(Prolifer)ations 6-5-12
by Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Abby Johnson announces an upcoming webcast by former abortion clinic workers exposing the truth about the industry. Register for the June 11 “Exposing the Lie” webcast here.
- Big Blue Wave points to Japan, where abortion is not a political issue, as a counter-argument to the feminist claim that women only suffer after abortion due to societal stigma.
- At Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma, Cindy Adams shares her journey from pro-choice, post-abortive woman to pro-life, forgiven daughter of God.
- At Ethika Politika, Jacqueline Harvey takes issue with Live Action’s recent sting regarding gendercide:
This campaign focuses on discrimination, that it is wrong to kill a girl simply because she is a girl. The crux of the campaign is not that it is wrong to kill an unborn child because she is a human being, but because sexism condemned her to death.Herein lies the problem: If we say that gender is an unacceptable reason to abort a child, what then are acceptable reasons? In spite of the sophistication of the campaign, we have once again side-stepped our principles, the summit of the matter, and that is not without consequences.
- At Live Action, David Schmidt lists the four distortions he observed in the pro-choice media’s response to the Planned Parenthood gendercide sting videos.
- The FRC Blog shares a new public policy publication on RU-486, noting the fact that medical abortion has four times as many adverse events as surgical abortion.
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition notes Germany’s recent decision to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse links to an article which discusses shifts in cultural attitudes toward narcissism (and away from marriage and self-sacrifice) and how these are reflected in our literature.
[Graphic by Abolitionist Society]

I skimmed the Harvey article, and came to the same conclusion I did reading the excerpt here: the fact that it is unacceptable to kill an unborn child because she is a girl does not imply that there is an acceptable reason to kill any unborn child of either gender. Nor is it a bad strategy to focus on given particular aspects of discrimination that abortion advances, as opposed to the overall discrimination against the unborn that abortion is. Furthermore, exposing the hypocrisy of the so-called “pro-women” side is not a side issue, that goes to the central reason abortion defenders defend abortion: because it supposedly advances women’s rights. By demonstrating that not only does abortion not advance women’s rights but actively harms women all around the world, including in the US, but also that such harm is perpetrated by those who claim most loudly to be feminists, it undermines every single talking point the “pro-choice” side could possibly produce. Nor has LiveAction’s focus ever been exclusively on sex-selection. This is simply another tool in their rather formidable arsenal.
TL;DR: The Ethika Politika article is wrong, poorly reasoned, and not very well thought through. And, what’s more, it isn’t very good. :P
Right on, Alice. It’s not about elucidating the pro-life case as we pro-lifers see it. It’s about exposing inconsistencies within the pro-choice worldview. If pro-choice people feel uncomfortable with sex-selection abortion because it’s not a good enough reason even by their twisted standards, we have to seize that moment. It’s not a philosophy, it’s an opportunity.
The Japan thing is really interesting. It’s also worth noting that in addition to abortion not being a political issue, Japan is one of the least religious societies in the world so one can’t blame that boogeyman either.