Stanek Sunday funnies 6-24-12
Here were my top five favorite political cartoons for the week, beginning with two portraying how I hope the U.S. Supreme Court will decide on the Obamacare mandate, anticipated this week…
by Tom Toles at…
by Kevin Kallaugher at…
Moving on to mainstream media bias, by Michael Ramirez at…
The cartoon refers to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell mocking Mitt Romney this week via a heavily edited video making Romney appear out-of-touch by finding a food chain’s touch pad sandwich ordering system “amazing”…
In actuality, Romney was pointing out that the private sector is innovative and competitive as compared to the federal government. Here was Mitchell’s nonapology the following day. Mitchell quickly tried to segue to another dig at Romney on the illegal immigration issue, but as Medialite noted, it laughably got fumbled…
by liberal Tony Auth at, portraying the exact opposite of reality…
Closing out with a cartoon on Obama’s executive order stopping the deportation of children of illegal immgrants, by Ken Catalino at….
It is always incredible to me when this radically pro-abortion/pro-infanticide president attempts to portray himself as a defender of children. About his order he said in a speech this week to Latinos:
“These are all our kids,” he declared….
Reflecting on his own life as the first African-American president, he said: “When I meet these young people, all throughout communities, I see myself. Who knows what they might achieve? I see my daughters, and my nieces, and my nephews.”
Is he kidding me? Who does he (not) see when forced to view graphic photos of aborted babies at campaign stops?
“Is he kidding me? Who does he (not) see when forced to view graphic photos of aborted babies at campaign stops?”
It’s the “prolife” way. Usually they keep the graphic photos on their bathroom walls.
Time to stop calling them “journalists” or “reporters”, and calling them “spinners”…
How can he see himself when he grew up privileged? I wonder if he thinks these kids are so star struck that they don’t realize how patronizing he is to them and how he insults their intelligence by telling them he sees himself. BS! He grew up without wants. He got everything he wanted. And how the hell can he “see himself” when he never visits schools with a large proportion of the student body being white? Him and his wife are ALWAYS surrounded by black or latino kids!!!! What… white kids can’t be poor or something?
This man makes me sick.
Hi Ken H,
I think “White House stenographers” would be most appropriate.
Sure Andrea, you overlooked the segment. Like NBC “mistakenly” edited the Zimmerman 911 tape to “prove” Zimmerman’s “racism”, fueling the feeding frenzy and endangering innocent people.
Its a disgrace and embarassment what passes for journalism in this country.
I really hope Obama doesn’t get a second term, I’ve seen more than enough of him for a lifetime.
Is he saying he’s not a US citizen?
I think the cartoon of the Republican missing deficit and knocking out social programs is very accurate – what is the defense that it isn’t? How else does the GOP attack deficits – they don’t raise taxes and they don’t cut military spending. Am I missing something?
Very torn on what I want to happen this week with health care reform. On one hand, it would be such a massive step back to lose the hope of insurance for tens of millions…to bring back the term “pre-existing” condition…to reinstall the fear of lifetime caps and medical bankruptcy for those with kids with huge issues.
On the flip side, the only thing that will bring true reform (healthcare for all), we need the old system in place so that we can spiral faster. If the system is crashing, then reform can begin.
Last comment – does anybody watch MSNBC or Fox and think they are watching anything else then crazy spin and political entertainment? If anybody thinks either of those stations are actual news…well, shame on them.
“Is he [the obamateur] saying he’s not a US citizen?”
Not even ‘the obamateur’ knows or cares what he is saying. Why should we?
‘Words’ are just ’tools’ b o uses to get other people to do what he wants.
Barry is not encumbered by ‘truth’.
mr. bo-jangles is not inconvenienced by ‘right and wrong’.
These concepts are only fairy tales and pagan myths to b. hussein o’bama.
Look closely at the last cartoon: It says “By not deporting children who were brought HER illegally…” (The cartoonist needs a better editor!)
Gee…even a satirical CARTOON of B.O. needs a teleprompter! ;)
Ex-GOP says: June 24, 2012 at 1:13 pm
1. “How else does the GOP attack deficits – they don’t raise taxes and they don’t cut military spending.”
2. “Am I missing something?”
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote Democrat…”
1. Unfortunately for all of us, you are wrong about the GOP not raising taxes. They have and I am sure they will. [mnenomic device: ‘Read my lips.’]
Your are also wrong about then not cutting defense spending. They don’t do it often but they have done it.
2. Yes [no mnenomic device is likely to cure the dysfunction as it’s cause nests in your emotions.]
Re the amnesty lite campaign speech it is once again quintessential Obama. He claims the mantle of “the right thing to do” for the children of undocumented foreign nationals even as he dictates on high against the religious rights of millions of his OWN COUNTRYMEN. Who is fooling whom?
Our adoring main stream media see nothing wrong with his end around of congress and thus are compliant in the subversion of our constitution. How else to say it? One wonders how the MSM would react if this or some other president would decide it is “the right thing to do” to limit free speech of those who do not agree with his agenda, like perhaps trying to quash talk radio? These so-called “journalists” are so brain dead, and so “in the moment” they would think limiting the free speech of a non-progressive would never come around to bite them.
It is too bad one of the cartoons did not take up POTUS doing another of his bowing before foreign leaders episodes…just like a little puppy dog in need of a pat on the head. Pathetic.
Another cartoon should take on all of the “one percenters” throwing lavish parties in support of their man. Who is fooling whom?
So Jerry – are you calling on congress to pass what Obama gave in his executive order, or do you disagree with Obama and are hiding behind the method in which he did it?
Pamela says: June 24, 2012 at 1:43 pm
“Gee…even a satirical CARTOON of B.O. needs a teleprompter.”
It could be a deliberate act.
The cartoonist may have been attempting to phonectically translate the obamanese dialect into something anglophones would be able to decipher.
Ex-GOP says: June 24, 2012 at 1:13 pm “I think the cartoon of the Republican missing deficit and knocking out social programs is very accurate”…
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote Democrat…”
Maybe it escaped your notice that eliminating and/or reducing spending on ‘social programs’ would contribute to reducing the deficit.
b o took an oath to do his best and if this is as good as it’s gona get, then maybe he should retire to the place of his birth……where ever t hat is, but I am sure it ain’t Hawaii.
Removing ‘the obamateur’ from the federal payroll would be a great way to do with government waste.
– Obama was born in the US. Donald Trump doesn’t believe it, you don’t believe, and a few people in a militia in Montana don’t believe it.
– Obama has done a better job than Bush did, a better job than McCain would have, and will do a better job than Romney could.
Obama has done a better job perpetuating the killing of the unborn than Bush did, a better job than McCain would have, and will do a better job than Romney could.
Be specific Ex-GOP.
I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. I also believe that Obama told many people early in his life that he was born in Kenya… in order to gain Affirmative Action brownie points. I think if we saw his college transcripts they would be full of claims that he is from Kenya, a lie in order to be given privileges by ridiculous white liberals, and that’s why he refuses to reveal anything about his college daze. Er, days.
I think you’re right, John. No wonder he supports Elizabeth Warren, a.k.a. “Fauxcahontas”. Being one-percenters wasn’t enough for them. They had to weasel their way to have BOTH legs up on us great unwashed.
“How else does the GOP attack deficits?”
Ex-RINO, since this is the Sunday funnies; just for laughs maybe you could answer a question for me. Does growing government (increasing the number of people on the government payroll) increase or decrease government deficits?
Does government regulating private companies out of business increase or decrease government deficits?
Hi Hans,
Its typical liberals. I understand the Cherokees are very displeased with this whole situation and two Cherokee women who want to speak to Warren accuse her of “ducking” them. Did she get affirmative action treatment as a “woman of color” and if so now what?
Liberals love to make you think their origins are so humble.
Look at that slob Michael Moore. Yes he was born in Flint, but he wasn’t raised there. He was raised in the suburb of Davison. This “common working stiff” has a Manhattan penthouse and a lavish Michigan lake home. He should spend some of his millions on a barber, a trip to Wal-Mart for some decent clothes, and a personal trainer.
Then you have the Hollywood liberals who regale us with their tales of woe while growing up with wealthy, famous parents. No wonder they became drug addicts! My heart bleeds.
Lrning -
Bush did talk a good game didn’t he?
truth -
Question #1 – In the short term, cutting taxes, hiring government works or increasing social services increases the deficit.
Question #2 – What do you mean by ‘regulating out of business’ – are you talking about the government banning certain types of industries so that they go out of business? If that is what you mean, I wouldn’t use the term “regulating”.
Hi Mary,
Let’s not forget our Veep, Slow Joe Biden. He claims to be from a poor “working class” family, yet his father owned a car dealership, and he went to the most expensive private school in Delaware (as Obama did in Hawaii).
John Edwards also played the working stiff card, yet his father was a manager of – what? – a brickllaying or whatever kind of company? Of course his resume, professionally and personally, went downhill from there.
Ex-GOP: If you don’t like how I filled in the blank, fill it in yourself. What has Obama done better?
Obama has done a better job ____________________________ than Bush did, a better job than McCain would have, and will do a better job than Romney could.
Better job with the economy – while McCain did support stimulus spending, I don’t think it would have been as much, resulting in a better chance we would have slipped back into a second recession, or never escaped the first one.
Better job with the wars – we’ve gotten out of Iraq (mostly), killed Bin Laden, and largely avoided more worldwide wars. I can’t say for sure McCain wouldn’t have followed Obama’s same foreign affairs course – so maybe this is a push.
Better job with health care – as it stands now, millions will be able to be insured, we’ve eliminated the phrase ‘pre-existing condition’, we’ve eliminated penalties for going to the nearest emergency room even if it is out of a network, we allow kids to stay on insurance plans longer, and eliminated lifetime caps. McCain would have kept status quo on insurance, meaning the uninsured spiral would continue.
Three enough?
The economy: Yes, I can see by these unemployment numbers that things are definitely better with Obama than when Bush was prez.
The wars: Yes, I can see by the military casualties that things are definitely better with Obama than with Bush.
Health care: Time will tell.
Yes they are – there’s no way that you can say a President ‘owns’ the unemployment date on day one. If you even wait 6 months – the unemployment rate for July 2009 was 9.5. Now it is 8.2 You forget that starting in late 2008, the economy went into a free fall.
On wars -both regions are much more stable then they are now. Bush declared ‘Mission Accomplished’ when it wasn’t accomplished. We weren’t getting anywhere. Again, I said that maybe McCain would have gone a similar route as Obama – but it isn’t the front headline every day of the week anymore. Obama’s strength, oddly enough, has been foreign policy. You won’t hear Romney talk about it much, and the GOP isn’t talking about it much because they know it isn’t a weakness.
Nice try attempting to break Ex-RINO’s rose-colored glasses, but I’m afraid where Obama/dems are concerned, he’s opted for rose-colored lasik.
And x, you of course are equally biased the other way. Don’t try to lecture me as if you don’t have a strong political lean…
“there’s no way that you can say a President ‘owns’ the unemployment date on day one.”
I didn’t say that. How much time does it take to impact unemployment? 2 years? 3 years? 4 years? This site has a nice visual. You can set the beginning date to whatever you want:
“but it isn’t the front headline every day of the week anymore”
I’m sure it’s a great comfort to the families that have lost loved ones that the newspapers fail to mention the casualties nowadays. :\ Don’t be bothered by the huge upswing in deaths 2 years after Obama took office. Those must have been Bush’s fault.
Hi Hans,
Many years ago the comedienne Carol Burnett went public with the drug and behavioral problems she had had with her teenage daughter. An audience member stood up and whined how her daughter said it was so difficult being Carol Burnett’s daughter. Carol’s response was a classic: “TOUGH! She should have spent her life with a couple of drunks who don’t give a damn about her like I had to. I WISH I had the life she’s had”!
If this audience member expected some liberal drivel from Carol as to her daughter’s “traumatic childhood” as the daughter of a celebrity, or that Carol would listen to it, she was in for a disappointment.
Lrning -
Under Reagan – we were mid 7’s right now – which makes sense – if the public sector was adding jobs like we did under Reagan, I’m guessing we’d be well under 8 now as well.
On the wars – do you believe that Obama should have pulled out all troops right when he took office? I believe that is what you are implying, so would like clarification.
Oh! We’re going back to Reagan? I thought we were comparing Obama & Bush. Silly me. No, silly you. Here you are again, pretending that I’m comparing the GOP & Dems. Pfft.
“I believe that is what you are implying, so would like clarification.”
You believe incorrectly. Remember, you are the one saying Obama’s “foreign affairs course” was superior to Bush’s. I’m simply looking to see if the number of casualties bears that out. And no, it doesn’t.
Don’t like that measure? Hmmm. You mentioned “military spending” earlier. The spending that the GOP won’t cut to help the deficit. Has Obama cut military spending?
Well darn. Look at that line continuing to climb.
“The debate on the debt is an opportunity to send the world a signal that we are going to remain the strongest military force in the world,” he said. “We’re saying, ‘We’re going to keep it, and we’re going to make it the No. 1 priority of a broke nation.’ ”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), May 2012
Yes, by all means. “Moderate” my Sen. Lindsey Graham quote.
So Jerry – are you calling on congress to pass what Obama gave in his executive order, or do you disagree with Obama and are hiding behind the method in which he did it?
Massive false dilemma here. It is not the responsibility of Congress to see to it the President gets everything he wants. And it is entirely possible to disagree with both what’s in the DREAM Act Lite executive order and the fact that Obama is attempting an end run around Congress.
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote Democrat…”
This is the liberal/progressive democRAT approach to governance:
If it moves, tax it.
If it keeps moving, regulate it.
If it stops moving, subsidize it.
The federal ‘deficit’ does not exist in and of itself. It the result of an imbalance in revenues and expeditures.
Overspending on a constitutionally mandated responsibility, like securing the borders or maintaining a military is bad, but overspending on things the constitution does NOT authorize is wrong and wreckless to say the least.
Especially when we are running annual federal deficit in the trillions and a national debt in the tens of trillions.
Spending fedral tax dollars on the deliberate murder of pre-natal children and justifying it by calling it ‘health care’ [which is not a right or entitlement identified in the constitution] is just plain S T U P I D !!!!
Experience has demonstrated that overtaxing does not increase revenues, it decreases them.
I am not claiming republicans are the solution, but I am observing that the democRATs are the problem.
The only usefull purpose the democRATs now serve is to ensure republicans get elected.
And I will give the democRATs credit, they are doing a bang up job in that department.
What better proofs than Scott Walker vs Todd Barrett
Romney vs ‘the obamateur’?
I T’ s C A L L E D T H E C O N S T I T U T I O N , S T U P I D !
[aka ‘limited government’]
The inherent problem with socialism, is, sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend.
It would be prudent for the Government to spend less on “Social Programs.” They aren’t very efficient at social care, and the biggest gobblers of deficit spending are Social Security and Medicare.
Meanwhile… we all need to be willing to reach deeper into our own pockets and help the people who are truly needy. We should all have a soup kitchen or crisis pregnancy center on our list of monthly giving.
Our deficit problem will not be solved until Americans become generous again. We have grown accustomed to letting government do our charity.
Lrning – I’m not comparing Obama to Reagan – you asked how long it took to impact employment – I think the most obvious place to look is when we were in a similar financial recession due to a trainwreck of a Presidency.
We’ve been fighting two wars – pretty tough to think military spending would come down, don’t you think? It will come down next year if congress can’t figure out a way to avoid the triggers though.
Alice –
Maybe I should have asked Jerry differently.
Is your major issue with how the policy came into play, or with the policy itself?
Ken -
Part of me is cheering for Romney – I find him pretty acceptable (based on his record) – and his winning would be the death of the tea party.
On your second quote – if you quote somebody, you should give them credit for the quote. You shouldn’t make posts to look like they are your idea.
Ken -
You rail against the deficit – I agree.
I’m a huge believer in paying what we owe.
For instance, I think we should have a shared sacrifice amendment that says when we go to war, we automatically increase taxes to pay for that war. We’ve already spent over $1 trillion on our current military wars, and projections say the final tally could be upwards of $4.4 trillion. If we had kept paygo, for instance, in 2002 – we’ve more likely than not have zero (or very little) deficit by now.
And if we have a recession – attack if full force, end it, and then get taxes/spending back in line to pay for that fighting of the recession.
Great quote MP (wherever it is right now…)
My favorite political quote, from O Hatch:
Six years ago, “it was standard practice not to pay for things,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. – 2009
We’ve been fighting two wars – pretty tough to think military spending would come down, don’t you think?
And with the mess Obama leaves in the Middle East he will leave our next president fighting several more. They have seen the US fleeing having any role in the area under Obama our next president will be fighting wars against Egypt and Iran too when the Muslim Brotherhood marches into Jerusalem.
Truth – “protest is good, alternatives are better” – Jim Wallis
What do you suggest the US have done differently in Egypt?
EGV 8:38PM
Romney’s victory would be the death of the Tea Party?
LOLLLLLL. Only in your fantasy world EGV.
A moderate GOPer wins the White House after all the tea party candidates show up at debates and largely drool on themselves?
Ex-GOP says: Obama’s done a heck of a job, tea party people are crazy.
Trollers gotta troll.
LOLLLLLL. Whatever.
What do you suggest the US have done differently in Egypt?
We haven’t done anything so anything we did would have different because it would have been something.
Wait. Doing nothing was ok after all. Anything Obama did would have likely made things worse. .
How do you think “healthcare for all” is going to help the US deficit?
I agree with raising taxes to go to war. We have been living in debt too long in this country.
War is bad but if you have to go it is better to be funded.
Alice –
Maybe I should have asked Jerry differently.
Is your major issue with how the policy came into play, or with the policy itself?
But this, again, is a false dilemma. Regardless of which one is more upsetting to a particular person, it is entirely possible to be thoroughly disgusted with both these factors. Jerry’s post is a bit awkwardly worded in other ways, but there’s no need to choose between the things you listed. There are lots of criticisms to be leveled at both.
Truth- I’m under the opinion that no tax raise(hopefully voted on by the people. I can dream.)
No war.
Its not war I disagree with. Its fiscal irresponsibility.
Then of course a million things come to mind that make that scenario possibly disasterous. Sigh.
Why aren’t things simple?
John -
I know that when you disagree with a person, it is easy to dismiss them.
I would like to note that Obama’s got an approval rating hovering around 50%.
And while I haven’t seen any specific polls asking tea party approval lately – last I saw it (a few months ago), it was much lower than Obama’s ratings.
Jamie -
If we pay for it, it won’t impact the deficit at all. How much it costs depends on how it is rolled out.
What is funny about our system is we do, sort of, have health care for all. We don’t pay for preventative medicine for those who don’t have insurance, but we’re willing to (as a society) pick up the tab when their care becomes emergency care. Quite frankly, I don’t know if there is a way we could be less efficient and smart about it.
Obama’s approval rating is actually at 43% at last check, Baghdad Bob.
I do believe the wheels are coming off. The number of people who HOPE Obama will CHANGE anything has got to be dwindling.
There’s a third party candidate that will trip him up as surely as Perot did Poppy Bush. The wallet.
Yeah. The costs of energy and their “necessary skyrocket” are making it prohibitively expensive to drive out of state to see my dying grandmother. Obama’s intentional bulwark against measures which would lower fuel prices are to blame. That means that he can offer me all the “free” healthcare he wants, and I’d sooner vote for the dead dog he ate as a kid in Indonesia in its current state before I would vote for him. He’s making it harder and harder to feed a family. Since ex-RINO can’t put 2+2 together to realize that rising fuel prices mean rising corn prices since it takes fossil fuel to raise that corn (that already had the price raised by dems who mandated corn-based ethanol be put into gasoline as an “environmental” measure when it actually HURTS the environment and the only purpose of that was to line their ethanol-company-shareholding pockets), and then the used-to-be corn which is now animal feed has to be transported to the animals. Fossil fuel again. Price increase AGAIN. Then once the animals are fed and grown, they have to be transported to the processing plants. Fossil fuels. Price increase. AGAIN. Then the meat has to be transported from the processing plants to the stores. Fossil fuel. Price increase. YET AGAIN.
So you tell me, dumbcluck, you go to your “free” doctor and tell me how well they treat you and your family for starvation, you freaking idiot.
P.S. Don’t get me started on the wear and tear ethanol puts on engines, either. Because I’m sure we all have extra money to spend on vehicle maintenance now that food is so affordable, right, ex-RINO-current-MORON?
Hey x,
Your sentences sometimes don’t just run on, like mine tend to do, but they can run the marathon! Whew! :)
Sorry for my atrocious grammar. I often find I have more to say on a given subject than one sentence can contain, but I try anyway! >_<
Ex-RINO says: June 10, 2012 at 11:08 pm “For the record, I have three kids, my wife and I would never ever have considered an abortion, and I’m against it as I equate it to murder.”
Ex-RINO says: June 11, 2012 at 7:56 am “…at the end of the day, I’m more likely than not to vote Democrat…”
If you recognize the quotes, then there is no need for attribution.
But if you believe I am attempting to purloin someone elses ‘wit’ and pass it off as my on then feel free to point identify every suspected act of plagarism with the name of the rightful author.
You do have a gift for attempting to divert attention.
I was not ‘railing’ against the deficit.
I was indicting liberal/progressive/’democRATs [pardon the redundancy].
The Tea Party folks will deal with RINO’s and mainstream republicans who stray from conservative principles.
It was ali bama and his band of >40 thieves who created the Tea Party.
The Tea Party bids a not so fond farewell to Rich Lugar and others like him and says, ’May the revolving door in the ‘big tent’ play ‘knick knack paddy whack’ on you moderate posterior as it catapults you into your much over due and richly deserved unemployment.
x -
On the approval rating – is is next to worthless to look at a singular poll.
RCP average has him at 48.2% approval.
Now, all that really matters is the electoral map, and if the election was held right now, Obama wins – but the election isn’t held right now – we’ve got 5 months, and a lot can obviously happen between now and then.
x -
First off, try to be a bit more respectful.
Second – we haven’t talked energy policy this entire thread – why are you jumping now with some rant about something we’re not even talking about – and then calling me names because I haven’t addressed it.
Third – If you truly believe that Presidential policies massively impact gas prices, then you need to get some not biased education on the matter. Oil prices affect gas price. The best way to lower the price of gas is kick into a worldwide recession. President can’t affect things drastically. If you think that way, you need to read more.
Again – when in the world were we talking energy policy? Come on – grow up, stay on topic, and stop attacking people – attack ideas.
Ken -
Yes there is – if somebody else said something, don’t pretend that it is yours. That’s lying – that’s cheating – and that shouldn’t be done. You didn’t make it up – don’t pretend that you did, and then follow up and try to say you don’t need to. Come on man.
The tea party has much to be thankful for – they delivered Reid to office. I don’t know if Indiana will follow, but there’s a much better chance that seat flips then there was before.
Back to my original point though:
– Romney loses, tea party says “look, you didn’t elect a real conservative – that’s why you lost”.
– Romney wins, and the tea party has shown that their candidates couldn’t even break the primary circuit, and a moderate has won.
“Quite frankly, I don’t know if there is a way we could be less efficient and smart about it.”
The Democrats have put a bureaucracy of cronyism in place to control healthcare and never feel any need to pass a budget or watch where the money went. Does that sound less efficient?
Truth – that statement is completely irrelevant to the conversation that we’re having. We’re talking apples, you are talking oranges.
If you want to talk apples, reread the posts and come in with something relevant.
(and ex):
Your reply to ex to my post was handled very well. Thanks.
Ex says:
Romney wins, and the tea party has shown that their candidates couldn’t even break the primary circuit, and a moderate has won.
It was Romney’s to lose. And he didn’t. He came out of a brutal primary virtually unscathed and is even in the polls with Obama.
If you add up the Tea Party votes split among several candidates in the contested primaries it is clear that the Tea party had a plurality. But having said that I would caution against you doing a victory dance for your hero Obama. The Tea Party may not have got their guy (or gal), but we ain’t stupid. The fraudster has got to go and there is ZERO talk or chance of Tea Party supporters failing to do anything but go out in droves and vote for Romney. We understand that the future our country is at stake in this election.
Jerry -
I don’t know how many times in one thread, and lately on this board, I’ve said that anybody saying who the winner is going to be is just guessing. There’s far from a victory dance going on. This is going to be a long election.
I do think your last sentence is a little silly. How do you folks, in one breath, say that Obama is a “do-nothing” candidate and then say that he’s crashing the country?
And how is he crashing the country? I mean, come on – have a little faith in the American people. This “sky is falling” thing gets a little old from your righties. Mid-November, somebody will get elected, and we’ll all keeping going to work, paying taxes, carrying guns, and doing everything else we’ve been doing.
I mean really – what has REALLY changed over the last, let’s say 20 years? We have more debt – yes – but not a striking amount (compared to the GDP – and certainly, neither party has it as the number one issue). Our health care system is broken, but it isn’t broken beyond repair. It isn’t as if our military is weak and we’re going to be invaded.
So you don’t like Obama. Don’t make it into a bigger issue than it is.
How are we going to pay for another program?
It’s not a function of the federal govt to make sure that we are 1-not broke due to medical bills, 2- healthy, 3-not getting ripped off by our medical insurance.
This is private sector stuff. The minute you give power or $ to the govt you lose as a private citizen.
I know this sounds cruel. Its not meant to be. My family is actually in medical debt from our first two children. I strongly believe it is not the role of govt to
make sure my life is wonderful and fair. I also believe what Kel said way back on this thread- we’ve gotten too used to the federal govt doing our charity for us. And also what truth asked you: what’s more inefficient than govt? Why would I want my healthcare run by the same types that handle DMV/MVA?
Frustrated b/c I’m on my phone and limited.
I believe you are thinking beyond the two parties like me. Hence your “unicorn ” political beliefs. Prolife dem who thinks that the dem party reduces abortions. I’ve honestly never even heard of your “species” lol.
But come on…govt the savior? Obama reducing abortions? Healthcare will be better run by the same institution that stinks at running medicade/care and SS?
I have two cousins by marriage that are doctors. One is in a small group of radiologists that have their own practice. Among other horror stories of govt interference is the fact that they get a letter every so often TELLING them how much the govt is going to pay them for the medicade/care patients. Right now its 65%…bright innovative people do not go into medicine, sacrifice and kill themselves to get the degrees, to come out and make govt wages.
I have many relatives by marriage in Canada, Spain, and Brazil. They all come here for the surgeries they need, even though they already pay 60% tax for their “free” healthcare etc.
I just cannot believe that govt will do a good job with this and its not worth giving up the freedom of being able to be uninsured ( still a personal decision)
x -
First off, try to be a bit more respectful.
Second – we haven’t talked energy policy this entire thread – why are you jumping now with some rant about something we’re not even talking about – and then calling me names because I haven’t addressed it.
I’m “jumping” now because it’s all connected, and especially in light of what you’ve said about the democrats “reducing abortions” in the past, it is DEFINITELY relevant. How in the flying flip do they reduce abortions when the things they do and have done make it harder to get by as a lower/middle class family?! Please, tell me how this logically works in your jacked-up “gimme gimme” mind?!
Third – If you truly believe that Presidential policies massively impact gas prices, then you need to get some not biased education on the matter. Oil prices affect gas price. The best way to lower the price of gas is kick into a worldwide recession. President can’t affect things drastically. If you think that way, you need to read more.
If you haven’t noticed that things the current president HAS DONE can cause gas prices to either rise or prevent them from lowering, you need to get your head out of your rear. TWO WORDS: Keystone. Pipeline.
Again – when in the world were we talking energy policy? Come on – grow up, stay on topic, and stop attacking people – attack ideas.
You’ve been talking about it. When you claimed that Dem policies make us more prosperous and thereby decrease abortions. Grow up, stop your magical thinking that enables you to rationalize your stupid voting habits, and get over your butthurt about me being a big meanie and actually THINK about the things I am SAYING.
“KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at
higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the
Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel
This from TransCanada’s permit application to the Canadian government:
“PGI indicated that historical price discounts at the USGC suggest that the supply of Canadian heavy crudes has exceeded demand in traditional markets. Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II, are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian exports of heavy crude oil. It further stated that access to the USGC via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in PADD II by removing over supply.”
“If the Keystone XL Pipeline causes the USGC price discount to be eliminated, PGI estimated the annual revenue increase to the Canadian producing industry at US$2.0 billion. In addition, if the Keystone XL Pipeline causes the Midwest price to rise above USGC parity, the annual revenue to Canadian producers could increase by a further US$1.9 billion, reaching approximately US$3.9 billion.”
mp comment:
Facts are difficult things, especially when they come from the company building the pipeline. :)
“The economy: Yes, I can see by these unemployment numbers that things are definitely better with Obama than when Bush was prez.”
If you’re going to lie with statistics, you really need to learn how to do it.
While it is correct that the average unemployment rate for 2008 was 5.8%, you’ve conveniently forgotten that the unemployment rate during the month of January 2009, when Obama took office, was 7.8%. It climbed to 8.3% the following month while the Republicans balked at the size of his proposed economic stimulus program, which wasn’t big enough.
You also seem to have conveniently forgotten that nonfarm payroll employment fell from 138,023,000 in January 2008 to 133,561,000 in January 2009, the month Obama was sworn in. In other words, a loss of 4,462,000 jobs in 12 months, the biggest collapse in US history outside of, um, the Great Depression.
All of this was occurring, of course, while Sen. McCain’s top economic adviser, the “brilliant” economist, Great Texan and former U.S. Senator Phil Gramm–who now, by the way, just happens to be the vice chairman of Union Bank of Switzerland–complained that this setback was “all in your heads” and that America had become “a nation of whiners.”
Yes, really. Got butthurt much?
Jamie –
That’s fair – let’s test our your beliefs then.
– Family of four gets into a huge car accident – we find out when we get them to the emergency room that they need life saving care, and that they don’t have either insurance, nor jobs. Do they receive life saving care? If so, who pays for it?
– Ten year old child has cancer. Parents don’t have insurance. Should the child get treatment? If so, who pays for it?
– Kid right out of college finds out he has a rare form of leukemia. He has no insurance. Should he get treatment? If so, who pays for it?
Jamie – On your “who pays for it” – it would be handled through an extension of the medicare tax – it would actually be quite easy to do.
Right now, my employer and I pay quite the hefty amount every month for insurance. Not positive how must of that actually goes to care – since those fighting reform are fighting for the opportunity for insurance companies to spend less than 80% of the premium on care (so more can be spent on marketing, parties, overhead, etc…).
We spend a LOT on medical care right now – it would be shifting it around.
Again though – your beliefs might hold water depending on how you answer those questions.
x -
I think MP has poked a 500 foot hole in your argument. Even the keystone people won’t say it will lower gas prices:
Do pro-life politicians make a difference:
Yes. The people who are trying to get it funded are trying to prove that it will be profitable to investors. The horror.
But, it’s not as if that’s the only production-limiting actions that have been taken. Ending offshore drilling didn’t help. ANWR obstruction didn’t help.
If according to your studies, getting supplies from other nations raises prices, Obama certainly shouldn’t have let Brazil drill offshore when WE COULDN’T:
It’s not “my” study, it’s TransCanada’s study. They are the Keystone XL pipe.
If you think they’re building the pipe to lower your gas prices, you should wear a button that reads “Fox News Fool Tool.”
Doocy, Fox and TransCanada had poor xalisae. Too bad, so sad. Got teh butthurt much?
Wow. Nothing I said last week or the week before is in the least bit incorrect. In fact, it is even more obvious that this is one of the last venues left where certain trolls can troll since they’ve obviously been banned from other sites where their ‘bama-aid-drinking peers are free to roam. Oh, that’s ok; he wouldn’t want to chat with other ‘bama-butt-kissers because that might create, GASP, a vast echo chamber…
Attention ‘bama fans: your hero? He’s a lousy bogart-er. He’s the kind of guy that shows up uninvited to a party and drinks a whole bottle of the most expensive booze before vomiting it up on the carpet in the master bedroom. His Nobel prize is about as valuable my old Sprint calling card.
Y’know, I can be a snarkasaurus, no denying. But, if you are really pro-life, then why never extoll us to return to and/or join the Dems and bolster the numbers of Democrats for Life? Are you even a member of them?
But, actually, I don’t really want an answer to that question. What I really want to know is, what did you believe, politically, in say 2006, before you were smitten by your school-boy crush on Obama? Go ahead, pretend you just woke up, it’s June 26, 2006, and nobody’s heard of Obama yet. Who do you admire, politically, and why?
No, I don’t, since I’d really like you to comment on my rebuttal and you’re avoiding it.
Sorry. Kids keep me busy!
I’m interested to talk more. But i’m going to permanently damage my finger if I keep using this phone though!
Jamison607 at yaho dot com if you want to have complete conversation.
Short thoughts:
#1-up to hospital. if it was my family I would pay. We are in a similar circumstance right now. Our church and extended families have also helped us. This problem is tied to debt and lack of savings for the individual and hospital as a business.
#2-st.Jude & shriners both have free of charge
facilities for childhood cancer, etc. They even pay for transportation and lodging.
#3 – up to hospital. Again tied to debt/lack of savings.
Phone is frustrating!
Govt should not be involved in this. Churches, other groups & the individual should be stepping up. We’ve shirked out duty to our fellow man by paying (too much) taxes.