Life Links 6-5-12
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- A girl from Arizona with hypotonia (aka Floppy Baby Syndrome) is walking after receiving a transplant of her own cord blood stem cells and physical therapy.
- In other cord blood stem cell news, a Florida newspaper has a long story on a toddler who is part of an FDA-approved clinical trial to see if children’s own cord blood stem cells can help them with sensorineural hearing loss.
- In a letter to the Washington Post, Planned Parenthood’s director of global advocacy Chloe Cooney claims, “Planned Parenthood opposes sex-selection abortion.” Huh? Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards claims the same thing in a press release.
What’s going on here? Planned Parenthood is actually stating they oppose a type of abortion. Isn’t that a first? Shouldn’t someone ask them why they’re now supposedly suddenly opposed to a woman freely exercising her right to abortion based on the child’s sex? Don’t they trust women to make the best decision for themselves and their families?
- At Slate, Rachael Larimore tries to reason with pro-choicers opposed to banning sex-selective abortions:
At the same time, too many in the pro-choice movement refuse to believe that anyone who’s pro-life actually cares about the unborn. They can’t allow themselves to believe anything but that we hate women and are afraid of sex, because if they acknowledge that our concern is for the unborn, they might have to challenge their own beliefs.And so we can’t even find agreement on an issue that should bring us together. I find the pro-choice critiques of PRENDA to be either tired and lazy or strangely hypocritical. As to the idea that sex-selective abortion isn’t a big deal because it doesn’t happen that often, well… women who work at Catholic hospitals only make up a tiny percentage of the overall workforce, so I guess all that hubbub about whether they should have employer-provided birth control isn’t that big of a deal.
- Jordan Sekulow and Matthew Clark write about pro-choice hypocrisy on sex-selection abortions:
Writing at the XX Factor blog at Slate, pro-choice advocate Allison Benedikt demonstrated the convoluted logic of those on the pro-choice side who express discomfort with sex-selective abortion:If pro-choicers object to aborting because of the sex of the fetus, aren’t we then saying that abortion is “murdering” girls? Aren’t we basically arguing that a fetus is not a blank slate but a future possibility? That is not the case to make if your goal is to protect abortion rights.
Benedikt is exactly right. If “these are fetuses with female genitals or male genitals — not little girls and little boys,” why would the pro-choice community condemn sex-selection abortion at all?
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“Planned Parenthood opposes sex-selection abortion.” - but that doesn’t stop them from doing them.
Wow, the pro-abortion comments are really something to watch. One commenter after the Slate article wrote that it is more devaluing to women to question their abortion motives than it is to devalue them via abortion! Another said that they must continue to oppose any restriction on abortions to prevent the “Right” from winning. So, girls must die for the simple reason of being girls because the killing must continue no matter the reason or cost.
The more I see their twists and turns and attempts to justify abortion, the more I realize that sex selection is one of the best wedges ever to pry apart the international abortion industry. Press on, Rascals, press on!!
I embrace my rascality!
OMG, this rascal thing is actually catching on!!! :)
Wouldn’t that be ‘rascalinity’? ;)
I bow to no one in my rascalness! ;)