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  • Abby Johnson announces an upcoming webcast by former abortion clinic workers exposing the truth about the industry. Register for the June 11 “Exposing the Lie” webcast here.
  • Big Blue Wave points to Japan, where abortion is not a political issue, as a counter-argument to the feminist claim that women only suffer after abortion due to societal stigma.

  • At Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma, Cindy Adams shares her journey from pro-choice, post-abortive woman to pro-life, forgiven daughter of God.
  • At Ethika Politika, Jacqueline Harvey takes issue with Live Action’s recent sting regarding gendercide:

    This campaign focuses on discrimination, that it is wrong to kill a girl simply because she is a girl. The crux of the campaign is not that it is wrong to kill an unborn child because she is a human being, but because sexism condemned her to death.

    Herein lies the problem: If we say that gender is an unacceptable reason to abort a child, what then are acceptable reasons? In spite of the sophistication of the campaign, we have once again side-stepped our principles, the summit of the matter, and that is not without consequences.

  • At Live Action, David Schmidt lists the four distortions he observed in the pro-choice media’s response to the Planned Parenthood gendercide sting videos.
  • The FRC Blog shares a new public policy publication on RU-486, noting the fact that medical abortion has four times as many adverse events as surgical abortion.
  • Euthanasia Prevention Coalition notes Germany’s recent decision to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • Abstinence Clearinghouse links to an article which discusses shifts in cultural attitudes toward narcissism (and away from marriage and self-sacrifice) and how these are reflected in our literature.

[Graphic by Abolitionist Society]

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