“I cried on Obama’s shoulder and he looked off in the distance”
We pro-lifers often say a politician who doesn’t seek to protect human life at its earliest stages cannot be trusted to care about and protect life at later stages.
Last night CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Pat Smith, mother of slain State Dept. official Sean Smith, who was killed in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 along with Ambassador Chris Stevens and two others during a terrorist attack.
It has become clear the attack was premeditated and had nothing whatsoever to do with a video disparaging Mohammed, as Barack Obama, SOS Hillary Clinton, and UN Ambassador Susan Rice have all claimed.
It has also come out that the State Department denied at least one request for added security at the US Embassy in Libya. It is thought this request was denied for political purposes, to make it appear as if the killing of Osama bin Laden had also dealt a death blow to al-Qaeda. (As an aside, I’ve also always thought Joe Biden’s oft-coined quip, “Bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive,” is totally crass.)
During this heartbreaking interview, Mrs. Smith said something odd, at 2:25 on the video:
[A]t first I was so proud because they were treating me so nice when I went to that reception. They all came up to me and talked to me and everything. I cried on Obama’s shoulder. And he — then he’d kind of looked off into the distance. So that was worthless to me.
Mrs. Smith picked up on the fact that Obama’s attention was elsewhere and not on her. He was going through the motions.
We’ve all experienced talking to someone while their eyes were scoping out the room. We all know what it’s like to be talking to someone but not have their attention.
But my goodness. Couldn’t Obama have faked it for one minute? I don’t understand the lack of empathy, particularly in regard to the mother of an American who died in the line of duty.
Families of slain soldiers have also complained about receiving form letters, which were delayed to boot, although Obama has been known to send at least one personalized note of condolence – to the family of rapper Heavy D, who died in August.
Abortion proponents should not be expected to care about the lives of anyone who doesn’t matter to them.
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I understand the lack of empathy…
Sociopaths don’t have any.
Obummer doesn’t really want to be commander in chief, he doesn’t care, he just wants the perks.
I swear, the Dems must have run Obama trying to make a point and then nobody had any idea what to do when he actually won. He’s the single most incompetent person ever to be president.
Stevens, Doherty, Smith and Woods can’t contribute to his campaign unless Screwtape can convince their estate holders to, you know, pitch in. Surprised he didn’t hit her up for a campaign donation.
Just enough, no more – the Precious – must have.
Soon, he won’t have to act…seriously.
In a way the saddest thing about this is that it does not surprise me at all.
Wasserman Schultz: Wrong Statements About Libya Doesn’t Mean They Were False
Morgan: What?! Now wait a minute. If you put out a false statement, then it’s false, it’s wrong. It’s both of those things.
Wasserman Schultz: But you’re suggesting that it’s … Piers, what you’re suggesting is that it was somehow deliberate. It was not deliberate. What they did was it was important to get information out that they had at the time. And they did that. And as they learned more information, they corrected the original information that they put out. But there was nothing sinister here. This was simply the president of the United States and the administration making sure that we did a careful investigation, gave the American people the information that they needed at the time that we had based on our best intelligence and then as more intelligence was gathered we gave the updated information. There is nothing sinister about that.
Pat Smith, the mother of State Department official Sean Smith, who was killed September 11, 2012 in the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, appeared on CNN this evening.
Pat Smith did not speak about anyone’s political agenda tonight. She is, however, bitterly, bitterly disappointed with the State Department, the Defense Department and the White House tonight.
COOPER: Do you feel that you know what happened or are you still searching for answers? Have you been in contact with the State Department? Have they reached out to you and given you details of what happened?
SMITH: That’s a funny subject. I begged them to tell me what was — what happened. I said I want to know all the details, all of the details no matter what it is, and I’ll make up my own mind on it. And everyone of them, all the big shots over there told me that — they promised me, they promised me that they would tell me what happened. As soon as they figure it out.
No one, not one person has ever, ever gotten back to me other than media people and the gaming people.
COOPER: Who told you that they would give you information?
SMITH: You’ll love this. Obama told me. Hillary promised me. Joe Biden — Joe Biden is a pressure. He was a real sweetheart. But he also told — they all told me that — they promised me. And I told them please, tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened.
That Susan Rise, what — she talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out.
COOPER: So she told you personally that she thought it was a result of that video of the protest?
SMITH: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. In fact all of them did. All of them did. Leon Panetta actually took my face in his hands like this and he said, trust me. I will tell you what happened. And so far, he’s told me nothing. Nothing at all. And I want to know.
On June 16, of 2004, a father, his two children and another little girl, all on a trip with a Chicago church group, drowned in the Water Gardens in downtown Fort Worth, Texas.
The followind day nearly 2,000 people, including democrat Mayor Mike Moncrief of Fort Worth, gathered to pray Thursday morning near the site of the drownings.
Mayor Moncrief, while cognizant of his duty to the citizens of Fort Worth, did not shy away from personally extending sympathy and hospitality to the surviving family and friends of the victims, both personally and in his offical capacity.
Moncrief worked behind the scences to reach a mutually beneficial settlement with the families of the victims because he acknowledged the cities culpability in the tragedy and prolonging the inevitable settlement would only frustrate the healing process for all involved.
One can only imagine what the circus would be like if this tragedy had occurred in Chicago with a democRAT mayor like Rahm Emanuelle or the obamateur.
Watch the whole thing. It’s not an inverted pyramid.
Then watch it again.
Pamela says
I understand the lack of empathy…Sociopaths don’t have any.
I logged on to make a similar point.
She told Obama that “he screwed up.” A narcissist cannot endure criticism, so he shut down on the spot. Every fiber in his brain wanted to explain how he had done everything right, given the situation at hand. She is fortunate that he just kept quiet — it was the most that he could give.
She [Patricia Smith] told Obama that “he screwed up.”
That was ms Smith’s PG-13, revised for television, version of her very direct response to the ‘obamateur’.
I infer from Smith’s inuendo in the video that she actually told b o that ‘he’…. ‘phlucked up’.
Look for ms Smith to get a letter from the IRS saying she is being auditied and a letter from SSA notifying her that her status is under review.
And a ‘robo letter’ from the obamateur informing her that her son Sean was killed by George W. Bush.
It is a safe bet that Patricia Smith will NOT be casting a vote for mr. bo-jangles and company come November.
Thanks for the link to the video with Laura Logan.
I was struck by the looks on the peoples faces in the audience when the videographer panned the room.
They had the look of people being forced to listen to something they did not want to hear because it threatened the bliss of their self imposed ignorance.
Wasserman Schultz: Wrong Statements About Libya Doesn’t Mean They Were False
Morgan: What?! Now wait a minute. If you put out a false statement, then it’s false, it’s wrong. It’s both of those things.
Wasserman Schultz: But you’re suggesting that it’s … Piers, what you’re suggesting is that it was somehow deliberate. It was not deliberate. What they did was it was important to get information out that they had at the time. And they did that. And as they learned more information, they corrected the original information that they put out. But there was nothing sinister here. This was simply the president of the United States and the administration making sure that we did a careful investigation, gave the American people the information that they needed at the time that we had based on our best intelligence and then as more intelligence was gathered we gave the updated information. There is nothing sinister about that.
Pat Smith, the mother of State Department official Sean Smith, who was killed September 11, 2012 in the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, appeared on CNN this evening.
Pat Smith did not speak about anyone’s political agenda tonight. She is, however, bitterly, bitterly disappointed with the State Department, the Defense Department and the White House tonight.
COOPER: Do you feel that you know what happened or are you still searching for answers? Have you been in contact with the State Department? Have they reached out to you and given you details of what happened?
SMITH: That’s a funny subject. I begged them to tell me what was — what happened. I said I want to know all the details, all of the details no matter what it is, and I’ll make up my own mind on it. And everyone of them, all the big shots over there told me that — they promised me, they promised me that they would tell me what happened. As soon as they figure it out.
No one, not one person has ever, ever gotten back to me other than media people and the gaming people.
COOPER: Who told you that they would give you information?
SMITH: You’ll love this. Obama told me. Hillary promised me. Joe Biden — Joe Biden is a pressure. [sic ‘treasure’ or precious’] He was a real sweetheart. But he also told — they all told me that — they promised me. And I told them please, tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened.
That Susan Rise, what — she talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out.
COOPER: So she told you personally that she thought it was a result of that video of the protest?
SMITH: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. In fact all of them did. All of them did. Leon Panetta actually took my face in his hands like this and he said, trust me. I will tell you what happened. And so far, he’s told me nothing. Nothing at all. And I want to know.
If the Obamans made a mistake, then admit it and move on.
Mr. Obama is incapable of admitting that he made a mistake, or apologizing (for his own errors) with any sincerity.
This Benghazi incident totally exposes the shallowness of this President and the Democratic party. Jill nailed it when she said “abortion proponents should not be expected to care about the lives of anyone who doesn’t matter to them.” I agree with this statement so much. It is not surprising to find that those who support abortion have a hard heart.
All those who dare to advocate for abortion appear to cross an unholy line, it is as if they have denied the Holy Spirit, it is as if their advocation entraps them in an alliance with the core group of death peddlers. It is as if you can see their soul leaving their body as soon as they speak in support of abortion. Their spiritual death is so awful and painful to watch/witness.
Abortion proponents should not be expected to care about the lives of anyone who doesn’t matter to them.
Wow, stereotyping much? I disagree. I know of abortion proponents who are good, caring people, they just have a blind spot where the unborn are concerned. Eve Ensler, author of “The Vagina Monologues,” has done much to raise awareness and combat the awful practice of female genital mutilation, and she’s very pro-choice. let’s not paint people with such a broad brush. We don’t like to labeled as antichoice-fanatics-who-hate-women-and-sex-and-only-care-about-the-baby-before-its-born, do we? Prolifers aren’t all perfect and prochoicers aren’t all evil (I must take exception with the people that are actually involved in the killing. I just can’t stomach them).
As for Obama’s reaction — I’m not a fan of his at all, but many men, I would say most, are uncomfortable with tears. Maybe he just didn’t know how to react. To say he’s a “sociopath” is a bit too much.
“Abortion proponents should not be expected to care about the lives of anyone who doesn’t matter to them.”
With any due respect to the more sensitive among us, I would have been a wee bit more specific:
Politicians, particularly liberal democRATs , who are proud members of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob, are not likely to care about any one else who is not viewed as beneficial to the perpetuation of their own political future.
“Prolifers aren’t all perfect”…
No pro-lifers are perfect except Jesus.
and prochoicers aren’t all evil.”
Some members of the ‘dead babies r us’ mob are less evil than others.
All the people who believe it is acceptable to kill their fellow humans, simply because they are not wanted by their mother, are suspect.
Handle with extreme caution.
Pat Smith, the mother of State Department official Sean Smith, who was killed September 11, 2012 in the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, appeared on CNN this evening.
Pat Smith did not speak about anyone’s political agenda tonight. She is, however, bitterly, bitterly disappointed with the State Department, the Defense Department and the White House tonight.
COOPER: Do you feel that you know what happened or are you still searching for answers? Have you been in contact with the State Department? Have they reached out to you and given you details of what happened?
SMITH: That’s a funny subject. I begged them to tell me what was — what happened. I said I want to know all the details, all of the details no matter what it is, and I’ll make up my own mind on it. And everyone of them, all the big shots over there told me that — they promised me, they promised me that they would tell me what happened. As soon as they figure it out.
No one, not one person has ever, ever gotten back to me other than media people and the gaming people.
COOPER: Who told you that they would give you information?
SMITH: You’ll love this. Obama told me. Hillary promised me. Joe Biden — Joe Biden is a pressure. [sic ‘treasure’ or precious’] He was a real sweetheart. But he also told — they all told me that — they promised me. And I told them please, tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened.
That Susan Rise, what — she talked to me personally and she said, she said, this is the way it was. It was — it was because of this film that came out.
COOPER: So she told you personally that she thought it was a result of that video of the protest?
SMITH: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. In fact all of them did. All of them did. Leon Panetta actually took my face in his hands like this and he said, trust me. I will tell you what happened. And so far, he’s told me nothing. Nothing at all. And I want to know.
A person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
That is according to the dictionary.
I wouldn’t say that’s “a bit too much”, phillymiss.
I’d say that’s Obama to a T.
Phillymiss, I usually agree with you and always enjoy hearing your point of view.
If Eve Ensler has helped victims of genital mutilation but still believes that there is a whole demographic of people who are expendable simply because of their status and location, then do we give her credit and say that her good deeds somehow mitigate her belief in wholesale murder?? Because there were plenty of slaveowners who taught their captives how to read, and during my visit to Buchenwald (CC camp), there was a record of a Nazi father who built a zoo for the children of the Nazi families who lived at the camp, so they’d have something to do. (The zoo, incidentally, was positioned right across the way from the ovens.)
If you know what abortion truly is (and Ensler and Obama do) and advocate it anyway, you are a sociopath. What else, possible, could you be? Just evil???
If you know what abortion truly is (and Ensler and Obama do) and advocate it anyway, you are a sociopath. What else, possible, could you be? Just evil???
I don’t know what they are, I really don’t.