Stanek weekend question: What is your birthday wish for President Obama?
Today marks President Barack Obama’s 51st birthday.
Pro-life graphics whiz Ryan Bomberger’s birthday wish is a bit abrupt: “Happy Birthday, Obama. Now Get Out.” (Patriot Super PAC will air Ryan’s latest video project carrying that theme starting this weekend in Florida.)
I’m sure other pro-lifers would like to congratulate President Obama for even having a birthday to celebrate, while so many others don’t…
What wish do you have for President Obama on his birthday? What would you like to say to him if you could speak face to face?
The New York Times featured a sad article yesterday about the president’s increasingly campaign-friendly birthday celebrations…
[H]e will celebrate in true political fashion: spending “downtime,” as an e-mail invitation put it, at a party at his Chicago home with a bunch of strangers who made campaign donations to be there.
That party, on Aug. 12, will mark another milestone in the transformation of the president and his wife, who once tried to limit the role of politics in their lives and now seem to be increasingly giving themselves over to it. Even some longtime Obama fund-raisers expressed surprise over the party’s site: the Obamas have limited their schmoozing hours in Washington, sequester themselves while on vacation and seldom invite many outsiders into the White House living quarters. Until now, they have kept their Chicago home mostly sacrosanct, allowing only limited photographs of the interior.
The party raises questions about how far the Obamas will go in mortgaging their personal appeal for political gain in the months ahead. In poll after poll, voters give Mr. Obama higher marks as a person – a trustworthy leader, a committed father – than as a steward of the economy. Aside from their house, how much of themselves are the Obamas willing to offer up?
Their political souls, apparently.
[Top photo via NYT]
I hate that he shares the birthday of my grandson who is the light of my life and my conversion to the pro life movement.
For Obama, I wish a similar conversion.
I wish him a very happy and successful life out of the white house and politics.
I would tell him that his policies in general are not great, but I hope he has a great birthday.
I wish him more time at home with his family after January 20, 2013.
I hope he has a good time with his family today.
Ex says:
I hope he has a good time with his family today.
Perhaps he will enjoy a photo op with the wife and kids after playing his 105th round of golf as pres.
LOL yes. Because playing a golf game every couple of weeks is suuuccchhh a crime.
I really wish people would make Obama criticisms that make sense at least.
Jerry -
He takes less vacation time, so it works.
Quite frankly, he got his birthday present quite a while ago when the right decided to run Romney against him. Could there be a better birthday present?
Jack, the press and the libs went after Bush for much less. Not that I am a Bush fan because I’m not but I like to bash politicians of both parties equally. So if it was a crime for Bush to unwind it should be for Obama as well.
Personally, i can’t imagine a more stressful job so if he wants to play golf. Let im. At least he isn’t signing bills into law when he is playing golf.
I would wish Obama a very happy birthday and also wish that he would allow his eyes to be opened to the miracle of life so that he would protect it.
Happy birthday.
I hope you don’t trip over all your fainting worshippers. Well, maybe just one.
May he get knocked off his high-horse and realize the structure of sin that he and his “nazi-like cronies” have created and are forcing on the American people…and where it’s ultimate end must certainly be. That is my birthday wish for him …and my daily prayer.
I think an even better birthday present would be Romney winning so President Obama could see how quickly some of his “friends” disappear when he is no longer in a position to advance their agenda.
My birthday wish for him is that the people closest to him will be the people who are closest to him and that he will have the wisdom to understand the value of good counsel.
My wish is that he’d tell Mother Jarrett to take the day off so he can do whatever he wants for a change.
He must get tired of the emasculation.
The poor sot.
Like Bil, I hope he goes on a trip to Damascus and has an epiphany.
“He must get tired of the emasculation.”
I’ve only seen one of their interviews but it looked to me like she just holds him accountable of course he didn’t look too happy about what she had to say but when the reporter asked him if he helped with the dishes and not only did he reply that he did but if I remember correctly said it was something he enjoyed doing. Her assertion of the true facts was done in a fashion that I thought to be very honest and was not in the least emasculating. In fact I found it to be very enpowering to have a first lady in office that not only is very successful but also feels comfortable enough with their relationship to chide him on his misrepresentation of the facts.l
Happy Birthday!!!!
I wish you one term!!!
“I’m not going to rest…until everybody who’s looking for work can find a job.”
Barrack Hussein ‘0’bama, March 5, 2010
Today, the ‘0’bamateur kicked off the celebration of his 50th or 51st or 52nd birthday [no one is quite sure which] by hitting the links for the 104th time since promising he ”would not rest”.
Though O J Simpson seems to have lost the scent since his incarceration in Nevada’s LovelockCorrectionalCenter, B 0 has vowed he will not rest from playing golf until the murderer of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson is brought to justice.
U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced he will kick start the stalled murder investigation just as soon as he remembers what he did not know and when he did not know it about the ATF funded ‘Fast and Furious’ gun running operation to Mexico’s drug cartels.
When asked to comment on OJ’s recent smack down by a fellow prisoner, Holder said, “It is just another example of angry white Republicans attempting to suppress the black felon vote.
Debbie ‘wahzupman’ Schultz , the democRAT wart on women, claimed victory….yet again.
Misery Index as of June 2012: 9.86
Unemployment rate: 8.2%
Unemployment rate among blacks 14.4%
Are unemployed Americans celebrating B 0’s purported birthday by ‘not resting’ from their job searches?
Is that the sound of celebratory fireworks emanating from the southside of Chicago or just another homicide in the hood?
myrtle: I’m talking about Valerie, not Michelle.
I thought it kind of odd that you would be talking about Michelle.
Barak Obama was born one year and one day before me. My birthday wish for him is the realization that every child deserves the chance to be born and to celebrate his/her birthday.
myrtle gets the prize for unintentionally funny comment today.
May you enjoy today and another four years in office!!
He’s getting a full term. Would that he gave all babies the same oppurtunity.
Happy birthday. I hope you get a clue.
My birthday prayer for you is that your always able to see the beauty in life and that those who normally take issue with that don’t. Happy Birthday!!!
I see you are still carrying the torch for those who pretend that Romney is the easiest candiate to defeat. Again, this notion is just a ruse, a false bravado from those democrats who have feared the inevitable Romeny candidacy all along. What better way to address it then with a head fake.
I take it from what you are saying you will be taking it easy this election cycle. Oh, let me answer that. No, you will not be taking it easy because you and all of your fellow democrat/socialists know your hero is in serious trouble of losing this election.
Jerry – Two things:
1) Predicting elections three months out is very difficult work. Impossible.
2) Given that, point to the data, a poll or something, that backs up your claims on “serious trouble of losing this election”.
The best polling and predictive place right now, 538, has Obama at a 71% chance. So what numbers are you looking at?
I haven’t been following the election and I don’t put too much credence in polls so I’m going to just point to the economy and guess that if he loses that will be the main reason. Hopefully, if Romney does win he will have the ability to see the importance of all Americans.
I wish Barack Obama would embrace the Christian faith.
Birthday wish for Obamanator: a new brain, and a conscience.
Would you please link to you Born Alive video on the 10 year anniversary of BAIPA thread?
Thanks. :)
Hobbits (according to JRR Tolkien’s charming work of fiction) give out gifts on their own birthdays. So, in hobbit-fashion, I’m going to enjoy Ob’s birthday present to me. It came in the form of a question, asked by a former-Obamanite who asked me, “Can he run again after he loses in November? Could people vote for him later since he didn’t get two terms?”
The same friend also remarked to me that “tons of people” she knows will NOT be voting for him a second time, but they are afraid to say so out loud in front of their liberal friends. How sweet is it, that one-time-Obama fans are sidling up to their conservative peers to express regret over their former vote and to say they won’t be fooled again.
And if Romney does a crappy job, we’ll vote HIM out after one term as well.
The only crappy job a president can do (if recent history is any indication) is fail to limit his exercise of power to Constitutional minimums. And he often fails in that way because Congress fails to exercise its Constitutional responsibilities.
In short, we get the too-powerful presidencies we end up habitually begging for (“solve our problems, boss!”) because of an effete Congress and Senate who won’t act because they’re scared of losing their jobs each election cycle.
Next stop: Idiocracy
The first time I watched the movie “Idiocracy,” I thought it was dumb. The second time I watched it, I thought it was brilliant. Then I watched it a third time. I’m afraid. I’m very afraid. LOL!
I thought that movie was underrated, everyone I know hated it lol. I thought it was pretty smart.