Anthony List released a new web ad entitled, “Womanhood.” The timing couldn’t be better…
[Poster via]
“We’re in the midst of the second tectonic shift against liberalism in America since Barack Obama was elected president.”
No we’re not. Even Karl Rove has Obama winning if the election were held today. President Obama has done a fine job leading our nation domestically and in the international arena. The only criticism I hear about President Obama is that he’s not liberal enough. Other than that crazy stuff you’ll hear on Fox News.
Oh, the crazy Fox news card!!! Original, Hall!
“President Obama has done a fine job leading our nation domestically and in the international arena.”
The only criticism I hear about President Obama is that he’s not liberal enough. Other than that crazy stuff you’ll hear on Fox News.
I had no idea I was on a Fox News website. Good to know…
You have to admit, when the left has a talking point, they really beat that dead horse until it’s past recognition – Fox News indeed. And who the heck is Karl Rove? Is he supposed to be important? Because here in the REAL world, we do not listen to elites tell us how to vote, think, act or any other thing for that matter. REAL LIFE teaches us who we want to lead us.
Which brings up a very important point: This President wants to RULE us, not LEAD. America wants a president who leads, and this ‘man’ cannot do that. He keeps telling women like me to shut up, lie down and look purty while we’re being screwed. Yeah, I’m no slut, prostitute nor puppet for his pandering.
Apparently, someone like Hal does not look out of his own little cubicle to see what is really going on. To do so would ruin what seems to be a really good fantasy story.
Hey, is that “Julia” on that Shout Out poster?
Hal should bury himself in 24/7 NPR until thoughts of the latest polls, the economy, the middle east, and the supreme court can be forgotten.
That is actually Angel Davis, famous American Communist who was responsible for me and my family getting booted out of our hotel room in Bulgaria in 1972. She was a VIP visiting the Zhivkov regime after all..
Angela Davis…… as she looked in 1969…
The unemployment rate is rising. The inflation rate is rising.
But the ‘obamateur’ seems to be be experiencing premature electile dysfunction among likely female voters.
@Jen: Karl Rove was Head PR Dude to the Bush II White House. (He had snazzier titles at the time, but that’s what it boils to.) Since then he has been various flavors of professional political wonk. According to the liberals of the nation, though, he is the shadowy puppetmaster behind all movements of the Tea Party and the GOP (which are, of course, totally identical groups that never conflict with one another in any way at all). In fact, Janeane Garofalo, who as we all know is very intelligent and informed, says Karl Rove is the real head of the Republican party and the instigator of the entire Tea Party movement. Secretly, everyone on the right is obedient to Rove, as if he were a king.
Yes, in reality, he’s a total non-entity, but why should we live there? It’s so boring. ;)
Jen: “He keeps telling women like me to shut up, lie down and look purty while we’re being screwed. Yeah, I’m no slut, prostitute nor puppet for his pandering.”
Can you point me to anything remotely like that Obama has done or said?
“Can you point me to anything remotely like that Obama has done or said?”
Under category of ‘done’ and ‘remotely like’:
Obama hellth scare scam.
In effect ‘the obamateur’ is telling americans’ “Resistance is futile. So bend over, grab your ankles and un-clench and don’t call me, I’ll call you….never.
Ken, I don’t think Congress passing a federal version of Romney-care says “resistance if futile.” It says “take responsibility for your own healthcare insurance needs so the rest of us don’t have to bail you out.” As an aside, I’m not a big support of the ACA, but I do like that insurers can’t block coverage based on preexisting conditions and can’t put a “lifetime cap” on your medical care.
Jill Stanek Playbook:
Step 1: Find one poll that supports your stance.
Step 2: Run like crazy with it and ignore all other information that might paint a full picture.
Gallup has Obama up by 8 with women. So what does that mean spin masters?
I mean, take a look at the poll information. Seriously.
Poll was conducted by telephone on May 11-13, 2012 among 615 adults nationwide, including 562 registered voters, who were first interviewed for a CBS News/New York Times Poll conducted April 13-17, 2012.
They took the first poll, and then did a smaller subsection of the SAME PEOPLE!
I don’t see what you are saying, EX-GOP.
”As an aside, I’m not a big support of the ACA, but I do like that insurers can’t block coverage based on preexisting conditions and can’t put a “lifetime cap” on your medical care. ”
Uh, how can they calculate rates if they don’t know the maximum they will have to pay? All other insurance has specific terms. There is no other kind of insurance that is just open ended, sky is the limit liability for the insurer. How exactly do you figure they could cover unlimited liability?
“Can you point me to anything remotely like that Obama has done or said?”
Yes, but more to the point. It seems odd that the Democrats only get slightly more women than the GOP. If their policies were really that much better for women, you would think women would have noticed by now. Certain other groups have noticed.
Obama is detested by those who love God and freedom, and adored by those who hate God and freedom. Aside from the “freedom” to kill your child, that is.
Hippie -
What I’m saying is, there are all sorts of polls – so the site author picked the one outlier (and ignored all the other data), and as further evidence, picked essentially the exact same poll (NYT/CBS did a poll, and then did a follow-up with the same group of people – only they didn’t get them all, and those they did get identified themselves even further to the right then the original group) and said that second poll was further proof of the slanted stance she was selling.
Imagine if I did a poll, and then just continually polled the exact same people. Would it be surprising that the results would be pretty close to the same? Come on…
Fantastic video! People are coming to realize that Obama in his words and actions is a leftist ideologue. Another geat video is on You Tube…Test of Fire: Election 2012.
When the pundits and political scientists look back one year from now in ascertaining the turning points that led to Obama’s defeat they will have many things to point to: Obamacare, the czars, the war against religious freedom, the mishandling of the economy, the lies about cutting the deficit and creating jobs, the constant self aggrandizement, the narcissism, the unseriousness of his approach to the job in his 95 rounds of golf, the excessive vacations and the abuse of the taxpayer in his approach to the perks of the office, and now the promotion of pretend marriage of boys ”marrying” boys.
Most of the pundits will conclude he might have withstood the majority of the above but that it was the last one that sealed his fate when on May 9, 2012, Obama emerged from his “evolving” to once again embrace gay “marriage”, even as the issue had been overwhelmingly defeated just prior to his coming out, and had yet to pass a single time in some 31 tries in as many states.
Of course we in Illinois had seen this before when he had publicly supported pretend marriage and then backpedaled to play the voters when running for Senator and kept up the ruse when running for POTUS. Just goes to show the power of the MSM in keeping the wool pulled over the public’s eyes.
Barack Hussein Obama is a fraud, more people than ever before realize it, and the election is now Romney’s to lose.
I still don’t get what you are saying, EX-GOP.
Poll was conducted by telephone on May 11-13, 2012 among 615 adults nationwide, including 562 registered voters, who were first interviewed for a CBS News/New York Times Poll conducted April 13-17, 2012.
It says that they interviewed 562 registered voters in April. I assume to make sure they were a representative sample. Then added 53 more people to the group and polled them by phone in May. How do you get that the total group of 615 polled in May is a subset of the 562 interviewed in April?
Ex-GOP, where is this Gallup poll that you speak of and when was it conducted? Why can’t I find it on their site? The Election 2012 daily tracker has the two candidates tied (with no information on demographics). And as hippie pointed out, you would think that the gender gap would be a lot bigger given how misogynistic those awful Republicans and their policies are supposed to be…
Hi Jerry 12:01am
Excellent post. My biggest concern remains the personality we are dealing with here, and we underestimate this man at our own peril. He is neither stupid or inept. I won’t rest until this man is voted out of office, until then I anticipate the worst.
Gallup has Obama up by 8 with women. So what does that mean spin masters?
Gallup is soooo 2008. :)
Plus, it might be nice if you included a link, which you didn’t.
I voted for Obama in 2008 and I will be voting for him again. As will any sane, non-delusional woman who values her rights and doesn’t want to leave her choice up to the whack job religious Reich. All of my friends are also voting for him–all the Reich does is stir up hate and misinformation about EVERYTHING. Obama’s been good for women and will continue to do so in his next four year term in the White House.
Women who vote against Obama are merely brain-washed sheep who need to turn in their uteruses and ovaries, because they don’t deserve to have them. All the Biblical rhetoric that the Christian Reich uses to back up their hate is just that–rhetoric. They pick the passages they like and discard whaever doesn’t support their agenda. This country is NOT a theocracy, and all of you who want it to be seriously need to move to a nice, religious country that governs by religion. Like IRAN. It’s just like the country you want to turn the U.S. into–except with Muslims. I know how much good Christians love people of other religions, so you should all go over there where you can let men decide EVERY decision you make, because that’s pretty much in the Bible too (interesting how much the Bible & the Koran are similar, isn’t it???). It’ll be so much easier for all of you. Seriously. Start packing your bags now. :)
I’m not religious, Liz, and I’ll be voting Republican this year, because the choice to kill our children in utero isn’t a choice that should be legal. But enjoy your echo chamber. I’d hate to burst your little strawman bubble.
That image of Angela Davis? It’s not retro. it’s not retro-chic. It’s old and busted. Where’s the new face? There isn’t one. Even Nancy Keenan admits THAT.
Women who fight to kill babies are the ones who hate their own bodies and their own fertility. Go ahead keep giving your cash to abortionists to destroy your family and fill up jars of blood. Then cry to us about the so called ‘war’ on women. It exists, and the real flesh and blood casualties are gestating baby girls and gestating baby boys that don’t get a chance to even take their first breath. Fertility is NOT a disease and anyone who thinks they have to kill children to be equal to a man, doesn’t deserve ovaries or uterus.
Eh Liz,
Get your history straight. Your reference to the “Christian Reich” shows an appalling ignorance on your part. The German Reich was in fact socialist, i.e. left wing.
The English translation of Nazi is National Socialist German Worker’s Party.
Far more in keeping with the political ideology of your idol Obama.
Ya!! What Lrning, X, ninek and Mary said.
Wow, Liz. Bigoted much?
I never understand how progressives can be so very troglodytive.
(I claim a hapax neologism!)
Uh, it’s all yours, Rasqual. At least until I find a dictionary. :)
I hear you. And I take nothing for granted as there are no depths to which Obama will not go in his re-election effort. That said, it is the American people who will have the last say, and all of the lies and schemes and new promises and voter fraud will not be enough to overcome an electorate completely fed up with this man-child. 2010 is the father of 2012.
One more thing. In any civilized age a man who would not allow comfort and medical attention be given to a child fighting for survival would be called a monster. When people see how callous this man is it just blows them away.
The fake war on women rhetoric is so shameful. Thank you, Obama and friends, for your demeaning attempt at a solution to the inconvenient fact that women can vote. Kids may vote for you if you promised them candy, but many women are far smarter than you think.
Chicago talk radio had an interesting caller the other day. In the context of Julia, she remarked that women who want stuff proved for them are actually . . . girls. Women are grownups who aren’t looking for a paternalist state to care for them.
Why this isn’t self-evident to those who fashion themselves feminists, isn’t clear.
Why doesn’t Obama speak of a “war on men?” The nanny state issue is the same for men. Is it because it would look stupid? Why? Why would it be stupid for progressives to treat women the same as men in their campaign PR?
Argh. “Provided for them.”
If there were a war on men being spun, who would be left as the agents of all these so-called wars!? The whole birth control entitlement plan is such chivalry …
I voted for Obama in 2008 and I will be voting for him again. As will any sane, non-delusional woman who values her rights and doesn’t want to leave her choice up to the whack job religious Reich. … Women who vote against Obama are merely brain-washed sheep who need to turn in their uteruses and ovaries, because they don’t deserve to have them.
*patriotic music* Behold, the pro-woman voter. Sisterhood and solidarity just oozes from her. She does not use biology as insults and values the voices of all women, even those with whom she disagrees. Truly, this is a model of tolerance and thoughtful engagement. Surely we may all learn from such insightful dialogue. Soldier on, you pro-woman woman! *giant wavy American flag background*
Hate much, Liz? Detest and spit on Christians much, Liz? Answer = with every fiber of your being. You’re disgusting because you demand for us to have hysterectomies. That proves what you, your ilk and The Great O-No really want. Forced removal of our woman parts and our forced removal from this nation as well.
Navi -
Gallup’s got further breakdown of information – if you read the further breakdown of a much larger group of people, Obama’s up 7 to 11 points with women.
Look – I’m not saying Obama’s going to win, going to hold the women’s vote – nothing of the sort. I’m saying that it is a little deceptive to find one poll that has been widely criticized, ignore all other information, and then make a bunch of conclusions from that one poll.
Hippie – you’ve got to look at the polls.
The one in March – “Based on nationwide telephone interviews conducted March 7-11 with 1,009 adults of whom 878 said they were registered to vote and 301 said they had or planned to vote in a Republican primary or caucus”
Then the follow-up – This poll was conducted by telephone on May 11-13, 2012 among 615 adults nationwide, including 562 registered voters, who were first interviewed for a CBS News/New York Times Poll conducted April 13-17, 2012. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus four percentage points. The margin of error for the sample of registered voters is four percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher.
My commentary now: So they started with 1000 people, then got a hold of about 60% of them. So in the second the poll, if you assume about half of the respondents were women, Jill’s massively broad sweeping conclusions (which again, ignores countless other polls) is based on about 300 women. The margin of error is even higher than 4% (says so in the poll info) – and 3 people…just 3 people swing a full percentage point. So if 300 women were polled, and it was 46-44, we’re talking 138 women vs 132, with 30 undecided.
Would you feel comfortable making many conclusions in this situation?
My bad. Thanks for the link, Ex-GOP. Not sure how I overlooked that. My other point still stands.
Navi – what’s interesting – I went back to the 2008 data.
Married women – McCain beat Obama 50 to 47.
Unmarried women – Obama beat McCain…get this…70 to 29. Wow.
Kerry had gotten 62% of the unmarried women vote, so Obama pushed it up another 8%.
Well, I would expect Obama to have done better than Kerry among most voter groups. He won and Kerry lost, right? It doesn’t really imply that he’s a more woman-friendly candidate. Obama did better than Kerry among self-described pro-life voters too, but he’s not exactly a more pro-life candidate.
And what about unmarried men?
WOW!! I like that.
Sadly, I don’t know how many people will see things differently. But, ya never know…
Nice Hal. Now put down the mirror.
Or we may have to do something “drastic”.