Petition to Catholic leaders: Disinvite President Obama
We hold that if Cardinal John O’Connor didn’t invite pro-abort Bill Clinton in 1996, and if Cardinal Egan didn’t invite pro-abort John Kerry in 2004, then on what grounds could your Eminence find to invite Obama in 2012, when he has proven handily and has worked arduously since 2009 to act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles; more especially in regard to his aggressive promotion of abortion, embryo stem-cell research, artificial contraception, and homosexual marriage in this country and throughout the world?
~ Partial text of the Petition to Stop the Al Smith Scandal, in which the bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, has invited President Barack Obama to the Al Smith Fundraising Dinner, in spite of the fact that the Archdiocese is currently involved in litigation against the HHS over the contraception mandate, via David L. Gray, August 2
Church Militant TV and Crisis Magazine also weigh in.
[HT: The Washington Times]
Upon hearing this news the first time, I did not like it either. But Cardinal Dolan has consistently demonstrated that he is truly a champion of Life, marriage and religious liberty. For the moment, although I do not understand it, I trust that he has a reason for this choice. And that his reasons will become apparent in due time. For example, even though the event is supposed to be a friendly one, he could take the opportunity to directly call Obama out about abortion the HHS mandate, the attack on marriage, etc, etc. I am not betting that is his plan, but I do trust that there is a good reason for the decision.
Well then he should invite Eric Metaxas to speak if he plans to address these grievances. This will be used by team Obama for campaign fodder. This is so counterproductive. I am disappointed as one who put on a stand up for religios freedom rally I am totally disgusted with the lack of fortitude.
There’s a reason why you didn’t like it at first, Bryan. And while I totally get the need to be charitable here, the reality is that events such as these give a public platform to a notorious adversary of non-negotiable catholic teaching. Boyfriend has actually buckled down on the HHS mandate, saying there will be no budging. And he didn’t say that once; we’re talking repeatedly!
President Obama doesn’t have to say a single word, not one. All it takes is a photo of him and the Cardinal yukking it up, and there goes the credibility. Uninformed ( and lazy) observers will rightly think: Oh, so I guess the whole drama about religious freedom wasn’t such a big deal after all.
I read the Archdiocese defense of the invite, and it was quite the exercise in denial. Folks like Susie Allen who worked extensively (at the urging of the USCCB, BTW) to “protest” the HHS shenanigans, now have had their knees capped.
Beyond that, this just adds to the mounting frustration among the laity who seek to be faithful and desire that the leadership, for once, have the courage of martyrs in the face of these pro-choice politicians who laugh in our faces and categorize us as little more than Catholic Paper Tigers.
And in this instance, they just might be correct.
What’s ironic is that the USCCB had put out guidelines describing how catholic institutions and the like should not give public audience to pro-choice catholic politicians. (Sorry, I don’t have time to look up the text, or else I’d post it)
What’s good for us is not good for the Al Smith Foundation, I suppose.
This is the kind of stuff that makes me weep for the Church.
Amen Carder! We stand with the Bishops indeed!!!!Ugh!!!
ROFLMAO!!!! Cardinal Dolan just earned some popularity points on my score card. And in meeting with adversaries, isn’t he just following in Jesus’ footsteps. Besides, the “princes of the church,” at the end of the day, ally themselves with temporal leaders. If you think it’s hypocritical, it’s the same kind of hypocrisy followed by bishops who denounce pro-choice Catholics but take their money nonetheless whilst not refusing them communion. The Catholic church is quite adept at playing all sides of the ledger.
Church Militant link:
Here is a link to a recent sermon given by Fr.Rodriguez entitled “Heresy and Religious Indifferentism” Excellent! Scroll down and Click on right side of page “Recent Sermons” “Heresy and Religious Indifferentism” August 5 2012
Will the Church ever realize what Obama is and stop trying to play nice? Playing nice with Obama got you Catholics kicked in the teeth. What else does this man have to do before it registers once and for all that he is NOT your friend?
well, if CC thinks it is a good thing, then I guess that makes my tolerance f’ing stupid
carder – you are 100% right – frankly, it makes me mad as hell – and I am trying to be charitable – and I am getting very tired of having to do so
by the way, CC, Jesus did not meet with “adversaries” – he met with sinners whose hearts he could see were ready for reconciliation and healing – that is quite a different thing
I really don’t understand why everybody is so put out by this. I think this is a fantastic idea and I commend Cardinal Dolan for doing this. To me this sent a far more powerful message… Cardinal Dolan inviting the presidential candidates to HIM, on HIS terms.
This has nothing to do with condoning or approving of anything Obama has done and if anyone thinks so they’re out of their minds. This is nothing like inviting Obama to Notre Dame.
I stand with Cardinal Dolan on this and I think the rest of you should too.
I didn’t like this at first either. I’m starting to gain a different perspective. I’ll be praying that it’s a conversion experience for Obama.
If Cardinal Dolan is going to meet with the president at all, it should be for a sharp dressing down, not for a pleasant evening of yukking and drinking! St. Thomas Becket and St. Thomas More DIED over this sort of thing. Pray for us!
Jay – I am trying to stand with Cardinal Dolan, but it is very hard. I pray he gives us some clear explanation at some time. But my biggest concern is what carder said.
“All it takes is a photo of him and the Cardinal yukking it up, and there goes the credibility. Uninformed ( and lazy) observers will rightly think: Oh, so I guess the whole drama about religious freedom wasn’t such a big deal after all.”
Scandal, as I understand it, is giving the appearance of evil even when evil is not happening. It is like when an unmarried man and woman live together. They may be living like saints, but everyone will assume they are not. That is why the Church says it is a bad idea (not to mention the near occasion of sin). And if them attending this dinner together is not scandal, I do not know what is. UNLESS, as I hope happens, Cardinal Dolan takes the opportunity to call out Obama, or he gives us some good reason for his decision. But even then, the “photo-op” issue is still there.
Lrng 11:15am
Obama is never going to convert or back down so if the Cardinal thinks schmoozing Obama is going have a positive result, he’s living in lala land. This is nothing but a huge plus for Obama, and another kick in the teeth to every Catholic in this country.
Look at the text of the petition: Cardinal O’Connor and Cardinal Egan at least had the sense not to invite Clinton and Kerry. And those guys were mild compared to the gravity of the situation today.
This isn’t about approving or condoning. It’s about President Obama, not Cardinal Dolan. And if we know our Barack, he will absolutely, positively USE the occasion to sing his praises to his advantage in the future as he has already demonstrated.
Don’t believe me? He used the bishops as a means of squeezing out the passage of the Health Care Law. Cardinal Dolan even conceded as much.
Part of being faithful is the virtue of prudence, and sorry, this is Exhibit A in the lack thereof.
Hi Carder,
Absolutely. Obama used the Catholic support.. then betrayed them, like he did so many others.
Sadly Catholics, not all of course but enough, agreed to sit at the devil’s table. They compromised what they knew was right and were taken in by Obama’s charisma and empty promises. He was only too happy to exploit this for his own purpose.
I have often made the analogy of the sociopath and “pet” boa constrictor. It may seem tame and docile, you might think it actually loves you, but it is first and foremost a deadly predator and you overlooking this fact can have dire consequesnces. Again the Catholic leadership is overlooking what Obama truly is, and will again pay a price.
Sorry folks, my sympathy is at an end. Dolan is right up there with the damned fool that picks up a deadly snake, then cries “victim” when it bites him.
1. President Obama should not be pro-abortion and pro-HHS mandate
2. Because President Obama is pro-abortion, etc… he should not have accepted the invitation.
3. Cardinal Dolan should bless and sprinkle President Obama with Holy Water to see if The Barack sizzles.
4. Failing No. 3, Cardinal Dolan should sit President Obama in the corner of the room with a dunce cap on.
Tyler says: Cardinal Dolan should bless and sprinkle President Obama with Holy Water to see if The Barack sizzles.
LOL. I love it.
I could speculate just as easily as anyone else as to exactly what Cardinal Dolan is planning or what he hopes to accomplish with this, but that’s all it would be.
Cardinal Dolan has definitely set himself up for something that will likely be spectacular. Question is, will it be a spectacular success or a spectacular failure?
Or in other words, will this ultimately prove to be a sound, bold move or a colossally stupid one?
Too soon to tell, methinks; I’ve seen great people fall and lowly people soar.
October just got a lot more interesting.
No Maestro,
October is going to get a lot more scary.
Cardinal Dolan, pls.
Time for democracy in the Catholic Church…time for the followers to make their thoughts known. Heretics are alive and well in most denominations. That is why Jesus asks us to be watchful.
At the risk of speculating too early…
This just comes across as another example of the bishops not having learned their lesson.
You would think that after Notre Dame, they would have thought better.
You would think, that after all the hand-wringing, garment-rending, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Big Bad Government, Cardinal Dolan would have paused.
But this whole go-along-to-get-along mindset just throws another straw on the camel’s back.
What’s it gonna take?
For real. (Channeling Antoine Dodson).
President Barack Obama has been invited to be a Keynote Speaker at the Thursday, October 18, 2012 Alfred E. Smith Memorial Fund Dinner… This fact also been confirmed on their website at
Jer For the shepherds [of the people] have become like brutes, irrational and stupid, and have not sought the Lord or inquired of Him or required Him [by necessity and by right of His word]. Therefore they have not dealt prudently and have not prospered, and all their flocks are scattered. AMP
The bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, has invited a known murderer, thief, liar, deviant and enemy of the gospel of our LORD and Savior Jesus the Christ, to be the KEYNOTE SPEAKER at the Al Smith Fundraising Dinner.
There is no excuse, no rationalization, no equivovation that can make this swine on the altar accceptable to the LORD.
[If Dolan had invited b o to his home for a private dinner I would maintain my silence. Jesus dined with sinners. Jesus even dined with hipocritical religious leaders like Dolan.]
This is just more irrefutatable evidence that no one is immume to the stupifying effect of sin, especially religous leaders who crave notoraiety.
Matt 23:1-13 THEN JESUS said to the multitudes and to His disciples, The scribes and
Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat [of authority]. So observe and practice all they tell you; but do
not do what they do, for they preach, but do not practice…. They do all their works to be seen
of men;… And they take pleasure in and [thus] love the place of honor at feasts and the best
seats in the synagogues, And to be greeted with honor in the marketplaces… He who is
greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself [with haughtiness and
empty pride] shall be humbled (brought low), and whoever humbles himself [whoever has a
modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly] shall be raised to honor. But woe to you,
scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s
faces; for you neither enter yourselves, nor do you allow those who are about to go in to do
so. AMP
James 2:1-7 My brethren, pay no servile regard to people [show no prejudice, no partiality].
Do not [attempt to] hold and practice the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ [the Lord] of glory
[together with snobbery]! For if a person comes into your congregation whose hands are
adorned with gold rings and who is wearing splendid apparel, and also a poor [man] in shabby
clothes comes in, And you pay special attention to the one who wears the splendid clothes
and say to him, Sit here in this preferable seat! while you tell the poor [man], Stand there! or,
Sit there on the floor at my feet! Are you not discriminating among your own and becoming
critics and judges with wrong motives? Listen, my beloved brethren: Has not God chosen
those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and in their position as believers
and to inherit the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him? But you [in
contrast] have insulted (humiliated, dishonored, and shown your contempt for) the poor. Is it
not the rich who domineer over you? Is it not they who drag you into the law courts?
Is it not they who slander and blaspheme that precious name by which you are
distinguished and called [the name of Christ invoked in baptism]? AMP
[Just read Alfred E. Smith’s bio. Reminds me of Ronald Reagan. Hopefully Smith has some surviving family members who still hold his legacy in high regard and will voice their objection to their patriarch’s good name being associated with an anti-christ. Bill Clinton’s name was noticeably absent form the list of former speakers, so there is a basis to hope good sense may prevail. Perhaps the obamateur will suddenly remember he has a muslim holy day to observe.]
2 Timothy 3 … Especially verse 5
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
* Jesus made a distinction in talking (relatively combatively) to the self-righteous and befriending “sinners”, who were broken and aware of their need for grace. I would liken Obama to the Pharisees, not the humble tax collectors, etc.
(interestingly verse 6 goes on to say: They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women …)
Bryan says: August 10, 2012 at 8:16 am …”I do trust that there is a good reason for the decision.”
Your ‘trust’ is not warranted. There is no good reason for such an act of betrayal by Dolan.
[If a picture paints a thousand words and actions speak much louder than words then quit refusing to hear what your eyes are saying. It is worse than you want to believe.]
Maybe Dolan is being extorted by the obamateur, but that would only tell us that Dolan puts a higher value on his reputation than he does on his fidelity to Christ.
Maybe the obamateur is holding one of Dolan’s family or friends hostage with the threat they will be killed if Dolan does not capitulate, submit, give way, fold…but Dolan is willing to sacrifice the lives of pre-natal children.
I am not catholic and I do not value the catholic denomination any more or any less than any other christian religious institution. But b o is at war with the christianity in general and catholicism in particular. That concept seems to be lost on Dolan and some of his fellow prelates. Dolan is the Neville Chamberlin of catholicism. He is feeding the tiger, hoping he can convert the carnivore to veganism before the tiger get around to devouring him.
Hey Dolan,
This is not the time to appease the aggressor. It is just the right time for a stiff arm to nose of the bully. [Relax I am speaking figureatively.] Bruise the self serving prima dona’s fragile ego. Tell him NO with actions that communicate clearly you are prepared to die before you will violate your conscience. [He has no courage and he has no conscience and he is a snivleling coward.] Publicly defy him! Un-invite him before he can find some self serving face saving way to un-invite himself and make it look like he was the wounded warrior and magnanimous martyr.
“Time for democracy in the Catholic Church…time for the followers to make their thoughts known. Heretics are alive and well in most denominations. That is why Jesus asks us to be watchful.”
Do these newly found egalitarian sensibilities of yours extend to the topic of birth control? Perhaps the 82% of American Catholics who support the use of contraception should make their thoughts known regarding the Church’s stance on this matter.
Hi Ken,
At least British PM Neville Chamberlain, one of hisory’s most notorious appeasers, had the sense to realize Hitler had kicked him in the teeth.
Dolan doesn’t. Dolan should also realize that tyrants respect only one thing, people who stand up to them. While showing all proper diplomatic deference, Hitler regarded Chamberlain as a “worm” and loathed him for his efforts to play nice and preserve peace at any cost. It would lead to WW2. I doubt Obama has little more regard than this for Dolan.
The Church is NOT a democracy, nor should it ever be one. It would be better for the Church to temporarily lose members than for it to ever capitulate on Catholic teachings to suit the whims of the culture. We survived for more than 2 thousand years, despite corruption, despite hypocrites in the pews and wolves in the fold. We need to be brave and proceed with the housecleaning that is so very long overdue. There is the modern image of “Wimpy Jesus” that other people (especially atheists) want us to embrace, and there is the real Jesus that called a nest of vipers what it was and drove the money changers out of the temple. Who do we serve? We serve the only Son of God, not some wussy idol that makes non-Christians feel better. Maranatha!
Whatev. The Catholic Church should be what it is. I’ve spoken before of Rome’s too-tolerant attitude toward syncretism in missions. Fact is, she simply gives too much leash to her cardinals and bishops.
Count me one Protestant who wishes more Catholics were Catholics.
I am not Catholic but my heart goes out to the faithful Catholic Christians I know. These people do their best despite the Catholic Church being in bed with the Democratic party for 75 years, realizing that their priests and cardinals are far more interested in going to dinner parties and being liked by the illuminati; who have been betrayed by the Church always choosing Marx in the name of Christ.
I do have a suggestion. If you are Catholic, give your money to a specific Catholic charity rather than the Church offering plate. The heirarchy will get the message if there is money involved.
Dolan is a fool and will be used but he is very interested in Democrats liking him.
To those goofies who talk about eating with the sinners, when did Jesus sit down with Pontious Pilate or Herod?
I have to echo many of the comments, here: I see no possible rational reason for Cardinal Dolan to have done this. Had he simply kept silent and not extended an invitation at all, no one would have noticed anything of significance; but a “disinvitation” is unutterably harder. This was a very foolish thing for him to do, and I fear that it will cause further grave scandal.
Had Cardinal Dolan wished to try to “convert” Obama, a public dinner–constrained by secular rules of social nicety–is hardly the place to do it. The confessional would have been far better… and the fact that Obama chose the former, and not the latter, suggests to me that he sees a political opportunity in the former. God help us.
Our regular “plate” donations go to our local parish. But we do need to be more supportive of the faithful, absolutely.
Paladin: “The confessional would have been far better… and the fact that Obama chose the former, and not the latter, suggests to me that he sees a political opportunity in the former. God help us.”
Billy Graham’s eventual realization of how badly he’d been manipulated by Nixon (well chronicled here and there by his son Franklin, by Colson, et al) should be a huge fact every religious official is well acquainted with, putting them on HUGE guard all the time around elected officials.
Or . . . not.
Those who refuse to learn from history, etc.
Hi rasquel,
But Graham was only to ready to make excuses for Clinton’s despicable behavior in the Oval Office. I have had zero respect for the man since. To me he is just another political opportunist.
Count me as one Catholic who wishes more Protestants were Catholics.
Count me as one Catholic who doesn’t concern herself with the religious beliefs of others.
Hi gang,
Jesus is rightly known historically as the Prince of Peace, although He raised so much do-do, He could easily be thought of as ‘The Divine Sh**-Disturber’. There is clearly a need for peace @ abortion. And reaching out to bo is a ‘sound’, even if frustrating, thing to do. It’s like: NOTHING VENTURED – NOTHING GAINED. And there really is none more appropriate than a cardinal – its his job.
SO, BE AT PEACE …. (and pray big-time)!
Tho Jesus is the Prince of Peace, HE is not a pacifist.
Tho HE was the friend of sinners, HE was not a usefull idiot for opportunistic charletans.
Dolan’s first job is to be a reflection of Jesus the Christ.
Dolan should follow Jesus’ example and only do and say what the JESUS’ FATHER is doing and saying.
I have no problem believing that JESUS loves Barak Hussein Obama and that HE willingly died to pay for BHO’s sin and purchase BHO’s forgivness.
But I do not believe JESUS would knowingly and willingly give the appearance that HE approves, or is even indifferent, to BHO’s behavior.
When Stephen was being stoned to death he said that he saw JESUS standing, not seated, at GOD’s right hand.
Do you think JESUS rose to HIS feet to get a better view?
I believe HE was so moved by the evil that religious men were doing in HIS NAME that HE wanted to intervene, but the FATHER, like HE did when HIS first born SON JESUS was likewise abused by the same religious men, restrained HIS SON who had once taken a whip to the same stupid humans.
Tho JESUS is fully GOD, HE is also fully human and HE is afflicted in every way that we are.
The FATHER has HIS own agenda and HIS own time table and the SON is still subject to the FATHER’s will.
The FATHER is not slow as some humans count slow, but HE is patient, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to know HIM thru HIS SON whom HE sent to reveal HIMSELF to us.
This eternale life: That you may know GOD and the SON whom HE sent.
JESUS is the firstborn among brethren and it is HIS FATHER’s eternal purpose to bring many sons to glory.
I confess I do not understand what all that means, but I know one thing.
It sure as heaven is not ‘church’.
Do you believe Dolan was led by HOLY SPIRIT when he invited BHO to speak at the Al Smith dinner?
If Dolan was not led by HOLY SPIRIT, then Dolan’s action were not of faith and if Dolan’s actions were not of faith [faith=hearing and doing what GOD has commanded] then it was ‘sin’.
‘Let not many of you be teachers, know as such you will incur a stricter judgement. [be held to a higher standard of conduct.]
This is not a time for apathetic indifference and silent assent.
Rather it is a time for the least among us to expose wickedness in high places.
I’ve read and consided all the previous posts and have come to the conclusion that Church is caught in a time warp, they still believe the democratic(small caps intenenal) party is the same “big tent party” of the 60’s. The party is intolerant of any views contrary to their view on abortion homosexuality etc. I saw this coming. I tell people the best way to get the attention of the leaders of Church is to cut off all monitary donations and instead use your resources to a self directed charitable giving, that is give to the charities of your choosing. When the Bishops etc. are faced a total cut of funding they will get the message from the pews, that we are tired of Church being in bed with people who want to destroy organized religion in this country.
Think about it: Who better than Dolan? Some might think he is consorting with the enemy? I, like you, feel its time-to-act. If Dolan believes it is that time, then his first attempt must be to bring peace, not disinterest: PEACE. We cannot believe that the actions/manipulations of any president will be as powerful as the Holy Spirit’s – even if the Pres tries and tries.
I think it time to consider what St. Paul said: ‘Jesus is our peace.’ Please note: that Paul does not say that peace is some kind of lifestyle adaptation like pacifism but that Jesus personifies peace. Peace is far-from-comfortable nor easy to accept at times.
As a Catholic, I wish Dolan well. {it sure is a tough road he’s chosen}. Remember that Jesus peace meant Peter having ‘a belt tied around his waist and being led where he’d rather not go.’ I have to try to lead pro-lifer’s and p-c’ers with peace.
Hi John McDonnell,
You are obviously a kind and charitable man. Exactly the type someone like Obama would prey on.
Take my word for it that Dolan is being played for a sap. He may have only the best intentions, to Obama this is only a self serving opportunity.
Obama is not going to back down. He is not going to “repent”. He will only view Dolan with contempt. Dolan may naively believe he is “reaching out”. Obama only views this as appeasement. Sociopaths/narcissists have no respect for appeasers. They respect only one thing: you are as dirty as they are.
My friend there is one rule when dealing with the sociopathic/narcissistic personality. Never overlook what these people are. You will not change them. They will only make you think you have. They are master manipulators.
I am agnostic. I speak strictly from the human perspective. I grew up surrounded by these people, I have attracted them like flies throughout my life. I was the child of a borderline/sociopathic father. My narcissistic stepbrother threw me over a chair and into a wall. My first boyfriend as a naive teenage was a controlling narcissist. They know a sap when they see one.
If you are going to have a fighting chance there is one rule to follow: Get inside their heads and think like they do. Do not project reasoning and emotion onto these people that they have no capacity for.
I am flabberghasted
I wonder what Cardinal Dolan has up his sleeve. It is certainty unnerving because of the many major Catholic leaders who have disappointed us. I`m anxious to see why…..
Hi chantal,
I don’t think he has anything up his sleeve. I think he’s playing nice hoping this will pay off. Instead he is only earning the contempt of Catholics, ….and Obama.
Joan: Count me as one Catholic who doesn’t concern herself with the religious beliefs of others.
I think you have made a true statement Joan.
Hi gang,
I ran across 2 items in today’s bulletin that may help:
1) Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would launch a Year of Faith to help Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God and to strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others. The Year of Faith will begin October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council ……… The dinner is Oct. 18th – coincidence ………………….
Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.
Mother Teresa
Hi John,
Thank you for the beautiful words. But please heed mine. As I said you are a very kind and charitable man.
Hi Paladin
I been thinking about your post and especially your comment that a disinvitation is “unutterably harder.” I must admit that on first reading I found this statement very convincing; however, upon further reflection I think the statement, although true, may mislead Cardinal Dolan into thinking he does not have a responsibility to do what he must: disinvite President Obama from the Al Smith Dinner. The disinvitation will be harder, as you said, than the original invitation but it is not wrong, nor impossible.
A well-written and well-crafted disinvitation could go along way to restoring the integrity of the Catholic Church in America. A concise disinvitation would show humility and contrition. It coul articulate the formed conscience Catholics have with respect to abortion and contraception and religious freedom. It will provide Cardinal Dolan with the personal opportunity to speak out against contraception which he personally acknowledged that he has failed to do.
And by writing this disinvitation Cardinal Dolan, on behalf of all Catholics and religious people, will be exercising, in a most solemn way, the first Amendment given by God to all people. It will show that Cardinal Dolan, along with his fellow Bishops, Priests, lay brothers and sisters, is sincere in wishing to preserve the First Amendment.
As you pointed out, Cardinal Dolan need not ask President Obama to confess his sins, but only ask him to accept his apology for erroneously inviting him in the first place. If this causes the general public to look down on the Church, so be it. It is the right thing to do.
Lastly, Cardinal Dolan could conclude the disinvitation letter with a statement indicating that although he knows the President’s position on abortion is intrinsically evil, he still has hope that President Obama can obtain God’s forgiveness if President Obama repents and adopts a pro-life policy position going forward.
Post Script – Cardinal Dolan could also ask President Obama to attend a private dinner on another evening, with no media, where they could discuss the HHS mandate and all of his other concerns – thereby making it clear that he is not adverse to sharing the table with sinners.
A point worth remembering: Cardinals and Bishops and Priests are not politicians – they need not worry about polls. Cardinal Dolan you should enjoy the perks and freedom of your job and say what you are supposed to say.
John McDonell
If Jesus was disappointed at the vipers in the market place, what do you think he would make of abortionists in the womb?
“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19:14)
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt 25:40)
Peace is intended for all people, not just Cardinals and Bishops. Everyone should be able to sleep at night.
Cardinal Dolan, the big man, is supposed to stand-up for the little people (and I am not talking about Obama and the Democrats here). Like King Herod, President Barack Obama has authorized the execution of all male and female children under the age of 9 months.
If Cardinal Dolan gets slapped in the face, he can turn his other cheek – when he hears about the cheek of an unborn child being torn apart he is supposed to be like the Good Samaritan and come to the rescue of that unborn child. How many more children have to die Cardinal Dolan before you will stand-up for these little ones?
John McDonell since you brought up Mother Teresa and ‘Peace” I thought I would quote Mother Teresa on the subjects of peace and abortion. Her views on ‘peace’ were a little different than yours:
“We are talking of peace. These are things that break peace, but I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing – direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the Scripture, for God says very clearly: Even if a mother could forget her child – I will not forget you – I have carved you in the palm of my hand. We are carved in the palm of His hand, so close to Him that unborn child has been carved in the hand of God. And that is what strikes me most, the beginning of that sentence, that even if a mother could forget something impossible – but even if she could forget – I will not forget you. And today the greatest means – the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here – our parents wanted us. We would not be here if our parents would do that to us. Our children, we want them, we love them, but what of the millions. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today. Because if a mother can kill her own child – what is left for me to kill you and you kill me – there is nothing between. And this I appeal in India, I appeal everywhere: Let us bring the child back, and this year being the child’s year: What have we done for the child? At the beginning of the year I told, I spoke everywhere and I said: Let us make this year that we make every single child born, and unborn, wanted. And today is the end of the year, have we really made the children wanted? I will give you something terrifying. We are fighting abortion by adoption, we have saved thousands of lives, we have sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations – please don’t destroy the child, we will take the child. So every hour of the day and night it is always somebody, we have quite a number of unwedded mothers – tell them come, we will take care of you, we will take the child from you, and we will get a home for the child. And we have a tremendous demand from families who have no children, that is the blessing of God for us. And also, we are doing another thing which is very beautiful – we are teaching our beggars, our leprosy patients, our slum dwellers, our people of the street, natural family planning.”
Mother Teresa would have found your version of peace a little too sweet.
Little Mother Teresa tougher than Cardinal Dolan!
I wonder if the lavender mafia had anything to do with this?
Peace Tyler,
Didn’t want to mess with your ideas, but here goes. The secular (common) notion of ‘peace’ means that ‘it is a-lack-of-violence/war’. ‘Peace’ is a positive/actual reality, not ‘a-lack-of’. It is as crazy to consider ‘love’ as ‘the-lack-of-hate’. So the common notion re. what ‘peace’ means is very, very small.
St. Paul says ‘Jesus is our peace’. He does not say: Jesus gives us peace, as if this gift was something apart from His person. Over and over, Jesus talked ‘as me and my Abba are One’. We too are called into that one-ness. So we become Jesus, the Prince of Peace. This is much deeper than any sort of ‘pacifism’, or ‘quietism’. I follow a very ‘active’ Jesus, but I follow His lead! I think Cardinal Dolan does too.
The final outcome saw Jesus killed for saving us. I doubt Dolan (even if he sees it too) will see a milder fate. I hope so!!
The story of Zaccheus you may consider here.
Thanks for responding John,
Sorry if I appear a little annoyed. I realize that for some Catholics the willful extermination of millions of babies is a small matter.
In my opinion, “peace” in the Catholic tradition is ultimately associated with everlasting life, seeing the beatific vision. Prior to getting there we must be judged – that is what our creed tells me. Therefore, in this life it is good if someone corrects us before we approach our final judgement and for that person to help us end up on the right-hand side of Jesus.
In this eternal peace you will find that there is a disinvitation to Obama, at its very centre, it is vomiting out the Chief Aboritionist or all that is not Peace, all that does not repent of sin. (Sorry for sounding harsh hear – again its those annoying dead babies.)
Everlasting peace cannot accept violence into its presence, the violence must be transformed into peace/holiness before it is judged. The positive nature of peace cannot stand the privation of good that is abortion, nor the privation of good that exists in the hearts of those who support abortion. A peace loving Bishop would want all to share in this everlasting peace and seek to mend the broken heart, the privation of good existing in those hearts, by denying that evil entry into all that is good, by telling the evil that it risking its eternal salvation for a false choice and a chicken dinner.
“He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried, decended to the dead, and on the third day he rose again, he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.”
John, in short, we get one life so we must make sure we get it right.
redemption and santification
If no disinvitation is forthcoming I sure hope that you are right about this Al Smith Dinner being similar to that of Jesus visiting the home of Zaccheus. I know we are meant to be Christ-like, I just never knew Cardinals could work miracles like Jesus!
I will pray that this happens. I will pray for Cardinal Dolan and President Obama.
John, perhaps you can pray for the unborn.
Everyone, including Cardinal Dolan, has put me on my knees. I just hope I have company.
Hi Tyler,
We all have our doubts about the effectiveness of our own activity, especially if Its-just-me. This very inspirational talk was given twenty years ago by a 12yr-old (then) and is probably even more relevant now. She talks about the environment. It could as well be about Obama and the millions of killed babies. We MUST …..
Maybe Cardinal Dolan could take along a couple younsters like this to give a speech to Obama. Maybe an abortion survivor.