Put another way, “Cecile, would you still get your $400k salary if Planned Parenthood were stripped of its $500 mil in fed funding?”
After the presidential debate Tuesday night, The Daily Caller’s Nicholas Ballasy caught up with Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards in the media spin room.
Ballasy asked a good question: “Do you think that that’s appropriate to get federal funding when you take such a high salary?” Richards earns over $400,000 annually.
Richards’ response: “None of my salary is paid for by the federal government and Planned Parenthood is reimbursed for health care services and, quite frankly, we provide more health care for lower cost than any women’s health care provider in the country.”
Ballasy’s follow-up question should have been: “Let’s put it this way: Do you think you’d still get a $400k salary if Planned Parenthood didn’t receive $500 million in federal funding annually?”
But it’s a start.
A couple other points. Note the blue sign behind Richards. This means she is an official surrogate of the Obama campaign. Objectively speaking, the blatant support by a nonprofit recipient of federal funds for a particular candidate and party is stunning. But no one in the media questions it.
Second, as I’ve noted before, if “frankly” were removed from Richards’ lexicon, she frankly wouldn’t be able to complete an intact sentence.
[HT: David D. from Live Action]
Ah, yes–the “we provide the low-cost medical treatment women deserve” argument. How then, do they justify lying about providing mammograms? Or, in the case of California, pay $2.60 (+/-) for a pkg of monthly birth control pills and then charge TEN TIMES that amount to their customers?! Not that I am advocating birth control pills since they are a Level 1 carcinagent (the top classificcation there is) linked to breast cancer, ovarian cancer, blood clots, lowering of immunity levels, and dozens of other side affects (just take the time to look at the warning label). This does not even tip the iceberg regarding hormones in them which mask any serious diseases. So, of course, since there never is a real “doctor” in any of PPs clinics except those that perform abortions, she never knows what the real state of her health is! A woman is more than her reproductive organs–but then, PP or Cecile Richards doesn’t really care as long as they are pulling in their ballooned salaries and killing babies for a profit!
Young girls are be ENSLAVED by into the CULT of Pro Choice!!!! Disgusting. What they thought was sexual free turned out to sexual enslavement!!
Your point about a non-profit organization -501(c)(3) – openly supporting a candidate is one we should be loudly and publicly proclaiming at every oportunity, including in the courthouse. How can this be legal? If it is not legal how/why are they getting away with it?
I think if we changed the players to be Mitt Romney and the Catholic Church our enemies woud be having spittle-flecked nutties, as a wise priest often says. If a Catholic Bishop spoke at the Republican National Convention in the same manor that Ms. Richards spoke at the DNC we would never hear the end of it.
400K would be better used in providing food for those in need, such as struggling single moms and women in crisis pregnancies!
Pro-lifers, please call Planned Baby Murderer’s local phone numbers and jam their phone lines so they can’t schedule baby executions. Post, post and re-post.
Richards is employed by the PPFA. According to the most recent 990 for the PPFA government grants are either missing or non-existent. In either case there isn’t much to go on to say that her salary is paid for with the assistance of government funding.
Jesus said the pharisees devoured widows houses.
The pharisees would sew bells into the hem of their garments and have trumpets blown when they gave ‘widow’s mite’ to a beggar so they the passersby would take note of their piety.
Today they would employ an ‘administrative assistant’ to follow them around with a blue sign to announce their presence.
Her attempt to look innocent is so obvious and pathetic.
that was a really Ballasy move!
(sorry, I couldn’t resist. XD)
Ok, so Planned Parenthood can sponsor Obama, who is attacking the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church cannot sponsor Romney who is protecting the Catholic Church and other anti-abortion Faith based organizations, give me a break, we are already living under totalitarian rule. This is BUNK.. OK, are you kidding. The Catholic Church, which has more regular speaking engagements, (at least once every Sunday), a more passionate and much larger membership cannot speak out DIRECTLY for ROMNEY. I don’t understand why the Bishops are not meeting and strategizing. FAther Frank Pavone has put out a Brilliant Media Kit for the Churches to embrace the culture of life this election and it outlines what they can and cannot do in regards to their CP3 status the IRS, in regards to supporting Mitt Romney. Other non-Catholic Churches can request these kits as well, and they MUST. We MUST fill the gap with the Latino Voters, who, if they ONLY knew Obama installed the Planned Parenthood in Mexico City, and had the basic details, would certainly and in a heartbeat, vote for Romney. The African American’s would, and so would the Caucasian hard-core Catholic Democrats if they knew the Chruch was taking a hard line and if the Church WAS taking a hard line and making it known that voting for Obama is a mortal SIN, and doing so is a passport to hell, simply because so many little lives in the womb are at stake-that and the freedom of religion, is our responsibility, people would not vote for another four more fatal years that this Obamanation is promising Americans. But no, Bishops like ________ will not allow the Archbishops to speak out, they will not go out into the streets and pass out fliers. They will not spend the money in the advertising booklets? Or much more easily for them to do, tehy will not routinely print in the bulletins the importance of NOT VOTING FOR OBAMA if they want to be in good standing with the Church.
LizFromNebraska in response I found in missioning that if abortion committed women were given the choice of aborting or receiving the money they needed to make it through the first nine-12 months of their pregnancy, (@ 15,000) they would take the money and continue the pregnancy. so I don’t know how much these abortuaries get in donations and federal funding, but I would think women would prefer to get the money they felt they needed to sustain the pregnancy, than if they got unexpectedly pregnant and felt financially pressed to pay for a 450$ aborition. Of course this should not be the case, abortion should be outlawed, but money is deff. an incentive and I have been trying to figure out how care giving to pregnant mom’s can be something for which pro-lifers can get a stipend. They are deffinitley helping lives and saving women. I know the pictures of the babies saved the 40days for life regularly posts are helping people realize that the money you put out for the pro-life movement is nothing compared to the million-dollar-smiles of those saved babies and their saved Momies! NOTHING but the Grace of God compare, and both are priceless.
Shoot, and you know what I was justing thinking, the rapid fire poting must look insane, I apologize Jill, if this is too much I understand, But I met a woman, she said that one Catholic Charitiy, I think she said Catholic, this is out in CAlifronia, not sure where, would charge a couple hoping to adopt something like 50,000 to help a pregnant woman interested in putting her child up for adoption get through the pregnancy. And the problem was that sometimes the girl would want to keep the baby, so it was a risky investment for the family looking to grow via adopting a newborn. Now, if these donors were guaranteed a pre-born, IE-working with 40days for life and the pregnancy centers, then they would certainly pay for the gestation of the mother and baby. Remember pregnancy and motherhood, the two most important jobs in our society, are non=paying. Increase the viability of those services and you increase the ability of applicants to fill that demand.
Stopping now, promise!
I had the same thought. You’re a bad influence on me! ;)
I was thinking he was a Ballasy reporter. :P So, right there with y’all.
Would Jill still get her comfortable salary, her frequent stints on conservative television and radio, the attention she obviously craves, if not for the support of innumerable folks who actually believe her story of finding live aborted babies in buckets under sinks or whatever she stated that started her on her long and profitable career? I think not.
Would Jill still get her comfortable salary, her frequent stints on conservative television and radio, the attention she obviously craves, if not for the support of innumerable folks who actually believe her story of finding live aborted babies in buckets under sinks or whatever she stated that started her on her long and profitable career? I think not.
This seriously made me LOL. You clearly know nothing about Jill.
And I’m assuming since you’re an RN that you’re aware of biology. I hope your six homeschooled kids learned it better than you have, and they realize that life begins at conception.
Steve Hansmann,
Please add a “Not” to your last name. Thank you.